Field Work Practice Program in Applying for Internship
on the KKNI-based Curriculum of the IPS Department
FITK UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Abdul Bashith
and Saiful Amin
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: Field work practices Evaluation, internship program, Curriculum for PIPS based on KKNI
Abstract: Department of Social Sciences Education (PIPS) Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK)
conducts Field Work Practices (PKL) activities for students in superior schools/madrasah. These activities
are developed with an apprenticeship pattern following the provisions in the Indonesian national
qualification framework (KKNI). This study focuses on the evaluation of the implementation of PKL
program in applying internships to the curriculum of the PIPS department based on the KKNI. This study
uses a qualitative approach, especially using evaluation research. The results are: (1) The results of
monitoring and supervision of the implementation of PKL were carried out using standardized statement
instrument sheets, (2) Responses and evaluations regarding that implementation showed good results in
terms of administration, (3) This internship program is an inseparable part of the PIPS Department of UIN
Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.
In line with the appointment of the Maulana Malik
Ibrahim State Islamic University (UIN) Malang to
become a World Class University (WCU), the Social
Sciences Education Department (PIPS) restructured
the curriculum and established a departmental
development orientation based on the Indonesian
National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) and
preparation for the ASEAN Community which gave
birth to various consequences and challenges for
countries within ASEAN. Through the ASEAN
Community, domestic entrepreneurs can have the
capability to go International.
Higher education institutions are encouraged to
produce international quality graduates equipped
with professional skills, language skills and
intercultural skills (Tim FITK, 2016). Higher
education is also required to develop good skills in
collaboration with other institutions or parties and
with the development of student activity units (Tim
FITK, 2015). The curriculum that is implemented
also requires adjustments related to this, so that the
existence of the street vendors is truly in accordance
with the needs and demands in the field, especially
in the social studies education department where the
practice is in superior schools/madrasas in East Java.
Therefore, there is a need for in-depth research and
study on evaluating the implementation of street
vendors in the implementation of internships in the
curriculum of the PIPS department based on KKNI.
As a new program, there are not many references
or evaluation reports. Therefore, identification of
problems and boundaries of the essential issues that
are directly related to the implementation of the PKL
program in the implementation of internships in the
curriculum of the social science education
department based on IQF. This study focuses on
evaluating the implementation of field work practice
programs in applying internships to curricula
majoring in social science based on KKNI, with the
aim of 1) analyzing the results of monitoring and
supervision of the implementation of PKL; 2)
knowing the response and evaluation regarding the
implementation of PKL; and 3) knowing the
application of internships in the curriculum of the
PIPS department based on the KKNI.
The research approach carried out is qualitative
research which means that research is carried out by
describing, describing and explaining data or
Bashith, A. and Amin, S.
Field Work Practice Program in Applying for Internship on the KKNI-based Curriculum of the IPS Department FITK UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.
DOI: 10.5220/0009916900870095
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 87-95
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
information, with words or sentences separated by
categories to obtain conclusions (Arikunto, 1998).
For the purposes of this study, the selection of
informants is carried out purposively, which is based
on the aims and objectives of the study. Criteria for
selecting informants include: (1) Chairperson of the
PIPS Department; (2) Field Supervisor (DPL); (3)
Civil Service Teachers in training schools; (4)
Students who carry out street vendors; (5) Faculty
Leaders as Supervisors.
Researchers used questionnaires to collect primary
data, while document analysis and interviews were
conducted to collect supporting data and
simultaneously triangulate data. Evaluative research
generally aims to provide recommendations to the
organizers of the program. The recommendation is
of course based on data or information obtained
from the field either from a place, person or
Arikunto says that data processing is a process of
changing the form of data obtained, usually still
contained in instruments or notes made by
researchers (evaluators), into a data presentation that
can be concluded and interpreted (Arikunto, 2005).
As explained in the research instrument, the data or
information obtained in this evaluation study came
from three sources, namely: 1) documents which are
administrative requirements of a program, 2)
questionnaires (questionnaires) distributed to the
three speakers (program chairman, DPL, and
students), and 3) interviews with the three speakers.
The raw data is then presented/processed to facilitate
the interpretation/ interpretation of the data itself so
that the analysis process becomes more reliable and
valid. To obtain empirical data from field research,
data collection techniques are used. The purpose of
data collection is all efforts made by researchers in
order to complete the data that is needed, including:
(a) Observation Techniques, (b) Interview or
Interview Techniques, (c) Documentation
In this study, researchers as activity observers,
interviewers and observatory research subjects. In
connection with this, the existence of the researcher
was at the same time as the head of the PIPS
department FITK UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim
Malang, as well as the Field Supervisor (DPL) at the
time this activity was conducted. Data analysis uses
the following techniques: (1) inductive method, (2)
descriptive method. In order to obtain valid data
findings, it is necessary to check the validity of the
data using the following techniques: (1) Extend
participation, (2) persistence of observation.
3.1 PKL Evaluation Results and
Apprenticeship Enforcement
FITK UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang has
designed and established an internship program as
an integral part of the curriculum which is carried
out in stages, namely Internship I, Internship II, and
Internship III. Each apprenticeship program is
carried out with different times and objectives. Each
apprenticeship program has SKS weight as follows:
internship I weighs 1 credit, internship II weighs 1
credit, and internship III weighs 2 credits. This
apprenticeship activity is carried out in
school/Madrasah communities meets the
requirements as specified (Tim FITK, 2016).
Further stated that each apprenticeship program
has a different purpose. Internship I aims to build the
foundation of the educator's identity and establish
educational academic competence by strengthening
the teacher's initial ability to develop learning tools.
Internship II aims to establish academic
competencies related to the competency of social
studies by strengthening entrepreneurial ability in
the business world through the preparation of
business feasibility (feasibility study). The
implementation of Internship II at the PIPS
department is related to the learning of
entrepreneurship courses in the form of PKL which
are combined with PELS annual routine student
activities (training in entrepreneurship, leadership,
and social movement). Internship III aims to provide
additional initial experience in accordance with the
authority that will be given to prospective teachers
3.2 Internship Program on Curriculum
of PIPS Department based on
The PIPS Department internship program is an
activity that provides initial experience to build the
identity of prospective graduates, establish
educational academic competencies and fields of
study, strengthen the initial ability of prospective
teacher candidates, develop learning tools and
pedagogical skills in developing educational
expertise and develop entrepreneurial skills become
another authority graduating from the PIPS
Department. Internships are academic and practical
activities that focus more on managerial and learning
in schools/Madrasah.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
4.1 Monitoring and Supervision of
PKL Implementation
Based on the results, it can be seen that the role of
the DPL is good and shows encouraging results. The
results of the monitoring of the instrument statement
about the work program of the practitioners, it can
be seen that the students participating in the street
vendors, both individually and in groups have made
work programs to be carried out during the PKL
activities. In connection with the individual work
program owned by each practitioner, several Field
Supervisors (DPL) who monitored directly in the
field stated that in general they already had, only
some were still not written, and there was no written
group program (Mudjiono and Dimyati, 2006).
Based on the results of the monitoring of the
instrument statement about appearance and neatness
of dressed up by the practitioners, it can be seen that
the performance of PKL students in general has been
good even arguably very good. The results of
monitoring regarding the instrument statement about
the academic atmosphere of the school/madrasah,
shows that the school/madrasah where PKL is
implemented is a superior school/madrasah located
in several districts in East Java. The learning
atmosphere in the classroom also seems conducive
when the author pays attention to the monev visit to
the madrasah, here clarifies the statement of Zainal
Arifin on Koetoer that evaluation as a systematic
investigation of the truth or success of the objectives
(Koetoer, 2000).
The results of the monitoring of the instrument
statement about the relation between the practitioner
and the DPL found that the communication between
the implementers of street vendors was already well
established, especially between the students and the
DPL, starting from the time they met in lectures on
campus, followed by academic guardianship
activities while taking study during lectures, joint
debriefing before leaving for the street vendors
location, and other activities that familiarize them
(Royse, et. al., 2007).
The results of the monitoring regarding the
instrument statement about the relation of the
practitioner with the administration section, obtained
the result that that the student of FITK UIN Maulana
Malik Ibrahim Malang had a good sense of all the
academic community, including the madrasah/
school administration as education staff. Based on
the results of the monitoring of the instrument
statement about the relation of the practitioner with
the surrounding community, it was obtained the
results that the surrounding community became an
important part in the implementation of the street
vendors (Dhemba, 2012).
The results of monitoring regarding the
implementation of learning in the activities of
opening lessons with components asking
questions/apperception, obtained the results that the
ability of students in carrying out learning activities
in class when PKL can show professional educators.
The results of monitoring regarding the
implementation of learning in the activities of
opening lessons with components providing an
explanation of the competencies to be achieved,
obtained results that the skills of explaining are a
major part of learning activities (Al-Makhareh, et.
al., 2016). In this case, the student can show it well.
This means that they understand their knowledge
and are able to understand others about their
knowledge as stated by Mudjiono and Dimayanti
about Learning Learning (Mudjiono and Dimyati,
Based on the results of monitoring regarding the
implementation of learning in the core activities of
the lesson with the components giving explanations
of the subject matter, it was found that it was still
related to the previous skills, where the explanation
of everything would have implications for the
understanding of something (Bogo, 2015). Related
to the subject matter, it means speaking in the realm
of professional competence.
The results of monitoring regarding the
implementation of learning in the core learning
activities with components facilitating the
interaction between students, obtained the results
that this activity is part of the classroom
management (Papouli, 2014). Class management is
the primary responsibility of a teacher, this is where
the reflection of the teacher's authority is at stake.
Teachers who are authoritative and respected by
students will easily manage and control classes,
whereas teachers who are less authoritative and not
respected students will find it difficult to organize
and control the class.
Based on the results of monitoring regarding the
implementation of learning in the core activities of
the lesson with the components of carrying out
active learning, it was found that active learning
became the focus of discussion when the
implementation of scientific learning was carried
out. The position of the teacher is not everything, but
rather acts as a facilitator of learning activities
(Koetoer, 2000). The development of electronic
media and web-based social media are currently
undergoing very intense developments, including
those related to learning in relation to finding
scientific reference sources. The ability of the
teacher to observe the phenomenon well and manage
it intelligently into learning material in classroom
Field Work Practice Program in Applying for Internship on the KKNI-based Curriculum of the IPS Department FITK UIN Maulana Malik
Ibrahim Malang
learning activities will be able to create an active
learning situation. From the results of the monitoring
assessment, this has been good so it can be stated
that the students have been able to follow the
development of the latest science and technology by
making the best use of it in learning activities, thus
active learning can be easily realized (Noronha and
Monterio, 2017).
From the results of the monitoring assessment
shows the ability of the practitioner in this matter is
very good and should be improved. The results of
monitoring regarding the implementation of learning
in the core activities of the lesson with the
components responding to students' questions and
answers, obtained results that are related to the
previous presentation, about giving the opportunity
to ask students. After being given the opportunity to
ask questions, the teacher should also respond to the
answers to the students' questions.
Based on the results of the monitoring of the
implementation of learning in the core activities of
the lesson with the components motivating students
to ask, the results were obtained that the motivation
to ask students was good, but there were several
students did not give statements/comments (Doel, et.
al., 2011). This is understandable, because in general
the provision of motivation is carried out in the
classroom explanation and management activities,
while in asking activities the time has usually
collided with the end of class hours, so that
sometimes it is forgotten.
Based on the results of monitoring regarding the
implementation of learning about the use of learning
media/learning resources with the ability to use
learning media components, it was found out that
generally practicing students mastered the use of the
latest electronic media, along with the latest
application programs that are familiar for learning
activities. In PKL activities are often found, students
discuss with the tutor teacher about the media that
will be used for learning certain materials. In fact, it
is often also found exchanging learning media
among tutor teachers with practicing teachers.
Paying attention to the results of monitoring
regarding the implementation of learning about the
use of learning media/learning resources with the
media suitability component with the material and
strategy, obtained results that are related to the
previous section, with almost the same explanation
can be stated that in the use of learning media need
to be considered the suitability of the material and
strategies used. In active learning activities, the role
of the media is very dominant. The more active
learning activities carried out, the more effective the
use of the media (Mudjiono and Dimyati, 2006).
Description of the results of monitoring regarding
the implementation of learning about the use of
learning media/learning resources with components
of the use of learning resources in addition to
textbooks and worksheets, obtained results that in
school/madrasah that implement the 2013
curriculum (K-13), textbooks and LKS are usually
prepared to support Learning Activities. However,
the constraints in the field are often found in very
limited quantities. Therefore, it is necessary to
prepare other learning resources as supporters and be
on guard if textbooks and LKS are not available or
insufficient. Facts in the field show that the students
have understood this and can carry it out well.
Based on the results of monitoring the
implementation of learning in the closing activities
of the components to confirm, the results obtained
that closing the lesson is the final step before ending
the learning activities. The facts in the field show
that the practicing students are able to carry out
these activities well in accordance with the demands
in the field, this is indicated by the contents of the
monitoring and observation document processing
activities. In addition, the writer can also pay
attention directly at the time of visiting
school/madrasah activities by asking the students
and tutors.
The conclusion of the subject matter should be
short, concise, and contained. The delivery is carried
out in a straightforward and simple manner so that it
is easily understood by students. The facts in the
field indicate that the students are able to carry out
these activities well in accordance with the demands
in the field, although there must be a lot of
consultation with the tutors and DPL. In direct
observation of the author during school/madrasah
visits by observing the learning activities carried out
by the practicing teachers in the classroom, this was
done well, but there were still many shortcomings,
especially at the level of the Madrasah Aliyah. This
is where it appears clearly that learning is a
continuous and continuous process.
4.2 Response and Evaluation of PKL
Paying attention to the results of observations,
documentation, and interview activities carried out,
related to the administrative management of the
requirements PKL, that the campus should provide
formats relating to absences and detailed activity
reports so that students are more orderly corrected. It
is important to note that correspondence matters run
smoothly. If possible, it can be made immediately on
the Faculty web-based online correspondence design
that is supported by school/madrasah and electronic
addresses of DPL, tutor teachers and group leaders
in each of the practice sites.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Based on the data from the results of the
instrument documentation student responses
regarding the administration of the requirements of
PKL obtained data that the administrative
management of street vendors was fairly good, but
must continue to be improved so that there are no
wording for students. This was reinforced by other
students who provided data that the management
was quite comfortable, although sometimes not on
time. With the on line management system
connected to each of the relevant parties, it will
make it easier and more convenient for all parties.
Based on the response that DPL was very helpful in
the PKL process, it was found that the DPL helps in
bridging the delivery of PKL objectives to the
agencies/schools. In addition, it also helps in the
preparation of street vendors' reports and becomes a
consultant if there are difficulties in implementing
the DPL. This shows that the existence of the DPL is
very important and urgent.
The DPL visit to the apprenticeship location so far
has been done at least 3 times during the
implementation of the street vendors, namely at the
time of submission, monitoring and withdrawal of
students from the street vendors location. Looking
forward, the presence of the DPL is expected to be
more than that, to be closer to the practicing
students. In some school/madrasah where street
vendors have even formed several academic and
non-academic services that support the improvement
of learning achievement, such as the guidance and
clinic unit of the Qur'an. This is in accordance with
the intent and purpose of implementing street
vendors as stated in the PKL Guidebook [5]. In
connection with community service activities in the
implementation of street vendors, for example,
teaching in the Al-Qur'an Education Park (TPQ) still
needs to be done because practical students live
around the community during the PKL
implementation. In addition, community service
activities actually increase practitioners' confidence
during the implementation of the street vendors.
4.3 Applying for Internship in
Curriculum Social Studies
Education based on KKNI
PIPS Department FITK UIN Maulana Malik
Ibrahim Malang as an educational institution for
education personnel (LPTK) is bound by national
education policies in the field of curriculum. The
new curriculum policy for LPTK requires that
educational institutions must establish graduate
profiles. The graduate profile will determine the
formulation of learning outcomes. Determination of
learning outcomes must refer to market signals and
graduate competency standards. Competency
standards for graduates must be in accordance with
Republic of Indonesia Presidential Regulation No. 8
of 2012 concerning the Indonesian National
Qualification Framework (KKNI) (Perpres, 2012).
Paying attention to article 1 paragraph (1) PP NO.
74/2008 concerning teachers states that teachers are
professional educators with the main task of
educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training,
assessing, and evaluating students in the path of
formal education at the primary and secondary
education levels (Perpres, 2008). One of the
principles of learning in the framework of skills
formation, knowledge development, and attitudes in
LPTK academic education is learning by doing.
Internships are learning by doing, very appropriate
to meet those needs. In line with the national
education policy that has recommended
apprenticeship programs as part of the LPTK
curriculum in Indonesia, the PIPS department of
UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang has adapted
itself. This apprenticeship activity is carried out in
school/Madrasah communities and the business
world for social studies education, while the
mentoring is carried out by Internship Advisors and
Internship Guidance Teachers in school/Madrasah or
Internship Supervisors in the business world for
majors IPS education that meets the requirements as
specified (Tim FITK, 2016).
The internship course is a compulsory subject at
the PIPS FITK UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim
Malang. This internship course consists of Internship
I, Internship II, and Internship III courses. The
profile form of the PIPS graduates referring to the
KKNI is as follows (Jurusan IPS, 2016).
Table 1: The Profile Form of The PIPS Graduates
Referring to The KKNI
Description of Profile Level 6 Graduates and
Capabilities (Strata 1)
Social Studies Education Program
Main Profile of Social Sciences Education Study
Program Graduates:
As educators Social Sciences (IPS) subjects in
madrasah/school, Islamic boarding schools, and non-
school communities who are noble, good personality,
knowledgeable and professional in their fields and
responsible for carrying out tasks based on professional
and scientific ethics.
1. Work
Able to apply the theoretical
concepts of Social Sciences
in madrasah/school social
studies education and solve
problems that arise in it.
Able to apply theories of
education and learning in the
Field Work Practice Program in Applying for Internship on the KKNI-based Curriculum of the IPS Department FITK UIN Maulana Malik
Ibrahim Malang
preparation of tools,
implementing and evaluating
the learning of Social Studies
in madrasah / school based on
information and
communication technology.
Able to utilize the knowledge
of Social Education
Education and the
development of science and
information and
communication technology in
solving various problems of
Social Studies Education in
madrasas / schools.
Able to adapt to the situation
faced related to socio-
cultural, economic and
political dynamics and global
challenges in the
implementation of the task of
learning social studies
education in madrasah /
Able to conduct research
activities on social and social
education that support his
profession as an IPS
Able to work professionally
as an IPS educator by
applying the concept of
scientific, religious, scientific
and Indonesian integration in
social studies learning.
2. Mastery of
1. Mastering the substance of
the IPS study in a broad, in-
depth, and up-to-date manner
to guide students to meet the
competency standards set as
IPS educators.
2. Mastering theoretical
concepts and scientific
foundation of social studies
education in depth as a
starting point in the
development of the social
potential of students to
achieve established
competency standards.
3. Mastering social studies
learning theories and able to
formulate and implement
them procedurally in the
learning of madrasah/ school
social studies education.
4. Mastering the concept of
scientific, religious, scientific
and Indonesian integration in
learning social studies in
5. Observe the concept of social
studies education that
supports its profession as an
IPS educator.
Mastering the concepts of
educational and social
leadership in order to move
and cultivate the social life of
students in madrasah/schools.
3. Managerial
1. Mastering in depth about
matters related to making
appropriate and strategic
decisions in social studies
learning in madrasah/school
based on analysis of
information and data and
research results.
2. Able to take appropriate and
strategic decisions in the
learning of Islamic Religion
in schools / madrasas based
on analysis of information
and data and relevant
research results.
3. Able to provide instructions
and steps for solving various
problems of Social Studies
Education independently and
collectively to obtain quality
and maximum learning
outcomes in the formation of
social and religious behavior
of students.
Able to map social discourses
and phenomena as well as
contemporary issues in social
studies education as a basis
for developing creative and
innovative learning.
4. Responsibili
1. Have strong responsibilities
and can be given
responsibility for the
implementation of social
studies that are effective,
productive, meaningful,
tolerant, and based on human
values in a multi-social
society both independently
and in partnership.
2. Able to adapt appropriately in
carrying out the learning tasks
of Social Studies Education
based on a strong, stable,
mature, wise and authoritative
personality, to be an example
for students, and have a noble
character independently and
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
with confidence.
Description of Profile Level 6 Graduates and
Capabilities (Strata 1)
Social Studies Education Program
Supporting Profile Social Studies Education Program
As muslim entrepreneur who are noble, have good
personality, are knowledgeable and professional in their
fields and are responsible for carrying out their duties
based on professional ethics.
1. Workability
1. Able to prepare a business
feasibility study (business
feasibility study) that is good
and complete in accordance
with business / project
business standards.
2. Able to manage the conduct
of business ventures and
compile reporting on the
status of business enterprises
by collecting, analyzing, and
summarizing information and
business business trends.
3. Able to compile documents
on SOP (Standard Operating
Procedure), Software
Requirement Specifications
(SRS) and Quality Assurance
(QA) in the context of
implementing a business.
4. Able to work professionally
as an entrepreneur / Muslim
entrepreneur who can give
blessings to the surrounding
community (khoirunn naas
anfauhum linn naas).
2. Mastery of
1. Deeply master the theoretical
concepts and knowledge of
business business
2. Mastering in depth the
theoretical concepts and
knowledge of SOP (Standard
Operating Procedure),
Software Requirement
Specifications (SRS) and
Quality Assurance (QA) in
business ventures.
3. Having skills in Indonesian
and foreign languages
(Arabic or English) that
support the success and
success of the business that
is run.
3. Managerial
1. Mastering in depth the things
related to managing a
2. Able to lead a work team in a
business undertaking.
4. Responsibili
1. Having strong
responsibilities in carrying
out tasks, achieving work
results and reporting as the
head of the business sector.
2. Having skills in utilizing
technology and processing
information to achieve
success and success of the
business that is run.
3. Having social responsibility
as an entrepreneur / Muslim
entrepreneur who can provide
benefits for the surrounding
The decline in learning outcomes of the specific skill
elements of the educator profile refers to the level 6 KKNI
descriptors as follows (Jurusan IPS, 2016).
Table 2: The Specific Skill Elements of The Educator
Profile Refers to The Level 6 KKNI
Profile: IPS Educators
Study Program: Undergraduate Social Studies
Level 6 Ability
Element of
Able to apply
their fields of
expertise and
utilize science
and technology
in their fields in
problems and be
able to adapt to
the situation at
1. Able to develop curriculum
for Social Studies subjects in
madrasah / school in
accordance with procedures
and principles in curriculum
2. Being able to organize social
studies teaching in madrasah
/ school.
3. Able to use information and
communication technology
effectively and efficiently for
social studies learning in
madrasah / school.
4. Able to facilitate the
development of students'
social potential to actualize
their social abilities and skills
in real life in madrasas /
schools and communities.
5. Able to communicate
effectively, empathetically,
and politely in carrying out
social studies learning
assignments in madrasas /
schools and in the academic
community and with the
general public.
6. Able to carry out assessment
and evaluation of social
studies learning processes
and results appropriately, and
Field Work Practice Program in Applying for Internship on the KKNI-based Curriculum of the IPS Department FITK UIN Maulana Malik
Ibrahim Malang
be able to use them for
learning purposes.
7. Able to carry out reflective
actions and use information
and communication
technology to improve the
quality of social studies
8. Able to develop
professionalism and science
in a sustainable, independent
and collective manner
through self-development and
utilization of information and
communication technology in
the framework of realizing
self-performance as a true
professional educator.
9. Able to conduct research in
the field of social studies
10. Able to apply additional
skills as an entrepreneur /
Muslim entrepreneur who
can improve and renew his
way of working in order to
better provide benefits and
blessings for the surrounding
11. Able to carry out work as an
entrepreneur / Muslim
entrepreneur effectively and
Level 6
Elements of
Mastering the
concepts of
certain fields of
knowledge in
general and the
concepts of
specific parts in
the field of
knowledge in
depth, and able
to formulate
1. Mastering various theoretical
and philosophical concepts of
general and social education
as the foundation and terms of
reference in the
implementation of social
studies learning in madrasas /
2. Mastering the characteristics
of students from the physical,
potential, spiritual, social,
cultural, emotional and
intellectual aspects.
3. Mastering learning theory and
learning principles that
educate in the implementation
of social studies learning in
madrasah / school.
4. Mastering the substance of the
material, the structure,
concepts and mindset of
scientific social studies
education in madrasah /
5. Mastering the theory of
curriculum development,
media and learning resources,
as well as evaluating and
evaluating social studies
subjects in madrasas / schools.
6. Mastering social studies
research theory in the
framework of conducting
reflective actions to improve
quality and innovative steps in
social studies learning in
madrasah / school.
7. Mastering educational
leadership theory to position
and develop social studies
education in madrasas /
schools as an important part in
the implementation of
character education.
8. Mastering entrepreneurship
theory in education within the
framework of developing
social studies learning in
madrasas / schools that are
creative and innovative.
9. Mastering the latest
technological developments in
the field of IPS, the concepts
and principles of research in a
multidisciplinary manner.
10. Understanding the normative
and empirical teachings of
Islam as the basis for the
development of the field of
expertise in social studies
11. Mastering the field of
expertise in social studies
education based on the spirit
of Islamic teachings and
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
From the results of the research discussion,
conclusions can be drawn: 1) The results of
monitoring and supervision of the implementation of
field work practices are carried out using
standardized instrument sheets, including work
programs, appearance and neatness in dress,
school/madrasah academic atmosphere, services
provided by schooh/madrasah, the relation between
practitioner and DPL, tutor teacher, student,
headmaster/madrasah, administration section,
surrounding community, and fellow students showed
the effectiveness of the implementation of PKL
activities; 2) Responses and evaluations regarding
the implementation of PKL show good results in
terms of administration. The DPL in PKL activities
has a guiding function and role in terms of learning,
directing the street vendors' work, and helping the
street vendors process. In general, the
implementation of street vendors goes well, DPL
plays a good role, students practice good
communication, the response of the school/madrasah
is also very good, communication with the
community and the school environment is also good;
and 3) This apprenticeship program is an inseparable
part of the PIPS Department students of the Faculty
of Tarbiyah and Teaching Sciences (FITK) of the
State Islamic University (UIN) Maulana Malik
Ibrahim Malang in obtaining academic
competencies. The internship course is a compulsory
subject at the PIPS Department UIN FITK UIN
Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. This internship
course consists of Internship I, Internship II, and
Internship III courses that students must take.
The authors are thankful to all those who have
assisted in this research. Especially to The Faculty of
Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Maulana Malik
Ibrahim Malang who has provided financial
assistance to research.
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