integrated moral values in the entire learning process
from planning, organizing, implementing and
evaluating. Students are also the center of the
concentration of the learning process because the
strategies and methods are designed interactively and
have meaning in the life process of students
(contextual teaching learning).
Based on data analysis and discussion in this
research, some conclusions can be drawn as follows:
English Language Education Study Program,
Unissula has been committed to one of its mission by
integrating Islamic values in the learning process.
Islamic values based on analysis, has been
implemented in the learning and teaching process
starting from the curriculum design to classroom
manifestation which includes among others lesson
planning, actual teaching and evaluation.Islamic
values internalization in the learning process is
implemented through four steps; firstly, build a
commitment of lecturers and students who are
operationally embodied in the preparation of syllabus
and lesson plan in which already contains Islamic
moral values that will be applied in learning process.
This step is operationally applied at the beginning of
the lecture through a learning contract.
Secondly, the lecturers include Islamic values in
the course content. The arguments derived from the
Qur'an and hadith that have relevance to the subject
matter in the taught course become an inseparable
part of the material content taught.
Thirdly, choose appropriate learning strategies
and teaching methods, including selecting media and
props tailored to the subject matter/subject matter.
Lastly, the lecturer evaluates the whole learning
process into all aspects; namely attitude, practice and
understanding of the course.
The fourth step, the lecturer evaluates the learning
process not only on the aspect of cognition;
nevertheless the whole learning process. The
Behavior/attitude, practice and understanding of the
course then will be unitedly evaluated. Lastly, the
results of this evaluation become the lecturer's
reference in designing the next lesson plan.
The advantages of this model are a continuous
dynamic learning process. Moral values integrated in
the overall process of learning from planning,
organizing, implementation to evaluation. Students
also become the center of learning process because
the strategy and method is designed interactively and
has meaningfulness in the process of student life
(contextual teaching learning).
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