(Table III). It showed that this branch position is
the most suitable place to growing the parasites. It
is also reported by Solikin (2013) that in this branch
position found most parasitic plants on the family
Rutaceae growing in Purwodadi Botanic Garden.
Domination the parasitic plants on this branch may
be caused by the habites of Citrus nobilis (small
tree) so branch of II or IV where the light can be
captured more.
Scurrula feruginea (Jack) Dans. was the most
dominant parasitic plnats in Pucak Botanic Garden
with IVI 97.05. Citrus nobilis Lour. was the most
dominant host plants of parasitic plant with IVI
We thanks to The Director of Centre for Plant
Conservation of Botanic Gardens, Indonesian
Institute of Science who gave funding and chance to
conduct floral exploration in Maros Residence, South
Sulawesi Province and Director of Pucak Botanic
Garden and the staffs who helped during the floral
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