Arbitration of Business Disputes within the Asian Economic
Community: Context Indonesia and Malaysia
Rahayu Hartini
Universitas Muhammdiyah, Malang, Indonesia
Keyword: Arbitration, Implementation, Prospect, ASEAN Economic Community.
Abstract: Settlement of business disputes by arbitration is the most popular choice for business people,
especially in the current MEA era. The focus of the study are: 1.How to process business disputes
arbitrarily in Indonesia and Malaysia. 2.How are the prospects related to dispute resolution
demands in the era of the ASEAN Economic Community. With the normative juridical approach,
the authors find that in the ASEAN region there are several arbitration institutions that deal with
arbitration issues including the Indonesian National Arbitration Board in Indonesia and the Kuala
Lumpur Arbitration Center in Malaysia. The author proposes the results of the research as follows,
there are some differences and similarities in the process of dispute resolution through arbitration
between the State of Indonesia and Malaysia from several aspects including aspects: regulation,
trial process, decision strength, time and cost. And from the two countries that have the prospect
of arbitration settlement in the era of MEA is arbitration in Indonesia by having several advantages
in the arbitration settlement process, namely the period and cost of the arbitration process. In
conclusion, that the arbitration process in the State of Indonesia has good prospects compared to
the Malaysian State, so that it can be used as an example to equalize the arbitration process in the
ASEAN region even though countries in ASEAN have different legal systems.
Within the scope of The Association of Southeast
Asian Nations (ASEAN) there is an agreement that
frees its members to trade freely within the ASEAN
region called the ASEAN Economic Community
(MEA). The MEA was initiated from a joint
agreement at the Summit held in Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia which resulted in a shared vision of the
Southeast Asian countries (ASEAN Vision 2020).
That is, making the Southeast Asia region as a
prosperous region with development and economic
development equally in each member country. At the
Malaysian Summit resulted in a new consensus,
which in consensus contains about the declaration of
Cebu. With the signing of the Cebu Declaration,
consensus decisions from year to year become a
concrete step to make ASEAN a free trade area
covering all components of economic activity.
Starting from goods, labor (skilled), investment,
capital, to services. In the course of trade activities not
only talk about the advantages, disadvantages and
business strategies that businesspeople have to deal
with, but also about the legal aspects of a dispute. If
there is a trade dispute there are two ways to resolve
the issue, namely dispute settlement with litigation or
with non-litigation. Litigation is a process of dispute
resolution in court, while non-litigation is an out-of-
court dispute settlement. Traffickers tend to opt for
non-litigation adhesive settlement routes due to fast
and efficient non-litigation settlement. In addition,
the settlement of cases outside the court is
acknowledged in Indonesian legislation. There are
two kinds of ways to resolve disputes that have been
implemented, namely through litigation and non-
litigation. One of the non-litigation pathways is the
arbitration process. In Indonesia, as a legal state, there
has long been an arbitration process that can be seen
based on the legal system regarding arbitration
(Harahap, 2001).
Several other previous studies related to
arbitration are: 1) Investment Arbitration Bagi
Negara Berkembang Dan Terbelakang (Sefriani,
2013, Yustisia, Vol.2.No 2, Mei-Agustus 2013).The
Hartini, R.
Arbitration of Business Disputes within the Asian Economic Community: Context Indonesia and Malaysia.
DOI: 10.5220/0009923611181125
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 1118-1125
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
main problem statements in this research is what
factors cause almost no developing countries and last
developing countries win before the investment
arbitration. 2).UUK Dan PKPU) No 37 Th 2004
Mengesampingkan Berlakunya Asas Pacta Sunt
Servanda Dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Kepailitan
(Rahayu Hartini, 2015, Yustisia, Vol 2 .No.2). This
study was to formulate a concept of return policies /
principles of the law of "pacta sunt servanda" in Law
No. 37 Year 2004 regarding Bankruptcy in
bankruptcy to resolve disputes arbitration clause.
3). Fair And Equitable Treatment Standard In
Nternational Investment Agreements (Sefriani, 2018,
Yustisia, Vol 7, No.1). In the last five years, the
number of investors who suit against host state in the
international arbitration forum increased
significantly. Almost all lawsuits used fair and
equitable treatment (fet) standard which has been
violated by the host state. most of international
investment agreements including those that were
made by indonesia contain fet standard clauses.
4).Legal Approaches To Online Arbitration:
Opportunities And Challenges In Indonesia, (
Agustina Fitrianingrum
, Rina Shahriyani Shahrullah,
Elza Syarief, 2016, Mimbar Hukum, Vol 28 No.2).
This research provides arguments and evidences that
the relevant Indonesian national laws support the use
of online arbitration. 5).Modern Arbitration
Legislation’: A Comparison Between Australian And
Indonesian Laws (Rina Shahriyani Shahrullah, 2012,
Media Hukum, Vol 24, No 2). This research analyzes
Law No. 30 of 1999 of Indonesia to ascertain whether
this Indonesian law constitutes modern arbitration
legislation in the context of international commercial
arbitration. Law No. 30 of 1999 will be compared
with the International Arbitration Act 1974 (Cth) and
the International Arbitration Amendment Act 2010
(Cth) of Australia. 6).Public Policy Violation Under
New York Convention (Michelle Ayu Chinta Kristy,
Zhengzheng Jing, 2015, Media Hukum, Vol 5 No 1).
This article would firstly provide a comparative study
of the court’s interpretation towards public policy as
mentioned under Article V (2) b of the New York
Convention between non-arbitration-friendly-law
Indonesia and arbitration-friendly-law China.7).
Akibat Pemilihan Forum Dalam Kontrak Yang
Memuat Klausa Arbitrase (Bambang Sutiyoso, 2012,
Mimbar Hukum, Vol 24 No.1). In practice, deviation
where courts may ignore the arbitration clause, the
parties' good faith and consistency of the court play a
significant role to further develop the arbitration
One way of solving non-litigation disputes is
through an arbitration process. Excess arbitration
from the side of procedural law there is flexibility that
remains within the legal corridor. On the other hand,
arbitrators possessing both legal and technical
knowledge, as well as the timeliness of the trial,
become the surplus arbitration itself so that the trial
can proceed effectively. In addition, the continuation
of business relations between the parties is also
considered. Even did not close the possibility of good
relations and cooperation can still continue. Dispute
resolution outside the court is closed to the public
(close door session) so that the confidentiality of the
parties is guaranteed, then the proceedings are faster
and more efficient and the decisions given are win-
win solutions. The process of settling disputes outside
this court avoids delays caused by administrative
procedures as well as proceedings in general courts.
Dispute resolution outside the court is called the
Alternative Dispute Resolution (Pamolango, 2015).
BANI is the founder of the Asia Pacific Regional
Arbitration Group (APRAG) consisting of 42
arbitration agencies from various countries in Asia
Pacific, according to data of dispute settlement by
business actors through arbitration institutions
continue to increase from year to year. Data BANI
Arbitration Center said, cases registered in BANI in
the period 2007-2016 as many as 728 cases. This
number increased to 238% compared to 1997-2006
with 215 cases registered. Previously, in the period
1987-1996 there were 56 registered cases.
Arbitration is the choice of business actors to
resolve the problem without going through a judicial
institution that is often long because of the appeal
process, cassation, and review. In addition, the
arbitration has principles such as efficiency,
accessibility, protection of the rights of the parties,
final and binding, fair and just, and in accordance
with the sence of justice from the community, thus,
the element of "deterrant" of the offender will be
guaranteed, and disputes, will be prevented (Fuady,
2000). Indonesia has also ratified the Convention on
the Recognition and Enforcement of the Foreign
Arbitration Awards (New York Arbitration
Convention), which is widely known as the New
York Convention, on August 5, 1981 by Presidential
Decree No. 34 of 1981 and announced in State
Gazette Number 40 of 1981 and officially registered
on October 7, 1981.
The State of Malaysia also uses arbitration as an
alternative to litigation in resolving legal disputes.
The Malaysia arbitration institution based in Kuala
Lumpur is known as Kuala Lumpur Regional Center
for Arbitration (KLRCA). KLRCA also spurred the
growth of international arbitration in Malaysia which
many became the choice of international embezzlers
Arbitration of Business Disputes within the Asian Economic Community: Context Indonesia and Malaysia
to solve their case or dispute. KLRCA has
experienced stable workload increase every year.
Prior to 2010, the number of cases enrolled in the
KLRCA was between ten and 20 cases per year. In
2012, KLRCA registered 85 new cases; in 2013, the
proposed annual case increased to 156 and in the third
quarter of 2014, the center has received 226 cases.
According to KLRCA statistics, nearly 20% of
arbitration cases in 2013 are international, increasing
from previous years.
According to Peter Mahmud Marzuki (2008),
formulating legal research as a process to find a rule
of law, legal principles, and legal doctrines in order
to answer the legal issues faced. In this study the
author analyzes the dispute resolution arbitrarily in
the ASEAN economic community (MEA) in the
context of Indonesia and Malaysia. This research is a
normative juridical nature, namely seeing law as
human behavior in society (Sunaryo 2012). By
applying the approach method through statue
approach, comparative approach, historocal
approach, canseptual approach and case approach.
Data Source: using 3 types of legal material,
namely: primary, secondary and tertiary. a) Primary
legal material, which consists of legislation, official
records/minutes in the making of legislation and
decisions of judges. Primary huku materials
include:Law No. 1 of 1970 concerning Basic
Provisions of the Judicial Authority, Law No. 30 of
1999 concerning Arbitration and Alternative Dispute
Settlement, Presidential Decree No. 34 of 1981, 2017,
Malaysia Arbitration Rules, Malaysian Arbitration
Act. b).Secondary: in the form of legal books, legal
journals, legal writing/views of legal experts
contained in the mass media that are relevant to the
subject matter of writing this law. c).Tertiary:
encyclopedia, dictionary, glossary and other
Legal Material Collection Techniques: conducted
by means of Study: Documents, Literature and
Internet studies. A). Document Study: it is the
collection of data that is owned by the parties
involved and the search for legislation in matters
relating to the research process. B). Literature Study:
by searching and searching library materials from
various literature or books or journals.c). Internet
study: by searching and searching for materials
through the internet or website to complete other legal
Technical Analysis of Legal Material. Analysis is
done by analyzing problems with qualitative legal
concepts and materials. Qualitative research method
is a way / more effort to find aspects of understanding
deeply in a problem. Qualitative research is a research
that is descriptive in nature, tends to use analysis and
emphasizes the process of meaning.
3.1 Business Dispute Settlement
Process through Arbitration in the
Era of ASEAN Economic
Community in Indonesia and
In resolving business disputes there are two types of
dispute resolution methods that have been applied in
Indonesia, namely through litigation and non-
litigation. Litigation is a dispute resolution process in
a court, where all parties to a dispute face each other
to defend their rights before a court. The end result of
a dispute resolution through litigation is a decision
stating a win-lose solution (Amriani, 2012).
Definition of Litigas itself is a lawsuit over a conflict
that is ritualized to replace the actual conflict, where
the parties give to a decision making two conflicting
choices (Margono, 2012). This litigation pathway
procedure is more formal (very formalistic) and very
technical (very technical). As J. David Reitzel said
"there is a long wait for litigants to get trial", let alone
to get a decision that has a permanent legal force, to
settle it in just one judicial institution, must wait in
line. This condition causes people to look for other
alternatives, namely the settlement of disputes outside
the formal justice process. Dispute resolution outside
the formal justice process is what is called
"Alternative Dispute Resolution" or ADR (Harahap,
Whereas dispute resolution through non-litigation
has been known as an alternative dispute resolution,
which is explained in Article 1 number (10) of Law
Number 30 of 1999 concerning Arbitration and APS,
which reads as follows: "Alternative Dispute
Settlement is a dispute resolution or dissenting
institution through a procedure agreed upon by the
parties, namely the settlement of disputes outside the
court by means of consultation, mediation,
conciliation, or expert judgment.".
One way to resolve disputes in a non-litigation
manner is through an arbitration process. Excess
arbitration from the side of the procedural law there
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
is flexibility that remains in the corridor of the law.
On the other hand, arbitrators who have knowledge of
both legal and technical aspects, as well as the
timeliness of the trial, become an advantage of the
arbitration itself so that the trial can proceed
effectively. In addition, continued business relations
between the parties are also considered. Not even
close the possibility of good relations and cooperation
can continue. The role of arbitration as an effort to
resolve international-scale trade disputes began at the
end of the 18th century, which was marked by the
birth of the Jay Treaty on November 19, 1794. This
agreement took place between the United States and
Britain. With this agreement, there are procedures for
fundamental changes regarding settlement of
international trade disputes. If prior to this agreement
trade disputes were carried out through diplomatic
channels, then changed the way the characters
became international arbitrations. The old solution is
often disappointing. Settlement tends to be influenced
by political interests (Harahap, 1997).
The word arbitration is derived from the words
arbitrare (Latin), arbitrage (Dutch), arbitration
(English), schiedspruch (German), and arbitrage
(French), which means the power to settle a matter
according to wisdom or peace by the arbitrator or
referee. the understanding of arbitration according to
Subekti is the means of resolving a particular judge
who is not related to various formalities, is quick and
gives a decision, because in the last instance and
binding, that is easy to implement because it will be
obeyed by the parties (Gautama, 1976). Arbitration is
the settlement of a dispute (case) by a person or some
referee (arbitrator) who is jointly appointed by the
parties who are litigating not through the court. Based
on the opinion of the two experts, it can be concluded
that the notion of arbitration, namely: the settlement
process between the parties that entered into an
agreement to show someone or more as an arbitrator
in deciding a case whose nature is final and binding
(Subekti. 1980).
Acording Priyatna Abdulrrasyid "Arbitration is an
alternative mechanism for dispute resolution which is
a form of legal action recognized by law in which one
party or more surrenders, disagreement, disagreement
with one other party or more to one person
(Arbitrator) or more (arbiter-majlis) professional
experts, who will act as judges or private judiciary
who will apply the procedures for the law of peace
that has been jointly agreed by the parties to arrive at
a final and binding decision" (Abdulrasyid). Then
HMN Poerwosujtipto uses the term arbitration for
arbitration which is defined as a peace court, where
the parties agree that their disputes about personal
rights that they can control are fully examined and
tried by impartial judges appointed by their own
parties and the decisions are binding on both parties
party (Poerwosutjipto, 1992).
3.2 Arbitration in Indonesia
In Indonesia the interest to settle disputes through
arbitration began to develop in line with the
enactment of Law No. 30 of 1999 on Arbitration and
Alternative Dispute Resolution (APS). One of the
institutions authorized to settle the case through
arbitration is BANI with SK no.
SKEP/152/DPH/1997 dated 30 November 1997 and
managed and supervised by the Board and Advisory
Board consisting of public figures from the business
sector. In the period 2007-2016 BANI successfully
completed 782 cases. BANI is domiciled in Jakarta
and has representatives in several major cities in
Indonesia, namely Surabaya, Bandung, Medan,
Denpasar, Palembang, Pontianak and
Jambi(“PDF.pdf,” n.d.). In the provisions of Article
66 of Law No. 30 of 1999 on Arbitration and
Alternative Dispute Resolution (APS), it can be
determined the scope /subject matter which can be
settled through arbitration namely
(“arbitrationindonesia.pdf,” n.d.): Commerce;
Banking; Finance, Investment; Industry and;
Intellectual Property Rights (HAKI). The Arbitration
Mechanism in Indonesia is as follows.
Registration. Registration and submission of
arbitration applications by parties initiating the
applicant's arbitration process. Request for
Arbitration. (Notice of Arbitration) Application for
Arbitration must include (Poerwosutjipto, 1992): a)
Name and address of the parties; b) Clause or
Arbitration Agreement; c) Information about the facts
and the legal basis for the Arbitration Application; d)
Details of the problem; and e) Claims and / or value
of demands requested (Statement of Claim). Besides
that the applicant must attach to the application an
authentic copy of the agreements related to the
dispute concerned and can also attach other
documents that the Applicant deems relevant. If
additional documents or other evidence is intended to
be submitted later, the Applicant must confirm this in
the Application (Poerwosutjipto, 1992).
Arbitrator Appointment. In Article 8 letter f
of Law No. 30 of 1999 concerning Arbitration and
Alternative Dispute Settlement (APS). Determination
of the number of arbitrators is not regulated but the
applicant can submit a proposal regarding the desired
number of arbitrators in an odd number. And in the
Arbitration of Business Disputes within the Asian Economic Community: Context Indonesia and Malaysia
BANI regulation the number of arbitrators is
regulated as much as 1 (one) or 3 (three) arbitrators.
Respondent's response. In this case the
respondent must submit an answer within 30 (thirty)
days to deliver an answer or appoint an arbitrator by
including clear and valid reasons. The maximum
extension of this time is 14 days. And the answers
submitted must be in writing (Poerwosutjipto, 1992).
Counter Claim. The Respondent intends to file
a counterclaim (reconciliation), then the claim can
also be included along with the submission of the
Answer Letter. This counter-claim can also be
submitted no later than the first trial. However, under
certain conditions, the Respondent may file a
counterclaim on a date by providing reasonable
guarantees. Of course, this is also done with the
authority and policy of the Assembly. And the
procedure is like a request from the beginning.
Examination Session. The process of arbitration
examination must be conducted in a closed manner
using Indonesian language, must be made in writing
and hear the information of the parties and the final
decision is at the latest set within 30 (thirty) days after
the closing of the trial. Before giving a final decision,
the Assembly or arbitrator also has the right to give
preliminary decisions or partial decisions. However,
if it is deemed necessary to extend the time to
determine the final decision according to the
consideration of the Assembly or arbitrator, then the
final decision can be set at a later date.
Article 28 Undang-Undang No.30 Tahun 1999
tentang Arbitrase dan Alternatif Penyelesaian
Sengketa (APS), The Assembly or arbitrator may
consider using a foreign language in accordance with
the agreement if there are parties or even foreign
arbitrators who cannot use Indonesian, or the part of
the transaction that is the cause of the dispute is
carried out in a foreign language (other than
In Law No. 30 of 1999 concerning Arbitration
and Alternative Dispute Settlement (APS) article 48
paragraph (1) which reads "The examination of the
dispute must be completed within a maximum of 180
(one hundred and eighty) days after the arbitrator or
the arbitral tribunal is formed" . But within this time
period the examination period can be extended with
the following factors: a) One party submits a special
application, b) It is the result of the stipulation of a
provisional decision or other interlocutory decision,
c) Considered necessary by the Assembly or
The place of the arbitral tribunal has been
determined by the arbitrator or the arbitral tribunal,
but if agreed by all parties where the arbitral
proceedings may change and the Arbitrator or the
arbitral tribunal may hear witness testimony or hold a
meeting deemed necessary at a particular place
outside the place of arbitration. In Article 60 of Law
No. 30 of 1999 concerning Arbitration and
Alternative Dispute Settlement (APS) it has been
determined that the arbitration award is final and has
permanent legal force and is binding on the parties.
3.3 Arbitration in Malaysia
In the State of Malaysia the arbitration is governed
by the rules, Arbitration Rules 2017 and the
Malaysian Arbitration Act. With the shading
institution is Kuala Lumpur Regional Center for
Arbitration (KLRCA). The KLRCA/AIAC is
independent in resolving the arbitration case. The
agency in 2016 has resolved the case of 522 cases
with details as follows(“PDF.pdf,” n.d.):
a. 61% of all arbitration are disputes from the
construction sector and other related sectors; b. 60%
of all mediations are disputes from the construction
sector and related sectors; c. 84% of appointments are
for adjudication; d. 50% increase in ADNDR (Asian
Domain Name Dispute Resolution) cases compared
to 2015; e. 71% of all arbitration matters governed
under KRLCA regulations (KLRCA 2013 arbitration
rules and KLRCA quick arbitration rules); f. Total
416 pledges made by KLRCA for all disputes;
g.134% increase in cases of adjudication compared to
2015;h. Total RM1, 537,979,679.80 amount of funds
in disputes for adjudication; i. Total
USD295.470.992, 84 and RM468, 209,113.39
amounts in arbitration dispute.
In the preliminary section of Arbitration Rules
2017 rules explained that the subject matter that can
be resolved through the arbitration body is all the
subject of the dispute whose parties have agreed to
settle the existing case of arbitration institution unless
the case is contrary to public policy.
The appointment of the Arbitrator, that the party
completing the free arbitration determines the
arbitrator's amount for a period of 30 (thirty) days. If
the parties fail to determine the number of arbitrators
then the KLRCA determines it and if the KLRCA
appoints a single arbitrator, an arbitrator or
emergency arbitrator shall be in compliance with the
rules. The KLRCA determines the number of
arbitrators by determining(“PDF.pdf,” n.d.): a) In the
case of an international arbitration, it consists of three
arbiters, b) In the case of a domestic arbitration, it
consists of a single arbitrator.
Regarding the proceedings, that a sole arbitrator
or arbitral assembly shall announce the proceedings
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
to be held in private. Submission of the trial must be
closed and the date of the hearing must be submitted
in writing to the parties. The arbitrator gives 3 (three)
months for technical review. The deadline starts
running since the arbitrator announces a closed
session. The deadline may be extended by the
arbitrator with the consent of the parties and after
consultation with the KLRCA chairman. The
Chairman of the KLRCA may influence the
arbitration decision against the perceived
irregularities regarding the form of rewards and errors
in interest and cost calculations.(“PDF.pdf,” n.d.) But
if it is deemed appropriate the chairman of KLRCA
shall notify the arbitrator in writing that the technical
review has been completed. The Parties undertake to
execute the verdict immediately without delay, and
irrevocably waive their right to any review or other
appeal to the Court or other judicial authorities.
Verdicts may be lawful, and the parties agree that the
award shall be final and binding on the parties from
the date on which the verdict is signed. The term of
dispute settlement at KLRCA is settled with a term
agreed by the parties, but KLRCA offers a fast-track
arbitration process with a maximum of 160 (one
hundred and sixty) days settlement.(“PDF.pdf,” n.d.)
Arbitration shall be conducted at the arbitrator's
place, if it does not agree to it, then the place of
arbitration may be exercised in the choice of the
parties by determining by observing the
circumstances and according to the
objectives.(“PDF.pdf,” n.d.)
The arbitration mechanism in Malaysia is as
follows Registration. The applicant submits a written
application accompanied by: a) A copy of the
arbitration clause in writing. b) A copy of the contract
documentation in which the arbitration clause exists
or in connection with which the arbitration arises. c)
a copy of the notice of arbitration accompanied by a
confirmation that it has been or is being served on all
other parties by one or more means to be identified in
the confirmation. d) Pay registration fees.
When the applicant submits an initial application
with all complete documentation is considered the
date on which the arbitration has begun.
Arbitrator Appointment. The party completing
the arbitration is free to determine the number of
arbitrators with a period of 30 (thirty) days. If the
parties fail to determine the number of arbitrators, the
KLRCA party determines it and if the KLRCA
appoints a single arbitrator, the arbitration member or
emergency arbitrator must comply with the
regulations. KLRCA determines the number of
arbitrators by determining:a).In the case of
international arbitration, consists of three arbitrators,
b).In the case of domestic arbitration, it consists of
one single arbitrator.
Trial Process. Single arbitrators or arbitrator
assemblies must announce the trial is held in a closed
manner. Submission of hearings must be closed and
the date of trial must be submitted in writing to the
parties. The arbitrator gives 3 (three) months for
technical review. The deadline starts running since
the arbitrator announces a closed trial. The deadline
can be extended by the arbitrator with the agreement
of the parties and after consultation with the head of
the KLRCA. The Chair of the KLRCA may impose
arbitration decisions on perceived irregularities
regarding forms of awards and errors in the
calculation of interest and fees. But if it is deemed
appropriate the KLRCA chairman must notify the
arbitrator in writing that the technical review has been
The parties undertake to carry out the decision
immediately without delay, and irrevocably waive
their right to all forms of appellate review or another
route to the Court or other judicial authorities.
Decisions can be made legally, and the parties agree
that the decision is final and binding on the parties
from the date the decision is signed.
The time period for dispute resolution at KLRCA
is settled within a period agreed by the parties, but
KLRCA offers fast track arbitration process with a
maximum settlement of 160 (one hundred sixty) days.
Arbitration is held at the arbitrator's place, if it
does not approve it, then the place of arbitration can
be carried out at the party's choice by determining by
considering the circumstances and according to the
objectives. Based on the results of research on the
arbitration process in Indonesia and Malaysia, it can
be seen in the following table:
Table 1.
Comparison of the Arbitration Settlement
Process in Indonesia and Malaysia
Indonesia Malaysia
of the
There is a
1. The
Act on
ns of
Rules 2017.
There is a
Arbitration of Business Disputes within the Asian Economic Community: Context Indonesia and Malaysia
2. Law
no. 30 of
1999 on
on and
tial Decree
No. 34 of
3.The trial
There is
r of
1 or 3
(article 8
(2) of Law
No. 30 of
1999 on
n and
1. The parties
are free to
choose the
number of
2. 1 or 3
arbitrator rule
4 number 3
(As revised
in 2017).
There is a
time in
180 (one
(Article 48
of Law
No. 30 of
1999 on
n and
agreement of
the parties
2.a quick
cess with a
maximum of
160 (one
hundred and
sixty) days
There is a
of trial
is fixed by
but if
The parties
may decide
themselves or
upon by
all parties
the venue
(Article 37
of Law
No. 30 of
1999 on
n and
by the
(Rule 7 No. 1
(As revised
in 2017).
verdict is
final and
(Article 60
of Law
No. 30 of
1999 on
n and
The verdict is
final and
(Rule 12 No.
(As revised
in 2017).
8 Fee
Terms of
fees are
based on
the value
of the
Terms of fees
are based on
the value of
the speech.
There is a
Objectives of the ASEAN economic community
which provides for bribery and simplification of the
bureaucracy/ regulation to promote the development
of the world of commerce in ASEAN.
B. Appointment of Arbitrator, appointment of
arbitrator which does not take long, as described in
Article 8 letter f Act no. 30 of 1999 on Arbitration and
Alternative Dispute Settlement in which the
determination of the number of arbiters is not
regulated but the applicant may propose about the
number of arbiter desired in odd number 1 or
c. Duration, in Indonesia the arbitration process takes
180 (one hundred and eighty) days, which makes the
parties more efficient in the time used in
arbitration. In Malaysia and Thailand do not specify
the exact timing of the arbitration process, but
Malaysia offers arbitration proceedings with 160 (one
hundred and sixty) days which at a cost different from
ordinary arbitration. However, in a fixed period of
time it often makes the arbitration ruling not see the
case, the decision is likely to be terminated because
the prescribed time should not be bypassed.d. The
cost of arbitrage in Malaysia is differentiated between
fees for arbitrators and institutional fees, in addition
to Malaysia also distinguish between international
arbitrage fees and domestic arbitrage fees. The ideal
concept is the cost of arbitration in Indonesia that has
no distinction in fees.
In the era of MEA that open free market among
ASEAN countries currently make the trade intensity
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
between high inter-state business actors can
potentially increase the dispute both in quality and
quantity and business actors prefer dispute settlement
with non-litigation process is litigated,
because litigation process has a fairly complicated
aspect in dispute settlement where the parties are
related to the standard rules of the court, and the
process of settling non-litigation chosen is by way of
arbitration.Arbitration is chosen by the business actor
because the arbitration is efficient in time and cost,
the identity of the parties in secret and the final and
bind ing arbitral award. And the reason the authors
chose Indonesia as the prospect of arbitration in the
era of MEA as described above in line with the spirit
and objectives of the MEA which provides bribery
and simplification of bureaucracy/regulation in order
to encourage the development of trade in
ASEAN. Completion of arbitration in the era of the
MEA will have to be faster, practical and efficient
which in accordance with the soul of the MEA.
That the business dispute resolution process through
the arbitration institution in the era of the MEA is
increasingly needed with the consideration that in this
era of MEA, the intensity of trade transactions
between the merchants both domestic and between
countries increasing both quality and quantity. In line
with the growing world of trade would have the
potential to increase the problem of law (conflict) is
increasingly intense both quality and quality.
However, from the results of the study produced by
the authors of 2 (two) arbitration agencies in
Indonesia and Malaysia, there are differences related
to the legal basis, arbitration process, duration and
cost. Given the different aspects of impact, it will
have an impact on traders that involve traders in
ASEAN countries, who are given the freedom to
choose arbitration institutions in ASEAN countries.
With different ways of working of 2 (two) arbitration
institutions in Indonesia and Malaysia, and the
absence of standardization of the same settlement
process it is possible in the event of a pulling out in
choosing that arbitrage institutions. Of the two
arbitration institutions, namely Indonesia and
Malaysia, which have an impact in the dispute
settlement process, mainly related to the arbitration
process, term and cost. Based on the above
differences, according to the authors, the Indonesian
arbitration institution has more positive prospects to
serve as a model for arbitration institutions in
ASEAN countries, although it is recognized that each
of the ASEAN law system is different. The authors'
views are in line with the spirit and objectives of the
ASEAN economic community which provides for
banning and simplifying the bureaucracy / regulation
to promote the development of the trading world in
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Undang-Undang No.30 Tahnun 1999 Pasal 28 tentang
Arbitrase dan Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa (APS).
Undang-Undang No.30 Tahnun 1999 Pasal 37 tentang
Arbitrase dan Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa (APS)
Arbitration of Business Disputes within the Asian Economic Community: Context Indonesia and Malaysia