1. Creating standards to conclude Pancasila and
reviewing legal products; and
2. Establish an institution which review and create
concrete values of Pancasila in forming
The actualization phase is carried out in the form
1. Internalization the values of Pancasila as a
philosophical foundation in the formation of
legislation at the drafting of regulations; and
2. Conduct Executive Preview before the enactment
of the legislation (especially for Local
Strengthening the value of Pancasila in the formation
of legal justice is based on philosophy, ethos, soul,
and the spirit of Pancasila. The process of these
precepts is increasingly meaningful when followed
by the appearance of policies and concrete actions
along with real action practices. The strengthening of
Pancasila is not just a process of one precept from
Pancasila, but it must always be done all together in a
complete manner. The whole process of the Pancasila
principles must also be grounded to jointly strengthen
and complete inter-precepts, and in the plan to create
cohesiveness of the Pancasila precepts. If the
Pancasila process is only one precept, especially if the
precepts are not in the framework of encouraging and
animating the different precepts, the process of one of
the precepts actually loses its meaning on the doctrine
of Pancasila.
This article is intended to be obtained argumentation
academically through the ideal concept of Pancasila
as a testing tool of forming regulation. Support from
Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat and Faculty of
Law Jenderal Soedirman University is gratefully
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