Analysis Activities Learning Center in Development Students’ Self
Directed Learning in Jakarta Indonesia
, Attabik Lutfi
, Firdaus
and Maria Ulfa
Islamic University of Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Analysis Activities, Learning Centers, Directed Learning
Abstract: This study aims to: 1) to know growing the development of the potential of self-learning. 2) To determine and
set the time pattern of learners. 3) To know the creativity and effectiveness of teachers in the achievement
and vision of ECD Bungur Cijantung. The issue became the object of study in this research is the analysis of
learning activity centers with independent methods in early childhood Bungur Cijantung East Jakarta. The
results of this study concluded: ECD East Jakarta Bungur Cijantung in developing the basic abilities of
children with the principle of learning through play approach BCCT, is in conformity with the guidelines
implementation BCCT approach. Behaviors and basic skills can be developed in early childhood with BCCT
following approach: behavior categories include: moral and religious values, social, emotional and self-
reliance and the category of basic capabilities include: language, cognitive, physical / motor, art. Factors
strength BCCT implementation approaches in early childhood Cijantung East Jakarta Bungur namely;
management, ability and discipline of teachers, course of study, learning tools, parental participation. The
weakness in the implementation of early childhood BCCT in East Jakarta Bungur Cijantung namely: lack of
administrative power, required a vast space centers were opened. Reports Progress Report and the child's
ability to develop indicators still overlap at each center. Suggestions socialization needs of early childhood
education to the public, parents, policy makers, institutions, no dialogical relationship between parents and
teachers, the organization of early childhood education, need to increase the ability of teachers / educators,
the addition of administrative personnel, need to be revisited progress report protégé.
The quality of education is affected by the quality of
teaching and learning activities, while the quality of
teaching and learning activities are determined by
various factors, among others: the input of students,
curriculum, teachers and education staff who are
related to one another, which is a subsystem in the
learning system.
If the quality of education and supported a good
curriculum, it will get a good input and will affect the
teaching and learning activities as expected. Each
educational practice directed at achieving certain
objectives, whether with respect to the assignment of
the knowledge, skill and a certain attitude. Teaching
materials, methods, tools, and assessment of the
major components. With educational interaction
between teachers and learners lasted more focused.
This is confirmed in the Law No. 22 of 2003
Article 1 point (19) which states that the curriculum
is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the
objectives, content and learning materials as well as
the means used to guide the implementation of
learning activities to achieve specific educational
objectives. ECD curriculum Bungur IV Cijantung
developed based on national standards of Early
Childhood Education No. 58 of 2009 which is
adapted to local conditions.
Sentra used as well as more about the center
and a circle (Beyond Centre and Circle Time) or
BCCT. This is the concept of early childhood learning
formally adopted the Department of National
Education Republic of Indonesia since 2004. Simply
put, the center could be interpreted as a quality
container that prepared teachers for children's play
activities. Through a series of these activities, teacher
learning material flow that has been arranged in the
form lesson plan. The series of events that had to
come together and support each other to achieve the
daily learning objectives and learning objectives in all
Thohirin, ., Lufti, A., Firdaus, . and Ulfa, M.
Analysis Activities Learning Center in Development Students’ Self Directed Learning in Jakarta Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0009918008250833
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 825-833
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
centers of the day should be the same. Each center has
a center point and all reference to the learning
objectives have been planned team of teachers.
In the approach to the center, there are stages
that need to be considered, starting when the child
enters school environment to finish the play and back
to home. Each stage was recorded in the daily report
of activities of teachers, which would be material to
measure the development of children, as well as at the
end of his response and the appropriate stimulation
that children's ability to develop optimally.
1.1 Identification of Problems
Based on the above background, the
identification of problems to the authors put forward
are as follows:
1. The willingness of parents of students vary.
2. The need for improvement of learning programs
3. Not all faculty prepare teaching plans.
4. The necessity to adjust teaching methods to
5. Not all teachers can apply the method
independently to achieve the vision and mission.
1.2 Restrictions and Formulation
In line with the above description, this study was
limited to the analysis of learning activity centers
with independent methods in early childhood Bungur
Cijantung East Jakarta. Based on the restriction of the
problem, then the problem in this research are as
1. Are the learning activity centers can create
independence in learning activities?
2. Are the learning activity centers can set the time
pattern independent learners?
3. Is the activity of learning centers for faculty
(teachers) in implementing an independent
method has met achievement and vision of ECD
Bungur Cijantung
1.3 Objectives and Benefits Research
Based on the formula above problems, the study
aims to:
1. To know the growth and development of
potential learners in learning independence
2. To determine and set the time pattern of
3. To find out the creativity and effectiveness of
teachers in the achievement and vision of ECD
Bungur Cijantung.
In terms of usefulness, usability research has
both theoretical and practical. In line with the above
study, the benefits that can be expected in this study
are as follows:
a. For Educational Institutions / business
The results of this study are expected to be
used as a reference and knowledge of something
that happened at the school, and also can be used
as consideration for advancing the school in the
b. For Educators / Teachers
1. Can be motivating and inspiring for those
who teach early childhood Bungur
Cijantung in improving learning activities.
2. As reference for the entire teaching staff
ECCE Bungur Cijantung in learning
activities to learners in accordance centers.
c. For the Public
The results of this study are also expected to provide
additional information or comparison for the
community at large in the process pemebelajaran in
early childhood education, especially early childhood
East Jakarta Bungur Cijantung.
1.4 Activities
According to the great dictionary Indonesian, activity
means activity or liveliness. WJS Poewadarminto
(2003: 23) describes the activity as an activity or
bustle. S. Nasution added that the activity is a
physical and spiritual liveliness and both must be
Thus, it can be concluded that the learning activities
are activities carried out in the process of interaction
(teachers and students) in order to achieve the
learning objectives. Activities meant here the
emphasis is on the student, because with the activity
of students in the learning process will affect the
creation of active learning situations.
Group 8 types of learning activities
Activities taught himself many kinds, so experts
conduct classification. Paul B. Diedrich in Sardiman
(2004: 101) to create a list that contains 17 kinds of
activities students are classified into eight groups:
1. Visual Activities, covers activities such as reading,
watching (images, demonstrations, experiments
and the work of others)
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
2. Oral Activities, such as states, formulating, ask
questions, express opinions, conduct interviews,
discussions and interruptions.
3. Listening Activities, such as listen to description,
conversations discussion, music and speeches.
4. Writing Activities, such as story writing, writing
essays, writing reports, questionnaires, copying
and making summaries.
5. Drawing Activities, such as drawing, making
graphs, maps, and diagrams.
6. Motor Activities, for example, like to experiment,
construct, model, refit, play and husbandry.
7. Mental Activities, such as responding,
remembering, solving problems, to analyze, to see
the relationship and making decisions.
8. Emotional Activities, such as interested, bored,
passionate, courageous, tough and nervous.
In this study, the student activity is defined as any
action taken by the students when participating in
learning activities both activity verbal, visual,
metrics, and mentally by using model Treffinger, and
in this study also, the student activity is only done for
five to six people students in the same group as the
limited power of the observer. To investigate the
activity of the students, the teachers use student
activity observation sheet. Each is expected by the
teacher in the learning activities by using model
Treffinger described as follows:
1. Listening to an explanation or information from
the teacher.
2. Asking question.
3. Responding to questions from teachers and
4. Presenting the results of the work.
5. Heard a presentation from a friend.
6. Reading or working on the issue in worksheets or
7. Conveying the idea or different idea.
8. Accepting the idea or different idea.
9. Behavior that is not relevant.
E. Understanding Sentra
1. Learning Strategies Center Preparation
Sentra is the center of activity playing to prepare for
the child to know writings, letters, and count to help
children prepare for entry into primary school
(elementary school).
F. Understanding Education Child Age Early
Early Childhood Education is a form of education
that is different from formal education, whether those
differences include long learning and destination as
well as the subject matter presented. The term early
childhood / preschool shows understanding that
children follow before entering the formal school
namely primary school. Thus preschool education is
an education that was followed by the child prior to
entry into grade 1 primary school. Usually the age of
6-7 years as they ended the preschool education.
G. Independent
Teaching is an independent learning model that we
usually see Sahari-day. In this model, the teacher
teaches a number of students, usually between 20 to
40 students in a room. The students have a minimum
ability to that level and are assumed to have an
interest and learn the same relative speed. With these
conditions, the condition of individual students learn
both regarding the speed of learning, learning
difficulties and learning interest is difficult to be
noticed by the teacher. In general, the way teachers in
determining the speed and level of difficulty of
presenting material to students based on the
information the student's ability in general. Teachers
seem very dominant in determining all learning
activities. The amount of material that will be taught,
the order of the subject matter, the speed of the
teacher to teach and others entirely in the hands of
H. Learning
Learning is a human activity that is most
essential; most did not realize that human potential
will develop optimally through belajar.Jika examined
various sources will be found understanding of
different learning, depending on the type of source
and formulate such understanding. The differences
are due to different views or point of departure. But
the difference is simply the difference in pressure or
differences in terms of where to see it. The essence of
the following study will put forward some definitions:
a. Hilgard and Bower in his book Theories of
Leaming (1975) in Purwanto argued: "Learning
occurs when a particular situation caused by
repeated experiences in that situation".
b. Gagne in his book The Conditions of Learning
(1977) states that: "Learning occurs when a
stimulus situation along with the contents of
memory affect students such that his actions
(performance) change of time before he
experienced the situation to the period after he
experienced that situation".
Analysis Activities Learning Center in Development Students’ Self Directed Learning in Jakarta Indonesia
c. Morgan in his book Introduction to Psychology
(1986) argued: "Learning is relatively sedentary
every change in behavior that occurs as a result
of training or experience".
d. Witherington in his book Educational
Psychology argued: "Learning is a change in the
personality who claimed to be a new pattern of
the reaction in the form of skills, attitudes,
habits, intelligence or an understanding".
e. Howard L.Kingsley in Wasty Soemanto as
follows: "Learning is a process by which the
behavior (in the broad sense) generated or
modified through practice or exercise".
From the definitions described above can be
G. Understanding Learning Model
1. The definition of learning model
The learning model is a design or a design that
depicts the process details and the creation of
environmental situation which allows children to
interact in learning so that there is a change or
development in children (Ministry of Religion; 2010)
Learning model is pattern used as a guide in
groups or tutorials (Agus Suprijono, 2011: 46). The
components include concept learning model, learning
objectives, materials or themes, measures or
procedures, methods, tools or resources learning and
evaluation techniques.
2. Feature models of learning
Feature learning model is the first rational
logical theoretical compiled by its creator, the second
learning to be achieved, a third behavior needed to
teach the model can be implemented successfully and
fourth learning environment necessary for learning
objectives that can be achieved.
3. Fill learning model
While the content of the learning model itself is
the first description of the learning environment, the
model approach, the benefits of learning a third,
fourth teaching materials (curriculum) media and
instructional design (Bambang Hartono, 2008).
Preparation of the learning model TK / RA / BA
are based on the syllabus developed into a half of
planning, plan weekly activities, planned activities
such as daily. With learning model is a concrete
reality that do educators and learners to plan daily
a. Various models of learning
Model learning in Early Childhood Education
(ECD) include:
1. The learning model based groups
2. Model self-learning
3. The learning model is based on interests
Model area
Model angle
Model BCCT
The learning model in general use measures that
are relatively similar in the day that the initial
activities, core activities, breaks and weekend
Each learning model has advantages and
disadvantages, and it requires different conditions.
Therefore, teachers can choose learning model that
will be used to consider the capabilities of the
facilities and infrastructure available as well as other
1. The learning model based groups
This learning model is a pattern of learning
where children are divided into several groups usually
three groups and each group doing different activities.
In one day, the child must complete 2-3 activities
interchangeably. Children who have finished work
can be alternated with other activities provided by the
teacher. The learning model is still widely used in TK
/ RA / BA in Indonesia.
Teaching and learning activities with learning
model group using the following steps:
a. Initial activity
The initial activity carried out independently
and its heating. E.g. discussion, questions and
answers about the theme and sub-themes or
experiences the children. If there is a saturation of the
teacher should be able to make a variety of activities.
b. Core activities
The nature of this activity is to enable the
attention, emotional and social abilities of children.
This activity consists of a variety of play activities
chosen and preferred by children in order to explore,
to experiment, improve notions, concentration, raises
self-reliance and creativity and initiative can help and
develop good work habits.
In this activity, the children are divided into
several groups, which means that at one time there are
some that do different activities. Activities that can be
done individually or independently.
c. Rest or meal
d. End activities
This activity is to calm the child and conducted
independently such as reading stories, singing, etc.
The event ended with a question and answer session
about the activities that have been implemented so
that children make sense of the activities carried out.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
During the teaching and learning activities take
place teachers should record everything that happens
both on the program of activities or the development
of learners. All teacher's notes are used as input for
assessment purposes.
2. Model self-learning
This learning model is a learning pattern where
in one class working on the same activities. The
earliest learning model used in Indonesia because at
that time the infrastructure is still limited.
3. The learning model is based on interests
a. Model learning area
Learning this area creates a learning
environment that builds a foundation of attitudes,
knowledge, and skills necessary to face the
challenges in the present and the future and is based
on the belief that children grow well if they are
involved naturally in the process of learning and
encourage children to explore, experiment, pioneered
and created.
2.1 Description Background
a. Background Research
Social situation have to be studied in this
research is early childhood Bungur Cijantung East
Jakarta. The social situation as an educational
institution is relatively simple to learn, because it
involves places that used objects in the learning
activities. During the study subjects were observed or
interviewed, while the social situation in question was
precisely about learning activity centers with
independent methods.
b. Data Entry
During the research is done, the entries as
ways and means to get into the background done
using formal and informal approach. This approach is
employed to facilitate researchers to gather
information and collect data relevant to the
completeness of the study. The formal approach is
done by asking permission to head Cijantung Head of
East Jakarta Bungur ECD. Permission was obtained
through chiefs of ECD Bungur Cijantung East
Jakarta, so researchers can play a role as part of a
social situation investigated.
c. Attendance Researcher
In gathering the data necessary to complete this
d. Data collection technique
To obtain a broad and deep understanding of
the problem issues this study, the data collection in
this study is done through two sources of data,
1. Secondary Data
Secondary data is primary data as supportive data
from the literature and documents and data taken
from the early childhood field Bungur Cijantung with
the problems found in the study site in the form of
reading materials, library materials and research
2. Primary data
Primary data is data obtained directly from
interviews obtained from sources or informants
considered potential in providing relevant
information and actual field. In the primary data
collection is done by:
a. Interview
This technique is intended to determine the
perception of respondents in the field of the problems
it faces. In this case, interview techniques used to
obtain the data disclosed directly from principals,
vice-principals, teachers, administrators and students
about their opinions on learning activity centers with
independent methods in early childhood Jakarta
Bungur Cijantung Tmur.
In order to the implementation of the
interview between the researcher can take place in
depth there are several things that have to do research
as follows:
First, interviews were conducted repeatedly
this was done because at the beginning of the
interview will usually discuss things that are
common, and the implementation of the next
interview will find information more detailed and
much-needed research.
Second, timing and implementation of
customized interview with the willingness of
respondents or informants, meaning that the
researchers first asked for confirmation by the
respondent and then climbed along with the
implementation schedule an interview. This needs to
be done to not interfere with the activity of the
respondents because if imposed will affect the results
of the interview.
Third, interviews were conducted with full of
solidarity and openness (partnership) with certain
limits so that the information can be revealed from the
respondents when it accounted for its accuracy. In
order to create an intimate atmosphere, the
researchers need to introduce ourselves as a well
convey intent conduct interviews while getting to
know the personality of the respondents so knowing
its properties.
Analysis Activities Learning Center in Development Students’ Self Directed Learning in Jakarta Indonesia
Fourth, the need to establish guidelines for the
interview with the intention that the interview can
focus on the data and information required although
it is possible in the implementation of the interview
material can develop according to the circumstances
of all stay focused on the purpose of research.
(Guidelines attached interview)
b. Documentation
In qualitative research, the data source not
only of human origin, but the document can also be
used as triangulation to verify the suitability of the
data. By examining the literature relating to the
problems examined will help sharpen the discussion
of research and acquired theories related to the
purpose of the study (Moleong, 2004: 330).
e. Data Analysis Techniques and Procedures
Data analysis is the process of compiling
data that can be interpreted as resulting from
qualitative methods is a form of words that do not
give any meaning, so it needs to be analyzed and
interpreted. "Data analysis is the process of arranging
the order of the data, organize them into a pattern,
category, and description of the basic unit. He
distinguishes the interpretation, which gives a
significant meaning to the results of the analysis,
explained the pattern description, and find the
relationship between the dimensions of the
description "(Moleong, 2004: 280).
In general, the process of data analysis used
in this study consists of the following three stages.
1. Data reduction, which is to write down all the data
collected and summarizes the baseline data.
Words other data already collected and analyzed
to find the things that are the focus of research.
2. Presentation of data or data display, which
attempts to present the data to see the whole
picture or a particular part of this study.
3. Conclusion, that conclusion is based on data
collected the data to always consider the validity
criteria, rehabilitation, and objectivity (Usman
and Akbar, 1998: 86-87).
This step is done in an effort to seek and find
the meaning of the data collected, by looking for
patterns of relationship, the equation of the things that
often arise.
f. Triangulation
The validity of the form of restrictions
related to a certainty that the measure really is a
variable that you want to measure. This validity can
also be achieved with the right data collection
process, one way is by triangulation process, namely
the combination of various data sources, energy
research, methodological and technical theory in a
study of social phenomena (Moleong, 2004; 330).
Triangulation method is one of the most
common methods used in testing the validity of
qualitative research. Triangulation method is based
on the philosophy oF phenomenology.
Phenomenology is a school of philosophy that says
that truth is not with the investigators, but the reality
of the object itself to obtain the truth, it should be
made use of Multi-perspective epistemology.
The function of the use of the method of
triangulation is to understand the phenomenon of
social and psychological construction is not enough
just to use one measure alone. Triangulation
emphasizes the use of more than one method, and
many sources of data including the number of events
that occurred.
Triangulation techniques most widely used
is the examination through other sources. In this
study, triangulation data is done in two ways, namely:
(1) triangulation with the source, means to compare
and check to return the degree of confidence the
information obtained through time and different tools
in qualitative research, (2) triangulation with theory,
i.e. comparing and examine the degree of confidence
with one or several theories.
Triangulation technique chosen in this study
because the author considers the triangulation allows
the author to obtain valid data from the research. In
addition, the best way to eliminate differences in the
construction of reality that exist in the context of a
study when collecting data about the various events
and relationships of the various views.
g. Place and Time Research
Location of the study was conducted at a single center
Bungur Cijantung namely early childhood, Pasar
Rebo. The consideration is that of some early
childhood education in districts of Pasar Rebo, early
childhood school is Bungur Cijantung builder and
most complete ingredients for implementing learning
BCCT or CENTER and fully utilizing BCCT
approach or CENTER.
Besides, the number of students was also quite a lot
and the schools in a strategic place which is located at
Jalan Raya Bogor, which is easily reached by the
public. When the study was conducted from June
2014 until July 2014.
K. Research result
1. Description of Research Sites
ECD Bungur Cijantung East Jakarta were
established in 2008 that consists of a group:
Playground and Kindergarten.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Facilities provided ECD Bungur Cijantung
East Jakarta, among others: a center of worship, and
other learning centers to develop the initiative,
creativity and potential of children.
The development and improvement
potential early childhood become the first
concentration ECD Bungur Cijantung East Jakarta.
Through early childhood Cijantung East Jakarta
Bungur build and develop a center of Early
Childhood Education (ECD). Improving the quality
of this group to be very strategic, given that this group
is the next generation who will be responsible for
development in the future.
Center Early Childhood Education (ECD) is
a place to play while learning which is designed as a
neighborhood such that the children can freely
develop their curiosity, doing various activities
themselves, play a variety of tools and media to learn
who is able to spark interest and curiosity, feelings
and skills so that children develop in accordance with
the level of development of their diverse and unique.
a. Vision and mission
Vision: ECD Bungur Cijantung East Jakarta is the
formation of a generation of quality and noble.
b. Mission
East Jakarta Bungur Cijantung ECD
developed the following mission:
1. Provide education and care to early childhood
care, especially among medium
2. Aligning education and care at home and in
3. BKB makes ECD Bungur as an institution
early childhood education quality, safe and
comfortable while keeping costs affordable.
c. Strategy
The strategy used in developing the Early
Childhood Education (ECD) Bungur Cijantung East
Jakarta are as follows: to grow, to develop, optimize
and synergize all intelligence and creative potential of
children in an integrated and sustainable through a
comprehensive program, creative, innovative and
productive as well as with synergize with all the best
d. Aim
Early Childhood Education Centers (ECCE)
Bungur Cijantung East Jakarta:
Cultivating love and devotion to God Almighty.
Developed six basic capabilities, flexible
thinking, divergent and convergent.
Fostering creative character, independent, and
able to lead yourself.
Developing character who is able to work together
in a positive and creative.
Developing the ability to think and act creatively
as well as the ability of high imagination.
Foster interest in the arts.
In this chapter, describes the discussion of
the results of research, in which the load on the
research conclusions, implications and suggestions.
a. Conclusion
Based on the research results can be stated
exposure to the following conclusion:
1. ECD Bungur Cijantung East Jakarta in order to
develop the child's ability to use the approach
Centers and Circles Beyond Time (BCCT) or also
called More About Sentra and current circle. For
ECD centers Bungur core activities are in
accordance with the procedure. While the
additional activity that the material activities
early, ate a meal with family and prayed many ' ah
and qiroati due to the implementation of learning
in early childhood Bungur integrated with Islamic
religious education and learning time longer than
the provisions of the safeguards knowladge
2. Behavior and basic capabilities which the child
after learning approaches in early childhood
BCCT East Jakarta Bungur Cijantung consists of
a). Category behaviors include: Moral and
religious values, social, emotional and
independence b). Category basic capabilities
include: language, cognitive, physical / motor, art.
The development of child behavior and
observance of basic capabilities integrated in all
activities both of the activities children welcome,
opening circles, materials morning, playing in
centers, family dining and reading.
3. The shortcomings of the approach in early
childhood BCCT East Jakarta Bungur Cijantung
a. Lack of administrative personnel so that the
teacher / educator duty not only to teach but also
carry out administrative tasks.
b. Learning with BCCT approach requires a lot of
Analysis Activities Learning Center in Development Students’ Self Directed Learning in Jakarta Indonesia
c. A progress report child called Progress report in
preparing the assessment indicators still overlap at
each center.
4. The strength or the advantages of learning
systems BCCT on ECD Bungur Cijantung East
Jakarta is able to enhance the children's creativity
by giving children the opportunity to play,
explore, and found that their activity will help to
solve the problem, through the center, children
can manipulate objects in centers that provided,
develop a conversation and learn to play a role
commensurate with the extent and the measures to
be desired and developing early learning skills.
b. Suggestions
Based on the conclusions and implications of
the research results, some suggestions put forward as
1. Socialization needs of childhood education early,
parents, communities, and institutions about the
importance of early childhood education for
children from age 0 to 6 years.
2. The need for a dialogical relationship between
teachers, parents organizers early childhood , in
order to avoid the imposition of the parents so that
children can read, write numeracy but learning in
early childhood education is to develop all basic
skills possessed child.
3. The need to enhance the ability of educators to
support the implementation of early childhood
learning in East Jakarta Bungur Cijantung.
4. The addition of personnel as the labor
administration in the implementation of early
childhood education at the early childhood
Cijantung Bungur is an urgent matter.
5. Needs to be revisited form of child progress report
to be presented effectively and efficiently
This is a qualitative research Given that more
emphasis on the process, then to other researchers
need to do similar research, that early childhood
education is to get a place good for policy-makers,
observers and public education.
c. Implication
Conclusion of the study that has been
described has a number of important implications for
efforts to improve the effectiveness of early
childhood education in early childhood Jakarta
Bungur Cijantung East in particular and early
childhood education in general. To the organizers of
early childhood education pay more attention toto:
1. Implementing learning by using BCCT approach
to develop the moral aspect, the value of religious,
social, emotional and physical independence and
cognitis / motoric and the arts.
2. Further enhance dialogical relationship with
3. To support the development of children learning
according to the need to increase the competence
of teachers/educators in sustainability.
4. Optimization of infrastructure facilities to support
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