Modern Meanings of Dhahara al-Fasad:
A Case Study on Thantawi Jauhari’s Interpretation
over Qs al-Rum: 41
Kusmana, Muchammad Afifuddin
Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Jl. Juanda No. 95, Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan, Banten, 15412
Keywords: Environmental Conservation, Environmental Damage and Thantawi Jauhari Thought.
Abstract: This article discusses the interpretation of Dhahara al-Fasad mentioned at QS. al-Rum: 41, by Thantawi
Jauhari in relation to the discourse of sustainability. Known as a scientist, Jauhari can be considered as one
important figure who began making relation the message of the Qur’an to the progress of human civilization
scientifically. In spite of criticism over his works, his initial work on Qur’anic scientific interpretation is
undeniably paves the way to further progress. Using descriptive analytic method, this study examines
Thantawi's interpretation of Dhahara al-Fasad in relation to the discourse of sustainability. The data used in
this study were collected from his tafsir, books, articles and other relevant sources. This study finds that
Jauhari’s interpretation of QS. al-Rum: 41 signifies two important points to clarify the importance of
sustaining nature for human and universes. First: there is a positive relation between good and bad human
deed with its implication over nature. The environmental damage done by human brings about the growth of
microbes and viruses which carry the various diseases, in spite of the physical destruction resulted from
human exploitative deed. Second: the environmental destructions were resulted from human’s
unresponsibility, greediness and lust.
Conservation is an effort to manage natural
resources wisely based on the principle of
conservation (Large Indonesian Language
Dictionary, 2005). the environment in the al-Quran is
referred to as al-‘Alamin (Asy-Syinqithy, 1996), al-
‘Alamin in the Qur'an is mentioned 71 times is 46
connotes all species and 25 connotes humans (al-
Ba<qi, 1996), which means all objects, powers and
conditions of humans and other beings are
interdependent (Siahaan, 2005). Earth as a place to
live is always dynamic and constantly changing.
Changes can occur naturally and can also be caused
by humans.
The problem of environmental conservation is
basically an ecological problem. According to Walhi
Institute, the issue of environmental conservation has
now reached a state of danger status (Walhi Research
Results, 2017). Some argue that there are
fundamental issues that have been ignored in
understanding environmental issues, namely aspects
of spirituality (religion). Because in ecological
discourse as a scientific discipline, religion does not
get a place and space (neglected), religion should be
a reference approach in looking at ecological issues.
according to Hossein Nasr, religion has an important
role in helping to overcome the problem of
environmental conservation. For him, nature is a
symbol of God. Understanding this symbol will lead
to the existence and hospitality of God. Damaging
nature is the same as "destroying" God (Hossein Nasr,
Hasan Hanafi offers a solution to overcome
environmental damage through a religious approach
(human attitude towards nature) (Hanafi, 2001). In
fact, David E. Cooper and Joy A. Palmer agree that
spiritual insight into the environment becomes a real
need as an effort to preserve the environment and the
Earth planet (Mangunjaya, 2007). Basically, the
balance of the environment will be disrupted by two
factors. First, damage because of internal factors
(natural damage). Internal damage is difficult to
prevent because it is a natural process that occurs in
nature (natural events) (Wardhana, 1995). Second,
Kusmana, . and Afifuddin, M.
Modern Meanings of Dhahara al-Fasad: A Case Study on Thantawi Jauhari’s Interpretation over Qs al-Rum: 41.
DOI: 10.5220/0009919108780884
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 878-884
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
damage because of external factors, (due to human
activity). Damage caused by human behavior causes
an imbalance towards other living creatures, for
example, damage caused by industrial waste, smoke
pollution, littering etc. which causes a situation where
the condition of a habitat is not pure anymore, due to
the influence of various conditions on the habitat
(Khaelany, 1996).
Environmental conservation efforts in Islam
have actually been implemented at the time of the
Prophet Muhammad. For example, the Prophet had
taught the procedures for environmental conservation
through the concept of Hima<, which is a
conservation land which in contemporary terms is
popular with the term city park, open green park or
animal sanctuary. The area is not allocated as public
facilities for people, and not for exploitative purposes
(Ubaidillah, 2010).
Jauhari,(1870 M-1940 M) wrote al-Jawa<hir fi
Tafsir al-Quran al-Karim aiming at preserving nature
naturally. Everything is well organized and has an
extraordinary appeal to be noticed and uncovered in
secret (Thanta<wi, 1932). This encouragement
inspired Jauhari to compile a discussion that can
integrate Islamic thought with the advancement of
science. Because according to him, more than 750
verses of the al-Quran speak of science while no more
than 150 verses of the al-Quran explain the law (fiqh)
(Thanta<wi, 1932). This means that one eighth of all
the verses of the Holy Qur'an that encourage the
faithful to study, ponder, and investigate nature
(Qadir, 1988).
At least there are three basic things that need to
be noted from Jauhari's thoughts. First, his obsession
to advance the thinking power of the people. Second
, the importance of linguistics in mastering modern
idioms. third, his study of the Qur'an as the only
scripture that motivates the development of science.
In his al-Jawahir fi Tafsir al-Quran al-Karim,
Jauhari interprets the Qur’an by relating it to nature
and science. In so doing, he illustrates his
interpretation with photographs, images of plants,
animals, natural landscapes, and scientific tables in
order to provide realistic pictures and empirical facts.
Therefore, it is necessary to examine Jauhari’s
interpretation of QS. al-Rum: 41, because it is a form
of religious approach in dealing with environmental.
The study discusses how can Jauhari’s interpretation
of QS. al-Rum: 41 be relevant with the issue of
Mujiono Abdillah, in Religion of Environment
Friendly in Al-Quran perspective, discusses the
verses of the Qur’an that are related to ecological
issues using a hermeneutical method which integrates
the following aspects: technology, religious ecology
and spirituality (Abdillah, 2001).
Muhammad Ali Akbar, in Environmental
Preservation in Ibn Katsir Interpretation, discusses
Ibn Katsir’s view on sustainability issues. He argues
that Allah gives mandate to humans to prosper nature
by obeying the law and the provisions of Allah.
Human beings as well as other creatures have the
obligation to preserve the environment (Ali Akbar,
Agus Haryo Sudarmojo, History of Earth
“Revealing the Wonders of the Earth in the al-
Quran”. In his findings, Agus Haryo discusses related
to the natural sciences, an explanation of the process
of creating the earth, the structure of the earth and a
number of events related to land and sea areas that are
considered capable of being a reference to discuss the
structure of the state of the earth until a disaster strikes
the structure of the earth. All of them are discussed
with reference to the concept of al-Qur'an which is
assisted by the study of hadith and the science of logic
(Sudarmojo, 2013).
This library research treats al-Jawa<hir fi Tafsir
al-Qur’an al-Karim by Jauhari as the primary source,
and other relevant data sources as secondary sources
(Subagyo, 1991). The data collected ate grouped into
a number of units of analysis and presented as they
are found (Nazir, 2011). Having done so, the authors
discuss QS. al-Ru>m: 41 to identify points that are
relevant with the discourse of sustainability.
The approach used in this study is the semantic
approach. namely exploring the meaning of al-Qur'an
language which is associated with the use of the
language itself. From this meaning then the
relationship between verses and concepts is sought so
as to form a complete understanding of concepts and
interpretations (Izutsu, 2003).
Modern Meanings of Dhahara al-Fasad: A Case Study on Thantawi Jauhari’s Interpretation over Qs al-Rum: 41
4.1 Biography of Thanthawi Jauhari
Tanthwi bin Jauhari al-Mishriy was born in 1287
H/1862 M, (some say in 1870 M) in the village of
'Iwadillah, Province of Eastern Egypt. His childhood,
Tanthawi lived farming with his parents, but he also
studied in the kuttab (a kind of Qur’an memorizing
pesantren) in the village of al-Ghar, in addition to
studying with his uncle who was still of royal descent,
Syaikh Muhammad Syalabi. Thantawi was educated
at al-Azhar College and continued with secondary
education at government schools (al-Zahabiy, 2008).
At Al-Azhar University, Thantawi was met with
various prominent reformers in Egypt. And among
the many figures of the reformer, which greatly
influenced the formation of his personality was
Muhammad Abduh (author of Tafsir Al-Manar). For
Thanthawi, Abduh is not only considered a teacher,
but also as a dialogue partner. Because, Abduh's
thoughts greatly influenced the subsequent Thantawi
thinking, especially his knowledge in the field of
Thantawi love in the field of interpretive science
is proven by the emergence of an interpretive work,
namely Al-Jawāhir Fī Tafsīr Al-Qur'an Al-Karīm.
Because Thanthawi is proficient in the field of
science or science, the interpretation he produces is
even more knowledgeable (Tafsir of Ilmy). With all
his abilities, he tried to interpret the Qur'an with his
distinctive style which is indeed needed by all
Muslims in the present.
In 1889 M, Tanthawi moved to Dar al-'Ulum
University, graduating in 1893 M, At the Dar al-
‘Ulum University, Thantawi studied a number of
courses that were not taught at al-Azhar, such as
mathematics (al-Hisab), geometry (handasah),
aljabar, astronomy, botany ('Ilm al-Nabat), physics,
and chemistry (al-Kimiya '), after completing his
studies at the University of Dar al-'Ulum, Tanthawi
taught at the level of Ibtidaiyah and Tsanawiyah.
Then he taught at his alma mater, Dar 'Ulum. Besides
teaching, Tanthawi also actively writes articles that
always appear in Al-Liwa Daily, he has written more
than 30 titles, so he is known as a figure who
combines two civilizations. namely religion and the
modern development of socio-political thinking
(Aya<zi, 2007).
In 1912 M, Thantawi also taught at al-Jami'ah al-
Mishriyyah for the field of study in Islamic
Philosophy. There are two scientific fields which he
considers to be the basis for achieving the level of
scientific knowledge, namely interpretation and
physics. Thantawi has spent his age composing and
translating foreign books into Arabic, since he began
to become a teacher until retirement in 1930.
Tanthawi died in 1358 H /1940 M.
4.2 Creation of Thanthawi Jauhari
Thanthawi Jauhari is a modern exegete born in the 18
th century. He is very active in creating a work on
Islamic science. He is also a driving force figure who
once burned the spirit of Egyptian youth to fight
against European occupation that occurred at that
time. There are so many works that he has created
during his life, to reach approximately 30 title. And
among his most monumental works in his time,
namely al-Java hir Fi Tafsir al-Qur'an al-Karim. This
book is called monumental because it tries to awaken
the mindset of Muslims from static (classical)
thinking to more modern thinking.
Based on the literature contained in the Book of
Al-Mufassirūn Hayātuhum wa Manhajuhum by
Sayyid Muhammad Ali Iyazi, in addition to
producing extraordinary commentaries namely Al-
Jawāhir Fī Tafsīr Al-Qur'an Al-Karīm, there are at
least nine other works produced by Thanthawi
Jauhari, including:
1) Al-Jawāhir Fī Tafsīr Al-Qur'an Al-Karīm
2) Jawahir al-Ulum
3) Al-Nidhām wa al-Islam
4) Nahd}ah al-Ummah wa Hayatuha
5) Al-Taj wa al-Murassh bi Jawahir al-Quran wa al-
‘Ulum (Crown and Pearl)
6) Nidham al-Alam wa al-Umam Al-Qur'an wa al-
al-‘Ulum al-Ashriyyah
7) Jamal al-'Alam (Natural Beauty)
8) Bahjah al-'Ulum fi al-Falsafah al- 'Arabiyah wa
Muwazanatuha bi al-'Ulum al- 'Ashriyah (The
beauty of science in Arabic Philosophy and its
Postion in Contemporary Science)
9) Sawanih al-Jawhary (Valuable Opportunity)
10) Al-Musiqa al-'Arabi (Arabic Music)
11) al-Arwah
12) Aina al-Insan
13) Ashl al-Alam
14) Jawahir al-Taqwa
Among the various works produced by Thanthawi
Jauhari, the most phenomenal work is the
commentary called "Al-Jawāhir Fī Tafsīr Al-Qur 'an
Al-Karīm". Because in this interpretation it contains
various information in a more comprehensive
manner. In addition to presenting the interpretation of
the verses of the Koran in tahlili (explanation is
accompanied by analysis), the explanation is also
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
very good, which combines the interpretation of the
Qur'an with the explanation of modern science
Thantawi is also proficient in English, so not a
few of his creation (books) are translated into English
4.3 Environmental Damage in Jauhari
The Qur’an speaks explicitly and specifically
about environmental damage. Speaking of
environmental damage, the language used in the
Quran is fasad (damage) which is the antonym of
alah (benefit). Fasad (damage) according to al-
Afahānī, is something that comes out of balance both
in soul, physical, or whatever deviates from balance
(al-Afahānī, 2012). While Yusuf Qardawi
interpreted the facade as an environmental crisis that
could endanger other living creatures (Qardawi,
The word al-fasad (damage) has a general and
broad meaning, because in the sense of language can
mean "mentally and physically disabled, chaotic and
damaged perish". Whereas in terms of the term, al-
fasad is any action that is against establishment and
benefit. Interpreters give more varied meanings, such
as long drought, famine, barrenness, epidemics,
death, mutants (gene mutations), fire disasters, flash
floods, food and animal scarcity, trade stagnation, no
blessings, no benefits, natural disasters, colonized,
oppressed, and many more understandings in
accordance with the development of the history of
human travel (Sulaiman, 1997).
One verse that talks about environmental damage
using fasād is in QS. al-Rum: 41:
Meaning: it has been seen that damage on land
and in the sea is caused by the actions of human
hands, so that God feels to them part of their actions,
so that they return (to the right path).
The Qur’an informs that QS. al-Rum: 41 identifies
land and sea as the place of damage (Fasad). One
form of imbalance on land is that the air gets hotter
and it causes a long dry season. Likewise, some
Oceans have been polluted so fish die and sea
products are reduced. This makes the balance of the
environment disturbed. Ibn Kastir added that the
damage to the environment on land includes in the
City and Village areas, while the damage in the
oceans covers the areas of the islands. The damage is
caused by the hands of humans themselves and
should be a shared awareness and attention (Ibnu
Katsir, 1999).
Jauhari explains the meaning of the fasad
(damage) of the environment that occurred on land
caused by war and military aggression of the armed
forces of the fighter aircraft, while the damage in the
ocean was due to the war using warships using
missiles carried out by humans on earth actually
caused disasters human beings themselves and cause
environmental damage. For example, disposal of
company wastes without screening first, taking fish
using fish bombs which impact on the destruction of
ecosystems in the sea, namely destruction of coral
reefs in the sea (Thantawi, 1932).
environmental damage such as pollution in the sea
which in this case is part of the al-fasad, is a law of
nature where the cause and effect apply, and humans
who have caused environmental damage receive the
consequences of what they have caused
(environmental damage) is dead fish, and marine
products that can be consumed by humans are
Likewise with the explanation with Tantawi
Jawhari which explains that the danger posed by wars
involving many troops, and the use of modern combat
equipment such as combat aircraft, combat ships,
submarines and torpedoes. The use of these devices
cannot be separated from the danger of environmental
This was also reinforced by Quraish Shihab who
said that in warfare, it would cause crisis damage in
all fields, because humans save lives more and do not
care about the natural conditions. Land damaged due
to bomb use and security that is not conducive, makes
humans ignore environmental cleanliness. This
results in the dumping and accumulation of garbage
everywhere which eventually makes the nest of
disease-carrying animals (viruses) one of which is rat
animals. Because basically, the destruction of
ecosystems on land and in the ocean has a direct
impact on the damage to other species and
ecosystems (Shihab, 2001).
4.4 Factors that Damage the
There are two types of environmental damage factors,
first: human factors (Human Error). It is the damage
caused by human lust. One of the tasks of humans as
caliphs on earth is to be fair to others or to other
beings. Fair in the sense, when humans take
advantage of other creatures, it must give reciprocity
so that there is a balance between the two. Because
the truth between humans and other beings is
mutually necessary and interrelated between each
other (Mudhofir, 2010). If this justice can be achieved
then a new human being can be said to succeed in his
task as khalifah.
Modern Meanings of Dhahara al-Fasad: A Case Study on Thantawi Jauhari’s Interpretation over Qs al-Rum: 41
Second: natural factors, Jauha<ri explains further,
in that he explains the process of damage and
destruction in nature. It began with the growth small
animals such as microbes and viruses that carry
various diseases. They grow because of human deeds
such as throwing trash carelessly, exploiting nature
arbitrary, etc. Jauhari proposes alternative solution by
creating countermeasures and doing it patiently
(Thantawi, 1932).
Jauhari argues that the damage of nature lead to
the growth of small animals and these could cause
various diseases including:
1. Natural damage caused by rats
Jauhari explains that mice are disease-carrying
animals that should be wary of and should not be
underestimated. Because of that, mice, animal
could become enemy to humans. Natural disasters
caused by mice are disasters in terms of health.
Because mice live in dirty places, and come out of
dirty holes and go to where there is food and leave
bacteria in these food ingredients. According to
medical science, the bacteria found in rat feathers
are the most deadly types of microbes that cause
various diseases. The health academy in the UK
has determined that in fact male rats do marriages
in one year, giving birth to their children, their
children again and finally at the end of the year
can reach 10,000 rats.
2. Types of infectious diseases
Jauhari explains that there are several types of
diseases that are transmitted through water, food,
air, and fertilization. Infectious diseases are
caused by water and food such as; dysentery,
diarrhea, cholera, typhoid fever. Airborne and
contact diseases are typhoid fever, chickenpox,
measles, influenza, cough, depression. diseases
through mosquito viruses, insects and lice, for
example, malaria fever, and relapsing fever. There
are also diseases that are transmitted through
fertilization such as; red spots (fever accompanied
by red spots), puerperal fever, bloody poisoning,
Titanus, Leprosy. The protection of the disease is
by seeing the symptoms of the disease coming
from antibiotics. therefore, antibiotics or
vaccinations are manifested as protection for body
resistance from disease attacks.
a. Smallpox
Smallpox is a type of severe category of disease.
The microbial source of this disease is in the skin
hole, then transmitted through skin contact,
clothes, mattresses, and other furniture. Or
through the air with drafting and splitting.
Symptoms of smallpox are usually high fever for
2-3 days, vomiting, back pain, and often occur
spots on the fourth day. Symptoms of boils begin
to appear on the face, forehead and other limbs.
Then the boils dry and shrink and then begin to
disappear. The total period from the start of the
infection to healing is 14-30 days.
Chickenpox is not included in the type of
dangerous disease, but includes infectious
diseases. This disease can spread through other
clothes. The period of contracting is at least three
weeks (Thantawi, 1932).
b. Puerperal fever
Fever is a dangerous disease that attacks women
after childbirth. To keep from puerperal fever is to
maintain overall personal hygiene, and sterilize
everything used when giving birth. The
development of this disease is the entry of
microbes into the blood.
c. Measles
Measles is one type of disease that often occurs in
children aged 2-5 years. Symptoms of measles are
usually pain in the head and fever. Then after the
fourth day red spots appear on the face and body,
after which they will fade away on the seventh or
eighth day. And the pain ends with the loss of
peeling skin. And perhaps, continue until the
second, or third week. And the continuation of this
disease until healed at least until the third week.
d. Tuberculosis
Jauhari further explains that certain viruses and
bacteria can cause TBC (Tuberculosis).
Pulmonary tuberculosis spreads and spreads
through saliva. Prevention is done from
tuberculosis saliva. The spit when dry, becomes
contagious through air gaps. To avoid
transmission, the patient must spit in a special
container. If the patient spits on a handkerchief, he
must dip the handkerchief in boiling water or burn
it. And it is not permissible for tuberculosis
sufferers to sleep in the same room as healthy
e. Red spot disease
This disease can spread quickly and spread
specifically through the skin or something that has
been touched by the skin. This disease, seen 2 until 3
days after contracting the infection. The signs of this
disease are feeling cold, fever, sometimes vomiting,
redness, and pain in the throat. Fever and red spots
usually appear on the third or fourth day. In a state of
healing, precautions must be taken especially from
the weather and cold. Overall, the red spots will
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
experience shrinkage and will slowly disappear from
the tenth to the fourteenth day. This peeling continues
from one week to three or four weeks (Thantawi,
4.5 Relationship between Religion and
Nasr Hamid explained the main causes of the
emergence of an environmental crisis in modern
civilization while emphasizing the importance of the
formulation of a harmonious relationship between
humans, nature and God based on spiritual and
perennial terms. Nasr explained that in the view of
modernism, the cosmos or nature is only a collection
of inanimate objects (like clock systems and
machines), material that is lifeless, heartless and
worth nothing, except only the value of usability
economical. Nature has been treated by humans like
a prostitute who is exploited without the obligation to
be responsible for it (Hossein Nasr, 1980).
Mary Evlyn Tucker provides solutions in tackling
environmental damage by calling on religions to be
involved in saving the earth. Religion, according to
Evlyn, has five basic recipes to save the environment
with 5R, namely Reference, Respect, Restrain,
Redistribution, Responsibility (Tucker, 2000).
Likewise with Vasudha Narayan, he mentioned 3T as
the basic capital that can be a source of solving
religious-based environmental problems, namely:
Text, Temple, and Teacher (Narayan, 2000).
According to Nasr, the religious values and moral
wisdom he calls Ecotheology are very necessary to
maintain the balance and sustainability of the earth.
Nasr's invitation suggests that Muslims also
contribute their thoughts on environmental
conservation issues. This means that Muslims are
challenged to explore the formulation of concepts
main about nature conservation, expressing it in
modern ecological concepts in the form of works and
subsequently practiced as a moral guide in the reality
of everyday life.
The effort of understanding carried out by
Tantawi Jauhari on the verse ar-Rum verse 41 is
started from two books of Allah. Namely the book
written with its power, and the book that is delivered
to humans with His revelation. Surat Ayat ar-Rum
verse 41 is the revelation of Allah, while humans,
according to Thantawi Jawhari, cannot understand it
well except also study the book that Allah wrote with
his power which in this case is warfare, the use of
modern armed tools, and various disease outbreaks.
The reality approach with science as Thantwi
Jawhary referred to as "a book written by Allah with
his power" means that Allah has established natural
laws where when humans exploit nature, humans
themselves will be affected by natural disasters
because natural balance disturbed. Likewise with the
wars carried out by humans with their chemical tools
to eventually cause epidemics everywhere due to the
large number of areas destroyed by bombs and other
weapons (Thantawi, 1932).
Jauhari’s interpretation of QS. al-Rum: 41 is more
associated with the explanation of the outbreak of
diseases caused by damage to the environment. He
emphasizes one important thing, namely how humans
can preserve and conserve nature full of awareness.
One way to overcome environmental damage is to
seek the role of religion in internalizing religious
values in caring for the balance of the earth so that its
sustainability is always maintained.
We would like to thank you infinitely to our mentor
Kusmana who was pleased to research and revise this
article which is far from perfect, also thanks to the
JM. Muslimin who always motivated in writing the
journal, not forgetting, we also thank to Imelda for the
pleasure to edit this article well.
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