A Blockchain-based Approach for Optimal and Secure Routing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
Hilmi Lazrag
, Rachid Saadane
and Moulay Dirss Rahmani
LRIT Lab, FSR, Mohammed 5 University, Rabat, Morocco
EHTP, Km 7 Route El Jadida, Oasis, Morocco
WSN; Blockchain; Traffic Load; SINR; Security; Digital Signature
The traffic load balance, the interferences reduction, and the security during the routing phase in wireless
sensor network (WSN) are investigated in this paper. In our work, we suppose that the network’s nodes are
sensing some events which generate heavy data that must be carried over several packets. We propose a routing
protocol which takes use of the Blockchain technology to offer a shared memory between network’s nodes.
These nodes are considered as coins which the ownership transacts between the source nodes and the sink. All
the transactions are stored in the Blockchain as a mean to share the network’s status, in real time. In order to
select the optimal path, we introduce a cost function which considers the load density and interferences level
at each node. Furthermore, we are taking advantage of the Blockchain security to secure the selected paths in
the network. The simulation results have shown that this solution could be applicable and could resolve the
issues cited above.
Nowadays, wireless sensor networks (WSN) are be-
ing wildly used in several domains (Akyildiz et al.,
2002), due to their simple implementation and,
continuously, improved features (Callaway, 2004),
(Limin et al., 2005). This technology gained more
importance in the IoT era and had been well investi-
gated. However, WSNs are confronted to many prob-
lems. In this paper we are interested in issues related
to the traffic load, the interference, and the security in
such networks during the routing phase. Indeed, as
any distributed wireless system, this type of networks
suffer from the absence of a global state and a global
clock, which makes it very difficult to predict which
path is the most suitable to avoid the traffic load un-
balance and to reduce the interferences levels. Fur-
thermore, the WSNs are usually deployed outdoor, in
harsh and hostile environments, which makes it hard
to maintain high security levels.
In this paper we will introduce the concept of
Blockchain introduced by (Satoshi, 2008), which has
proved its efficiency in the cryptocurrency and other
distributed systems, in order to face the issues cited
above. At the first stage of our approach, we consider
the network’s nodes as coins, all owned by the sink
(i.e, the nodes owned by the sink are considered as
inactive). Each time a node desires to send a mes-
sage, it calculates the best path to transmit on. Then it
asks the sink to transmit the path’s nodes ownership to
it. The transaction is stored in the Blockchain and the
path’s nodes becomes active. In fact, we could check
for nodes activity directly in the Blockchain. Though,
it seems simple, the path choice requires some ad-
vanced logic. Actually, the transmitting node has to
find the optimal path based on the traffic load over
all the network’s nodes and the interference generated
by each node that is transmitting in the same time.
So, we introduce, also, some cost function, which
will help the nodes in selecting the routes. The se-
curity of the transaction is supposed to be granted by
the blockchain’s signatures. In order to validate this
approach, we implemented a lightweight blockchain
mechanism and we used it to simulate our proposition
through an homogeneous static network.
To our best knowledge, our work is the first WSN
routing mechanism which considers the Blockchain
as a support to share network status in real time in
order to enhance the routing process. The main con-
tributions of this paper are as follows:
Considering nodes as coins and transfer their
ownership between each other;
Use Blockchain as a shared memory to broadcast
Lazrag, H., Saadane, R. and Rahmani, M.
A Blockchain-based Approach for Optimal and Secure Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Computer Science and Renewable Energies (ICCSRE 2018), pages 175-180
ISBN: 978-989-758-431-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the status of the network’s nodes;
Use the past nodes’ activities to determine the
traffic load.
The paper is organized as follows : Section 2
presents the Blockchain technology brefly. Section 3
describes how we attend to introduce the Blockchain
in the routing phase and how we use the stored trans-
actions to optimize the routing. Simulation results are
illustrated in Section 3. Finally, in Section 4, we give
a brief conclusion for this work.
Blockchain appeared, originally, with the crypto-
currency ’Bitcoin’ in 2008. Since then Blockchain
has gained a strong reputation and had been used in
several domains ranging from economy (Swan, 2015)
to property acquisition (Peir
o and Martinez, 2017)
and health care (Kuo et al., 2017).
Blockchain is considered as a distributed ledger
of transactions, which plays the role of a database
that could be shared over a network of various peers
(UK Government, 2015). Blockchain technology
was designed to face the digital currencies ownership
and the transactions settlement challenges (Satoshi,
2008). It provides, also, a secure mechanism for elec-
tronic collaboration which is accomplished without
a central trusted party (Satoshi, 2008), (UK Govern-
ment, 2015). When a transaction from peer A to peer
B is made, the information is shared with all the net-
work’s peers, underlying the Blockchain. The trans-
action’s credentials are combined in a block, marked
with a timestamp and added as a new block to the
blockchain. Since all transactions use public-private
key cryptography, each transaction could be verified
and confirmed by all involved parties. The blocks are
appended consecutively, which allows a transparent
and total knowledge of all transactions made in the
past (Dwyer, 2015), (B
ohme et al., 2015).
What one shall retain, is that Blockchain offers a
distributed database which keeps track of all trans-
actions made over a network in a secure way. For
a better understanding of the Blockchain technology
mechanism we refer the reader to (Satoshi, 2008),
(Swan, 2015) and (Franco, 2015).
We consider a static network consisting of n nodes
and one sink as shown in Figure 1. Each node is sup-
posed to have a map of the network (number of nodes,
their ids, their locations as well as their connectivi-
ties). we assume that the nodes are homogeneous in
term of transmission power and bandwidth. the sink is
supposed to have enough bandwidth and resources to
handle all incoming messages. The sensed events ar-
rive randomly at each node. we assume that the events
generate some heavy data that will be carried through
several packets. These packets have the same size and
they are concidered as a single message. Furthermore,
we assume that the nodes and the sink have an unlim-
ited source of energy (photo-voltaic ...). So, the rout-
ing services could be discussed without being bound
in the fetters of the energy shortage constraints.
Figure 1: The simulated network: the (gray) dotes represent
the sensor nodes and the (red) square represents the Sink.
Even though each node has a good knowledge of
the network’s distribution, it still can’t know the state
of the network at a given time. For example, at an
instant t a node couldn’t tell which nodes are trans-
mitting and which are not. This ignorance is due to
the absence of a shared memory. Additionally, a node
could not predicts whether its peers have been com-
promised or not. Hence, the nodes could, naively,
send/receive the data to/from some malicious peer,
which could offense the integrity and the sanity of the
carried data.
In order to make the network’s state shareable, we
introduce the blockchain mechanism cited above.
3.1 Blockchain as Shared Memory in
As we said before, the Blockchain system is based on
a ledger which keeps track of all the transactions cir-
culating in a network. Thus, as we need some way to
figure out which nodes are transmitting and through
which path, we will store the paths which are active,
in real time, as transactions in the Blockchain. To
achieve this, we treat the network’s nodes as coins.
ICCSRE 2018 - International Conference of Computer Science and Renewable Energies
More precisely, when some nodes are carrying a mes-
sage from a source node to the sink, their ownership
will be affected to the source node. At the first stage
all the nodes are owned by the sink. Each node that is
owned by the sink is considered to be inactive. Oth-
erwise, all the nodes which are not owned by the sink
are considered as active. When a node senses some
event, it looks up in the Blockchain and defines a list
of all inactive nodes, then it finds among them which
ones optimize its path to the sink, we will describe
the route choice process in the next subsection. Next,
it asks the sink to transfer the path’s nodes owner-
ship to it. Once the transaction is registered to the
Blockchain the node starts transmitting over the cho-
sen route. When the data is carried successfully to the
sink the transmitting node transfers back the owner-
ship of the path’s nodes, including itself, to the sink
as a way to inform the network’s peers that the trans-
mission was finished and these nodes were released.
We assume that a source node could own u nodes
while u n. We assume also that the nodes trans-
mit over two channels, the first one is dedicated to
the paths claiming and to the Blockchain transactions
transferring, and the second one is designated to carry
the sensed data. We are interested, primarily, in the
second channel which is used to transmit the message.
We suppose, also, that each intermediate node could
be owned, only, by one source node and a source node
is owned, only, by itself. When a node senses an event
while it is owned by an other node, the latter waits
until its ownership is transfered to the sink. In the
meantime, the node notifies the sink, through the first
channel, in order to be added to a waiting queue. The
waiting queue is mainly managed by the sink and it is
necessary to apply, a kind of, priorities to the waiting
As we have seen, this technique allows for a good
knowledge of the source nodes as well as the paths
which they transmit on, at a given moment. It is
necessary, also, to mention that the nodes are rep-
resented in the Blockchain by their Ids. Hence, the
traffic load could be, easily, determined through the
Blockchain. Actually, it suffices to determine, di-
rectly from the chain, how many times the status of
a node has changed to be active. This changes num-
ber is, obviously, the number of messages carried by
a node, since a node status changes only when it is
in the path on which a message is transmitted. Now,
after we defined the traffic load at each node, we
have to define the routing determination process of
our model.
3.2 Route Determination Process
As each node knows the network’s map and as each
one can access the Blockchain and find which nodes
are transmitting and which nodes are not, it becomes
simpler to define the shortest path to the sink through
a set of inactive nodes. However, as said previously,
our main goal is to balance the traffic load and to re-
duce the interferences in the routing phase. So, we
have to define a cost function which optimizes the
path. First of all let us define the signal and inter-
ference to noise ratio (SINR) as (Gupta and Kumar,
(i, j)
i, j
k, j
where p
is the transmission power of the i
i, j
is the distance between two nodes i and j, a is the
path loss exponent, and N
is the power of an additive
white Gaussian noise. The equation (1) is used beside
the load traffic to determine the routing cost to the
next hop. The cost function is defined as follow,
(i, j)
/(1 + θ
) (2)
where j is the index of the next hop, SINR
(i, j)
is the
signal to interference and noise ratio, and θ
is the
traffic load of the j
When an event is detected and a message is ready
to be sent, the source node k starts listing all the in-
active nodes, as explained before. Next, it calculates
the routing cost, using equation (2), for each of the
inactive nodes and determines the optimal path us-
ing dijkstra’s algorithm (Dijkstra, 1959). Once the
path determined, a chain verification is applied to
each node of the chosen path. If the chain of all the
nodes is verified, the source k claims for the owner-
ship of these nodes and the transaction is registered to
the Blockchain. Otherwise, k discards the untrusted
nodes and redefines a new optimal path. In case no
valid path is found to reach the sink, the source node
waits for active nodes to be libereted and notifies the
sink, through the first channel, in order to be added to
the waiting queue.
3.3 Security in the Routing Phase
We stated in the previous subsection that each source
node accomplishes a chain verification, right after it
chooses the optimal path, for each node on the cho-
sen route and we highlighted that all untrusted nodes
A Blockchain-based Approach for Optimal and Secure Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
(those which has not been verified) are discarded. Ac-
tually, this kind of filtration guaranties that each se-
lected node, that figures on any path linking all source
nodes to the sink, have, necessarily, a clean connexion
history, since the nodes that had been on the path of
some malicious peer are ignored. Indeed, it is conve-
nient to say that the routing phase has a security layer
which lies on the Blockchain’s security mechanism
shown in (Satoshi, 2008), (Swan, 2015) and (Franco,
2015). Hence, the proposed routing approach has a
quiet strong security, especially, with the use of some,
trusted, cryptographic algorithms such as ECDSA224
(Johnson et al., 2001) and sha512 (Gueron et al.,
Overall, the proposed routing approach shows
that, despite the fact that the process of finding paths
is done through some, fairly, complex calculations, it
is still secure and optimal, involving multiple crypto-
graphic techniques.
To validate our work we simulated a network of 55
nodes which contains one sink. The network is a con-
nected graph and distributed as shown in Figure 1.
The simulation was done using Python3, numpy and
matplotlib. First of all we created a basic Blockchain
mechanism, which responds to the requirements of
our work, in term of transactions structure and cryp-
tographic mechanisms. We assumed that the nodes
are broadcasting at a transmission power of 1mW and
we considered that the path loss and the noise are 2
and 5 10
, respectively. Next, in order to verify
the ability of the proposed mechanism to balancing
the traffic load, we assumed that only one node is
transmitting , several messages, over the network. To
evaluate whether there is an enhancement or not, we
applied a shortest path routing protocol to the same
scenario and we analyzed the returned data.
Figure 2 shows a comparison of the traffic load,
when only one node is transmitting, using a shortest
path routing protocol against our proposed approach.
As we can see in Figure 2 (a.1), when a shortest
path routing protocol is used, the load density is con-
centrated at a tiny straight region, the brightest area on
the illustration (i.e. the brighter a region is the higher
the traffic load is). By taking a closer look at Figure
2 (a.2) we could distinguish that the load density is
concentrated only around the shortest path between
the source node (green dot) and the sink (red square).
However, if we take a look at Figure 2 (b.1), when we
use our proposed protocol, we could remark that the
brightness is concentrated at two points and it fades
Figure 2: The traffic load when only one node is transmit-
ting: the (green) dot represents the source node. (a.1) shows
the density of load and (a.2) shows the implied nodes, while
using a shortest path protocol. (b.1) shows the density of
load and (b.2) shows the nodes implied in the transmission,
while using the proposed approach.
while we move away from them. These two points
are the source node and the sink, as we can tell from
Figure 2 (b.2). So, rather than be concentrated around
a single path, the traffic load is spread over the net-
work, which highlights the efficiency of our system
to resolve the load balancing issue.
Now, let’s analyze the interferences level for the
shortest path routing protocol and our proposed pro-
tocol. To do so, three source nodes are considered: the
first one senses an event at t
, the second one senses an
event at t
, and the last one senses an event at t
. Once,
an event is sensed the implicated node selects a path
and starts transmitting over it. We assume that when
one of, the cited above, source nodes starts sending
data it keep transmitting until the simulation ends.
Figure 3 shows the selected routes, when only one
source node is transmitting, when two source nodes
are transmitting, and when three source nodes are
transmitting, simultaneously, while using, both, the
shortest path routing protocol and our proposed pro-
Obviously, when using the shortest path routing
protocol and for the three cases, shown in Figure 3:
(a.1), (b.1), and (c.1), the source nodes select the
shortest paths to the sink. When, using our proposed
protocol, we could, clearly, depict that the path choice
in the first case, when only one source node is trans-
mitting, mimics the one chosen by the shortest path
ICCSRE 2018 - International Conference of Computer Science and Renewable Energies
Figure 3: The path choices: the (green) path represents the
first route, the (cyan) one represents the second route and
the (yellow) represents the third route. The left column is
dedicated to the choices made by a shortest path protocol,
while the right one shows these made by the proposed pro-
routing protocol (see Figure 3: (a.2)). This similar-
ity is, totally, comprehensible since the load density
is supposed to be equal over the network’s nodes and
since we are using dijkstra’s algorithm to define our
paths. However, for the two remained cases we could
see, as shown in Figure 3: (b.2) and (c.2), that our
proposed mechanism chooses longer routes which are
located far from each others. As known, the farther a
transmitting node is from its peers the less the inter-
ferences are and the nearest it is the higher the in-
terferences became, which means that our approach
decreases the interferences between the transmitting
Finally, after resolving the traffic load balancing
and the interference issues, let’s run one last simu-
lation where we could evaluate the security of our
proposition. First of all we change manually the own-
ership of some nodes and set it to an unknown owner
directly into the block chain which will mess up the
blocks signature. These nodes will be considered as
corrupted by the system. So, let see how the system
will behave to face this issue.
Figure 4 shows the load density when some of the
network’s nodes are compromised. As shown in Fig-
ure 4 (a.1), there are two areas, on the load density
illustration, that are darker than the remaind regions.
Figure 4: The traffic load when some nodes are com-
promised: the (orange) dotes represent the compromised
nodes. (a.1) shows the load density and (a.2) shows the ex-
act location of the compromised nodes.
The first area is located in the bottom of the figure and
moves diagonally to the up right, and the second one
starts right in top and continues vertically near to the
center. By analyzing the Figure 4 (a.2) we could see
that the dark areas correspond to the orange nodes,
which we intentionally messed up. And as we said
before, the darker an area is the less messages went
through it, so we could deduce that the orange nodes
have been ignored by the benign nodes of the network
during the routes determination processes. Thus, our
protocol has shown that it could offer a layer of secu-
rity in the route determination phase.
In this paper, optimal routing protocol in wireless
sensor networks based on Blockchain has been dis-
cussed. To achieve a better solution to the traffic load
unbalance, the high interference levels and the secu-
rity issues, we proposed a protocol which takes ad-
vantage of the Blockchain technology benefits. The
approach consists of using Blockchain as a shared
memory between nodes and storing all the network’s
activities on it. The nodes are considered as coins
which are owned by the sink when they are inactive
or owned by the source node if they are carrying some
message. Moreover, a cost function is proposed in or-
der to optimize the chosen path. regarding the proto-
col’s security, it is granted by the Blockchain. Sim-
ulation results show that the proposed protocol can
improve the traffic load balance, decrease the inter-
ference levels and guaranty a strong security during
the routing phase.
A Blockchain-based Approach for Optimal and Secure Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
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ICCSRE 2018 - International Conference of Computer Science and Renewable Energies