traditional culture including lagu dolanan.
Ironically, the tragic fate suffered by TK Indriya
Taman Siswa Yogyakarta founded by Ki Hadjar
Dewantoro for 2016/2017 school year only
amounted to fifteen children for two levels namely
A and B classes. This institute that consistent
preserve local culture including lagu dolanan is even
considered old-fashioned by the parents. They are
not interested in entering their children to this
institution, they prefer the modern early childhood
education that provide additional teaching
computers, English, music and so on. Parents never
realize that this kind of institution will cause the
child to be deprived from his world, that is to play.
Kindergarten is no longer a 'beautiful park' for
children to learn while playing, but instead it is a
'park' that burden learners with tasks done by
children. As a psychological impact, children get a
bad picture of higher education institutions.
Furthermore, there has also been the erosion of
character of the Indonesian young generation.
Responding to this, the Ministry of National
Education requires character values in the school
community should start from the basic education,
namely early childhood. This suggests that efforts to
form the personality of the students to become good
human beings, citizens, and good citizens should
begin as early as possible. Educational government
also responded well to this recommendation by
requiring early childhood to develop 9 pillars of
basic character of early childhood.
Welcoming this Educational government
program mentioned above, the researchers are
interested in doing in-depth research about the lagu
dolanan to develop basic competencies and
characters of children in the form of fun learning.
Playing is an activity that the child does with or
without using tools that generate understanding and
provide information, give pleasure, and develop the
child's imagination spontaneously and without
burden. According Piaget in Sujiono (2009: 144)
play is an activity that is done repeatedly and cause
satisfaction for one's self. In addition, playing can
help children know themselves and their
One model of learning fun is playing a role or
role play. The methods of playing a role is the game
that portray the characters or objects around the
child so that they can develop the imagination and
appreciation of the material (Anderson et al, 2010;
Kurniasih, Komariah, and Rodiah, 2017; Volk,
2004). There are two types of role play, which are
the role of macro and micro. Playing the role of
micro is only done alone (either as a figure or
director), while in the macro role play, some
children become the role played and the teacher
becomes the director story and continuity of the role
of all the characters involved, demanding synergistic
Lenong lagu dolanan is the development of Role
Play, in which the entire audience involved to be
active in the game. The researchers have conducted
a pilot study to apply the role play in lagu dolanan,
it turns out that the active role holders only, while
the audience, may feel bored has undertaken actions
that interfere with his friends.
Related research of lagu dolanan has been done
by Tuti (2009) who studied the game with the song
of Java to create cultural values. Kurniawati (2009)
gave input on the structure of some selected
Javanese songs. While Nawangsih (2012),
Nugrahani (2012), and Wijaya (2013) researching
about the character of a number (less than 10 pieces)
in tembang Jawa. All of these researches not only
provide input to researcher related the theory, but
also related to the steps of data analysis.
Lagu dolanan are integrated into the curriculum
and design of daily activities then implemented in
the learning process (as a core activity) then, the
childrenare expected to underlie later became fully
good moral, intelligent and noble personality.
Indirectly, the application of lagu dolanan will
enhance the professional competence of teachers in
the early childhood learning techniques.
Based on the above description, then the
researchers formulated the research problems as
follows: (1) Is lagu dolanan potential for learning in
early childhood institutions? (2) Is lagu dolanan
potentially develop basic competencies and
characters of children? (3) Is Lenong lagu dolanan
model influence the basic character and competence
of children?
This research uses mixed method that is qualitative
and quantitative design. Qualitative design
conducted on 105 pieces lagu dolanan collected by
Tedjo Hadisumarto (1958) through 2 stages, namely:
(1) translating from Javanese into Indonesian and
interpreting the meaning of lagu dolanan; and (2)
analyzing potential lagu dolanan for children’s
learning material. Validation of the translation was
done by Suwito Joyo Suwondo, who works as a
dalang (the expert of puppets play) in Malang Raya.
While the validation of the teaching material of
lagu dolanan carried out by the expert from