New Construction Actualization of Value of Pancasila in Economic
Policy Formulation
, Kadar Pamuji
and Siti Kunarti
Departement of Public Administration, Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto, Indonesia
Department of Law, Jenderal Soedirnan University, Purwkerto, Indonesia
Department of Law, Jenderal Soedirnan University, Purwkerto, Indonesia
Keywords: new construction, policy formulation, pancasila economy
Abstract: Countries with extractive, exploitative and authoritarian political systems have failed to overcome poverty
and create prosperity for their citizens. On the other hand, countries that succeed in overcoming poverty if the
country has a competitive economic institution, an open and pluralist political system. Indonesia with a
Pancasila economy is faced with global challenges and a capitalist economic system that dominates the world
economy. The Pancasila economy which originates from the value of local wisdom is ineffective and fails to
overcome the nation's economic problems. The purpose of this research is to explain and analyze the value of
Pancasila which can be actualized in the formulation of economic policies that favor the people's economy.
Research methods with qualitative methods through in-depth interview approach to populist economic actors.
The results of the study show that Pancasila economy has basic values of people's economy with a family
spirit, collaboration is just a concept that is difficult to implement. The role of state actors and the economy
is still not optimal, and there is no political commitment in formulating the Pancasila economy in the
formulation and implementation of the overall national economic policy.The abstract should summarize the
contents of the paper and should contain at least 70 and at most 200 words. It should be set in 9-point font
size, justified and should have a hanging indent of 2-centimenter. There should be a space before of 12-point
and after of 30-point.
Indonesia is a country that has the honorable goal
which is stated in the opening of the 1945
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The aim is
to promote public welfare, educate the life of the
nation, and participate in carrying out world order
based on independence, everlasting peace and social
justice (UUD 1945). This honorable goal has become
the thought and hope of the nation's founding fathers,
especially in realizing the value of social justice for
all Indonesians. The value of social justice as a form
of derivation from the values of divinity, humanity,
unity, becomes integrated in the implementation of
social justice to achieve general welfare. This means
that the direction and purpose of the nation must
achieve justice for all its people. Likewise,
development will succeed if there are no more gaps
and injustices in various aspects of life. The
Introduction should give a short overview of previous
studies avoiding a detailed literature survey or a
summary of the results; it should state clearly the
object of the work and highlight its significance.
The history of the Indonesian nation's journey
shows that there is still a problematic problem of
inequality and a sense of justice in enjoying the
results of development, not only during the Old era,
but in the era of the New Order and the reformation
of the gap problem, there were still obstacles in
realizing the ideals of the Indonesian people. One
issue of inequality is regional imbalances. To date the
issue of regional disparity has centered on the gap
between villages and cities, between Eastern
Indonesia and Western Indonesia, and between Java
and outside Java. (Saratri Wilonoyudho 2009)
In addition to regional gaps, the economic gap
widens, data in March 2016 Indonesia's population
below the poverty line reaches 28.01 million people
or 10.86% this figure is still slightly better than the
September 2015 data which reached 28.51 million
people or 11.13% poor. In March 2017 the number of
poor people, population with per capita expenditure
Tobirin, ., Pamuji, K. and Kunarti, S.
New Construction Actualization of Value of Pancasila in Economic Policy Formulation.
DOI: 10.5220/0009920509370941
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 937-941
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
per month below the Poverty Line) in Indonesia
reached 27.77 million people (10.64 percent of the
total population), this number increased 6.90
thousand people compared to the conditions
September 2016 which amounted to 27.76 million
people (10.70 percent)
Ironically, Indonesia is a country that has rich
natural wealth but its people are poor, more
concerned about only a handful of people who have
abundant wealth. Oxfam's data showed that the
results of development are only enjoyed by a handful
of the rich and the rest are contested by some poor
people, the wealth of the four richest people in
Indonesia is equal to the wealth of 100 million poor
people. This shows a very real gap. If this is left
unchecked it will cause the impacts that can be
caused, namely: 1) the occurrence of economic
inefficiency, especially in the absence of collateral, 2)
causing inefficient asset allocation, and 3) weakening
social stability and solidarity. Another consequence
of the problem of inequality is closely related to the
problem of poverty. The portrait of poverty is very
contrasting because some people live in abundance,
while some lives in deprivation. Wealth for some
people means poverty for others. The substance of the
gap is the inequality of access to economic resources
and a sense of justice with social problems (Syawie
Another fact is the mandate of Article 33
Paragraphs (2) and (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the
Republic of Indonesia which clearly states that
production branches which are important for the State
and which control the livelihood of the public are
controlled by the State. The earth, water and natural
resources contained therein are controlled by the State
and used for the greatest prosperity of the people. In
fact, the conditions are different from the goals and
ideals of the Indonesian people that have been
mandated together in the constitution. Natural
resources are heavily exploited by foreigners.
Countries such as the United States, Britain, China,
the Netherlands, Japan, France and others control and
exploit natural resources in the name of investment.
Foreign companies such as Freeport, Exxon Mobile,
Newmount, Shell, Petrochin exploit Indonesia's
natural resources massively without thinking about
the usefulness and sustainability of sustainable nature
and the prosperity of the surrounding area.
Problems are increasingly complex in line with
the spirit of globalization and free markets which are
colored with concrete forms, namely joint, regional
and international markets. The free market is a
hallmark of economic globalization that requires
economic activity to be left to the rules that have been
jointly determined through agreements between
countries both within the regional and international
scope. The rules and collective agreements require
that inter-state policies in the economy have no
discrimination, especially in trade through export-
import between countries. The economic system is a
necessity for the state to carry it out, the attachment
to market freedom is sometimes not present to
regulate the economy based on a common welfare
orientation. Globalization in the economic field will
create interdependence in the process of production
and marketing, and in the field of politics create
liberalization. (Nugroho, 2001)
This global problem demands the Pancasila
economic system which is the identity of the nation
faced with various problems. Indonesia's economic
system is between the interests of the liberal capitalist
and socialist economics, at this time it tends towards
liberal capitalism because the role of the state is
limited to the night watchman. The state has
withdrawn from its duties and responsibilities in
carrying out the mandate of Article 33 of the
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945.
This fact is seen by the exercise of strategic natural
resources owned by foreigners, the gap and poverty
are increasingly sharp. Besides that, the task of the
state in providing protection to the poor is
increasingly questionable, subsidies are withdrawn,
the cooperative economic economy does not get an
appropriate portion in economic policy, privatization
becomes an unhealthy SOE solution.
This fact provides a signal to revitalize the
economic role of Pancasila with the principles of
kinship, togetherness and prosperity. Pancasila
economy is not only a guide star but is able to be
realized in strategic steps in the formulation of
economic policies. Therefore, it is imperative to
formulate Pancasila economics philosophically,
operational practices become joint demands.
This study uses a qualitative approach that is
about the researchers beliefs based on research
experience and the nature of the problem. As a
research with qualitative methods, this research
explores data from the perspective of research
subjects. Researchers place research subjects as
individuals who know best about the problem.
Researchers also place themselves as neutral figures
who do not have special alliances with certain parties
and are not related outside settings that might
interfere with the subject. Researchers protect
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
research subjects to develop trust and feel easy with
the presence of researchers, so that familiarity with
them can be maintained. This is considered important
by researchers to explore all the information needed.
Data is processed in a reflective manner by
researchers, especially by researchers who are
directly involved in data collection with the
informants studied. Data that has been collected is
then compiled and examined. If it is not sufficient, the
data is added by plunging back into the field as
needed. Adding data can still be done when a lack of
data is identified during analysis or report writing.
This is possible especially if the data is qualitative
data. (Bungin 2001).
Changes to an economic system that matches the
honorable values possessed by the civilized
Indonesian people, the existence of honest,
democratic and open People's Economic Ethics,
which emphasizes collective action and cooperation,
are the key to health and national economic recovery
from prolonged crisis conditions. This is the national
development moral that believes in the strength and
resilience of the nation's own economic togetherness
and religion. (Supriyanto 2009)
The hope to return to the economic system that is
based on the values and culture of the local
community, namely Pancasila, is faced with crucial
problems and challenges. Suroto (Suroto 2017) gave
opinion that the reformation era is going on with a
strong effort to overcome the economic crisis.
Previous economic models oriented to state
capitalism (state-led capitalism) experienced
increasingly drastic changes to capitalistic market-
leadership orientation (market-led capitalism) to be
compatible with free markets. National economic
policies ultimately subject to the rules of the game
"Washington Consensus" sponsored by the United
Kingdom and America with its Trimatrices:
liberalization, deregulation and privatization.
The Indonesian government must accept various
multilateral free market policies and remove all
regulatory barriers for the free flow of capital, goods
and services. The government was also forced to
privatize various national business entities and
natural resources. The process of political
consolidation occurs with various policy
compromises which must be "friendly" to market
interests. The position of the state becomes sub-
ordinate towards the global market. Market
leadership that subordinates the state and society
determines the pattern of economic policy that places
the state in a position as a "night watchman" to
become a "janitor". This was marked by a large fiscal
allocation policy to bail out the crisis of banking due
to the conjunctural economic crisis with the release of
a bail-out through the Bank Indonesia Liquidity
Assistance scheme (BLBI) which left a problem until
now. The total state losses and the restructuring costs
of banking from 1997-2004 to 640.9 trillion if
calculated by the growing exchange rate, the current
value is approximately 2000 trillion rupiah (Fitra
2017). Then the privatization of various natural
resources, state-owned enterprises was marked by the
signing of the new SOE Law, the Investment Law and
the Coal Mineral Act, the Banking Act, and others
that have been separated from national interests. It
can be seen how many economic laws were annulled
through Constitutional Court decisions such as Water
Law, Electricity, Cooperatives and others which are
essentially considered unconstitutional
In the end, Indonesia is fully entered into the trap
of constant economic growth with increasingly
worsening conditions facing natural resources and
ecological crises at the same time. The quality of our
economic growth not only does not show economic
injustice, but also only relies on consumption factors
supported by food imports. The domestic economy,
especially our food and energy sector, has become
neglected and we suffer from dependence on the
extractive economic sector which is highly dependent
on international market fluctuations and at the same
time the oligopoly of international economic actors.
The people's economic valve is increasingly open
and sucked into the tertiary economic sector,
especially the banking sector. While our banking
regulations are listed as the most illegal in the world
by allowing foreign investment up to 99 percent. The
contribution of economic growth from the
consumption sector to 70-80 percent which is more
dependent on finished food importation, so that what
Bung Hatta warned in 1931 became a reality, we have
made the economy which should be the peak of the
base and the base being the peak.
At the present, even our fiscal conditions are
vulnerable because they are always in the threat of
short fall or not achieving tax targets. Moreover,
because of the high social burden of social spending
for the provision of education, health costs and so
forth. Then, the strategy to swell the debt is the
solution. Increasingly swollen debt to cover the fiscal
New Construction Actualization of Value of Pancasila in Economic Policy Formulation
deficit and pursue the ambition of infrastructure
development which is actually a supporting factor for
the smoothness of foreign investment whose dividend
costs are greater than the benefits we receive.
The amount of our debt until July 2017 has
reached 3,672.33 trillion rupiah. A drastic increase
occurred during the Jokowi-JK Government which
was only 2.5 years old amounting to 1,067.4 trillion
rupiah. That means if divided by our population of
259 million people (Susenas 2010), it means that
approximately every person and including a newborn
baby must bear a debt of 16 million rupiah. Our
maturing debt in 2018 is 810 trillion and if we cannot
reschedule then we will experience the threat of
bankruptcy and can lead to the emergence of political
turmoil that can be out of control.
Average Economic growth in the decade is 5.6
percent and the annual Gini Ratio continued to
increase from 0.33 in 2004 to 0.41 in 2013, and it was
the highest income gap figure since Indonesia's
independence. According to the World Bank (2016),
as much as 0.02 percent of the total population
controls our total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) up
to 25 percent and 1 percent of the total population
controls 52.3 national total assets. According to data
from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), currently
87 percent of our land is controlled by only 0.2
percent of the population. One person can control a
land of up to 5 million hectares while many people
call themselves citizens but do not have complete
land as well. Our society is not only separated from
the land where they grow to survive (subsistence), but
has been included in the dependence on the imported
food cartel mafia.
Problems and facts about the Indonesian economy
lead to capitalist interests becoming increasingly
thick with liberal economic policies. The
responsibility of the state in accordance with the
mandate of Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution of the
Republic of Indonesia is ignored. Keep in mind, the
importance of re-affirming the ideals of the
Indonesian people to implement the Pancasila
economic system. Sudrajat explained that Indonesia
as a country that embraces Pancasila ideology, and
also adheres to the Pancasila economic system will
apply economic values mandated by Pancasila. The
kinship or institutional economic system mandated by
Pancasila is a family economic system, which can be
interpreted to develop the economy independently
with the understanding that it is not permissible to
rely on foreigners or commonly called citizenry-
based economy (Sudrajat 2017)
On that basis, Pancasila as the Indonesian
ideology became the reference of the 1945
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, should be
a policy reference, and the derivative of this policy is
the laws and regulations below it, from policy
formulation, implementation to policy evaluation.
includes: 1) The principle of the Supreme Godhead is
the moral basis of the economic behavior of
Indonesian people. It is expected that the policies
made by the government include the divine principle
of the Almighty which is to consider the moral and
characteristics of the Indonesian economic moral
system that indeed has underlie or become a guideline
for the economic behavior of individuals, groups in
society. 2) Fair and Civilized Humanity Value. There
is a strong will and the whole community to realize
(egalitarian) social equality according to
humanitarian principles. 3) Indonesian Unity. the
priority of economic policy is the creation of a strong
national economy. This means that nationalism
animates every economic policy. The spirit of
nationalism in the economic field always animates the
Indonesian nation. In carrying out the economic
system of joint ventures based on the principle of
kinship must be able to accommodate the interests of
the three main actors, namely cooperatives, state
enterprises and private businesses. From this point
arises the notion of collectivism (communitarianism),
namely society (society) with the understanding of
togetherness (mutualism) and kinship (brotherhood),
along with the mutual interest (mutual interest) that
accompanies it, placed in the main position. 4)
Popularism led by Wisdom in Consultation /
Representative Policy. Cooperatives are the pillars of
the economy and are the most concrete form of joint
effort. Cooperatives as economic organizations with
social character are organizations or associations of
people not capital associations formed by its members
to serve their interests, namely to help fight for their
interests, especially in an effort to improve their
welfare. This means that the mission of the
cooperative is the best service and to the maximum
extent possible to members. 5) Social Justice for All
Indonesians. There is a clear and firm balance
between national level planning and decentralization
in the implementation of economic policies to achieve
economic justice and social justice. The Indonesian
people included social justice for all the people as the
ultimate goal which was described as a just and
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
prosperous society, which was weak in the way of
raharja, because the final manifestation of the
intended national community was clearly intended as
a society containing complete characteristics of
justice and prosperity. which includes legal,
economic, political, socio-cultural, and moral justice.
The meaning of constructing the value of
Pancasila manifests itself in the value of social
justice, therefore Sukarso (Sukarson 2017) argued
that if the economic understanding literally connotes
how limited resources can be used optimally, then
economic policies tend to be related to the issue of
distribution and allocation of benefits for the
Indonesian people. Therefore, economic policy must
be appropriate and not in conflict with the value of
social justice for all Indonesian people based on the
values of divinity, humanity, unity and popularness.
There are American scientists, not Indonesians who
have Pancasila, who may not know about Pancasila,
phenomenally say that the important government
(State Administration) task is not to find effective and
efficient ways or fulfill the choices of its citizens but
how to create social justice for its citizens. This idea
is known as the New State Administration, but
unfortunately there are less followers, even in
Indonesia, because it may not be fundamentally
compatible with liberal-capitalist thinking.
Pancasila economics should save Indonesian people
from poverty, the trade mafia, and not just save the
capital / investment. The Indonesian Economy Must
be able to reaffirm the spirit of contradiction that
requires the state to be responsible for public welfare.
Basically, there are several principles that must be
elaborated in the Pancasila economic system
including: (1) the party who controls the lives of
many people is the state/government; (2) The role of
the state is important but not dominant, and so is the
role of the private sector whose position is important
but does not dominate. So there is no condition of the
liberal economic system or command economic
system. Both parties, namely the government and the
private sector, live side by side, side by side
peacefully and support each other. (3) The
community is an important part in which production
activities are carried out by all for all and led and
supervised by members of the community. (4) Capital
owners do not dominate the economy because it is
based on the principle of kinship among human
beings. (5) Social justice is a joint commitment in
implementing the country's economy based on
equality and mutual welfare.
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New Construction Actualization of Value of Pancasila in Economic Policy Formulation