expected that there is no gap between education in
urban and rural areas.
Sixth, assistance to school. The objective of this
program is to help certain schools that need assistance
in terms of their building, learning equipments,
library, laboratory, and so on. However, RZ also
provides assistance for renovation of school if it is
“Senyum mandiri” (smile of independent)
basically is a program intended to solve economic
problem of society on the one hand and to reduce
poverty on the other (Rumah Zakat, no date f). This
program consists of three activities. First, small and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) directed to
underprivileged families. In this regard, RZ serves as
guide, mentor, assistant, or coach to run micro and
small businesses of society. This means that RZ
provides what the society needs to develop their
businesses. To some extent, RZ aids through capital
assistance and facilities in accordance with
beneficiaries’ needs.
Second, productive agriculture. This program is a
kind of program of empowerment intended especially
for young famers. In this regard, RZ facilitates
farmers in provision of means of production,
machinery tools, seeds and even helps them through
monitoring. The objective of this program is to
encourage the young generation to be active in
agriculture which finally will reduce unemployment.
Third, productive livestock. This program is intended
to help the cattlemen get additional income from
breeding through distribution of seeds and provision
of facilities.
“Senyum sehat” (smile of healthy) is a program
intended to improve public health of society (Rumah
Zakat, no date h). This program consists of free
circumcision for children especially from
underprivileged family. In addition, RZ also provides
assistance for society through direct aid, distribution
of fund to meet their health needs. Besides, this
organization also provides a free ambulance for needy
peoples. This ambulance serves delivery service for
people to and from hospitals, or even to cemetery for
the dead. Another service provided by RZ is free
clinic of health. This clinic gives general service for
needy peoples as well as health service for children
and mothers, including family planning, childbirth
and so on for free of charge. In addition, RZ also
provides aids of payment of health insurance for
underprivileged family at certain health clinics under
cooperation with this organization. The last is nutrient
garden which is intended to help people meet their
nutrition especially in terms of vegetables and fruits.
“Senyum lestari” (smile of sustainable) is a
program initiated to respond environmental issues
(Rumah Zakat, no date e). Through this program RZ
intends to improve environmental qualities and to
reduce social problems caused by environmental
crises. To realize this program, RZ carries out some
following agenda. These include independent
sanitation post, water and sanitation for all, water well
and trash bank. According to RZ, “senyum lestari”
can help people get so healthy environment and
atmospheres that ensure their life.
Two other main programs of RZ are empowered
Ramadan (Rumah Zakat, no date g) and superqurban
(super sacrifice) (Rumah Zakat, no date i). If the
former is conducted from the beginning of Ramadan
month until the end of it, the latter is carried out when
Adha fest comes. During Ramadan, Muslims are
obliged to fast from early morning and will break
fasting in afternoon. RZ takes this moment to collect
zakat fund and at the same time to distribute it through
breaking fast together, and aid the poor peoples. At
the end of Ramadan, RZ also takes this moment to
provide gifts for poor family in the eve of Id al-fitr.
On the other hand, when Id al-Adha comes, it is
usual for people sacrifice certain animals, especially
sheep and cow. The lamb and beef are then
distributed immediately to poor peoples. As a result,
the lamb and beef are out with end of Id al-Adha.
From this condition, RZ initiates to make this
sacrifice beneficial for long period, especially after Id
al-Adha. Instead of distribution directly, RZ makes
those flesh become cornet that will be useful in other
times when it is necessary.
3.3 Realizing Welfare through Zakat
So far we have discussed the role and programs
implemented by RZ. This section discusses the
relation of such programs to the concept of welfare as
recorded in the Act of Zakat of 2011. This act does
not stipulate clearly what it means by welfare, and
this leads to different understandings and concepts
among the boards of zakat.
Rather than discussing conceptual framework of
welfare, RZ puts emphasis on how such concept can
be realized. It can be seen from the programs that it
has conducted as have been discussed above.
Moreover, RZ prefers to refer to Sustainable
Development Goals proposed by United Nations than
to other references (Division For Sustainable
Development Goals, no date).
For example, in the field of education, RZ attempts at
meeting second goal of Sustainable Development
Goals. According to this goal, there are three aspects