prosperous society, which was weak in the way of
raharja, because the final manifestation of the
intended national community was clearly intended as
a society containing complete characteristics of
justice and prosperity. which includes legal,
economic, political, socio-cultural, and moral justice.
The meaning of constructing the value of
Pancasila manifests itself in the value of social
justice, therefore Sukarso (Sukarson 2017) argued
that if the economic understanding literally connotes
how limited resources can be used optimally, then
economic policies tend to be related to the issue of
distribution and allocation of benefits for the
Indonesian people. Therefore, economic policy must
be appropriate and not in conflict with the value of
social justice for all Indonesian people based on the
values of divinity, humanity, unity and popularness.
There are American scientists, not Indonesians who
have Pancasila, who may not know about Pancasila,
phenomenally say that the important government
(State Administration) task is not to find effective and
efficient ways or fulfill the choices of its citizens but
how to create social justice for its citizens. This idea
is known as the New State Administration, but
unfortunately there are less followers, even in
Indonesia, because it may not be fundamentally
compatible with liberal-capitalist thinking.
Pancasila economics should save Indonesian people
from poverty, the trade mafia, and not just save the
capital / investment. The Indonesian Economy Must
be able to reaffirm the spirit of contradiction that
requires the state to be responsible for public welfare.
Basically, there are several principles that must be
elaborated in the Pancasila economic system
including: (1) the party who controls the lives of
many people is the state/government; (2) The role of
the state is important but not dominant, and so is the
role of the private sector whose position is important
but does not dominate. So there is no condition of the
liberal economic system or command economic
system. Both parties, namely the government and the
private sector, live side by side, side by side
peacefully and support each other. (3) The
community is an important part in which production
activities are carried out by all for all and led and
supervised by members of the community. (4) Capital
owners do not dominate the economy because it is
based on the principle of kinship among human
beings. (5) Social justice is a joint commitment in
implementing the country's economy based on
equality and mutual welfare.
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