that the merchandise is estimated in value with what
is used to buy, in accordance with the purchase price,
because the niṣāb of merchandise is based on the
purchase price. In relation to the calculation of zakat
and niṣāb, the author prefers the approach of the
Shafi'iyyah. The purchase price is certain and has
occurred, while the estimated current value is
approximate and there is a possibility of not being
realized. Benston mentioned that fair values other
than level 1 (quotation prices in active markets)
enable for manipulation and are not easy to verify.
Zakat should be based on a more certain basic value.
In addition, matching between business practices
and markets cannot always be done, because some
types of businesses are not market-based, so it is not
easy to get an estimate of the current value.
Based on the discussion on the issue of the
relevance and reliability of financial reporting above,
there is enough evidence that the use of historical
costs is still relevant and can be accepted in the
sharia perspective. Following the concept promoted
by the Shafi'iya, the measurement of assets should
be based on historical value. This is considered more
beneficial, especially if it is associated with the
calculation of zakat.
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