The conclusions of this study are:
1. Land ecological enhancement and community in
these three cases can be classified in single and
multiple land uses. Input to land use and use for
public facilities is to provide green open space for
the public, preservation of plant habitat, providing
a productive community / garden community for
residents to produce their own food ingredients.
Provide land for animal raising so as not to keep
animals in the flat. Provide land for children's
playroom and space for interaction among the
residents. Provide land for sports fields and
provide a hall to accommodate the social cultural
activities of residents.
2.Movement and connectivity of three cases that
have provided pedestrian networks and facilities,
shared parking and vehicle lanes are grudo towers.
Recommendation on Movement and connectivity
are providing pedestrian paths within the area and
between buildings with natural materials so that
rainwater can directly absorb into the soil. Provide
a shared parking space located at the bottom of the
building to avoid on street parking.
3.On the Water management and conservation of the
three cases that have been implemented in the
Grudo flats in the presence of water ready to drink
from the faucet and the provision of trash bins and
waste disposal treatment tanks. Recommendations
on Water management and conservation by
planning rainwater harvesting systems to water
plants in green open spaces and flat gardens. In
addition, it can plan the processing of liquid waste
to be managed into alternative energy such as
4. In the management of solid waste in three cases of
buildings that have implemented Grudo flats, there
are three types of waste available in the building
and the area. For that, it is necessary to provide a
container, sorting and processing facilities for
waste, so that from the processing of the waste,
organic fertilizer can be produced which can be
used to fertilize the green open spaces and gardens
in the flats.
5. The optimal use of natural ventilation in flat units
with cross ventilation design so that the wind
moves evenly. wide openings dimension without
obstruction so that wind speed is higher, use single
loaded corridor to avoid obstruction of air into the
space by planning a plan of each rectangular plan
so that natural ventilation will be evenly
distributed throughout the room
6. In energy conservation, the three cases that have
applied alternative energy are Grudo flats by
utilizing solar energy as a source of energy for
electricity using photovoltaic devices. a
recommendation for energy conservation is to
develop alternative energy that is already available
for electricity. efficient use of electrical energy by
optimizing natural lighting in buildings with north
south building orientation so that natural lighting
will be evenly distributed throughout the flats,
using single loaded corridors to avoid darkness on
the inside of the corridor and the optimal use of
transparent openings with wide dimens on the
Thanks to the director of research and dedication to
the community of Budi Luhur university, as well all
managers and communities who live in flats that are
the research samples for the permission and data
support we receive for the benefit of this research.
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