Predictive Analytics in Healthcare System using Deep Learning
Salma Lahlali and Abdelkarim Ammoumou
Industrial Engineering, Signal Processing and Logistic Laboratory, FSAC, Hassan 2nd University, Casablanca, Morocco
Keywords: Deep Learning; Healthcare; Internet of things
Abstract: During centuries, and since the appearance of science, the world of healthcare has known a noticeable
positive progress. Not only on the researches and inventions term, but also on the intention’s term. The first
aim was to save people’s lives and heal patients, from the illnesses which was known back then. After a
period, and thanks to the improvement that was known in the field of both science & research, scientists
level up to another aim which is preventing. This means, that they were looking for solutions by which
doctors will be able to predict a possible disease infection, thus the possibility to prevent an exposure to a
disease was being possible. Therefore, saving people’s lives had a new road which needed to be developed
with the cooperation of other domains, so a system can be put into action to realize this new mission. The
purpose of this article, is to present a system which can predict a possible illness as well as suggest the
adequate treatment for the patient’s case. This includes discussing the system’s main objectives and
characteristics, in addition to describing its architecture main layers.
Whith the evolvement of the information
technology, many domains has been interested in
using the knowledge provided by the IT to improve
their services.
As shown in the Figure 1 and based on Mc
Kinsey’s report about the economic impact of IoT
by 2025, the impact will reach the 6.2$ trillion.
So as we can see, on the presentation the higher
percentage goes to the healthcare domain, which
means that 43% of this domain is impacted by IoT.
In the second rank, comes the industry with 34%,
other domains such as transportation, agriculture,
urban infrastructure, security and retail come next
with 15% and finally the 7% left is reserved for Iot
Figure 1: Percentage of impacted domain by IoT in 2025
As the world is progressing on every single way,
the information has been the center of the interest of
many sciences.
Therefore, many techniques have been
developed. Such as, deep learning, which is known
also as deep structured learning/ hierarchical
It’s a sort of machine learning methods that is
based on learning data representations.
So, we have now two huge concepts: Information
Technology & Deep Learning, if we succeeded to
combine them, this will for sure make an impressive
Lahlali, S. and Ammoumou, A.
Predictive Analytics in Healthcare System using Deep Learning Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0009776500110015
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Computer Science and Renewable Energies (ICCSRE 2018), pages 11-15
ISBN: 978-989-758-431-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
impact on getting the right results in the healthcare
It will increasingly improve the healthcare for
both individuals and communities, that’s because the
deep models enable the discovery of high-level
features, improve performances and provide
additional understanding.
So we will be presenting an overview of deep
learning, the most trending architectures and
frameworks that have been introduced in recent
years. Then, we will proceed to describe our
contribution through presenting an intelligent system
which was conceived to provide predictive analytics
in healthcare, using deep learning approach. After
that, we will denote this system’s ability to predict
the probability for a patient to develop a specific
disease as well as to offer a personalized treatment.
Deep Learning architectures have gained more
attention in recent years compared to the other
traditional machine learning approaches. Deep
learning refers to a set of machine learning
techniques that learn multiple levels of
Its architectures consist of multiple processing
layers: the input layer, several hidden layers, and an
output layer. Each one contains neurons.
In figure 2, the input image is convolved with
three trainable filters and biases to produce three
feature maps at the C1 level. Each group of four
pixels in the feature maps are added, weighted,
combined with a bias, and passed through a sigmoid
function to produce the three feature maps at S2.
These are again filtered to produce the C3 level. The
hierarchy then produces S4 in the same way the S2
was produced. Finally, these pixel values are
rasterized and presented as a single vector input to
the “conventional” neural network at the output.
Figure 2: Conceptual example of convolutional neural
The table 1 below presents a brief overview of
the most trending architectures that have been
introduced in deep learning in recent years:
Table1 : The most trending architectures introduced in
Deep Learning last years
layer take biggest part
of computations
Every hidden
convolutional filter
transforms its input to
a 3D output volume
of neuron activations
Inspired by the
neurobiological model
of the visual cortex
Application example:
Alzheimer diagnosis
time series
Useful in IoT
applications with
time-dependent data
All the layers
share the same
Application example:
Human behavior
ICCSRE 2018 - International Conference of Computer Science and Renewable Energies
The trending of Deep Learning architectures
imposes the introduction of Deep Learning
frameworks. They help easily create and test various
deep architectures. In this section, we list some of
these frameworks:
H2O: Use Java as a core language and can
interface with R, Python, Scala, Java, JSON, and
CoffeeScript/JavaScript. H2O is used for critical
applications like predictive maintenance and
operational intelligence. H2O includes many
common machine learning algorithms, such as
generalized linear modeling.12
Tensorflow: It is an open-source software
library Developed with C++. Tensorflow’s platform
includes interfaces for Python, Java, C, and C++.
Tensorflow supports both large-scale training and
inference. It can be a support to visualize networks.
At the same time, it is flexible enough to support
experimentation and research into new machine
learning models and system-level optimizations. (9)
Caffee: The framework is a C++ library
with Python and MATLAB bindings for training and
deploying general purpose convolutional neural
networks and other deep models efficiently on
commodity architectures. It powers ongoing
research projects, large-scale industrial applications,
and startup prototypes in vision, speech, and
multimedia. 11
Theano: is a free Python symbolic
manipulation library. It has specifically been utilized
for the gradient-based methods such as deep learning
that require repeated computation of the tensor-
based mathematical expressions. It offers for
implementing standard and non-standard deep
architectures. 10
Because prevention is better than cure, the main
purpose of the system is to predict complexity and
pathologies that any person can have in the near
future. More importantly, the system will not only
predict the diseases, but also propose the suitable
3.1 System Characteristics
3.1.1 Description
The main actors of the system are the patient and
the doctor. The interaction of those two will be as
The doctor can have access to the system
in order to consult the patient case permanently, or if
a patient asks for help. The doctor must also
intervene if he is notified for a probable disease for a
The patient interacts with the system to
solicit a doctor’s help or to follow the doctor’s
guidelines. The patient must be connected to IoT to
collect information about the environment around it.
Example: EHS, Electronic Health Records
nt data
Modeling the hidden
state with cells that decide
what to keep in memory
given the previous state,
the current memory and
the input value.
Good performance
with data of long time lag
pervised Unsupervise
Various A variant of
Boltzmann machines,
which is a type of
stochastic neural network
Useful if it is
required to model
probabilistic relationships
between variables 777
Application example:
Human activity
pervised, Unsupervise
Various A special BM where
the hidden units are
organized in a deep
layered manner, only
adjacent layers are
connected, and there are
no visible–visible or
connections within the
same layer.
Application example:
cancer diagnosis
Various Trained to minimize
the reconstruction error
Mostly used for
representation learning
Same number of
input and output
Application: 3D brain
Predictive Analytics in Healthcare System using Deep Learning Approach
3.1.2 Characteristics
The system will:
Be a source of almost everything that doctors
will need about the patients.
Be hosted in cloud.
Include security measure to ensure that the
access to the patient information will be limited to
only the person whom the patient grants overt
The analyst will be in real time.
The figure 3 illustrates the interactions between
the doctor, the patient and the healthcare system.
Figure 3: Schema of communication healthcare system
3.2 System Architecture
To describe the system’s architecture, we should
introduce the two layers of the system which are:
- Data collection & Treatment of Data layer.
- Predictive Analysis layer.
The figure 4 represents the layers of our
predictive analysis system healthcare.
3.2.1 Data Collection & Treatment of Data
A formal data collection process is necessary. It
ensures that the data is defined and accurate. The
healthcare data coming from EHS, biomedical
database and public health are one of the used IoT
equipment. They have been enhanced not only on
the availability and traceability but also on the
liquidity of data.
Once the data is collected, the phase of treatment
starts. This process is as important as the data
collection process. To realize this huge task, we
resort Spark. Apache Spark is an open-source
platform for large-scale data processing that is well-
suited for iterative machine learning tasks. It can be
interactively used to quickly process and query big
3.2.2 Predictive Analysis Module
As mentioned above, our system’s main goal is
prediction. So, the predictive analysis module is the
master of the system. At this level, the system
analyzes the current state in addition to the medical
history to make predictions about possible future
To produce a tangible product that provides right
decision with accessible and useful information, we
need to choose the correct architecture and the
adequate frameworks to the nature of the disease.
Identification, description, and quantification of
the components of a disease cycle are foundational
to plant disease.
Figure 4: Architecture of the predictive analysis
system-Health Care Application
ICCSRE 2018 - International Conference of Computer Science and Renewable Energies
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development of new computer technologies which
gave birth to multiple fields of research. In this
article, we are proposing a system that will help in
reducing the death rate by providing preventive pre-
treatment so that the patient is cured even before
falling ill. The future vision is to implement this
predictive system based on real data
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Predictive Analytics in Healthcare System using Deep Learning Approach