Furthermore, the fourth paragraph of the Preamble
“Subsequent thereto, to form a Government of the State
of Indonesia which shall protect the whole Indonesian
nation and the entire native land of Indonesia and to
improve the public welfare…”
In addition, Article 27 paragraph (2) and Article 28D
paragraph (2) of the Indonesia Constitution stipulate
that every citizen has the right to work and to earn a
humane livelihood as well as to receive proper
remuneration in employment. These conditions can
be fulfilled if they receive fair and decent
compensation and treatment in the employment
relationship. Thus, it is the responsibility of the state
to carry out its duties to fulfill people’s welfare as a
mandate of the Indonesian Constitution to the
government in implementing the concept of the
welfare state.
In addition, the right to work that provides a decent
living is also recognized in the International Covenant
on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ECOSOC)
adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on
December 16, 1966 after the International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Indonesia is a
state party to these two International Conventions.
Therefore, in implementing the mandate of the
Constitution and international conventions contained
in various legal products that aim to improve the
welfare and happiness of the people, the
Constitutional Court examines the constitutionality of
law so that harmony and realization of the people’s
welfare can be achieved. The decision of the
Constitutional Court has indirect implications for
maintaining and improving the people’s welfare
because some of the Constitutional Court decisions
still require implementing rules or follow-up from the
parties concerned, particularly the government and
the parliament.
The Constitutional Court decisions as analyzed above
are a form of protection for the people that the right
to welfare is constitutionally guaranteed by the
Constitution. In accordance with the Roscoe Pound’s
theory, the decisions have become a tool of social
engineering in maintaining and improving the
people’s welfare as well as in realizing the concept of
a welfare state (welvaartstaat) in Indonesia.
In order to implement the general aims of the state in
promoting prosperity, the Constitutional Court has
the primary function as the guardian of the
Constitution. The Court carries out its role through
decisions in exercising social engineering to improve
the people’s welfare, as follows:
First, revoking provisions regarding the expiration to
receive pension fund for retirees. In the previous
provisions, there was a limitation of time for five
years to take the right of a pension fund. After the
Constitutional Court declared a relevant decision, the
restriction is no longer valid. Thus, if there is a delay
in taking pension fund, it shall not reduce the right to
fulfill a decent and fair livelihood for retired civil
servants. Second, there is a legal certainty for workers
or laborers in obtaining salary in accordance with the
minimum wage to meet the needs of a decent life.
Payment of the minimum wage can also not be
suspended anymore by the company. Thus, workers
and labours will get a minimum wage on time to
finance their living needs. Third, a new legal policy
has occurred that the payment of severance pay does
not have an expiration date. It means that workers and
labours who have been laid off can apply for and
receive severance payments over two years after
being dismissed.
With those Constitutional Court decisions, it is
expected to improve the standard of living of workers
and laborers as well as to ensure the welfare of
retirees. With the revocation of the time limit for
receiving the payments, it will provide more
guarantees on the fulfillment of basic needs for
workers and retirees. The decisions are also in line
with the International Covenant on Economic, Social
and Cultural Rights that has been ratified by the
Indonesian government. Article 6, Article 7 and
Article 11 of the Convention state that the state
recognizes the right to work and the right to enjoy and
favorable conditions of work, as well as further
recognize rights to an adequate standard of living.
With the attainment of legal certainty for workers or
labours in obtaining minimum wages, it can directly
improve their welfare in meeting basic needs that
include food, health, housing and education. These
needs are also in line with the mandate of the
International Labor Organization (ILO) Conference
in Geneva 1976, which revealed that the concept of
basic needs covers two things, namely: (1) minimum
consumption for families, such as food, clothing,
housing, education and health; and (2) public services
for the general public, such as clean water, and
transportation (Tjokrowinoto 1987).
This article has analyzed several decisions of the
Constitutional Court which have implications for the
people’s welfare in Indonesia, particularly in terms of
fulfilling the right to a pension fund, a minimum wage,
and severance pay for retirees and workers. Therefore,
workers and labours can meet the needs of a decent