between text and context while maintaining the
values of local wisdom of society.
The tradition of reading Al-Kahfi on UIN Maulana
Malik Ibrahim Malang especially in the Faculty of
Sharia is a religious reality which influenced and
created by all the academic community both
lecturers and employees. The tradition is formed
through three dialectical moments. First;
externalization, the existence of traditions that
explain about the primacy of reading the letter al-
Kahf on Friday is one factor the emergence of the
tradition. In addition, friends and the support of the
leaders of faculty in the form of verbal commands
and guidance of those involved to contribute to the
realization of these traditions. Second; Objectivity:
The tranquility while reading Al-Kahfi together is an
important factor occurrence that tradition. The
content and messages are presented in the Al-Kahfi
is the main attraction to stay afloat follow and
preserve the tradition.
Third; Internalisation; The academic community
has different subjective meanings about the practice
of that tradition. the diversity of meaning in the
intersubjektif realized by them as inevitability, so
that in general raises the belief that by reading the
letter of al-Kahfi will get the blessing and ease in
carrying out daily life. The existence of the tradition
of reading Al-Kahfi collectively raises other living
hadiths, namely as the realization of the suggestion
of charity, the recommendation of reading al-Qur'an
in congregation, and establishing an emotionally
good relationship to fellow colleagues.
The attempt to live the hadith in certain
societal traditions, is a form of dialectic between the
text and the context, so that the texts of the hadith
can remain relevant throughout the time, wherever
and whenever. Hadiths should not only be treated as
texts as religious dogmas, more than that the hadith
has been transformed and lived in the midst of
society as an institutionalized practice. Thus the
universal value of religion as rahmatan lil alamin
can be realized.
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