Religious Tolerance in Malang City: Overview of Mature Religious
Nikmatuz Zahroh, Aniek Rahmaniah
and Samsul Susilawati
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: Tolerance, Religion,
Mature Religious.
Abstract: This study discusses religious tolerance in the city of Malang, using a review of mature religious. The
occurrence of several religious conflicts in Indonesia is one reason in this discussion. The city of Malang
was deliberately chosen in this discussion, because for the past decade the city of Malang has become a
relatively safe area of religious conflict that leads to violence. This research was conducted using
observation methods, interviews with various parties, and documentation both from television, media,
internet, bulletins, magazines, and so on informing religious life in the city of Malang. The purpose of this
study was to find out the conception of religious maturity in the city of Malang and to know about the
practice of religious maturity, to teach the younger generation about life in a better future. The results of this
study indicate that, the conception of religious maturity in the city of Malang influences social life. Mature
religiosity extends its attention to matters outside of itself, namely by maintaining religious tolerance and
enhancing synergic relationships among the components of society to create a harmonious life. This
harmonious religious practices, has provided a good example for the younger generation to continue to
study and work, for the sake of a better life and future.
Life is peaceful, tolerant and side by side regardless
of ethnic differences, but power and is ideality
religion of every human being. Because it's not there
any social settings that are monolithic and
homogeneous in full, we must be in plurality and
plurality which is a reality and a necessity. Because
there is not a society that is single, still i always
contained to life's diverse, both ethnical, culturally
and religiously.
Ethnic conflicts everywhere still often occur both
on a global, regional, national scale and even later.
Indonesia as a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-
religious country experiences similar things, for
example, as happened in Ambon, Poso, Sambas,
Sampang, in a regional scale of conflict in the
Philippine Moro, Myanmar, and in other parts of the
world such as the Bosnian conflict, Afghanistan,
Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Palestine-Israel.
Sociologically, conflict is a common thing that
happens and is believed to be part of human life. But
if the conflict has led to violence and carried out by
people who obey their religion, is considered a case
or a sad phenomenon (Ahnaf, 2013; Abdillah, 2013;
Makin, 2017; Aspinal, Dettman, and Eve, 2011).
In terms of religious life, there ambivalences,
differences often spark some conflicts and even wars
between religious communities. The 21st century
Megatrend as a "century of religious revival ",
makes the phenomenon of violence and war between
religions an irony, where religion should be a basic
mission to build a tolerant, peaceful and harmonious
human civilization (Nussbaum, 2012).
In the city of Malang, as one of the major cities
in Indonesia, as a city of education and a tourist city,
there are many urban communities consisting of
various ethnicities, religions and different cultures.
But this diversity is able to be maintained with
tolerance and harmony. This is interesting to study,
and is also related to how maturity in religion can
prevent violent conflicts in religion.
From the above background, the discussion has
focused on ask as follows: How does the conception
of religious maturity in Malang? How can religious
Zahroh, N., Rahmaniah, A. and Susilawati, S.
Religious Tolerance in Malang City: Overview of Mature Religious.
DOI: 10.5220/0009916107490752
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 749-752
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
maturity practice teach young people about a better
future in life?
To answer the questions in the discussion above, a
qualitative approach is carried out. Data collection in
the field was carried out with several steps, namely
observing various religious activities, especially
those relating to efforts to maintain religious
tolerance and the involvement of young people in
religious activities in the City of Malang (Neuman,
The conception of religious tolerance, then for
retrieval of data obtained through interviews in
depth of various parties, and documentation from
various sources such as newsletters, magazines,
media, television, and the Internet. The key actor in
this study is the citizens who are around the place of
worship, religious leaders or active members of the
congregation, and be some a informant of the
general public who were selected purposively,
determined according to that the needs.
The theme in this discussion is (i) tolerance,
defined as an attitude of respect for others that are
different from oneself, while religious tolerance is
an attitude of mutual respect for others who have
different religions or understandings of religion. (ii)
mature religious, defined as mutual understanding,
respect, respect, humility, upholding the values of
morality and humanity, prioritizing common
interests over personal and group interests, love,
sensitivity in regard to values, always adjusting to
the will God.
Religious maturity is one of the discussions of
religious growth and development and personality.
Therefore, religious maturity is a religious
development that has a positive meaning. Besides
covering the concept of personality, religious
maturity is also related to social, political and
cultural maturity (Clark, 1968)
By paying attention to Islamic civilization in the
past, the true maturity of religion cannot only be
seen in one dimension, but in terms of social life,
political life, and also cultural life. The process of
Islamization in Indonesia cannot be separated from
the acceptance of Islam in the social life of the
people in Indonesia. The arrival of Islam was able to
foster new kingdoms characterized by Islam. In the
field of culture, before the teachings of Islam were
practiced by the Indonesian people, Islamic culture
was known first (Reid, 2015)
In the city of Malang, historically evidence of
religious maturity can already be seen directly,
namely the existence of places of worship around
Malang City Square. The existence of the Great
Mosque and the adjoining Cathedral Church became
a symbol that religious practices among his
followers did not experience obstacles. This also
occurs in behavior among the worshipers of each
religion in their social life. They respect each other,
tolerate and respect the followers of religion. When
the religious holidays are each, often congregations
are solid and must use the yard and facilities of
places of worship among them.
This happened also among several Islamic
boarding schools, for example, between salafi huts
and traditional huts, which happened to be close
together, they socially still showed a mature life,
mutual respect for each other. They help each other
by providing existing facilities such as parking lots
and security officers.
"Tolerance is teaching of Islam" according to the
opinion of religious leaders and several active
worshipers. Islamic teachings have advocated to
doing good to fellow humans, so "do not teach us
about tolerance", so the title of a monthly magazine
published by one of the huts in the city of Malang.
There is a synergy relationship in the City of Malang
between the government, ulama, and the
community, about the importance of maintaining an
attitude of mutual respect.
In everyday life, a person who has religious
maturity is also characterized by an awareness of his
purpose in life, and awareness that the life he is
living in requires people around him, therefore
maintaining harmony in the community and the
surrounding environment is a must.
The role of the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI)
of Malang City is to establish dialogical
relationships, hold joint meetings with community
organizations, attend invitations from various
circles, joint activities such as the Muharram parade,
halal bi halal and so on.
The role of the government is in activities that
are in direct contact with the community, such as
blusukan, anjangsana, safari ramadhan and other
activities that are often attended by government
figures. This activity turned out to make a
harmonious atmosphere among the people, because
they could immediately state the problems they
faced. This is able to minimize the potential conflicts
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
and disharmony in the community, because the
problems in the community immediately get a
response from the government.
The role of the Ulama is to hold recitals,
istighosah, tabligh akbar, which involve many
parties including among others, government
officials, ulama, community leaders, and involving
all communities around the venue. This activity is
routinely held in every sub district in Malang City.
In fact, there are so many numbers of these
istighosah groups that are very well known by the
wider community in Malang City. Often their
activities are also broadcast on Local Television in
the City of Malang so that it can be seen by all
The role of community leaders is their
involvement in various community activities,
helping to be able to understand psychologically
from each community member. So if there is a
problem or conflict between the community
members, because their experience is in direct
contact with the community, they find solutions
faster to overcome these problems. So there is a
need for synergy between community leaders and
the government, especially those related to several
problems that occur in the community.
The role of Schools and Colleges is to maintain
the school and campus environment from
fundamentalist ideologies that tend to be anarchic,
carry out activities with the community, and carry
out community service. These activities in addition
to being part of the responsibility of educational
institutions to the surrounding community, also aims
to help solve various problems that exist in the
community. It is expected that the establishment of
cooperation between educational institutions and the
community, can minimize the various problems that
exist in the community.
Community Participation is to participate in
various activities that are often carried out jointly,
especially in August, or clean village warnings such
as healthy roads between region, work, participating
in various competitions. These activities were able
to foster a spirit of togetherness among the
community. It is hoped that activities like this will
establish an attitude of mutual respected, helping
and can minimize the potential for conflict in the
Religious practice has directly provided learning
for the younger generation. By seeing the practice of
harmonious diversity around it, the younger
generation can feel the benefits. They can do
activities well and can design their future according
to their interests and talents. Learning about how to
live well can be obtained from the social
environment. Therefore the young generation must
be involved in various activities in the community
and to them the future of social life and civilization
will be built.
Conception of religious maturity in the city of
Malang can be concluded as follows; first, a mature
religion will affect its social life or it can be seen
from its religious practices in social life. Second,
mature religiosity extends his attention to things
outside himself; the more a person has a mature
understanding of religion, the more they respect
others and their neighbors. Third, someone who has
religious maturity, he does not only carry out his
religious rituals, but does a lot for others and is
beneficial for a common life.
In connection with the efforts carried out to
maintain religious tolerance in the city of Malang is
by increasing synergic relations between
components of society (local government,
Indonesian Ulama Council, Islamic boarding
schools, schools, colleges and community leaders).
Harmonious religious tolerance practices have had a
broad impact, especially for the younger generation.
They get examples from the surrounding social
environment. They realize that a harmonious life
must be built from a situation of tolerance and
mutual respect.
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ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation