babies" are born. After that the soldiers forced them
to marry rape victims. Another purpose of the crime
is as a form of dawn attack. Rape is a weapon to bring
down morals and weaken ethnic minorities. This
information shows the fact that the practice of rape
and various other forms of sexual crimes has become
a strategy to facilitate the "Burmanization" policy.
Rape is sometimes associated with forced
displacement, because in some cases forced
displacement is accompanied by rape. A report shows
the results of interviews with several women, who
claimed that they were forced to leave their homes
because they felt unable to deal with the crime of rape
by the army (Saputra 2010). Women involved in
forced labor practices are also vulnerable to being
victims of sexual crimes by the army (Ahsan Ullah
Morally, every human being as a part of civilized
humanity is obliged to implement the principles of
human rights, without exception the government of a
country. As affirmed in the 1995 Vienna Declaration
that is the duty of a state to respect, protect and fulfill
human rights (to respect, to protect, to fulfill),
namely: the responsibility to respect human rights is
the responsibility of the state to take policies that save
human rights ; the responsibility to protect human
rights is the responsibility to prevent, stop and punish
any human rights violations; while the responsibility
to fulfill human rights is the obligation of the state to
carry out, provide, guarantee every human rights
through its actions and policies (Saraswati and Basari
The World Conference on Human Rights
condemns these disgusting practices, and repeats the
call for criminals to be punished. Crimes based on sex
and all forms of sexual violations and harassment,
including those that occur because of cultural
prejudice and international trade, are not in
accordance with the dignity and dignity of a human
being and must be abolished. The World Conference
on Human Rights also reaffirms the earnest
commitment of all countries to fulfill their obligations
to promote respect, obedience and universal
protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms
for all people, in accordance with the United Nations
Charter and other instruments relating to human
rights in international law (United Nations
Departemen of Public Information 1993).
In various environments in the community and in
the family, women's position becomes unsafe in
enjoying comfort and peace. The phenomenon of
violence against women is a manifestation of the
historical inequality of power relations between men
and women which has resulted in domination and
discrimination against women (Yuliatiningsih 2013).
This is certainly disapprove the provisions stipulated
in the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights (ICCPR), that:
Article 2: 1. Each State Party in the present
Covenant promises to respect and guarantee the rights
recognized in this Covenant for all persons within its
territory and comply to its jurisdiction, without any
distinction such as race, color, sex, language ,
religion, politics or other opinions, national or social
origin, wealth, birth or other status.
Article 7: No person can be subjected to torture or
other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or
The 1949 Geneva Conventions and the Additional
Protocol to the Geneva Conventions place non-
combatants to be given the right to avoid physical,
mental, torture and rape violations. This is very
different from what is experienced by Rohingya who
suffer from torture, rape and various types of violence
in Myanmar. The Myanmar government has actually
violated the principle stated in the convention. In
addition, to protect human rights, the United Nations
also adopted a number of international conventions
and agreements. Some of them are the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the
International Covenant on Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights, the International Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination,
and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) (Zada
2017). In particular, the Geneva Convention affirms
that women must be protected from attacks of rape,
forced prostitution and other forms, even though there
is no further protection against victims of sexual
violence (Wahid and Irfan 2001).
During this time, in its handling, rape became one
of the indications and evidences on the lack of
protection of women's human rights from acts of
sexual violence. Since December 10, 1948, the
United Nations has established guarantees for the
protection of human rights, especially the protection
of individuals against the arbitrariness of the state
((KDT) 2000). The Universal Declaration of Human
Rights (UDHR) is a key element of the protection of
human rights. Article 2 of the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights has affirmed that:
"Everyone has the right to all the rights and
freedoms undermentioned in this declaration with no
exceptions, such as differences in race, color, sex,
language, religion, politics or other views, national or
social origin, rights property, birth or other position.
Furthermore, there will be no distinction based on the
political, law or international position of the country