practically, studies must always be carried out, one of
which is through research. Because the main marker
that the Islamic Religious Education research which
is the focus of study in Islamic Universities is in a
dynamic state in accordance with the nature of
science, by adopting the thoughts of Conant (Conant,
1951) is a scientific activity in the scientific
community. For example, various scientific meetings
on Islamic religious college science, both at the local,
regional, national and international levels are often
held. A number of publications that discuss Islamic
religious college scholarship are pretty much pursued.
Various studies have been done quite a lot. In fact, as
a sign that is quite prominent, for those who intend to
study Islamic religious college scholarship, education
programs are available to the highest level or
doctorate (S-3) (Soedomo, 2009). Complementing
the markers of Islamic religious college scientific
activities is research, development and evaluation
activities. Such activities, both carried out by Islamic
Higher Education and Islamic religious teachers in
schools as well as students who are completing final
college assignments, such as thesis, and dissertation
mark the existence of Islamic religious education
research that bridges the normative and empirical
world (Bawani, 2016).
However, Islamic Religious Education research
activities in Indonesia, especially in Islamic Higher
Education, have not been seriously explored within
the framework of Islamic studies as a whole. Islamic
Religious Education research in the Indonesian
context lags behind other fields of science (Azra,
2000). Some of the markers include: Islamic
Religious Education studies in doctoral dissertations
are fewer than for example Islamic Thought. There
are also not many specialized journals with national
and international reputations and reputations that
publish scientific papers on Islamic Religious
Education research on a regular basis, both theoretical
studies and research findings. Even if there are, only
represented by 5 reputable national and international
journals such as Ulumul Qur'an, Studia Islamika, Al-
Jami'ah, and Journal of Indonesian Islam (JIIS),
which focus more on Islamic studies, not on Islamic
Religious Education, so writings on research on
Islamic Religious Education do not get a strategic
place. The absence of scientific discussion media in
the form of publishing on a national and international
scale resulted in Islamic Religious Education research
scientific works being scattered and giving the
impression that there was no Islamic Religious
Education research activity.
The disorganization of Islamic Religious
Education research activities in Indonesia, especially
Islamic Higher Education, also appears from the
research themes that are not significant, both for the
purpose of developing Islamic Religious Education
research and for enhancing efforts to improve the
religious life of students. As a result, the research
findings produced lacked adequate scientific weight.
The development of Islamic Religious Education
research which is the result of organized scientific
activities is a prerequisite for the professionalism of
Islamic Higher Education. Professionalism is
basically a process of using knowledge by
practitioners (professionals) who require the
discovery and development of concepts, principles,
procedures, theories, models, and approaches by
researchers, and development activities by experts
(Islamic Religious Education experts). Through this
process, it was shown that the development of Islamic
Religious Education research occupies a strategic
position for scientific development at Islamic Higher
Based on a review of several journals, the research
that developed in the Islamic Higher Education was
seen from the title in a varied study area based on
Soedomo's perspective (1992). For example in the
Journal of Islamic Education, Vol. XI, No. 1, June
2014 UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, the titles
include: (1) The Dynamics of Muslim Students'
Religiosity in Non-Islamic Schools (areas of
operational study in schools) (Setiawati, 2014), (2)
Thematic Learning Models of Islamic Religion in
Islamic Primary Schools (study area operational in
schools) (Salamah, 2014), (3) The Learning Model of
the Messenger of Allah in the Psychology Perspective
(the area of fundamental study in schools and other
institutions), and the Influence of Vak Learning
Models (Visualization, Auditory, Kinesthetic) on
Islamic Religious Education Learning Achievement
(the area of operational studies in schools) (Faaizun,
2014). Like wise in the Journal of Islamic Religion
Volume 02, Number 01, May 2014 UIN Sunan
Ampel Surabaya, seen from the title shows the study
area in the same direction, namely in the area of
fundamental studies in schools and other institutions.
These titles include: (1) Transcendent Taxonomy
(New Paradigm of Islamic Education Objectives
(area of fundamental studies in schools and other
institutions), (2) Internalization of the Value of
Environmental Awareness through Education (Al-
Qur'an and Al-Hadith Perspectives) ( areas of
fundamental study at schools and other institutions),
(3) Academic Dishonesty 'Versus' School Integrity
and Prestige Pacts in Implementing National Exams
(areas of operational study at schools), (4) Learning
Sources in Emission Theory (Philosophical Review
of Education) ( areas of fundamental studies in