Some options that can be applied to limit the
number of coalitions of political parties are by: First,
for a political party that meets the threshold of the
vote to nominate candidates for regional head or
vice regional head without joining with other parties,
that party is prohibited to form coalition with other
parties because it has sufficient number of seats in
the Regional People’s Representative Council or
DPRD to nominate a pair of candidates. This
mechanism is easily realised because there are
several political parties that meet requirement of
candidate pair for regional head and vice regional
head election in some regional areas to obtain
minimum number of seats available in DPRD to
propose candidate pairs for regional head and the
vice election without any chance of coalition with
another party such as Demokrasi Indonesia
Perjuangan Party (PDI-P) in West Java and Central
Java in which no coalition was needed.
Second, political parties that do not fulfill the
minimal number of seats in DPRD can cooperate
with other parties to meet the requirements to be
able to nominate candidates for regional head and
vice regional head. However, the number of
coalition must also be proportionally limited or may
not consist of all political parties that have seats in
DPRD. It means that coalition can be held to obtain
minimum requirement of combined seats for
political parties in regional areas to propose regional
head and vice regional head candidate pairs.
Third, the restriction of political party coalition
can also be passed by the sorting of political parties
based on the ideology of each party. However,
coalition restriction through the ideology of political
parties is difficult to realize. This cannot be
separated from the ideology of each political party
that can be difficult to distinguish. Moreover,
dealing with the moment of regional head election,
the ideology of the political parties seem to have no
difference because the ideology is defined with
momentary interests or is merely adjusted with
election. In addition, the restriction of political party
coalition through ideology has the potential to bring
the issue of tribe, religion, race, and interreligious
groups (SARA), for example the grouping of political
parties having the ideology of Islam and nationalist.
This will push religious issues into commodities that
can break unity among the voters.
Regional head election is one of the transitional
processes of people sovereignty to those who will
represent them in leading the government. In this
process people should be presented or given the
choice of candidates to choose from. However, the
organization of regional election in several areas is
only followed by one pair of candidates, and thus
people have no other choice of candidates to be
elected as regional head. The fact of single candidate
in regional head election is caused by the coalition
pattern of the political parties that form coalition
only for the sake of political or financial interest, not
to present a pair of candidates as desired by people.
Consequently, people feel that their rights as the
sovereign holders are violated. Hence, single
candidate in regional head election (Pilkada) should
be prevented or should not be repeated. Prevention
can only be done through restriction of political
party coalition. Such restrictive mechanism can be
performed through restriction of political party
coalition based on the maximum number of joint
parties that nominate the pair of candidates of
regional head or based on the minimum requirement
of seat ownership in the Regional People’s
Representative Council (DPRD).
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