In addition, environmental factor is also reported
to have a significant influence which includes all
materials and stimuli inside and outside the
individual, both physiological, psychological, and
socio-cultural. (Dalyono 2007). In research subjects
who develop Arabic in a supportive environment, the
difficulty of articulating phonemes can be overcome
in the process of communication interaction. As for
subjects who do not get enough exposure, they cannot
develop phonological awareness to improve their
phoneme articulation.
In this study the participants were taken from
different educational backgrounds. Education is an
effort or process that is intended to foster the quality
of human resources as a whole so that he can perform
his role in life functionally and optimally (Zulhijrah,
2015). In the world of education, educators have a
very large contribution to the achievement of
educational goals through interaction (Muslimin,
2016). Regardingghairu al-natiqit is obvious that the
educational factor influences different results in the
mastery of phonology hijaiyah. Subjects who get an
understanding of phonemes can eloquently develop
their pronunciation skills themselves.
Based on the finding, this study found several factors
of difficulty in pronouncing the phoneme of hijaiyah
letters both from the ages of children, adolescents,
and adults. Among them it is reported that the
difficulty is due to the difference between
hijaiyyahand the phoneme of the Latin letter; the
native speaker culture or tsaqofah is different from
the speakers of ghairu al-natiq. There is a difference
oflahjah between native speakers and speakers of
ghairu al-natiq. It is also reported that lack of
educator competency towards understanding and
pronunciation of phonemes of hijaiyyah letters can be
a significant factor. Besides, other factors cover
limited time availability in learning hijaiyyah letter
phonemes in both formal and non-formal
environments and lack of motivation of students in
learning the science of makhoriju al-huruf.Another
important factor is the influence of environmental
conditions where the speaker ghairu al-natiqresides.
Apart from the factors described above, the
phonological awareness of ghairu al-natiqin
articulatinghijaiyah letter is not separated from the
bi'ah or the habit of reciting phonemes of the hijaiyah
letter according to the makhorijual-huruf.
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