all the plans or programs, the work that underlies the
habit (Giddens, 2010).
The traditional ceremony of Sedekah Gunung is a
local wisdom that is owned by the people of Desa
Lencoh, Selo, Boyolali. This local wisdom is an
attractive cultural capital in the context of alternative
tourism. Therefore, the media is needed to promote
it to the public. The ceremony is packed in a video
titled "Sedekah Gunung Merapi" which is uploaded
on site. Local wisdom images visually
and audio appear since the early part of the video in
the form of scene shadow puppets and gamelan.
Then, the second section of Lencoh Village Head
interview and the procession scene took place. The
third sections are the Vice Regent's speech, the
endhas kebo (buffalo head) procession, and the
people looking for the blessings of offerings. Each
section contains a semiotic element consisting of
linguistic, visual, audio, gestural, and spatial. The
function of this video is to disseminate the discourse
of local wisdom constructed for commercial
purposes, namely tourism promotion. Each round is
packed attractively and intertwined so that meaning
is easily understood by the viewer. However, the
packaging of local wisdom also implies that
traditional ceremonies are shifting because there is
packing in the context of tourist attraction.
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