The Factors That Causes Community Living at the Kapuas Riverside
Settlement, Pontianak City
Wisnu Sasongko
, Surjono
and Arini Wafia
Urban and Regional Planning, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: Riverside-settlement, Place-attachment
Abstract: As a riverside community who live in Pontianak, they depend on their need for life on the Kapuas River and
become the reason for the appearance of civilization. Some of the problems arising from settlement activity
around the Kapuas River do not make the community want to move, but make them survive in the Kapas
riverside settlement. Therefore, a study of the underlying reasons for the community around the Kapuas River
is required to be attached to the settlement. This study aims to see the attachment of the community to the
location of the residence is measured using place attachment calculation in two dimensions, which is place
identity and place dependence. The second goal of this study is to find factors that cause community still livint
at Kapuas riverside settlement using factor analysis. Place attachment is done by validity and reliability test
then analyzed descriptive statistic. The result of the research shows that there is a “strong” place attachment
attributed to 3 groups of community factors surviving in the Kapuas riverside settlement, Pontianak city,
namely Jaminan Sosial-Budaya, Faktor Aksesibilitas, and Faktor Lingkungan-Shelter.
One of the provincial capitals in Indonesia dubbed
the river city is the City of Pontianak located in the
province of West Kalimantan. Benefits of the
existence of rivers for human life, namely as a
provider of water and water containers to meet
household needs, environmental sanitation,
agriculture, industry, tourism, sports, defense,
fisheries, electricity generation, transportation, and
others. (PP 38/2011 concerning Rivers) While the
benefits of the existence of rivers for natural life are
as a water quality restorer, a distributor of floods, and
a major generator of flora and fauna ecosystems.
Settlements on the edge of the water emerged at the
beginning of Pontianak City civilization as evidence
of dependence on the Kapuas River. (Khaliesh, et. Al,
Some problems that arise due to settlement
activities around the Kapuas River, including: (1)
high building density; (2) buildings not habitable; (3)
rain for a long time also often causes puddles; (4) road
conditions are not feasible; (5) drinking water
problems; and (6) poor waste and sanitation
problems. Behind this, the Pontianak City community
chose to remain in the Kapuas River waterfront
settlement. Therefore, a study is needed regarding the
reasons underlying the communities around the
Kapuas River to have an attachment and remain in the
settlement. Still living in a location can be caused by
several things, namely social, economic, cultural,
physical and institutional factors. (Himbawan, 2010)
Therefore, research was conducted on the level of
community engagement with the location of their
place of residence, as well as the factors of
community survival to live in the waterfront
settlements of the Kapuas River, Pontianak City.
Research "The Factors That Causes Community
Living at The Kapuas Riverside Settlement,
Pontianak City" was carried out in 3 priority areas for
handling slum areas based on Pontianak City RKP-
KP 2016. The 3 areas in question are Tambelan
Sampit-Banjar Serasan, In Bugis-Tanjung
Downstream, and Central Siantan 1. These areas are
further divided into 6 villages where each region
consists of 2 villages.