Education and Enviromental Care: Study of Islamic Spiritual Group
J. M. Muslimin
and M. Muhlis Hoerependi
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Banten 15412, Indonesia
Keywords: Rohis, religious reading, reception, enviromental care.
Abstract: This paper presents the results of a case study on the reception of Islamic Spiritual activists (Rohis) on
religious reading material relating to nature. Rohis is one of the extra-curricular activities that is mostly
done in high school (SMA). This case study was conducted as a policy research at AMEC Bojongsari
Vocational School, Depok. The results of this study indicate that, Rohis activists prefer religious reading
that is easy to understand. They also tend not to have knowledge of the writers of the reading material
(including intellectual background and life), nor do they know the sources used as references in increasing
the love of nature and the environment.
Extra-religious organizations in Vocational Schools
(SMK), one of which is a Rohis organization
(Islamic spirituality), a student organization or a
student which is an extra-curricular activity at
school. Rohis is an Islamic da'wah organization
among students in a school environment. Usually
under the Intra-School Student Organization (OSIS).
Rohis is an institution to strengthen Islam. The real
Rohis function is a forum, mentoring, preaching, and
sharing. Rohis generally has separate activities
between male and female members, this is due to
differences between the members. Togetherness can
also be established between members with activity
meetings and outdoor activities. Rohis's main goal is
to educate students to become more Islamic and
know the Islamic world well. In its implementation,
Rohis members have advantages in delivering
da'wah and ways of getting to know God more
closely through nature with tadabur alam. Rohis
always brings his members closer to Allah SWT,
and keeps his members away from terrorism, heresy
and so on (Nugroho 2003). Rohis as an instrument
of Islamic education in the school environment has
now mushroomed in various schools.
This study focuses on religious reading materials
that are owned, read and used by Rohis
administrators or activists in Vocational High
Schools (SMK), by seeing their reception (response)
to religious reading materials and also seeing the
affiliation of thoughts and love nature of these
religious reading materials. This is in line with the
program to improve the quality of religious life
through religious education in schools. In addition, it
can also support the Renstra of the Ministry of
Religion in 2010-2014, especially for: (1) Increasing
the resistance of the people to the negative excesses
of negative ideologies that are not in accordance
with the noble values of the nation; (2)
Strengthening the role of religion in the formation of
national character and civilization; (3) Development
of inclusive and tolerant religious attitudes and
behavior; (4) Development of multicultural insights
on school students.
Youth Islam today is a picture of the future of Islam.
If the youth is good then Islam will be good in it. Dr.
Syakir Ali Salim believes that Islamic youth is the
foundation of the people. because of that the
existence is very necessary in society
“Then do you think, that we created you playing
(just) and that you will not be returned to us" QS. al-
Mu'minuun: 115 Because of this, Muslim
adolescents must be able to play a role in advancing
Islam, by preaching in various ways through this
Spiritual Organization, as the next generation of
Islam must be able to create a generation of young
Muslims who know about religion, know their God,
realize society Islam, recognize our Prophet &
Prophet and carry out his Sunnah. That is one of the
Muslimin, J. and Hoerependi, M.
Education and Environmental Care: Study of Islamic Spiritual Group at SMK AMEC.
DOI: 10.5220/0009918708510858
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 851-858
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
goals of the establishment of Spiritual Organizations
in schools.
Rohis is an organization that brings together
Muslim adolescents who are active in religious
activities for the same purpose & purpose, namely to
promote Islamic religion. This organization which
has a spiritual extension of Islam consists of a
generation of religious young people. To build a
creative and religious generation of Islamic Youth,
the Spiritual Organization is very suitable for youth
associations of Muslim youth who want to develop
their talents in the field of religion, especially in the
context of different ethnic and cultural diversity.
Rohis Senior High School and Vocational School
administrators are pioneers of change that are
imitated by students because they can balance the
mastery of science and technology and practice the
values of Islamic teachings in everyday life. So as to
form a representative and continuous Muslim
personality, so that Islamic symbols continue to
develop in a colorful and dynamic manner in
accordance with the times. ROHIS of SMA and
VOCATIONAL SCHOOL perIu developed Islamic
activities with a more attractive format, so as to
generate enthusiasm for all school community
members to follow.
ROHIS of SMA has a goal that is, among others:
Giving advocacy to the management of ROHIS
of SMA and SMK about management of
organizational management, so that it is able to
improve the quality and professionalism in
implementing the ROHIS program. Growing the
spirit of leadership and a sense of social care
towards a developing reality, both in the school
environment and in the community and the
government system in Aceh from home, village,
mukim, sub-district, district and province. Increasing
knowledge, skills, abilities and experience in
management management of Rohis High School and
Vocational Schools.
Provide insight and knowledge about the nature
of the redicalism in the name of religion and
formulating strategic steps to prevent the entry of
radicalism among the management and members of
ROHIS of SMA and SMK. Increasing commitment,
caring and togetherness in building the nation and
state. Get closer to Allah, obedient to worship and
have morality, karimah towards Khaliq and social
Problem Formulation Based on the explanation
above, there are several questions related to
research, including:
1. What religious reading materials are used
by Rohis SMK AMEC administrators?
2. What is their reception for religious reading
3. What is the affiliation of the reading
material in the mind map of the love of
nature and the environment?
Objectives and Uses of Research The purpose of this
study, namely: First, describing religious reading
material for activists of extra-religious organizations
in Vocational Schools (SMK). Secondly, explaining
the reception of student activists of the organization
to the reading material which focuses on the
interpretation and motivation of students towards the
choice of reading material. Third, it describes the
affiliation of reading material in a map of thinking
about the love of nature and the environment.
The usefulness of the results of this study is as
a policy material for the Ministry of Education and
National Culture, in this case the Directorate of
Primary and Secondary Education related to the
issue of religious reading materials that are used as
readings and references for extra-religious
organizations in Vocational High Schools (SMK), in
in providing guidance to the organization.
Framework for Reception Theories Reception theory
is one of the literary theories that approaches the
readers' opinions of a literary work, which is
interpretive and evaluates literary works published
in a certain time frame (Sudjiman (ed) 1990, 78, and
Zaidan et al 2004, 72). Ratna (2004, 165)
definitively presents a literary reception derived
from the word recipere (Latin), reception (English)
which means as acceptance or reception of the
reader. Analysis with reception theory is usually
included in the discussion of audience studies,
audiences, readers, which includes the motivation of
the audience or the reader in choosing or receiving
media messages or books (Vivian 2008, 438). In a
broad sense, reception is defined as text processing,
ways of giving meaning to the work, so that it can
respond to it. This is in line with the opinion of
Pradopo (1995, 206), that literary reception is
aesthetics (the science of beauty) which is based on
the responses or receptions of the reader to a work.
In this case, the reception aesthetics included
pragmatic orientation (Teeuw 1983, 59). If in
pragmatic theory, the position of the reader is also a
major study but things that are very different can be
understood from the reception theory. In the theory
of reception the reader is an active subject in
responding to and interpreting a literary work, even
though each person is different and each period is
different in responding to a literary work that is
precisely what is the basis, so that there are horizons
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
of hope and open space (Pradopo 1995, 207) .
Luxemburg et al. (1984, 64) distinguish between
reception and interpretation.
Research Methods This study uses a qualitative
approach with case studies (case study) and policy
research (policy research) (Sugiyono 2009, 6-7)
through several stages, including:
1. Location and target of the study: This research
was conducted in the city of Depok - West Java
with research targets in AMEC Vocational
2. Data collection In the data collection process,
researchers used the method:
First, interviews or interviews with administrators of
extra-religious organizations in the Vocational High
Second, direct observation; where researchers
immediately saw the activities of religious activities
carried out by activists of extra-religious
organizations in the vocational school, especially
mentoring activities carried out every Friday
Third, documentation; What is meant by the
documentation method is the researcher collects data
or materials related to religious reading material that
is used and read by the administrators of the extra-
religious organization in the Vocational High School
to be seen later the material contained in the book
that is useful in the process of data processing or
3. Data processing or data analysis In the process of
processing or analyzing data, researchers use the
reception theory to analyze data and information
obtained related to the responses of activists of
extra-religious organizations in the vocational
school. In the theory of reception the reader is an
active subject in responding to and interpreting a
literary work, even though each person is different
and each period is different in responding to a
literary work that is precisely the basis, so that the
horizon of hope and open space emerges.
Environment according to Islam covers all human
activities in the space and time. Space environment,
including earth, water, animals and plants and all
that is above and in the bowels of the earth, all of
which are created by God for the benefit of
humanity to support their survival. As a caliph,
humans are given the responsibility of managing the
universe for the welfare of mankind, because the
universe was created by God for humans. The
Caliphate demanded interaction between humans
and their fellow humans and humans to nature. The
Caliphate means guarding, maintaining, and guiding,
so that every creature reaches the goal of its
creation. In the framework of the responsibility as
the Khalifah of Allah, humans have an obligation to
preserve nature
Humans have an obligation to preserve nature for
the continuity of life, not only for humans but for all
other living beings. Human actions in the use of
natural resources are excessive and ignore the
principles of maintenance and conservation resulting
in degradation and environmental damage, which is
prohibited (haram) and will be punished.
Conversely, humans are capable of carrying out the
role of maintenance and conservation of nature
properly, so for him available reward rewards from
Allah SWT.
Humans in relation to God, also relate to nature
as fellow creatures of God. In dealing with God,
humans need nature as a means to know and
understand God (ie: nature is the verses of God's
kauniyah). Humans also need nature (for example:
food, shelter, clothing, transportation and so on) as a
means to worship Allah SWT. Human-nature
relations is a form of relationship of roles and
functions, not sub-ordinate relations (ie: humans are
the rulers of nature). Meanwhile nature also relates
to God who created it and arranged it. So nature is
also subject to the provisions or laws or qadar which
have been determined by the Most Preserving of
nature. So that humans can understand nature with
all its laws, humans must have knowledge and
knowledge about nature. Thus, human effort to be
able to understand nature with this knowledge and
knowledge is essentially a human effort to recognize
and understand what creates and nurtures nature, so
that it can relate to Him.
Nature is a gift of God that we must preserve.
We must be able to preserve nature so that it can be
enjoyed by future generations. Excessive
exploitation of nature can cause damage to nature.
As a Muslim, we must avoid these actions to
maintain the preservation of nature which is the gift
of Allah SWT. Islam is rahmatan lil alamin, whose
syari'at is not only for Muslims but for the universe
as a Mercy from Allah. Even the sending of the
Prophet is a mercy, as the word of God:
Education and Environmental Care: Study of Islamic Spiritual Group at SMK AMEC
"We do not send you, but to be a mercy to all the
worlds" (al-Anbiya: 107)
Imam Ibn Kathir said about this verse: "Allah
has told that in fact Allah has made Muhammad a
mercy to all nature. That Allah has sent him to be a
mercy to all of them. So whoever receives this grace
and is grateful for this blessing, surely he will be
happy in the world and in the hereafter, but whoever
rejects this mercy and opposes it, surely he will lose
in the world and in the hereafter".
This grace covers all. Including this nature, then
Islam teaches to love nature and protect it, and
forbids doing various damage on the face of the
earth. So from that God created humans as caliphs
on earth and all of them are forms in order to
worship Allah. Allah says:
"there was damage on land and in the sea caused by
the hands of men, so that God might feel for them
some of their actions, so that they would return (to
the right path)." (ar-Rum: 41).
Clearly this verse explains that the damage that
occurs on land and in the ocean is all caused by
human behavior. And God will bring bad
consequences to humans so that humans feel it, as a
rebuke so that people return to the right path.
Humans think how to dredge as much as possible
natural resources, if not they worry about running
out. Even if they find out that Allah is the Most
Rich, they certainly are not worried and will not be
greedy because God's wealth will never run out. But
all of that is human nature as the word of God:
"verily man is made to be complacent and stingy.
When he suffers trouble he sighs and if he gets good,
he is very stingy" (al-Ma'arij: 19-21)
That's the reality that I witnessed directly in my
expedition. So let us protect nature and love it as a
mandate from God for our Caliphate on earth.
Hadith about preserving nature:
"Love those who are on earth, surely everything in
the sky will love you"
"Whoever brings to life an earth that dies, then the
earth is for him"
The content of the above hadith is that the
Prophet Muhammad SAW through the Qur'an and
hadith taught us to pay attention to the continuity of
human life from its dependence on the natural
Islam is Diin the Syaamil (Integral), Kaamil
(Perfect) and Mutakaamil (Perfecting all other
systems), because it is a living system revealed by
the Knower and the Wise, this is based on the word
of Allah Subhanhu Wa Ta'ala: "On this day I am
perfecting you your religion and I am sufficient for
you to enjoy me, and I am pleased with Islam as a
rule of your life." (Surah 5: 3). Therefore the rules of
Islam must cover all aspects needed by humans in
their lives. Such is the high, beautiful and detailed
rule of the Maha Rahman and Rahim, so that it not
only includes rules for fellow humans, but also for
nature and the environment.
In the chapter, maintaining and preserving the
environment is cleanliness, loving all of God's
creatures. Cleanliness, is a mirror of one's faith in
the Creator. Love affection has become a basic
human need in our lives, we must also be sensitive
to the nature of the environment around us. We must
be able to bring it to life For the sake of our future
Conservation of nature and the environment is
inseparable from the role of humans, as caliphs on
earth, as referred to in QS Al-Baqarah: 30 ("And
(remember) when your Lord said to the angels," I
will make the caliph on earth. " ...). The meaning of
the Caliph here is: "someone who is given a position
by Allah to manage a region, he is obliged to create
a society whose relationship with God is good, the
life of the people is harmonious, and religion, reason
and culture are maintained" In addition, Surat Ar-
Rahman , especially verses 1-12, are extraordinarily
beautiful verses to describe the creation of the
universe and the task of humans as caliphs.
This verse is interpreted more specifically by
Sayyed Hossein Nasr, lecturer in Islamic studies at
George Washington University, USA. in his two
books "Man and Nature (1990)" and "Religion and
the Environmental Crisis (1993)", which are
presented as follows "...... Man therefore occupies a
particular position in this world. He is at the axis and
center of the cosmic milieu at once the master and
custodian of nature. But he is the vicegerent of God
on earth and the instrument of His Will. "It is clear
that the duty of humans, especially Muslims /
Muslim women on this earth is as caliphs (leaders)
and as representatives of Allah in maintaining the
earth (managing the environment). Allah has
provided guidance in the Koran about the
environment. Because of the time of contemplation,
only a few propositions were reviewed as the basis
for formulating theories about the environment
according to Islamic teachings.
The obligation to protect the environment is not
the responsibility of some or a group of people, but
all people or layers of society must participate in
taking care of the environment. Introduction or
socialization of the environment requires a particular
method or model as a way to understand, explore,
develop environmental morality, or can be
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
understood as a way to instill understanding of
environmental morality in a person so that he can be
a person who has friendly behavior and cares about
the environment. The implementation of this method
is based on the principle that environmental moral
teaching is delivered in a pleasant, joyful,
encouraging and motivating atmosphere. Some of
the models of socialization are providing insight into
the environment to future generations from an early
age. This is very important in shaping the behavior
of people who love and care for the environment.
Young children must be briefed or introduced about
the environment. Debriefing conducted by parents
and teachers must be able to seep into the hearts of
the children. As an example of socialization within
the elementary school, in the form of inviting
children to participate in tree planting or community
service to clean the environment. In addition,
children are invited to be able to love nature by not
throwing garbage or damaging plants.
Socialization through Islamic boarding schools,
namely in the form of debriefing about the
environment needs to be applied. This can be done
by inserting religious materials related to the
environment, so that the santri can better understand
the nature of the existence of nature for humans. It is
expected that from this activity the santri can
provide their knowledge in the community later
when they enter the community.
Providing seminars on the environment to
students. Providing briefings on the environment
through seminars is expected to have a positive
influence on them. Provide problems that have
occurred regarding the environment so that they can
think to find ways in solving problems regarding the
environment. In addition, students are also expected
to be able to form a group of nature lovers, so that
experiences on how to preserve nature can be given
to the community. Students can also hold tree
planting events together with the community so that
togetherness to protect the environment is getting
Incorporate problems and knowledge about the
environment as material in Friday sermons. This is
intended so that the general public has indirectly
gained knowledge about the environment. Besides
that the planting of religious rules regarding the
preservation of nature will be able to foster a sense
of love for society in the environment.
Islamic religion teaches 2 kinds of relationships,
namely vertical relationships (humans with God)
and horizontal relations (humans and humans).
Recently the Ministry of Environment and
Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia held a
National Consolidation event concerning the
Network of Community Organizations concerned
with natural resources and the environment with the
theme "Fair and Sustainable Community
Organization Towards a Sustainable Environment."
Participants from CSOs of environmental
communities and community members others are
related, such as WALHI West Java, Ciliwung River
Community, Cisadane Community and the Papuan
Indigenous Community Environmental Council.
We should take care of our environment. We will
not be able to survive without the environment and
all living things in it. Seeing environmental damage
everywhere, a group of people volunteered to form
an organization in an effort to protect the
environment so that it remained beautiful and
sustainable. The following are some Environmental
Lovers Organizations, including:
1. Greenpeace
This organization is based in Amsterdam,
the Netherlands. Currently its members have
covered almost the entire world. Greenpeace
is an environment-loving organization that is
very determined to fight actions that can
damage the environment. Not infrequently
they have to deal with a country's
government when fighting for its mission.
Greenpeace members are very brave. They
once intercepted a nuclear waste transport
ship using only a boat. They also often clash
with officials of a country during a
campaign or protest against a country's
policies that conflict with environmental
preservation. To get to know this
organization more, please open the website
2. Friends of The Earth International (FOEI)
FOEI is a federation that is engaged in
environmental conservation. This federation
consists of seventy countries. Similar to
Greenpeace, this federation is based in
Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The activity of
this organization is to pioneer the movement
of love for Earth as the only planet inhabited
by humans. FOEI invites the citizens of the
world to save the Earth which is currently
threatened by increasingly real damage. To
find out more about FOEI, open the website
3. World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
WWF is a world environmental organization
engaged in environmental conservation and
sustainable management of natural
resources. This organization often conducts
Education and Environmental Care: Study of Islamic Spiritual Group at SMK AMEC
research in the field of conservation as well
as efforts to protect the habitat of flora and
fauna. WWF which is based in Gland,
Switzerland also opens programs in various
world countries including Indonesia. The
address of WWF Indonesia is: Office of
Park A9, Unit A-1 Jl. Mega Kuningan
Jakarta 12950. Address the website at for Indonesia and for international.
Damage to nature in this world is like a boomerang
for humans, we are the ones who make this world
damaged, so as a believer, we must take care of the
environment properly.
The behavior of maintaining and preserving nature
according to the hadith above is:
1. Does not damage the environment around
2. Take care of the land to be fertile
3. Do not kill animals carelessly
4. Maintaining public facilities
5. Hold greening, etc.
The essence of all the information above is, we must
respect each other the creatures of Allah SWT. Do
not harm one another, love nature for our next
generation. Do not let our next generation not see
trees and animals
Religious Reading: Rohis Management
Reception It is undeniable that many Indonesian
Muslims understand Islam in the perspective of
naturalism. They use several ways to spread this
naturalism through cadre organizations, lectures in
mosques managed by their control, publishing
magazines, booklets and books, and through various
sites on the internet. As a result, Islamic naturalism
has entered most schools in several regions. If this
continues to be done, it can help in fostering an
attitude of tolerance among students that is in line
with the purpose of religious education itself. The
issue of what religious reading material is often read
and liked by Rohis administrators in the AMEC
Vocational School is that no one knows, even
though Rohis coaches do not know exactly and in
detail what readings have been read and are the basis
of the practice. Islamic teachings everyday.
The students understanding in the love nature
activities of SMK AMEC Depok district is very low.
Their understanding in participation in the activities
is merely for the fun. It is caused by several factors,
one of which is a protégé of consciousness itself
within the meaning of organizational activity love
nature and purpose are limited to participation on
refreshing and escape from family, away from the
parents. Planting educational values of Islam
through love of nature SMK AMEC District is just
giving material about a credible form of adventure
or adventurous sport outdoors; this is caused the
limited knowledge about the values of religious
teachings through love of nature and discourses on
the environment of Trustees. The other factor is the
background of Trustees itself rather than the
organization or the nature lovers of Trustees has
never participated in basic education about love the
nature and adventure.
Following this, the researcher presents several
books or readings that have been successfully
recorded through interviews with Rohis
administrators in AMEC Vocational Schools as
1. Make a Delivery, by Felix Y. Siauw,
Mizania publisher.
2. Yuk Hijab; Hijab Without Later, Obedient
But Later, the work of Felix Y. Siauw,
Mizania publisher.
3. Counteracting the Dangers of JIL and FLA,
by Hartono Ahmad Jaiz, publisher of Al-
Kautsar Library.
4. What Is After Death, the work of Husain
bin Audah Al-Awayisyah, publisher of
Darus Sunnah.
5. Revival of Freemasons and Zionists in
Indonesia; Behind the Damage of
Religions, by Herry Nurdi, publisher of
Horizon Publishing.
6. Malcom X: The Pastor's Child Who
Inspires Millions of People Find Islam, by
Riswan Permadi, publisher of Kamea
7. The Exemplary Story of the Heavenly
Woman, the work of Dr. Musthofa Murad,
Mizania publisher.
8. 10 People Guaranteed to Heaven, by
Abdullah Ahmad Aasyuur, publisher of
Gema Insan Press.
9. What is the Form of My Commitment to
Islam, the work of Dr. Fathi Yakan,
publisher of Al-I`tishom Cahaya Umat
10. Minutes of Magazine
11. Sabili Magazine
12. Al-Hidayah Magazine
The books or readings that were successfully
recorded through interviews with Rohis
administrators in AMEC Vocational Schools are as
1. Make a Delivery, by Felix Y. Siauw,
Mizania publisher
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
2. Yuk Hijab; Hijab Without Later, Obedient
But Later, the work of Felix Y. Siauw,
Mizania publisher.
3. Spring of the Arab World Revolution:
Success Story of the Freedom and Justice
Party, the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood's
Political Wing, the work of Abu Ghozzah,
Lc, the publisher of Gaza Maktaba.
4. Muhammad al-Fatih 1453, by Felix Y.
Siauw, publisher of the Khilafah Press.
5. Allow Me to Marry Without Dating, the
work of Burhan Sodiq, the publisher of
Gazza Media.
6. Don't be a Muslim Muslim, by Asma
Nadia, publisher of Lingkar Pena.
7. Beautiful Muslim Women Outside Inside;
Tips for Achieving True Beauty, by
Islahunnisa, publisher of Aqwamedika.
8. Not Dead Has Entered Heaven, by Shaykh
Abu Yusuf Syanib, publisher of the Sea of
9. 7 Wonders of Rezeki, by Ippho Santoso,
publisher of Alex Media Komputindo.
10. Exploring the Spirit realm, by Ibnul
Qoyyim Al-Jauziyah, publisher of Arafah
The board of directors who received the book above
really liked the material contained in the book, even
according to them, this book illustrates the events in
various countries of the Islamic resurgence for the
last time, the struggle of Islamic organizations in
various parts of the world especially in Arab
countries began to get very much recognition from
their respective nations. The material of the book
was very stressful and they said "it would be really
proud if we could get involved directly in it," in
Egypt the struggle of the Muslim Brotherhood to re-
enforce Islamic law is worthy of being followed,
starting with the struggle of Imam Hasan al-banna.
Likewise with the book by Felix Y. Siauw, namely
Udah Putusin Aja !. This book turned out to be not
only in the interest of Rohis administrators who
eventually would but the Rohis administrators who
were also interested in it. According to them there is
no such thing as dating in Islam, therefore dating
before marriage can be said to be adultery and this
book is very good because it is very in accordance
with the conditions of this modern age. Likewise
with the book Yuk Berhijab: Hijab without later,
obey but later. According to them the book is very
good because it invites women to hijab in shari'i.
Apart from the material contained in the two books
by Felix Y. Siauw above, they have their own
reasons why they are very interested and happy to
read the book. This is because the language and
words conveyed by Felix Y. Siauw are very easy to
digest by them, there are even Rohis administrators
who say they say "the words conveyed by him are
very satirical but immediately useful in everyday
life." also revealed by the board
The next book that is an inspiration for Rohis
officials, especially Rohis, is the work of Oki
Setiana Dewi entitled Sejuta Pelangi; Love Crafts
Oki Setiana Dewi. This book for them "contains real
life. Many stories that make us cry when we read it,
this book gives a lot of lessons, messages and
experiences that we can take. For them this book
"we can take lessons from Oki's experience.
Although the event did not happen to us, we were
made capable of imagining what would happen to
us. "After seeing the reception and interpretation of
Rohis administrators at SMK AMEC above, based
on Stuart Hall's theory of media encoding / decoding
reception, dividing the three positions of the reader
in reading and responding to the reading result,
namely dominant reading, negotiated reading, and
oppositional reading, the researcher concluded that
the reception or response from Rohis administrators,
both Rohis SMK AMEC, was in the dominant
reading category. This can be seen from their
comments and responses to the religious reading
material they read, all agreeing to the wishes and
messages conveyed from the author of the book
without any attempt to discuss what was read, or
even reject the meaning or reading offered, and then
determine the alternative frame itself in interpreting
the messages and the contents of the substance of the
book they read. This shows, that Rohis
administrators in the AMEC Depok Vocational
School studied need more comprehensive
information and knowledge about Islam, not
partially or partially. This requires us, especially
Rohis coaches and Islamic religious education
teachers, to be able to present a variety of books and
information about Islam from sources that are
believed to be comprehensive in the contents of the
material in the school library and give more intense
attention to the distribution of religious books across
the the ideology of Islamic teachings and the context
of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia which respects
differences in thoughts and ideas. Affiliations
Material of Religious Reading with Islamic
Thoughts and Movements in Indonesia Based on the
data obtained, the researchers classified the religious
reading material into two parts, first religious
reading material which was included in the moderate
religious reading material category and the second
Education and Environmental Care: Study of Islamic Spiritual Group at SMK AMEC
puritan religious reading material. The discussion
above is divided into two parts; First, religious
reading material and its affiliation with Islamic
thoughts and movements in the Puritan category.
Second, religious reading material and its affiliation
with Islamic thoughts and movements in the
Moderate category. The author found very few
books discussing love for the environment, nature
conservation and so on. Of the several books, novels
or the like have raised natural themes but are not too
detailed, they are just pieces of description that are
not very striking if they are used as a guide, and not
a clear guideline that must be followed by the Rohis
members who should have an attitude of love for the
Muslims are a people who are just and anti-
corrupt and acts that transcend the limits. Muslims
also oppose all liberal attitudes and neglect their
commitment to the values of justice and balance for
the benefit of the world and human glory. In relation
to moderate religious books above, it is in line with
the basic conception of moderate Islam in Indonesia.
The existence and presence of moderate nuanced
religious books are eagerly awaited and needed by
readers, especially readers among students in
providing an overview of how attitudes and thoughts
are in line with the values taught in Islam, and
exemplified by the natural role of the Prophet
Muhammad SAW in good moral form.
Religious reading material: Student Reception
In addition to using Islamic religious education
books as a daily handbook, Rohis SMK AMEC
administrators are also fond of and tend to read some
religious reading material, as contained in the
discussion above. From the book or reading material
data shows that the administrators at AMEC
Vocational School were "thirsty" for information
about Islam. So they find out about Islam from other
religious books.
Seeing the tendency of vocational school
students, both Rohis administrators and non-Rohis
administrators, the AMEC Vocational Schools must
provide religious reading books that are relevant to
vocational students in the school library, as
additional material and information for students
about Islam.
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