khobar learning by using this method, students are
told to identify khobar in every word that has a
community dhummah. Of course, after they learned
about the characteristics of the lecturer explanation.
To determine the file, students are told to identify
the words dhummah that are the community that fall
after fiil. After learning fails, it is continued with
learning fail fail. In learning to fail fail, students are
introduced to the first fiq-fiil majhul. After knowing
the fiil-fiil, then students are invited to determine
whether it fails or fails.When students understand
the khobar mubtadak, to determine khobar kaana is
very easy. Because the charity is just different in the
khobar. If the khobar mubtadak is read rafa 'while
the khobar kana is read nasab. In the method of
problem-based learning in learning kaana wa
akhowatuha emphasized the changes in kana and
khoobar kaana furniture. This is because students
already know the structure of the cob. In learning at
Inna and his siblings almost the same as learning in
kaana wa akhowatuha.
While the form of student responses to the
application of the problem-based learning method is
divided into three types. 1) students feel that using
the Problem Based Learning (PBL) method is
increasingly able to understand the nahwu material
being taught, 2) students feel that there is no
incriminating thing to understand nahwu because in
this method the highlight is that the reality of
language is not just theory, 3) students feel that
independence in doing nahwu tasks is increasing
considering this method always involves students in
the learning process.
DiscussionThere is a study from E. Karabutova
about teaching communicative competence based on
the schematic structure of stories (story grammar).
The results of this study indicate that grammar
stories can help in the process of teaching
communication competencies. According to Dina
Ali Abdalla Ali in the results of his research entitled
The Effect of Communicative Approach on
Teaching Grammar to EFL Learners: A case study
of Wad Babi Secondary School, Khartoum Sudan.
Ali said that the teaching of grammar with a
communicative approach made the students'
communication skills in the real world grow and
increase. at the same time, learners can master
grammar well.
The two studies both examined grammar in
language learning, but the two studies did not
answer the issue of research on Arabic grammar
learning using the problem-based learning approach.
Therefore, the research seeks to provide new
insights into the pattern of Arabic grammar learning
Problem-based learning contributes a lot to students,
especially in the technique of understanding
grammar in Arabic, specifically syntax. This method
helps students to understand Arabic grammar easily,
making students no longer phobic about syntax
courses, because, with this method, the syntax of
Arabic can be learned easily. And also make
students more independent in learning the syntactic
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