These signs can be in the form of limb movements,
eye movements, object shapes, harti images and
other images related to the life around us.
Markers are located at the level of expression or
level of expression and have wujd or are physical
parts such as sounds, letters, words, and so on.
While markers are located at the level of content or
level of content or ideas. The relationship between
the two elements gives birth to meaning. The sign
will always refer to (represent) something (object)
which is called referent.
According to Pierce, the sign (representamen) is
something that can represent something else within
certain limits. A new sign can function if interpreted
in the mind of the recipient of the sign through the
interpretant. So, interpretant is the understanding of
the meaning that appears in the recipient of the sign.
That is, a new sign can function as a sign if it can be
captured and understanding of the occurrence of a
ground, namely knowledge of the sign system in a
2.2 Hermeneutics
The beginning of the word Hermeneutics comes
from the Greek term for the verb hermeneuein,
which means "to interpret", and the noun hermeneia,
which means: interpretation ". In the field of
literature, according to Ricoeur (2006), the first
place inhabited by hermeneutics is language and
more specifically written language (Ratna, 2007;
Istadiyantha, 2017; Gorbani & Gali, 2011 ).
Hermeneutics is actually a paradigm that
attempts to interpret texts between the bases of
linguistic logic (Endraswara, 2012; Bleicher, 2017;
Schmidt, 2016). Linguistic logic will make
explanations of literary texts and understanding
meaning by using "word meaning" and the semantic
concept of astra text and the meaning of language is
more cultural.
2.3 Ecranization
Ecranization or Ekranisasi is a change from one type
of literary or artistic work to another which has
different forms. aKarya satsra is not only able to be
translated, but can also be transferred to the schedule
or ekranisasi (changing the form without changing
the contents or meaning). This ecranization will
provide additional knowledge about literature, and
provide insight into the new paradigm of literature
that literature can move and change its elements in
order to be in accordance with the new time
(Sanders, 2015; Marsden, 2015; Damono, 2005).
Adaptation or alteration of literary works into
different types of types such as poetry into prose or
vice versa, and then without changing or
overhauling some elements such as background,
characterization, and interpretation. In Modern
Javanese literature this type of activity is the most
widely practiced (Damono, 2005).
In the process of formulating or cultivating the
transfer of vehicles or changes, there will be
changes. However, the process of change from
something that is produced individually becomes
something that is produced together or mutual
cooperation. Therefore, in the process of transferring
vehicles or keranisasi, there will be a reduction, the
addition or change varies in terms of its form, but
not for the contents or the true meaning or origin.
Whereas in the process of ecranization,
especially for ekranisasi into film form, there are
special things that are different from other forms of
literary work. The difference is centered in terms of
time allocation in one form (film).
Film has limitations in technical terms, and films
also have very limited playtime. Therefore, it is
impossible to move the lines of the novel as a whole
into film form. Inevitably, filmmakers are forced to
make a reduction or deduction on certain parts of the
original story in the contents or in the body of the
film (Nugrahani, 2017; Goel & Thareja, 2017;
Newell, 2017). Because of these things, filmmakers
are often forced to understand certain parts of the
film, though, these parts are not found in the novel
(Eneste, 1991).
The research method in this study is a qualitative
method and uses a semiotic analysis approach. In
this approach there are two levels of reading literary
works, namely heuristic and hermeneutic that must
be passed to be able to interpret a literary work. In
this study, researchers analyzed poetry contained in
the book Student Anthology of Poetry. However,
before the researchers had put the poems into several
groups according to the theme analysis in each poem
in the Student's Poetry Anthology. Whereas in this
study the chosen sample is the research poem with
the theme of feeling or state of heart in accordance
with the results of the theme analysis carried out.