An Autonomous Water Cooling System of PV
Ait Saada Sonia, Kecili Idir and Nebbali Rezki
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory of Energy, Mechanics and Materials (LEMM)
Mouloud Mammeri Universiy of Tzi Ouzou, Algeria
Keywords: Cooling, efficiency, photovoltaic panel, water.
Abstract: This study deals with the cooling of a photovoltaic solar panel (PV) by a water cooling system. We propose
to use circulating water between an insulated tank and the back side of the PV panel, with a flow rate of 50
g/s over three periods of 24 hours. 3D numerical simulations are performed using a CFD code. The results
show that the circulation of water in closed circuit, allows an effective and sustained cooling during the
three periods. Moreover, uniform temperature distribution over the entire solar panel was observed.
However, at the area of the box of electric wires the temperature rise locally.
Energy consumption is steadily increasing
worldwide. The use of fossil fuels led to a rapid
increase in greenhouse gas emissions which
contribute to global warming. Thus, renewable
energies become an alternative, especially solar
photovoltaic (PV). However, its exploitation remains
dependent on climatic conditions that can
significantly affect its energy conversion
performance. Indeed, the increase in the temperature
of the PV panel affects significantly its
effectiveness. To overcome this, different cooling
techniques were adopted (Sargunanathan, Elango,
and TharvesMohideen, 2016) (Hassnuzaman et al,
(Browne et al, 2016) used the phase change
materials to cool, the PV panel. Other studies
focused on the air-cooling (Amelia et al., 2016; D.
Nebbali, R. Nebbali and Ouibrahim., 2018). (Nizetic
et al, 2016) proposed to cool the PV panel by
spraying water simultaneously on both sides of the
PV panel. This technique, in addition to being self-
cleaning, provides an increase in electric power of
16.3%. (Elnozahy et al, 2015) provided cooling by
flowing water on the glass of the PV panel. This
reduces the reflectivity on the glass surface by 2-
3.6% and ensures its cleaning. This technique
provided 22°C PV panel cooling and 8-9% power
improvement. Another study (krauter, 2004) using
this same cooling technique but enhanced by a
solenoid valve that controls the flow of water
according to the temperature of the panel. This
allows 40% reduction in panel temperature and
improves its efficiency by 11.7%. (Muzaffar et al,
2015) use water flowing through the microchannels
installed on the underside of the panel. The
temperature of the PV panel drops by 15°C while its
efficiency improves by 14%.
These techniques, although they are efficient, do
not give any information on the origin of the water
which ensures the cooling of the PV panel. To
overcome this, (Jakhar et al, 2016) proposed to cool
the solar panel with water from a water-ground heat
exchanger. The results showed that with increasing
length and diameter of the heat exchanger pipe, the
temperature of the PV panel lowered from 79.31 to
47.13 ° C for a water flow of 18 g s
The objective of this work is to propose an
autonomous cooling system using circulating water,
in a closed circuit, between a storage tank and the
PV panel. Numerical simulations are performed to
determine the hourly evolution of the temperature of
the panel and the water of the tank.
A water tank with a capacity of 50L is considered to
provide a closed circuit cooling of a monocrystalline
PV panel (Figure 1, Table 1). Water flows through
the underside of the PV panelbefore being
reintroduced back into the tank.The panel was
cooled during three periods of 24 hours.