Islamic Religious Education Research in the Islamic Higher
Agus Maimun
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: Islamic Religious Education, Islamic Higher Education.
Abstract: Islamic Religious Education (PAI) is a conscious effort to convey and realize the teachings of Islam. In an
effort to improve the quality of Islamic Religious Education, both theoretically and practically, studies must
always be carried out, one of which is through research. Because the main marker that the Islamic Religious
Education research which is the focus of study in The Islamic Higher Education (PTKI) is in a dynamic state
in accordance with the nature of science is a scientific activity in the scientific community. However, Islamic
Religious Education research activities in Indonesia, especially in the Islamic Higher Education, have not
been seriously explored within the framework of Islamic studies as a whole. Islamic Religious Education
research in the Indonesian context lags behind other fields of science. For this reason, this study aims to lay
out the position of lecturer research within the framework of the Islamic Religious Education research study
area based on cross matrix as introduced by Soedomo (Soedomo, 2009). This study uses a quantitative
approach with descriptive type at the Islamic Higher Education in East Java. The study focused on the results
of lecturer research in 2015 and 2016. The results showed that of 44 research titles, as many as 23 titles of
research (52.27%) more studied the operational problems of education in schools or madrasas, 6 research
titles (13.64%) examine operational problems of education in religious institutions, 5 research titles (11.36%)
examine the problem of the structure of education in schools, 5 research titles (11.36%) examine the problem
of the foundation of education in schools, 4 research titles (9.10%) review operational problems in education
in the family, and only 1 research title (2.27%) examines the operational problems of education in youth
organizations. Judging from the scientific method more reliant on research, it has not expanded to
development and evaluation. For this reason, it is recommended that the Islamic Higher Education can
develop a medium and long-term program for the development of Islamic Religious Education research.
Islamic Religious Education is a conscious effort to
convey and realize the teachings of Islam (Muhaimin,
2015). Islamic Religious Education is felt in every
person as a driver or principles that become life
guidelines (Bisri et al., 2003). Islamic Religious
Education occupies an important place in a person's
life, up to a level, where people are better prepared to
carry out religious teachings seriously. For that
reason, Islamic Religious Education is not just a
complementary subject in school, but something
essential is expected to color the entire process of
education in schools (Bisri et al., 2003).
Islamic Religious Education is different from
Islamic Education. Islamic Religious Education
emphasizes more on practical operational activities of
religion in school institutions. While Islamic
Education is more philosophical-theoretical and
covers a wider area of study. Islamic Education
discussed matters relating to the ins and outs of
Islamic education knowledge ranging from the nature
of Islamic education, the origin of Islamic education,
the source of Islamic education, to the various types
of Islamic education (Qomar, 2005).
Moreover, Islamic Education has at least 8 (eight)
understandings and different contexts, namely: (1) al-
tarbiyah al-Diniyah, (2) Ta'lim al-Din, (3) al-Ta'lim
al-Diniy, (4) al-Ta'lim al-Islam, (5) al-Tarbiyah in al-
Islam, (6) al-Tarbiyah 'índa al-Muslimin, (7) al-
Tarbiyah al-Muslimin, and (8) al-Tarbiyah al-
Islamiyah (Langgulung, 2002). Islamic Religious
Education is part of Islamic Education (Tafsir, 1992).
However, these two terms cannot be separated, so
there needs to be continuity and harmony between
theoretical studies and practice in the field (Rahman,
In an effort to improve the quality of Islamic
Religious Education, both theoretically and
Maimun, A.
Islamic Religious Education Research in the Islamic Higher Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0009917207800786
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 780-786
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
practically, studies must always be carried out, one of
which is through research. Because the main marker
that the Islamic Religious Education research which
is the focus of study in Islamic Universities is in a
dynamic state in accordance with the nature of
science, by adopting the thoughts of Conant (Conant,
1951) is a scientific activity in the scientific
community. For example, various scientific meetings
on Islamic religious college science, both at the local,
regional, national and international levels are often
held. A number of publications that discuss Islamic
religious college scholarship are pretty much pursued.
Various studies have been done quite a lot. In fact, as
a sign that is quite prominent, for those who intend to
study Islamic religious college scholarship, education
programs are available to the highest level or
doctorate (S-3) (Soedomo, 2009). Complementing
the markers of Islamic religious college scientific
activities is research, development and evaluation
activities. Such activities, both carried out by Islamic
Higher Education and Islamic religious teachers in
schools as well as students who are completing final
college assignments, such as thesis, and dissertation
mark the existence of Islamic religious education
research that bridges the normative and empirical
world (Bawani, 2016).
However, Islamic Religious Education research
activities in Indonesia, especially in Islamic Higher
Education, have not been seriously explored within
the framework of Islamic studies as a whole. Islamic
Religious Education research in the Indonesian
context lags behind other fields of science (Azra,
2000). Some of the markers include: Islamic
Religious Education studies in doctoral dissertations
are fewer than for example Islamic Thought. There
are also not many specialized journals with national
and international reputations and reputations that
publish scientific papers on Islamic Religious
Education research on a regular basis, both theoretical
studies and research findings. Even if there are, only
represented by 5 reputable national and international
journals such as Ulumul Qur'an, Studia Islamika, Al-
Jami'ah, and Journal of Indonesian Islam (JIIS),
which focus more on Islamic studies, not on Islamic
Religious Education, so writings on research on
Islamic Religious Education do not get a strategic
place. The absence of scientific discussion media in
the form of publishing on a national and international
scale resulted in Islamic Religious Education research
scientific works being scattered and giving the
impression that there was no Islamic Religious
Education research activity.
The disorganization of Islamic Religious
Education research activities in Indonesia, especially
Islamic Higher Education, also appears from the
research themes that are not significant, both for the
purpose of developing Islamic Religious Education
research and for enhancing efforts to improve the
religious life of students. As a result, the research
findings produced lacked adequate scientific weight.
The development of Islamic Religious Education
research which is the result of organized scientific
activities is a prerequisite for the professionalism of
Islamic Higher Education. Professionalism is
basically a process of using knowledge by
practitioners (professionals) who require the
discovery and development of concepts, principles,
procedures, theories, models, and approaches by
researchers, and development activities by experts
(Islamic Religious Education experts). Through this
process, it was shown that the development of Islamic
Religious Education research occupies a strategic
position for scientific development at Islamic Higher
Based on a review of several journals, the research
that developed in the Islamic Higher Education was
seen from the title in a varied study area based on
Soedomo's perspective (1992). For example in the
Journal of Islamic Education, Vol. XI, No. 1, June
2014 UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, the titles
include: (1) The Dynamics of Muslim Students'
Religiosity in Non-Islamic Schools (areas of
operational study in schools) (Setiawati, 2014), (2)
Thematic Learning Models of Islamic Religion in
Islamic Primary Schools (study area operational in
schools) (Salamah, 2014), (3) The Learning Model of
the Messenger of Allah in the Psychology Perspective
(the area of fundamental study in schools and other
institutions), and the Influence of Vak Learning
Models (Visualization, Auditory, Kinesthetic) on
Islamic Religious Education Learning Achievement
(the area of operational studies in schools) (Faaizun,
2014). Like wise in the Journal of Islamic Religion
Volume 02, Number 01, May 2014 UIN Sunan
Ampel Surabaya, seen from the title shows the study
area in the same direction, namely in the area of
fundamental studies in schools and other institutions.
These titles include: (1) Transcendent Taxonomy
(New Paradigm of Islamic Education Objectives
(area of fundamental studies in schools and other
institutions), (2) Internalization of the Value of
Environmental Awareness through Education (Al-
Qur'an and Al-Hadith Perspectives) ( areas of
fundamental study at schools and other institutions),
(3) Academic Dishonesty 'Versus' School Integrity
and Prestige Pacts in Implementing National Exams
(areas of operational study at schools), (4) Learning
Sources in Emission Theory (Philosophical Review
of Education) ( areas of fundamental studies in
Islamic Religious Education Research in the Islamic Higher Education
schools and other institutions), (5) Conservation of
Islamic Character Education in Hidden Curriculum
Schools (areas of fundamental study in schools and
other institutions), and (6) Significance of Maqamat
and Practice in Sufism Education in Changing Human
Behavior (region fundamental studies at schools and
other institutions)
Departing from this thought, this study will
explore some lecturer research in the faculty /
department of tarbiyah Islamic Higher Education.
With this, it will be known about the research area and
the significance and methodology of the lecturers'
research in providing scientific contributions to
Islamic Religious Education in a wider area.
This research aims to mapping the position of lecturer
research in the framework of the Islamic Religious
Education research area based on cross matrix as
introduced by (Soedomo, 2009). This research uses a
quantitative approach with descriptive types. The
research was conducted at the faculty/department of
Tarbiyah the Islamic Higher Education in East Java,
with a sample of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher
Training of Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic
University of Malang and the Tarbiyah Department
of STAIN Kediri. Data collected from lecturer
research report documents that received funding
assistance from institutions in 2015 and 2016. There
were 44 research titles related to Islamic Religious
Education. In detail, 44 titles consist of 29 titles from
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Maulana
Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University (2015 as
many as 14 titles and 2016 as many as 15 titles) and
15 titles from Tarbiyah Department of STAIN Kediri
(2015 as many as 7 titles and 2016 as many as 8 titles
). These titles are then analyzed using percentages
after their substance has been mapped based on the
The results showed that of the 44 research titles, as
many as 23 research titles (52.27%) more studied the
operational problems of education in schools or
madrasas, such as goals, material, methods,
strategies, approaches, models, media, learning
evaluation, motivation students, and extracurricular
activities of students in schools or madrasas. 6
research titles (13.64%) examined the operational
problems of education in religious institutions, such
as the implementation of reading and writing al-
Qurán in TPQ, the contribution of the majlis ta'lim to
the formation of community morals, and the existence
of madrasah diniyah in children's religious education.
5 research titles (11.36%) examine the problem of the
structure of education in schools, such as the structure
of the curriculum, organizational structure, and the
structure of the formation of students from year to
year. 5 research titles (11.36%) examine the problem
of the foundation of education in schools, such as the
philosophical foundation of Islamic Education, the
philosophical foundation and operational of the
school curriculum, the historical and sociological
foundation for the establishment of educational
institutions, and the operational basis of the
implementation of extra-curricular activities in
schools. 4 research titles (9.10%) examine the
operational problems of education in families, such as
family care strategies, parental motivation in
children's education, and parental participation in
children's education. Then only 1 research title
(2.27%) examined the operational problems of
education in youth organizations, such as: the role of
Scouts in the formation of students' discipline.
Based on the results of the study shows that most
lecturers conduct research related to the operational
problems of education in schools or madrasas. This
result is different from the research titles contained in
the Journal of Islamic Religious Education, Volume
02, Number 01, May 2014, UIN Sunan Ampel
Surabaya and Journal of Islamic Education, Vol. XI,
No. 1, June 2014, the more varied UIN Sunan
Kalijaga Yogjakarta. This shows that lecturer
research has not spread to all areas of Islamic
Religious Education study. According to Azra, in the
midst of the dominant influence of western education
models which emphasize on intellectual aspects or
just teaching and taking place in a schooling system
is nothing more than the transfer of knowledge and
expertise within the existing techno-structural
framework (Azra, 2000), Islamic Religious
Education as a study dimension its broad scope is less
prioritized for review and development within the
Islamic Higher Education environment. Even though
Islamic Religious Education can give color to
national character education and strengthen national
values (Muhaimin, 2016). The tendency of Islamic
Religious Education research in Islamic Higher
Education concerns more about operational problems
in education, especially in the learning process in the
Islamic Religious Education as a conscious effort
is often narrowed down to be a discussion about
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
religious subjects, and more narrowly becomes a
halal-haram meaning in the learning process in class.
It has not touched the socio-cultural aspects, so it is
relevant to the current socio-cultural context of the
millennial community (Muhaimin, 2016). As a result,
research conducted in relation to Islamic Religious
Education is only an operational problem, such as
methods, media, motivation, interests, achievements,
and learning outcomes, and is less appreciated in the
study of educational institutions outside of school and
the environment (social settings) that provide
contribution to the development of Islamic Religious
Education. With this mindset, the only obligation of
Islamic Higher Education, especially faculty or
department of education is to produce intelligent
thoughts to appreciate Islamic Religious Education in
the broader dimensions of educational institutions, so
that Islamic Religious Education will be functional in
the lives of students as a provision to become a caliph
on earth (Abdurrahman, 1995).To that end, Islamic
Religious Education research as part of the study of
Islam in General, not just to find theories, approaches,
models, strategies or methods of learning the Islamic
Religious Education, but more than that the results
should be able to improve the religious zeal for the
subject of research (Muqim, 1994).
According to Abdurrahman (Abdurrahman, 1995)
Islamic Religious Education is actually a very
important part of the process of absorbing historical
tasks for each student for the survival of civilization.
From this thought it can be understood that, the effort
to become a caliph on earth is not solely in classroom
learning, but also outside the classroom. For this
reason, the study of Islamic Religious Education does
not rely on education in class/school/madrasah, but
also must accommodate all educational institutions.
Because basically, Islamic Religious Education is for
all levels and types of education. With that, Islamic
Religious Education as potential development,
cultural inheritance, and interaction between potential
and culture can work well (Langgulung, 2001).
Dimyati (Dimyati, 1988) introduces that there are
currently five educational institutions, namely
families, schools, religious institutions, youth
organizations, and mass media. By looking at this
definition, it appears that the dimensions of Islamic
Religious Education's work are increasingly
widespread, which has implications for the
foundation and scientific structure of Islamic
Religious Education. To determine the dimensions of
Islamic Religious Education's work, can be crossed
between educational institutions with the type of
Islamic Religious Education problems. With this
cross matrix, it can be known which fields have been
worked on and which ones have not been further
appreciated. The matrix can be described as follows:
Chart 1: Cross Matrix Type of Problem of Islamic
Religious Education with Educational Institution.
Educational Institutions
Family School Religion
6 %)
Structure 5(11,3
6 %)
(9,10 %)
27 %)
(13,64 %)
By looking at the matrix, it appears that Islamic
Religious Education research activities are more
focused on operational activities in the classroom, not
yet spread on various problems and educational
institutions. For that reason, what needs to be further
appreciated is how Islamic Religious Education
research is more spread in various dimensions, so that
it appears the breadth and robustness of Islamic
Religious Education itself, so that it can provide the
widest possible benefits, not only in school but
outside of school. Because Islamic Religious
Education is not a separate activity with aspects of the
life of the wider community. School is one vehicle
that is probably not the main one. Outside of school,
many parties are equally important, such as family,
playmates, and religious atmosphere in the
community (Fadjar and Barizi, 2005).
In addition, from this matrix can be mapped the
advantages and disadvantages of Islamic Religious
Education, in terms of the type of problem and the
institution. This mapping should be the responsibility
of the Islamic Higher Education as ammunition to
take policy. For example, mapping at the operational
level in schools. From here it will be known, what
school and where is it at a good operational level, so
that it can be used as a flagship? Likewise mapping at
the operational level with the mass media. From here
will be known which media and what types of events
can affect students in Islamic Religious Education?
Likewise seen from the environment, in which
educational environment can Islamic Religious
Education grow and develop properly? Because the
educational environment will create a pattern of
understanding one's religion. If the environment in
Islamic Religious Education Research in the Islamic Higher Education
which a person is located is tolerant, flexible, and
respects personal freedom in thinking and acting, then
it can be considered as a starting point for creativity
in religion (Langgulung, 2001).
Likewise, in terms of the scope of the Islamic
Religious Education study, research on Islamic
Religious Education problems often comes out of its
scientific discipline. This results in a lack of focus on
Islamic Religious Education research, especially for
students in completing the final project, either in the
form of a thesis, thesis, or dissertation.
The idea of this scope departs from the view that each
discipline has its own scope of study that must be
different from the others. In the Tarbiyah faculty,
many departments or study programs often intersect
with others, making it difficult to distinguish. For
example between the Department of Islamic
Religious Education and Islamic Education
Management. Often thesis titles for students from this
department are the same, for example: Efforts of
Madrasah Heads in Impproving Teacher
Professionalism. Such a title, should be in the
Management of Islamic Education department.
Because it contains managerial elements and
planning strategies. But it is not infrequently used as
the title of students from Islamic Religious Education
majors, not only in undergraduate programs but also
in postgraduate programs. For this reason, a wider
scope of Islamic Religious Education study is needed.
In my opinion, the scope of Islamic Religious
Education can be described as follows:
Figure 1 : Scope of Study in Islamic Religious Education
The implications of this scope, all Islamic
Religious Education research must lead to some of
these components accompanied by the educational
arguments in the Qur'an and Sunnah. If there is
research outside this scientific framework, then it
must be straightened out, so that the core of Islamic
Religious Education's knowledge becomes clearer.
Because often many people cut corners by making the
final project based on what is read and can be an
example to accelerate their research, without
considering the scope of science. Here are some notes
on Islamic Religious Education research issues that
need attention from all parties.
This scope also clarifies that, the area of Islamic
Religious Education study is not limited to teaching
in schools, such as Al-Qurán-Hadith, Aqidah-Akhlak,
Fiqh, and Islamic Cultural History, or limited to
outputs, approaches and methodologies, material
teaching and educator (Mastuhu, 1999), but broader
than that, covering all aspects that are the starting
point in building the content and substance of
thinking about the issues of the nature of the main
components of Islamic Religious Education activities
(Muhaimin, 2003).
Based on the chart, it appears that the Islamic
Religious Education study in Indonesia is still at the
operational level and relies on research alone. By
adapting Gheophart's thinking in (Miarso, 2003) that
scientific studies / scientific methods (including in the
field of Islamic Religious Education), can be done in
three ways, namely research, development and
evaluation. With these three methods, it is expected
to produce an effective, efficient, interesting,
practical, and effective Islamic Religious Education
learning model that has broad implications for
improving the religious quality of students.
These three ways can be used as a basis for
improving the quality of Islamic religious education
in a sustainable manner, so that it is very beneficial
for the parties concerned. Sustainable quality in the
field of Islamic Religious Education, according to
(Muhaimin, 2016) concerns 5 main components,
namely: (1) strategies for empowering teachers and
students, (2) opportunities and challenges for Islamic
Religious Education in facing conditions and
changing times, (3) increasing the role of Islamic
Religious Education scientists in the development
science, (4) the contents of the Islamic Religious
Education curriculum which is anticipatory towards
the development of the era, and (5) The desired in-put
and out-put and out-come in the Islamic Religious
With this continuous quality improvement
expected, the weaknesses that occur in Islamic
Religious Education can be minimized. These
weaknesses, according to Muhaimin's analysis
(Muhaimin, 2016) are: (1) Islamic Religious
Education is less able to change cognitive knowledge
that is cognitive to be meaningful and valuable; (2)
Islamic Religious Education is less able to cooperate
or synergize with non-Islamic Religious Education
programs, and (3) Islamic Religious Education lacks
relevance to social change.
More than that, judging from the approach or
scientific method, Islamic Religious Education
research uses more quantitative approaches with
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
descriptive types and qualitative approaches to the
types of case studies. Even though there are many
different approaches and types of research. As written
by Creswell (Creswell, 2012), many offer a variety of
experimental research, correlational, survey,
Grounded theory, ethnography, narrative, mixed
methods, and action research. Also Gay and Mills
(Mills and Gay, 2016) offer that educational research
(including Islamic Religious Education) can use a
quantitative approach with survey types,
correlational, causal-comparative, experimental,
qualitative approaches with narrative types,
ethnography, case studies, and joint approaches
(mixed methods ). McMillan (McMillan, 1992) offers
phenomenological studies/research in the field of
education by observing a variety of unique
educational symptoms that appear at certain loci.
With a variety of research methodologies will enrich
the findings in the field of Islamic Religious
Education, although the research may be carried out
in a simple, narrow scope, which is designed and
implemented alone in a relatively short time, as well
as complex research that covers many aspects with a
broad scope and involves many people and need a
relatively long time (Sukmadinata, 2007).
Islamic Religious Education research can also
adopt some educational thoughts in general, for
example in methodology, Islamic Religious
Education learning can adopt Reigeluth's thoughts in
Uno (2014: 2) which studies learning into 3 (three)
variables, namely learning conditions, learning
methods and learning outcomes. Learning conditions
are factors that influence the effects of methods in
improving learning outcomes, learning methods are
different ways to achieve different learning outcomes
under different conditions, and learning outcomes are
effects that are used as indicators of the value of using
the method under conditions different.
One type of research that is also important as a
Islamic Religious Education research methodology
and often forgotten is character studies or character
research. Whereas with the study of figures can
explore various thoughts, perceptions, motivations,
aspirations, and ambitions of an educational figure
and his ability to build educational institutions to be
successful (Arief and Agus, 2005). With this
character research, it is hoped that it can inspire and
give examples of all people, so that they can succeed
in education as well as the intended character.
Based on the discussion, it can be concluded that the
results of the study show that out of 44 research titles,
as many as 23 research titles (52.27%) studied more
operational problems in education in schools or
madrasas, 6 research titles (13.64%) studied the
operational problems of education in religious
institutions, 5 research titles (11.36%) examined the
problem of the structure of education in schools, 5
research titles (11.36%) examined the problem of the
foundation of education in schools, 4 research titles
(9.10%) examined the operational problems of
education in family, and only 1 research title (2.27%)
examines the operational problems of education in
youth organizations. Judging from these results, the
Islamic Religious Education research study area has
not varied, because it has not spread to various other
dimensions, for example in families, religious
institutions, youth organizations, and the mass media.
Judging from the scientific method, it is more based
on research, does not extend to development and
For this reason, it is recommended that Islamic
Higher Education can develop a medium and long-
term program for the development of Islamic
Religious Education research. Medium-term
program, for example by conducting an intensive
study of various areas of Islamic Religious Education
study based on the cross-matrix. Moreover, it is
necessary to examine various scientific
methodologies in addition to research, namely
development and evaluation as well as conducting
critical analysis, involving various experts.With this,
it is hoped that a more robust Islamic Religious
Education scientific study building will be born.
While the long-term program begins with the
identification of the Islamic Religious Education
study area based on Islamic religious studies and
making priorities for the study, as well as expanding
and intensifying the flow of Islamic Religious
Education scientific communication. Thus,
structuring, coordinating and distributing specific
tasks between scientific activities is increasingly
clear. Through this Islamic Religious Education
scientific study sketch that is not clear enough and has
not been studied much, it can be further emphasized
and filled with gaps that are still empty.
Finally, parties who have a moral responsibility
to develop scientific knowledge of Islamic Religious
Education need to emphasize attitudes, so that Islamic
Religious Education as a social reality can be
developed towards a better direction. This is
important, because the weakness that seems common
Islamic Religious Education Research in the Islamic Higher Education
to Islamic Higher Education in Indonesia is to address
and treat Islamic Religious Education values and their
supporting science tools as a product, and not to be
appreciated as a process or method of thinking
(manhaj al-fikri) that needs more in-depth study. with
the social settings that accompany it.
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ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation