Intel Core2 Duo at 2.00 GHz, RAM 3.00 GB, runtime
environment: Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013 with
OpenCV library. In order to validate the proposed al-
gorithm, the results have been tested on the VERA
Fingervein Database (Tome, 2015) and the public Fin-
gerprint Verification Competition 2004 dataset (Maio
et al., 2004). The performance measure is accuracy
rate as defined by equation (13).
Accuracy =
where FAR (False Acceptance Rate) is the probabil-
ity of unauthorized users that are not recognized over
the total number tested, FRR (False Reject Rate) de-
scribes the percentage of authorized users that are
not recognized falsely to the total number tested and
is the total number access.
Table 1: The accuracy rate for different recognition biomet-
ric system results.
Algorithms Accuracy Rate (%)
Fingerprint using Minutiae 96,93
Fingervein using HOG 97,45
Cascaded Multimodal 99,85
Cascaded Multimodal and And Rule 99,28
Figure 6: Recognition results with comparison of algo-
rithms at the accuracy rate.
Table 1 shows the performance of accuracy
rate based on single biometric system using finger-
print, fingervein images and the cascaded multimodal
recognition biometric system using fingerprint and
fingervein. Figure 6 shows the ROC curves using dif-
ferent recognition methods. In comparison with sin-
gle biometric system, our proposed algorithm espe-
cially with the cascaded multimodal biometric system
using fingerprint and fingervein shows superior per-
formance in terms of accuracy rate with 99,85% with
where Fingerprint using minutiae points fingervein
using HOG, cascaded multimodal and And Rule give
96,93% ,97,45% and 99,28% respectively. We can
conclude from these results that the cascaded multi-
modal recognition biometric system using fingerprint
and fingervein leads to an improvement in recognition
biometric system performance.
This paper presented multimodal biometric identifi-
cation system based on cascaded advanced of finger-
print and finger vein images and AND rule at decision
level fusion in order to achieve accurate recognition
of the person. In first step level, the fingerprint im-
age is enhanced based on gabor filter algorithm, bina-
rized. Moreover it is passed to thinning technique, ex-
tract minutiae points and finally the matching. If the
matching score is greater than the given fingerprint
threshold then recognition is stopped. Else the second
level is started with fingervein image. The orientation
correction, ROI detection based on canny method and
local histogram equalization to improve the quality of
fingervein image are applied.After that, the important
features are extracted using HOG method. In the next
level, the recognition of the both biometrics sources
are verified at decision level based on AND rule. The
results have shown that the proposed work performed
better in personal identification rate than others based
solely on one algorithm. The proposed method can be
further extended by matching the features with other
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Multimodal Biometric Identification System based on Cascaded Advanced of Fingerprint and Finger Vein Images and AND Rule at
Decision Level Fusion