The Dynamics of Agrarian Reform in Indonesia: Between
Expectation and Reality
Sri Wahyu Handayani
and Supriyanto
Faculty of Law, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto, Indonesia
Faculty of Law, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto
Keywords: Agrarian reform, land reform, land ownership
Abstract: Agrarian reform as the realization of Article 33 Indonesian Constitutional Law 1945 is the expectation of
Indonesian people. At the beginning, agrarian reform has socialist soul in which equalization of land
ownership right by lifting the farmers. Yet, in the middle of the road, agrarian reform faces obstacle and tends
to not have a clear orientation. Agrarian reform is the problem which is not finished yet since Independence
Day. This research will explain the law dynamics of agrarian reform in Indonesia. This research is socio legal
research which compares law and social facts in society. Therefore, the used theory to analyse this issue is
Law System Theory by Lawrence Meir Friedman which involve: (Structure of Law) Legal Structure,
(Substance Law) Legal substance, (Culture Law) legal culture. This research gives example of the problems
that arise during the implementation of agrarian reform in Indonesia. This research will identify the
consistency between law policy and its implementation since Old Order Period until Reformation Era. As law
research, the purpose of this research is to find the gap between das sein and das sollen so that can give
recommendation to the enforcement of law policy in Agrarian reform that should be conducted.
The definition of “land reform” is later known as
“agrarian reform”. Even though both of them have
different meaning in agrarian studies, but they have
the same track on Indonesian Land Policy history. In
Soekarno era, Indonesia has the policy and program
of land reform in 1960-1965. Yet, it ended after
Soeharto era since 1966 until 1998. At the first
reformation in 2005, Joyo Winoto as the Chief of
National Land Agency (BPN) introduces a new land
reform conception which called as “Agrarian
Reform”. The conception is an establishment policy
to solve poverty, unemployment, land ownership
discrepancy, and realize social justice through land
redistribution which known as state land for poor
people especially landless farmers, farm workers and
sharecroppers. Also, the provision of agricultural
credit and service in order to make the redistribution
land more productive and sustainable. In fact, the
term “Agrarian Reform” is introduced and
continuously to be promoted by Gunawan Wiradi
(Wiradi, 2009)
Land problem is one of the establishment sectors
which need to be seriously handled by government
since land is a vital need for society, especially the
people who depend their lives on land. In the
government side, they have obligations to protect
society and regulate order also prosperity. Yet, in
other side, acceleration of economic development is
needed to be increased, so that it requires land as the
basic foundation of all economic activity (Fatimah,
2015). It is interesting to talk about Agrarian Reform,
even more if it is related to the term agrarian. Is it only
involving land aspect or it widely involves earth,
water, space and natural wealth aspects? Prof. Boedi
Harsono, as one of the land reform terminology user,
states that land reform involves recast on land
ownership and authorization also its relation with
land ownership law (Harsono, 2008). Agrarian
reform or land reform, even before 1960, has become
the cause of the land structure change almost all over
the world.
Its principle is the existence of land ownership and
authorization limitation, agrarian lands must be
actively use individually by the ownership. The
principle is arranged clearly on Law Number 5 Year
1960 on Agrarian Basic Law (BAL). Since this law
was enacted, there has been a reform in the control,
ownership, and use of land in Indonesia. This has
Handayani, S. and Supriyanto, .
The Dynamics of Agrarian Reform in Indonesia: Between Expectation and Reality.
DOI: 10.5220/0009921201870194
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 187-194
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
included the conversion of a colonial model of land
rights (land titles) to a national one (Sukaryanto,
2017) Thus, land reform formal legally called as
Agrarian Reform in which the process of
restructuration of ownership, authorization, and
agrarian source use (especially land). In Article 2
Indonesian People Representative Decree (TAP MPR
RI) Number IX/MPR/2001 on Agrarian Reform and
Natural Resources Management, it explains that
“agrarian reform, which encompassing continuous
process on the reform of authorization, ownership,
and agrarian source use, are conducted in order to
achieve law certainty and protection also to realize
social justice and prosperity for all Indonesian
people”. As policy direction, TAP MPR desires to
conduct reform on ownership, authorization, and use
which based on justice or it is known as land reform;
at a time to conduct land inventory and data collection
for land reform interest.
Specific cases of public land redistribution have
emerged in Indonesia in recent years that differ from
those described in the literature on redistributive land
reforms, which emphasize redistribution of private
land holdings to small and landless farmers. By
contrast, the land reform process in Indonesia has
entailed redistribution of "state" land to tillers who,
prior to the reform, were cultivating this land using
traditional mixed farming methods (Sirait, 2016). The
management of agrarian source during this time has
caused environment quality decreases, ownership
discrepancy, and other conflicts. Based on the
explanation above, it is interesting to discuss further
on Expectation and Reality of Agrarian Reform in
Implementation of Agrarian Reform is not a stand-
alone thing but related to different aspects/factors.
The implementation of Agrarian Reform is not only
related to the law itself, but also with humans and the
community. So, the theory which is used to depict
agrarian reform dynamics between expectation and
reality is three elements of the system of law from
Lawrence Meir Friedman which involves : (Structure
of Law) Legal Structure, (Substance Law) Legal
Substance, (Culture Law) Legal Culture. In its basic
thesis concerning the relationship between law and
society, and in the broad sweep of its interpretation.
In Friedman's narrative, the legal system functions
largely as a dependent variable, with lawmakers
responding to underlying developments in science,
medicine, technology, economic organization, and
shifting moral beliefs (Parris, 2003).
To describe the law dynamics of agrarian reform in
Indonesia, this research uses qualitative method
through literature review on journals, books,
regulations, newspapers and previous researches. The
result of literature review are combined and
compared to obtain the result of the research. This
research will explain the law dynamics of agrarian
reform in Indonesia. This research is socio legal
research which compares law and social facts in
society based on legal structure, legal substance and
legal culture. As law research, the purpose of this
research is to find the gap between das sein and das
sollen so that can give recommendation to the
enforcement of law policy in Agrarian reform that
should be conducted.
4.1 Legal Structure
In Indonesia, talking about the structure of the legal
system, including the structure or institutions that
determine implementation of agrarian law are
described as a machine (Handayani, 2012). In terms
of agrarian reform management, that is managed by
the Central Government and handled by Indonesian
Land Agency, is changed becomes Agrarian Ministry
and Spatial Space/National Land Agency based on
President Regulation Number 17 Year 2015 on
Agrarian Ministry as Spatial Space and President
Regulation Number 20 Year 2015 on National Land
Agency which is published on January 21, 2015 as
well as Regional Government in Province or
Regency. The implementation of agrarian reform in
Land field is related to the authority to manage
government in autonomous region. Article 9 Law 23
Year 2014 on Regional Government classify
government’s interests that consist of absolute,
concurrent, and general government’s interest
(Wijayanti, 2016). Furthermore, land interest is
included as concurrent government’s interest which
means it is a joint interest between central and
regional government.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
4.2 Legal Substance
As the implementation of Article 7 jo 17 BAL on
minimum and maximum limitation of land ownership
and authorization, government has issued
Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perpu)
Number 56 Year 1960 on December 29, 1960 and
legally applied on January 1, 1960. Perpu Number
56/1960 is determined as Law Number 56 Prp Year
1960 (Gazetted 1960 Number 174, the explanation is
on Additional Gazetted Number 5117 on agricultural
land determination or known as Indonesian Land
reform Law. This Law is followed by Government
Regulation Number 224 Year 1961 (Gazetted 1961-
280) on Implementation of Land Distribution and
In brief, the purpose of agrarian reform in
Indonesia is to increase farmers’ income and living
standard, also as the foundation and requirement to
conduct economic development towards fair and
prosperous society based on Pancasila. Meanwhile, if
the purpose is seen from Tap MPR Number IX year
2001 it is to give basic and direction for agrarian
reform and natural resources management in order to
give justice and sustainable law protection and
certainty. All of them are our duties to realize social
justice and prosperity for all Indonesian people. First
step of agrarian reform is land reform. Land reform
program includes:
Maximum area of land ownership;
Prohibition of “absentee” ownership;
Land redistribution beyond maximum limitation,
lands which prohibited as “absentee”, ex-
swapraja lands and state lands;
Regulation on return and redemption of pawn
agricultural land;
Rearrangement of agricultural land profit sharing,
limitation of land ownership area, and prohibition
to do any actions which caused smallest
agricultural land splitting.
Since Tap MPR Number IX Year 2001, obviously
Agrarian Reform Program will increase according
with stipulation on Article 5 of the decree. It involves
program of agrarian regulation review, land
authorization and ownership arrangement, land
registration, and settlement of land conflicts etc.
The scope of agrarian object includes the element
of land/water/air along with its nature wealth and
managed through economics activities such as
agriculture, fisheries, forestry, mining, and
‘aerospace”. The parties which access agrarian object
(hereafter becomes the scope of agrarian subject) are
(1) Community (as the unit of household), (2)
Government (as State Representative), (3) Private
sector. These three are the user of agrarian sources
through tenure institution. The utilization relationship
refers to the technical dimension or particularly work
dimension in agrarian relationships. At a time the
work dimension shows on each subject articulation of
social economic interest related to the ownership and
utilization of agrarian sources. The interest might be
similar but different on each subject. That different
interest may become the causal of the conflict in the
same agrarian source. Nevertheless, it also becomes
the source of cooperation if the subject can make a
deal on the overlap ownership/utilization of agrarian
sources (Sihalolo, 2010).
4.3 Legal Culture
Legal culture is a human attitude towards the law and
legal systems, beliefs, judgments and expectations of
the implementation of agrarian reform. So, in other
words, culture is the atmosphere mind site and social
forces that determine how agrarian reform is
implemented, or not implemented. Legal culture is
anything or anyone who decides to turn on and turn
off the engine and determine how the machines are
used. Culture of the society will be affected and
influence agrarian reform implementation since Old
Order until Reformation that also completed by
several problems within the society.
Agrarian reform is a social movement, the
integration of government and society involving all
stakeholders in order to carry out land reform that
aims to reduce poverty, create jobs, maintain
economic resources, improve quality of life and
improve food security. Land reform has effective
strategies in accuracy, updating, integration of land
records, identifying the number of land related object
and subject of the recipient, the object land
redistribution, forming a land bank, certifying, and
formulating strategies for settlement, handling and
reducing land disputes. (Sihombing, 2017).
Half of Indonesia’s massive population still lives
on farms, and for these tens of millions of people the
revolutionary promise of land reform remains largely
unfulfilled. The Basic Agrarian Law, enacted in the
wake of the Indonesian Revolution, was supposed to
provide access to land and equitable returns for
peasant farmers. But fifty years later, the law’s
objectives of social justice have not been achieved.
Land for the People provides a comprehensive look at
land conflict and agrarian reform throughout
Indonesia’s recent history, from the roots of land
conflicts in the prerevolutionary period, and the
Sukarno and Suharto regimes, to the present day,
The Dynamics of Agrarian Reform in Indonesia: Between Expectation and Reality
reformation era, in which democratization is creating
new contexts for peoples’ claims to the land (Lucas
and Warren, 2013). This research describe dynamics
of agrarian reform in three periods.
4.3.1 Old Order Period
Government in Soekarno era aims to use BAL 1960
as instrument to revolutionary recast on feudal and
colonial agrarian structures through 5 type programs:
Agrarian law renewal;
Deletion of foreign rights and colonial
concessions over land;
Terminate feudal exploitation gradually;
Recast on land ownership and authorization also
the relation with related law;
Supplies planning, the use of earth, water, and
natural resources within the earth according to
each capability.
In 1964, Indonesian Communist Party and their
mass throw unilateral action to confiscate the lands
which will be redistributed to farmers. They claim
that this implementation run slowly since most of
landlords are affiliated with Islamic and Nationalist
parties that hinder the implementation of the
In January 1965, Agrarian Ministry reports that in
fact land reform implementations are in troubles,
which are:
Lack of land inventory;
Lack of understanding on the need of land reform;
Lack of cooperation within committee;
Farmers become the target of psychological and
economical intimidation;
Difficulty in making priority within land
Land reform becomes class competition in village
of Java, Bali, Sumatra and landlords that politically
defend themselves because their social class
threatened. Until surprisingly land reform program
stop in the end of 1965. A maneuver which organized
by military and political elite of Indonesian
Communist Party (PKI) is started by kidnapping and
killing several army generals on September 30, 1954.
Hence, General Soeharto is appointed to be president.
Under his government, Agrarian Ministry is specified
into Directorate General under Ministry of Home
4.3.2 New Order Period
New Order is a term for Soeharto government period
in Indonesia. New Order replaces Old Order that
refers to Soekarno era. In New Order period, land
reform has conducted but it has a little concern from
government. It happens because government is more
focus on non-agricultural sector in which wide land
management for capital owners to increase economic
growth. Besides, political instability and abuse of
power causes land reform is used for taking political
advantages on land authorization.
In New Order period, government more focus on
economic growth and development by starting its
policy through Law Number 1 Year 1967 on Foreign
Capital Investment to draw foreign investment in
managing natural resources. During 1966-1997, at the
beginning, New Order period government also put
their concern on the effort to conduct agrarian reform.
It is shown by its juridical products. Yet, if it is
observed, during New Order regime, there are no
significant changes on agrarian policies in Indonesia.
Even many agrarian policies are not conducted in the
context of revision land ownership but it tends to
facilitate liberal capitalist to own society’s agrarian
assets (Sukardi, 2004).
National configuration on agrarian dispute is
increasing sharply since the orientation of economic
acceleration in Indonesia. Since 1990, the
government with any policy formula starts to
accelerate industrialization infrastructure
establishment, doing agrarian modernization by
opening the plantation in mass, new forest clearing,
HTI, which all this program against the society. These
efforts result in many conflicts between society and
state. As it is recorded by National Commission of
Human Rights during 1994, 1995 and 1996, there is
significant increase in land cases. Even Legal Aid in
Jakarta includes agrarian problems in a priority
advocate agenda to avoid violence in society
(Nasution, 1994).
Even during thirty years of New Order period, it
can be said land reform is not implemented at all and
its policy just hanging around and vanishes. This
attitude can be defined as an attitude in taking
political advantages on land authorization toward
farmers and community. In autonomous region
context, local government is strengthened but in land
reform aspect generally it is still become central
government authorization. Ironically, local
government who stand on private investment tends to
act as broker in providing land for them. Land reform
policy is obviously not a profitable idea to draw
investment, retribution and local income.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Nonetheless, New Order government in the next
period claims that land reform is still implemented
even though it is limited. During New Order period,
to avoid big social politic vulnerability, land reform
is implemented with completely different form. The
fall of Suharto and the subsequent process of
democratisation have removed key obstacles to
organisation by poor and disadvantaged groups and
their NGO allies, making it easier for them to engage
in collective action aimed at achieving pro-poor
policy change (Rosser, 2005).
4.3.2 Reformation Era
At the beginning of reformation era, in President
Abdurahman Wahid era, there is statement which
declares will distribute 40 percent of plantation lands.
Because of the statement, people in droves take over
the abandoned land. Along with political
constellation change and passive democracy, Tap
MPR Number IX/MPR/2001 on Agrarian Reform
and Natural Resources Management is published.
Wide range purpose of Agrarian reform can be quoted
from stipulation on Article 6 of Tap MPR Number IX
Year 2001 which states as policy direction it desires
1) Review on all of laws and regulations about
agrarian field which all this time are sectoral,
overlap, and do not contain the spirit to put
forward people interest in authorization,
utilization, and management of land as well as
other natural resources;
2) Rearrangement of land authorization, ownership,
use, and utilization which is fair and known as
land reform, at once land inventory and data
collection are done for this land reform interest;
3) Settlement of agrarian conflicts and natural
resources management based on human rights
principle, including intensify the institutions that
job to settle all the disputes; and
4) Pay for agrarian reform program and agrarian
conflicts settlement or even natural resources
By looking at the direction of policy in this Tap,
it can be concluded that Agrarian Reform has wide
purpose not only distribute land. In this reform, it is
expected to have many agrarian programs which
synergize in order to achieve our big purpose having
Afterward, during Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
era, land reform implementation is focused on land
redistribution again. Distribution of 8,15 million
hectares land has been conducted in 2007 until 2014.
It is estimated that 6 million hectares land are
distributed to poor people, the rest 2,15 million
hectares are distributed to businessman for productive
business that involves farmers. These distributed
lands are spread throughout Indonesia with priority in
Java, Sumatra, and South Sulawesi. The lands are
from critical land, conversion production forest,
abandoned land, State land which its cultivation
rights expired, or ex-swapraja land. Besides the
redistribution, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono era also
conducts the program as follows:
1. Reduce the discrepancy of land ownership;
2. Reduce unemployed and poverty;
3. Reduce land dispute conflicts.
Agrarian Reform in Jokowi era which still runs for
three years has not yet reduce discrepancy for poor
people especially farmers. Secretary General of the
Agrarian Reform Consortium, Dewi Kartika, says
that it can be seen from less authorization land by
general people. Only around six percent from all
lands in Indonesia that owned by general people. The
data of agrarian reform consortium records around 71
percent land is owned by Forest Corporation, 16
percent is owned by big plantation corporation, and 7
percent in the hand of rich people. Furthermore,
among farmers, the average of land ownership in
village is less than 0,5 hectare. In fact, the farmers are
not having land since most of the lands become the
object of investment and government or private
business. Therefore, the poverty in village increase as
well as the number of poor people which reach 17,1
million people on March, 2017. Other than that, the
dull of agrarian reform in solving discrepancy can be
seen from many dispute conflicts arises between
people and big corporation. Farmer criminalization
and seizure are likely to happen. At least, there are 72
agrarian conflicts over the 1,66 million hectares land
which sacrifice around 195 head of family (KK) of
farmers during 2015-2016 (Fauzi, 2017).
2016, the government of Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla
has not optimally encouraged the implementation of
agrarian reform. In other side, various agrarian
policies which give society the opportunity to clarify
their rights on agrarian sources are not yet
implemented (Agrarian Reform Consortium, 2016).
The Dynamics of Agrarian Reform in Indonesia: Between Expectation and Reality
5.1 Expectation and Reality of
Agrarian Reform
Along with the implementation of the program, the
structure of bureaucratic administrative changes in
which autonomous region implementation. Agrarian
problem is one of the policies which given to local
government. Through recent autonomous region, in
fact, there is opportunity to conduct “local” agrarian
reform. After the reformation and autonomous region
applied the lively debate only a matter of land
administration pull back. Land reform has not
become serious attention for government, even
though non-governmental organization and several
farmer organizations have demanded for agrarian
reform to be applied.
Conception of Old Order agrarian law which
tends to populist likes in BAL is replaced with
conception that oriented to economical establishment.
Land reform is one of Old Order populist policy and
considered as PKI product so that it totally stopped.
Even seizure of the lands that become object
redistribution is done by several landlords. Land
reform as Old Order main program for levelling land
ownership as much as possible for people prosperity
become neglected.
Land reform implementations in New Order
period are as follows:
1. The effort of privatization land is still
implemented by New Order government through
land certification;
2. Conducting transmigration program;
3. Program Cooperative Plantation which has big
scale and land as wide as possible;
4. Concentration over land authorization and
economic development;
5. The increasing of agricultural product so that self-
sufficiency is achieved (through Green
6. The existence of PRONA (National Agrarian
Operation Project) to accelerate land registration
As developing country, most of Indonesia’s
capitals for development are from foreign institution
loan. The institution has authorization to control the
use of the loan. Limited budget is one of the reasons
why New Order government does not choose land
reform program which needs big budget and the result
is not seen yet in short-term. Whereas, due to
capitalist economic pressure, land becomes the
commodity to draw foreign investment.
Recently, in Reformation period there is
argument which is delivered by representative of
Indonesian Farmer Alliance (API), Slamet Nurhadi,
he sees that discrepancy still happens because
agrarian reform program only focuses on settling
technical target according to National Medium Term
Development Plan (RPJMN) 2015-2019. It is through
redistribution land and asset legalization which reach
nine million hectares for farmers. Unfortunately, that
technical target is also predicted to be difficult to
achieve due to government slow movement.
Government more focuses on land legalization which
has been owned for a long time by people, but there
is no solution on discrepancy. Consequently, recent
government is expected to immediately change the
implementation structure and the meaning of agrarian
reform which more concern on settle discrepancy and
poverty.(Suara Merdeka Newspaper, 2017) However,
there are another studies which states Agrarian
Reform policy in Joko Widodo Government as a law
product, strategy, and program that have
accommodated the protection of Human Rights even
though it is not maximal (Erlina, 2017).
Indonesian Constitutional Law 1945 on Article 33
Paragraph 3 has given mandatory for the country
leader to manage earth, water, and natural resources
within the state (including land in smaller
understanding) to be used as much as possible for
people prosperity. Based on the Article 33 Paragraph
3 of Indonesian Constitutional Law 1945,
government has published Law Number 5 Year 1960
on Basic Agrarian Law (BAL) which basically stills
a principle and need to be developed more in
regulation of BAL implementation. The appearance
of BAL, essentially is the instrument to revolutionary
recast feudal and colonial agrarian structure through
five programs which are called panca program
agrarian reform. The last expectation for these
programs is to realize “Indonesian socialist society”
(Article 5 BAL) which a fair and prosperous society
based on Pancasila. To realize this dream, so that Law
Number 56 56 Prp 1960 on Agricultural land
limitation or known as Indonesian Land reform law is
published. It is understandable why the matter only
limited on agricultural land, since most of Indonesian
people at that time are farmers and mostly landless
farmers. Hence, the initial idea of agrarian reform is
to increase farmers’ degree as the marginalized
society through redistribution land of each family
member in amount of minimally 2 hectares. By the
existence of populist characteristic (concern on
farmers’ interest) it is expected to realize fair and
prosperous society.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
At the empirical level, the failure of land reform
years ago in the sixties is due to unpreparedness of
land reform committee, poor administration and
unprepared land reform fund. Also, lack of
commitment from the government to run land reform
program. Meanwhile, in New Order period, land
reform is not implemented due to land policy which
against BAL. In this era, it starts to show that land
reform basic idea in fact starting to be abandoned. As
the replacement, there is agricultural modernization
or known as Green Revolution and agro industry.
Both result in agrarian law reform and land reform as
not continued matter. Since reformation era until now
there is a glorious development in which many parties
concern on land reform problem, although it only a
matter of discourse. Nonetheless, until now it has not
been agreed on how the best land reform and agrarian
reform for Indonesia. Several parties want agrarian
reform revolutionary (simultaneously and
thoroughly) but the other want the softer way.
Besides, there are may question hanging in this
context, for instance, the distribution of central and
local government rule.
There are four main agrarian problems in
Indonesia, as it is written in Tap MPR Number IX
Year 2001, they are: overlap agrarian regulation,
narrow land authorization and ownership and
discrepancy, land conflict also natural resources
damage. All of them need to be the main agenda to be
solved before arriving at the formulation of land
reform concept which is in line with expectations.
Theoretically, there are four important factors as
requirements of agrarian reform implementation,
which are:
a. Awareness and willingness from political elite;
b. Strong organization of farmer and society;
c. The availability of complete and accurate data;
d. Adequate budget support (Abdurrahman, 2004).
If the four factors above is conditioned in
Indonesia, so that it becomes big problem since it’s
hard to fullfill. Therefore, the spirit to achieve our
main goal must be fight for tirelessly. Government
must be able to act decisively, consistently and
continuously to address gaps in the legal, social,
economic, political and security aspect through
agrarian reform policies. Agrarian reform is a social
movement, the integration of government and
community in order to carry out land reform
(Sihombing, 2018).
From the discussion, it can be concluded that
there is ownership discrepancy in Indonesia. The
group which has more capital will has wider land, but
in other side farmers as weaker group does not has
their own land. The recommendation given is: the
willingness and good intention from government to
conduct agrarian reform with social-oriented. The
government should immediately list the object of
agrarian reforms to be distributed to farmers in order
to re-achieve agrarian success. The government needs
to follow up the land systemic registration program
with the actual action of agrarian objects distribution.
Agrarian Reform implementation needs to be
preceded by agrarian reform conflict settlement
through society participation, coordination between
regional and central government to make regulation
which takes society side, and limitation of
companies’ ownership to own community land, also
mapping area based on its potency. By then, law
structure and substance is really influenced by society
Agrarian reform concept is so ideal and socialist
but in reality it is not always like that. In agrarian field
problem, the most visible problem is the agrarian
conflict and farmers’ sovereignty. Statistic data based
on Indonesian Farmer Consortium (2013) shows a
fantastic number in which 987 cases within 2004-
2014. In 2014-2015 there are 374 cases of agrarian
conflict in Indonesia, or it is increasing 60% from the
previous year (Indonesian Farmer Union, 2015). The
land conflict which related to Agrarian Reform has
encouraged Human Rights National Commission to
suggest Government to immediately form an agent
which specially handles agrarian conflict. One of the
problems which arise is related to land availability for
company but it does not pay attention to community’s
rights. According to Ifdal, land availability for mining
and plantation companies is generally neglecting
customary land which is not has any certificates but
owned by customary community (Wardah, 2012). It
is obviously does not support agrarian reform
implementation. Conflict of interest within agrarian
reform implementation also appears when facing
investors who will use agrarian reform object, but in
other side the land or object needs to be restructured
its ownership, authority, and use. Another conflict
potentially appearing when the government distribute
the land to the community is that they convert the land
and sell them to business owners. The factors of land
conversion which come from the private sector is the
The Dynamics of Agrarian Reform in Indonesia: Between Expectation and Reality
farmers’s low prosperity (Handayani, 2018). This is
evidently an endless problem of land reform.
The researchers would like to give thanks to Law
Faculty of Jenderal Soedirman University which has
facilitated the researchers to conduct this research.
The researchers are the lecturer in Law Faculty of
Jenderal Soedirman University.
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