main problem statements in this research is what
factors cause almost no developing countries and last
developing countries win before the investment
arbitration. 2).UUK Dan PKPU) No 37 Th 2004
Mengesampingkan Berlakunya Asas Pacta Sunt
Servanda Dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Kepailitan
(Rahayu Hartini, 2015, Yustisia, Vol 2 .No.2). This
study was to formulate a concept of return policies /
principles of the law of "pacta sunt servanda" in Law
No. 37 Year 2004 regarding Bankruptcy in
bankruptcy to resolve disputes arbitration clause.
3). Fair And Equitable Treatment Standard In
Nternational Investment Agreements (Sefriani, 2018,
Yustisia, Vol 7, No.1). In the last five years, the
number of investors who suit against host state in the
international arbitration forum increased
significantly. Almost all lawsuits used fair and
equitable treatment (fet) standard which has been
violated by the host state. most of international
investment agreements including those that were
made by indonesia contain fet standard clauses.
4).Legal Approaches To Online Arbitration:
Opportunities And Challenges In Indonesia, (
Agustina Fitrianingrum
, Rina Shahriyani Shahrullah,
Elza Syarief, 2016, Mimbar Hukum, Vol 28 No.2).
This research provides arguments and evidences that
the relevant Indonesian national laws support the use
of online arbitration. 5).Modern Arbitration
Legislation’: A Comparison Between Australian And
Indonesian Laws (Rina Shahriyani Shahrullah, 2012,
Media Hukum, Vol 24, No 2). This research analyzes
Law No. 30 of 1999 of Indonesia to ascertain whether
this Indonesian law constitutes modern arbitration
legislation in the context of international commercial
arbitration. Law No. 30 of 1999 will be compared
with the International Arbitration Act 1974 (Cth) and
the International Arbitration Amendment Act 2010
(Cth) of Australia. 6).Public Policy Violation Under
New York Convention (Michelle Ayu Chinta Kristy,
Zhengzheng Jing, 2015, Media Hukum, Vol 5 No 1).
This article would firstly provide a comparative study
of the court’s interpretation towards public policy as
mentioned under Article V (2) b of the New York
Convention between non-arbitration-friendly-law
Indonesia and arbitration-friendly-law China.7).
Akibat Pemilihan Forum Dalam Kontrak Yang
Memuat Klausa Arbitrase (Bambang Sutiyoso, 2012,
Mimbar Hukum, Vol 24 No.1). In practice, deviation
where courts may ignore the arbitration clause, the
parties' good faith and consistency of the court play a
significant role to further develop the arbitration
One way of solving non-litigation disputes is
through an arbitration process. Excess arbitration
from the side of procedural law there is flexibility that
remains within the legal corridor. On the other hand,
arbitrators possessing both legal and technical
knowledge, as well as the timeliness of the trial,
become the surplus arbitration itself so that the trial
can proceed effectively. In addition, the continuation
of business relations between the parties is also
considered. Even did not close the possibility of good
relations and cooperation can still continue. Dispute
resolution outside the court is closed to the public
(close door session) so that the confidentiality of the
parties is guaranteed, then the proceedings are faster
and more efficient and the decisions given are win-
win solutions. The process of settling disputes outside
this court avoids delays caused by administrative
procedures as well as proceedings in general courts.
Dispute resolution outside the court is called the
Alternative Dispute Resolution (Pamolango, 2015).
BANI is the founder of the Asia Pacific Regional
Arbitration Group (APRAG) consisting of 42
arbitration agencies from various countries in Asia
Pacific, according to data of dispute settlement by
business actors through arbitration institutions
continue to increase from year to year. Data BANI
Arbitration Center said, cases registered in BANI in
the period 2007-2016 as many as 728 cases. This
number increased to 238% compared to 1997-2006
with 215 cases registered. Previously, in the period
1987-1996 there were 56 registered cases.
Arbitration is the choice of business actors to
resolve the problem without going through a judicial
institution that is often long because of the appeal
process, cassation, and review. In addition, the
arbitration has principles such as efficiency,
accessibility, protection of the rights of the parties,
final and binding, fair and just, and in accordance
with the sence of justice from the community, thus,
the element of "deterrant" of the offender will be
guaranteed, and disputes, will be prevented (Fuady,
2000). Indonesia has also ratified the Convention on
the Recognition and Enforcement of the Foreign
Arbitration Awards (New York Arbitration
Convention), which is widely known as the New
York Convention, on August 5, 1981 by Presidential
Decree No. 34 of 1981 and announced in State
Gazette Number 40 of 1981 and officially registered
on October 7, 1981.
The State of Malaysia also uses arbitration as an
alternative to litigation in resolving legal disputes.
The Malaysia arbitration institution based in Kuala
Lumpur is known as Kuala Lumpur Regional Center
for Arbitration (KLRCA). KLRCA also spurred the
growth of international arbitration in Malaysia which
many became the choice of international embezzlers