chain of their economic problems simultaneously
but it is failed to achieve its goals and it could not be
a guarantee that the teacher is become professional
(Apriliyanti, 2018).
Then, to decrease the risk failure of the program,
the government held teacher competency test in
2012 as the pioneer of measuring teachers’
competences. The first candidates were the teachers
that were entered the teacher certification lists. The
passing grade points was 55-point at that time. As
the result, only few teachers who was achieved the
standard points (Apriliyanti, 2018, p. 1). Technical
obstacles had happen while conducting the test.
First, unsupported facilities and infrastructures that
could not facilitate the teachers as testers. Second,
only few teachers who have the capability in
operating computer. Third, the test activity program
seems to be forced and in a hurry so that the result
was not as the expected. Therefore, with the obstacle
and the urgency, the government through the
teacher-training institute (later on LPTK) held the
education and training of teacher profession program
(PLPG) for in-service teacher (World Bank, 2015;
Apriliyanti, 2018, pp. 1-2).
Afterward, in 2017, PLPG improved their
program qualities by changing the learning treatment
for the teachers. The training conducted for in-
service teachers appointed before 2016
(KEMENDIKBUD, 2017). These learning processes
held for two-month pre-condition mentoring via
online mentoring application called Konsorsium
Sertifikasi Guru (later on KSG) and continued with
100-hour learning in two-weeks at the in-class
mentoring sessions. After learning in the training,
teachers have to attend in a national examination test
(UTN) as the climax of the training sessions. The
total number of points that teachers have to collect is
80 points (KEMENDIKBUD, 2017).
The learning materials in the program contained
the knowledge materials based on the four
competencies that must be possessed by teachers
based in the regulation No.14/2005 article 10 (Guru
dan Dosen, 2005). The competencies are
pedagogical competence included personal and
social competence, and professional competence
included pedagogical competence such as English
teachers’ basic knowledge in English subject
material (KEMENDIKBUD, 2017). In addition, the
teacher education or teacher training should cover
the policies, procedures, provision designed to equip
teachers with the knowledge, attitudes, behaviours,
and skills in which are required to perform their
tasks effectively in the classroom, school, and wider
community (Kagoda & Itaaga, 2013; Samsujjaman,
2017). Educational training should provide
experienced trainers or mentors to train the teachers
as mentees and helped them to enhance their
abilities to do more productive behaviours
(Ingvarson, Kleinhenz, & Wilkinson, 2007;
Apriliyanti, 2018).
The previous research studies as aforementioned
above talked about the result of the training that
interrelated with the teachers’ competences
improvement as parts of professionalism of teachers
but they rarely talked about the training process in
teachers’ perspective itself. According to Donald
Kirkpatrick (2006), an expert on the training
program evaluation in the united states, mentioned
that the satisfaction of the trainees, in this case are
teachers, is necessary to be evaluated first before
evaluating the learning process, the behavioural
changes of teachers, and the outcome of the teachers
or the result effected by the program. The evaluation
as mentioned is commonly called the Four-Level of
Evaluation Model (Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick, 2006;
Apriliyanti, 2018). It means that, before evaluated
the improvement of the teachers’ competences and
their professionalism in teaching after PLPG, the
research or evaluator should gather the teachers’
perspective as trainees of PLPG and their responses
in terms of their satisfaction of the program as their
learning media. Thus, investigations of teachers’
reaction on the teachers’ training are needed in order
to develop an effective and an efficient training
program so that the program can improve their
qualities to engender quality teachers. Therefore,
this paper will discuss certain findings of an
evaluative study in terms of teacher training
feedback of the teachers.
1.1 The Highlight of the Study
This paper is a preliminary study of larger scales of
research entitled “English Teachers’ Competences
on PLPG: An Evaluative Study Based on
Kirkpatrics’ Model” (Apriliyanti, 2018). This study
is the first level of Kirkpatricks’ evaluation model
called level one: Reaction (Kirkpatrick &
Kirkpatrick, 2006). The reaction in this paper refers
to the expression of persons after they perceive the
stimulation. The trainees’ satisfaction evaluation
measured their reaction to the training (Kirkpatrick
& Kirkpatrick, 2006). The teachers’ reaction is
needed to seek their satisfaction with the training
program. In sum, this paper provides illustrations of
the findings as an effort to find the answer of ‘How
do English teachers’ react their training process on
PLPG as their teacher training development?’