and soft material such as vegetation can be a
constituent element of the landscape. Zahra, et. al.
(2014) said that the aspects of comfort and aesthetic
aspects become important aspects in the design and
maintenance of parks. Urban parks arranged in such
a way as to provide beauty, comfort and safety in their
use (Susiloarifin, 1994).
In the last five years, Semarang city has been
increasingly active in building and repairing city
parks. In addition to meeting the target of a minimum
of 20% active green open space mandated in the law,
the construction of city parks is also at the same time
developed as a city landmark and as a means of
recreation for residents. Thus, it is expected that the
atmosphere of the city of Semarang will be cooler and
more comfortable. However, these efforts have not
been fully realized because there are still many city
parks that use less than the maximum. The existence
of a city park gets less attention from the public, so
there is no crowded visitors. The appearance of the
city park is not in accordance with the conditions of
the surrounding environment, thus reducing the
attractiveness of the community to visit the park. The
use of the park becomes less than optimal. Refaat
(2014) said that arks are often scattered about cities,
and many cities have too few parks. Based on decades
of research findings, parks should be managed as
systems, not just for the usual purposes of beauty and
recreation, but also to help citizens function at their
best. Martini (2014) also said that the park must have
a variety of vegetation types that are arranged in a
way that can be used for activities by the community
and fulfill its function as city conditioning, absorb
pollution, and protect the wind and sunlight. This
condition is worsened by the lack of maintenance of
the constituent elements of the city park landscape.
Harianja and Hesti Lestari (2017) said that the lack of
planning, organizing, and good mobilization in the
field of human resources led to the management of
city park management not running effectively.
Whereas according to Booth (1998) cited by Permana
(2017), city park design should be able to give
different meanings to each human being and provide
a separate atmosphere for humans. Based on these
problems, the authors are interested in studying the
landscape design of city parks in Semarang city, so
that it can be known how the development of the city
park landscape design is implemented today. The
results of the study are expected to be used as a
reference of urban landscape design.
The purpose of this study is to study the landscape
design of city parks in the city of Semarang in order
to accommodate the activities of its citizens, and can
be a landmark for the city. To achieve this purpose is
used qualitative descriptive research methods.
According to Arikunto (2006), qualitative descriptive
is a method used to describe and explain the findings
in the field that aim to gather the actual and detailed
information, identify problems, make comparisons or
evaluations, and determine what others do in dealing
with the same problems and learn from their
experience to determine plans and decisions in the
future. Anita, et. al. (2012) also said that the
qualitative descriptive method is an analytical method
that describes the state of the object under review by
presenting information obtained from observations in
the field. In reviewing the landscape design of city
parks in Semarang, the stages of the analysis carried
out include an analysis of the physical conditions of
the city park landscape, an analysis of the landscape
design of the city parks. According to Nursanto
(2011) there are three study approaches in the use of
qualitative descriptive analysis techniques, namely a
theoretical approach derived from the results of a
literature study, a field approach obtained from
observations in the field, and a policy / regulatory
review used to analyze existing policies / regulations
with the conditions at the study site. The selected
locations include Minister Supeno Semarang Park,
Pandanaran Semarang Park, Sri Gunting Semarang
Park, Pancasila Simpang Lima Semarang Field.
These five parks were chosen because they are city
parks which are a landmark for Semarang City with
their uniqueness which in the last 5 years has
continued to make improvements to meet the needs
of green open spaces for its people.
Data collection is undertaken through
observation, interviews, and documentation. Yin
(2011) stated that observation can provide additional
information about the topic or theme to be studied. In
this study, observations and interviews were
conducted to observe the object of research related to
the physical conditions of the city parks landscape
which includes the availability and conditions of
supporting facilities, users, and activities that took
place. Interviews were conducted with visitors who
happened to be at the research location. Observations
and interviews were made in the morning and evening
to obtain accurate information. The collected data
were then analyzed using qualitative descriptive
analysis techniques.