which means greater than 0.05, so H0 is accepted, in
other words that the regression line between the
variable X1 and Y is linear. Values in column
Deviation fromLinierity Sig line is 0.083, which
means greater than 0.05, so H0 is accepted, in other
words that the regression line between the variable
X2 and Y are linear.
In the test results multikolinearitas in mind that
the results of Tolerance and the value of Variance
Inflation Factor (VIF) in each variable approaches
the number one. Based on the calculation results
obtained SPSS tolerance values of 0.835 and 1.197
VIF. So that there is no regression model
multicollinearity problem.
At this stage of hypothesis test obtained multiple
correlation coefficient independent variables
motivation (X1) and the Discipline of Learning (X2)
together on Learning Achievement English Reading
(Y) is equal to 0.545, this indicates that there is a
relationship being between the variables of
motivation (X1 ) and the Discipline of Learning
(X2) jointly against English Reading Achievement
The calculation of multiple correlation
coefficient significance testing can be seen in the
significant mark (a) on the RDI column of Table 4.6
.. From these calculations showed that the
correlation coefficient was significant, in other
words that there is a significant influence of the
independent variable motivation (X1) and the
Discipline of Learning ( X2) jointly against English
Reading Achievement (Y).
While the determination coefficient of 29.7%
indicates that the contribution of independent
variables motivation (X1) and the Discipline of
Learning (X2) jointly against English Reading
Achievement (Y) was 29.7%, the remaining 70.3%
for the influence of other factors.
6.1 Effect of Motivation and Discipline
Learning Together against English
Reading Achievement
The results showed a significant influence learning
motivation and discipline to learn together against
English Reading Achievement. This can be proved
by sig = 0.000 <0.05, and F count> F table, where F
count = 18.369 and F table = 3.101.
The learning achievement is influenced by
internal factors are factors that come from within the
students among others factors, intelligence, interest,
motivation, talent and external factors such as
factors of teachers, curriculum, and methods
pembelajran ,. According Sudjana (2010: 22),
academic achievement is the ability of the students
after receiving a learning experience. Furthermore
Wahidmurni, et al. (2010: 18) explains that a person
can be said to have been accomplished in the study
if he is able to indicate a change in him. Such
changes in between in terms of thinking ability,
skill, or attitude toward an object.
1. Readers who either hold a strategic role and
play an active role in the process of reading
2. Reading should occur in the context of
Motivation to learn is a process of
encouragement, direction and persistence of
behavior. In other words motivation as an energy
change in the person of a man marked by the onset
affective (feeling) and the reaction to achieve the
goal. Indicator motivation of students can be seen
through the following matters:
1. The motivation of self (internal) include
happy, achievement, compete, award
ideals/goals, excellence and
2. Motivation from outside the student
(external) include parents, family, friends,
teachers and the community.
Furthermore, discipline is an attitude, behavior or
actions of learners to undertake learning activities in
accordance with the decisions, regulations, and
norms set forth in writing, whether or not in writing
between learners and teachers in order to gain
mastery of knowledge, skill, and wisdom.
With the motivation and discipline of higher
learning owned by a student, then these students will
strive to achieve the highest achievement, including
the achievement in learning to read English. He will
try to follow each lesson well, always trying to
improve the knowledge, understanding, skills and
attitudes in the learning value that ultimately will
increase learning achievement.