Land Bank and Food Sovereignty in Indonesia
Musleh Harry,
Ahmad Wahidi
and Musataklima
Fakultas Syariah
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang, Indonesia
Keyword: Food, Land Bank, Indonesia.
Abstract This research focuses on two important issues for the continuity of Indonesia's existence as an agrarian
country, namely related to the constitutional basis for the urgency of the policy of establishing a Land Bank
in Indonesia and its relevance to legal protection of sustainable food agricultural land. The research method
used normative law with a legislative approach that relies on secondary legal material obtained through
literature study and analysed using qualitative descriptive methods. The research result are first, the
constitutional basis for the urgency of the policy of the establishment of the Land Bank based on and realize
the constitutional mandate of Article 33 Paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution which states that the earth,
water and natural resources contain in it are controlled by the State and used for great prosperity of the
people. This means that the common interests of the Indonesian people are greater than those of individual
interests. Second, the relevance of the policy of land bank formation which will begin in 2017 with the
protection of sustainable food agriculture are, first, it can be seen from the existence of this land bank that
support the implementation of spatial planning in Indonesia, and the protection of sustainable food
agricultural land is a mandate contained in the spatial law Article 48 of Law Number 26 of 2007 concerning
spatial planning (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2007 Number 68, Supplement to the State
Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4725); second, the function of the land bank as an institution
in providing land for the public interest and the existence of sustainable food agricultural land is one variant
of public interest whose existence is to create sovereignty, resilience and food independence in Indonesia
Indonesia is an agricultural country who is rich
in agriculture, forestry and plantation, livestock and
fisheries. This natural condition provides an
opportunity for most Indonesian people in doing
agriculture business and related to it. Agricultural
activities are one of the most basic activities for
humans, because everyone needs to eat every day.
Agribusiness attempt development becomes a very
strategic and important choice in line with the
government's efforts to develop new sources of
economic growth outside oil and gas.
But today, Indonesia is threatened with the loss
of agricultural land as one of the conditions of an
agrarian country, the faster population growth
without being offset by the availability of existing
land has caused various problems because of the
high demand for land to be made a place of
residence that is not offset by the availability of
land, the land will never increase while land demand
is always increasing. The implication is the shift in
the function of agricultural rice fields and then
turned into a residential area which causes the
narrowing of the cultivated land area and often
results in a decrease in the level of farmers' welfare.
Therefore, controlling the conversion of food
agricultural land through the protection of food
agricultural land is necessary.
Act No. 41 of 2009 concerning Protection of
Sustainable Food Agriculture Land, is a legal basis
for protecting food agricultural land on the condition
that the agricultural land must be determined in
advance as an area of sustainable food agriculture.
Article 8 of Law No. 41 of 2009 which states that
"in the case where there are food farms in the city,
the land can be designated as Sustainable Food
Farming Land to be protected". Article 25 paragraph
(1) states that the Establishment of Sustainable Food
Agricultural Land in urban areas as referred to in
Article 8 is stipulated by Regional Regulation. (2)
Determination of Sustainable Food Farming Land in
the city area as referred to in paragraph (1) becomes
the basis for zoning regulations to control the
utilization of urban space (Law No. 31 of 2009
Harry, M., Wahidi, A. and Musataklima, .
Land Bank and Food Sovereignty in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0009924811961203
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 1196-1203
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
concerning the Protection of Sustainable Food
Agriculture Land, 2009). The stipulation of
sustainable food agricultural land will certainly
come into contact with the lands owned by farmers,
and the designated agricultural land will become
eternal land in the duration of 20 years the land
cannot be converted as stated in government
regulations No. 1 of 2011 Article 35 states that land
that has been designated as a sustainable food
agricultural land is protected and prohibited from
being converted.
In addition to the protection policy for
sustainable food agriculture, the government also
plans to issue a land bank policy as a land reserve
for development in the public interest to ensure the
certainty of the availability of land that will be
projected for development goal (Ministry of
National Development Planning, 2014).
The writer
has a hypothesis that the policy of the land bank that
operates in 2017 has the relevance to the protection
of sustainable food agricultural land, to test this
hypothesis; the research with the title that has been
presented is conducted.
The research method used normative law with a
legislative approach that relies on secondary legal
material obtained through literature study and
analysed using qualitative descriptive methods.
3.1 General Bank Concept
Land bank originated of 2 (two) terms: land
banking and land banks. Land banking in a general
could be translated in Indonesian language as
"banking land ", which is used to explain activities
with a land bank. While the term of land banks is
used to describe the existence institution or work
that deliver institutions that act in the field
procurement of the land. Based on some the sense
described above, could concluded that land bank is
something Policy that land where country through
institution government or institution appointed
independent by Government , authorized to (1) do
acquisition to soil displaced or problematic , land
that hasn't been developed and land that is
considered have potency for development ; (2)
manage and arrange it while time ; then (3)
distribute it back for interests general corresponding
with government programs, both short asnd long
term period.
According to Bernhard Limbong, based on
conception and practice of land bank in a number of
countries, the implementation of land bank could
divided to within three (3) types:
1. Public of Land Bank (General Land Banking)
addressed for interests development in the
future of general nature, scale broad , and non-
profit, to control disaster nature, defense
country, and development city, reconstruction
and relocation residents, expansion of
agricultural areas, transmigration, and
implementation of reformation agrarian;
2. Land Bank of Special Public (Special Land
Banking) with scale more small and oriented
on public service at once profit oriented, as
infrastructure transportation land, sea, air,
plantation , region industry , and housing
cheap subsidized. Because is nature public,
then institutional status second land bank that
is can shaped land bank department or
institution country, land bank government
region/ government city , and BUMN/ BUMD
land bank ;
3. Private land banks that are profit oriented,
especially land bank for support activities
investment continues improving, like land
bank for developer, region industry, center
trade, and plantation.
Third alternative type of land bank as should
adjusted with objectives to be achieved by the
government. The land bank as alternative
procurement soil could have some function, namely:
1. As Grouper Land (Land Keeper)
As collector land, institutions of land bank do
inventory to lands that were made object
management of land bank. Besides activities
collection land, land bank to collect and provide land
records are complete, accurate, integrated and
2. As Land Safety (Land Warantee )
The land bank in carrying out its activities refers to a
spatial plan to secure the provision, designation and
utilization of land that has been determined based on
a land use plan which is an integrated part of the
existing spatial plan;
3. As Controller Land Control (Land Purchaser)
Through activities which refers to the land bank on
plan system space already set, then implementation
begins from planning, utilization and control.
Land Bank and Food Sovereignty in Indonesia
Through plan system space, land bank could do
control to mastery soil so that mastery soil not
centered on group society certain;
4. As Business Land (Land Manager)
Land banks as conceptual land management
activities must contain policies and strategies for
optimizing the use and use of land, in order the
existence of a land bank must be able to direct the
development of land use;
5. As Assessor Land (Land Appraisal)
Through land bank expected price and value soil
could set and controlled corresponding with
regulations applicable legislation;
6. As Land Distributor (Land Distributor)
Activities land bank covers activities liberation land,
ripening land, then distribution soil corresponding
with allotment and its use.
The concept of a land bank already known and
applied in several country Europe and America
Union since 20th century. Land bank applied in
each country different between one with that
others. This happen because existence difference
reasons behind emergence of land banks in each of
them country that is. The Netherlands have the
concept of a prominent land bank with regulation
complete. As something idea new one yet arranged
in a manner Specific in scale national, then
implementation of land banks in the country
Netherlands that is need studied for look How
country that is set and apply the concept of a land
bank, so could give away a clear picture for find
concept of a land bank that can applied in Indonesia.
Implementation the concept of a land bank in the
Netherlands could reviewed of 4 (four) indicators,
namely: (1) regulations, (2) types, (3) parties that
organize, and (4) mechanisms organization.
1. Land Bank Regulation
Regulation of land bank covers (a) Law
Consolidated Land (Land Consolidation Act),
1954, (b) Law of Rural Development ( The rural
area development Act), 1985, and (c) Law
Arrangement Rural Space (Act on Spatial
Structuring of the Rural Areas) , 2005.
2. Type of Land Bank
In the Netherlands there are 2 (two) land banks
which are vertical are under auspices of two (2)
different ministries. Both land banks that is is a land
bank public, so source financing pure originated
from the budget government without there is mix
hand from party private sector. The first land bank
called State Domain Services was established on in
1841 below shade Minister Finance. Management of
a land bank this decentralized with office scattered
throughout the region, land bank manage agriculture
covering an area of 80,000 ha with task the main as
the following : (a) development Policy land
government , (b) management owned land by
government , (c) sales soil the government .
Then on mid-20th century too established agency
management soil government second named
Wieringermeer or later called Service of Issellake
Polders (RIJP). Agency this established in the
environment Ministry Transportation and Water
with aim manage “new " lands, that is lands dry out.
One of them Lake the widest in the world named
Flevopolder managed by agency this and still in
stage development. Both banks owned land by
Government Netherlands is a land bank manifold
public that is automatic authority mastery the land
absolute owned by country no other party.
3. Parties in the Land Bank
In the Netherlands There are two (2) that both the
land bank is a land bank the public. So that could
confirmed not there is element private in system
managing land banks in the Netherlands and all
source financing for holding a land bank only
originated from the budget the government .
4. Mechanism Implementation of a Land Bank
Mechanism holding land banks in the Netherlands
composed from 3 (three) stages, namely stage
collection land, stage management soil and stage
distribution the land. Land Company Dienst Program
Landelijk Gebied as guidelines implementation land
bank in the Netherlands, distinguishes method
collection and management to distribution soil to in
some categories, among others:
a. Stages collection soil by Exchange Land
Bank, where soil agriculture bought for saved
while time, arrive happen exchange. This
intended for develop structure agriculture to
the countryside.
b. Stage management soil by Financial
Instrument, where land bank rent soil for
while or permanent to the farmer or other
organizations for maintain system space.
Category this already not many used in the
sector agriculture. Category this already not
many used in the sector agriculture.
Stage distribution soil or Land Bank as
Developer, where form activities change function
from something region as source income. Function
soil used for needs housing (real estate),
development city, source power nature, recreation
and so on. Usually category this used in environment
urban area big and do by sector private as form
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
investment, with change region agriculture to be
region industry. With purchase a number of land,
expected change function and plan system room
create enhancement value soil and potency benefits.
3.2 The Concept of Social Justice in the
Implementation of a Land Bank
Gustav Radbruch argues that the purpose of the
law must be understood as the basis and binding for
the formation of legislation. There are 3 (three) basic
values of law which are known as legal ideals, in
which the law must fulfill these basic values,
namely: justice, usability, and legal certainty. As a
basic value that must be fulfilled, then the
instrument for setting up future land banks must be
able to accommodate the fulfillment of these three
basic values.
Good law must provide justice, because the
spirit of the law is justice, as mentioned in the
Qur'anic fragments, namely QS a n-Nisa ' verse: 58,
which can be interpreted as "And if you set a law
among men so that you determine fairly". This verse
explains the mandate borne by the legislator to
guarantee justice for anyone. To fulfill this mandate,
lawmakers should have knowledge in making
legislation, so that the substance of article by article
can provide protection for the community in
fulfilling justice.
A good legislation must be able to create justice
for various parties, create a position that is
proportional. The core party that is very instrumental
in the implementation of public of land bank is the
government and the community. As practiced in
several other countries, in carrying out public land
banks there have been legal actions in the form of
asset transfers in the form of land rights which can
be in the form of buying and selling, exchanges, or
grants between the government and the community.
A fair legal relationship can be created through
processes, procedures that are correct, transparent,
and guarantee accountability. Although everyone
wants justice to be realized, not all of them
understand and understand the meaning of justice.
In analyzing social inequality and inequality of
land acquisition instruments currently used in
providing land for infrastructure development of
various public interests, the writer uses the theory of
social justice in Islam. Furthermore, the theory is
used to see the welfare that arises and is expected by
the people from the application of the concept of
land bank in Indonesia, this is an effort to avoid an
adverse position and the lame in providing land for
public interest infrastructure development. The
theory of social justice according to Islam was
coined by Sayyid Qutb in his book Al-'Adalah al-
Ijtima'iyyah fi 'al-Islam (which was later translated
into a book entitled Social Justice in Islam).
Sayyid Qutb believes that social justice in life
cannot be enforced if every member of his
community wants to enjoy absolute freedom without
limits and without a certain direction. Qutb said, this
kind of situation is a guarantee for the destruction of
society which would also destroy the members of
the community themselves. In the sense that
freedom must be given in life as long as there is no
absolute freedom without limits. Islam will give
justice to all aspects of life. It will not provide
provisions that are skewed and not influenced by
anything except the determination of truth, the right
is right and the wrong is wrong. Where everyone
enjoys absolute freedom of soul, free from all forms
of pressure and obtains full equality that is not
accompanied by any ties and conditions.
Sayyid Quthb revealed about social justice in
Islam: "Here every individual enjoys the same
justice, there is no discrimination between those who
arise because of nasab and wealth, because of the
money and rank / position as those of the people
outside of Islam, even between Muslims and those
non-Muslims have hostility and hatred. Indeed this
is a value of justice that has never been achieved by
any international law and also by any local law until
this moment “The meaning is that nothing can affect
the upholding of justice, anything that tries to
obstruct justice, both property and religion and
position is not true.
In relation to the practice of land banks, this
social justice lies in equal opportunities in land
ownership for all people, especially for farmers who
do not own their own land and low income
communities, to be able to own land through land
redistribution which is the flagship program of land
banks. Redistribution of land in land banks is
intended to provide the widest opportunity for the
poor who have no chance of owning land due to the
increasing price of land in Indonesia. Land
redistribution is part of an agrarian reform program
that aims to prosper farmers in Indonesia. Article 4
letter (g) Decree of the MPR RI Number IX / MPR /
2001 explains that agrarian / natural resources that
cover the earth, water, space and natural resources in
it are national assets that must be managed and
utilized optimally for the present generation and
future generations in order to realize a just and
prosperous society.
Land Bank and Food Sovereignty in Indonesia
In addition to equality of opportunity in land
ownership, in the practice of land banks will also
create an equal position in terms of equal rights
between the government and the community. For
example, in the process of acquiring land ownership
through buying and selling, the government as the
buyer and the community as the owner of land rights
are given the same rights to realize their respective
desires regarding the amount of land value / price to
be acquired by the land bank price. Land buying and
selling should not occur without agreement from
both parties. The government as the ruling authority
must not be arbitrary in determining the value / price
of the land at will at the expense of the expectations
of the community, or it can be said that the
government must not dance above the grief of the
3.3 Protection Correlation of Juridical
Agricultural Land through Food
According to Law No. 41 of 2009, land is part of
land from the surface of the earth as a physical
environment covering the soil along with all
influencing factors uses such as climate, relief,
geological aspects, and hydrology that is formed
naturally or due to human influence, the land is
diverse, one of which is agricultural land, what is
meant by agricultural land according to the law
above is the land area used for agriculture. Then
what is called sustainable agricultural land is a field
agricultural land that is set to be protected and
developed consistently to produce staple food for
independence, resilience, and national food
Food agriculture protection is needed for
protection in order to make food agriculture
guarantee food independence, food security, food
sovereignty and at the same time maintain the
existence of Indonesia as an agricultural country.
Logically without the availability of food
agriculture, it is impossible for independence,
resilience and food sovereignty to be achieved,
because food agriculture is the main requirement for
food agriculture and agricultural business as well as
the main requirement for food independence, food
security and food sovereignty.
Sustainable Food Agriculture Land (abbreviated
as SFAL) is a field of agricultural land that is
determined to be protected and developed
consistently to produce staple food for
independence, resilience and national food
sovereignty. One of the mechanisms for controlling
sustainable food agriculture carried out by the
government is through providing incentives and
disincentives to farmers. Land Protection Incentives
are awards to farmers who maintain and do not
convert LFAL. The disincentive is revocation of
incentives, which is carried out if the recipient
farmers do not carry out their LFAL protection.
There are seven types of food a sustainable
agricultural land incentives offered by the
government in accordance with the Government
Regulation No. 12 of 2012 concerning Incentives for
Sustainable Food Agriculture, namely (1)
development of agricultural infrastructure; (2)
financing of research and development of superior
seeds and varieties; (3) ease in access information
and technology; (4) provision of agricultural
production facilities and infrastructure; (5)
assistance in issuing certificates of land rights; (6)
appreciation for high achieving farmers; and (7)
earth and building tax relief assistance. There are
three types of disincentives imposed by the
government, namely, revoking incentives that have
been given, replacing paddy fields, and changing the
value of infrastructure investment.
3.4 Constitutional Platform of Urgency
for the Establishment of a Land
Bank (Land Banking) as a Means
of Providing Land for Public
The term of Land Bank is commonly heard at
present, although it is suspected that it is not well
understood. A good understanding of the term of
Land Bank becomes a necessity considering that one
of the government's priority programs listed in the
NMTDP 2015-2019 is the Land Bank (Ministry of
National Development Planning, 2014).
Theoretically the Land Bank is understood by an
institution that provides land for development
purposes, as well as acting as the controller of land
prices. Land Bank is a Business Entity that is not
solely seeking profit but is more of a land manager
in terms of controlling land prices and supporting
the implementation of the Spatial Plan. Thus, the
Land Bank supports the government's task in
managing, providing and controlling land prices.
Limbong emphasizes that the Land Bank is a land
management facility in the context of land use to be
more productive (2013).
Furthermore, it is recognized that the Land Bank
has at least several main activities, namely (i) buying
land, (ii) finalizing land both physically and
administratively; (iii) selling land lots ready to build
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
to those in need; (iv) administering the sale and
purchase of land in accordance with the provisions.
Van Dijk explains that land bank activities can take
the form of systematic land acquisition which is
usually on a large scale, and that land will be used in
the future to implement land policies (2006).
The functions of the Land Bank include (i) land
keeper in the form of inventory and development of
land databases, administration and land information
systems; (ii) land warrantee in the form of securing
supply, designation, land use in accordance with the
spatial plan and ensuring the efficiency of the land
market; (iii) land control (land purchaser) in the
form of control of land ownership and use in
accordance with applicable regulations; (iv) land
valuers in the form of supporting standard, fair and
mandatory land values for various purposes; (v) land
distributors (land distributors) in the form of
ensuring fair and equitable distribution of land based
on the unity of land values, securing land planning,
supply and distribution; (vi) land manager in the
form of land management, analysis, determination of
strategy and implementation management related to
Thurston stresses that the objectives of the Land
Bank include (i) managing urban growth; (ii)
ensuring the availability of land for certain purposes;
(iii) taking capital gains due to an increase in land
value. Flechner (1974) added, if related to the
government, the Land Bank's objectives could
include (i) forming regional growth; (ii) arranging
the development of the city; (iii) obtaining from
increasing the value of land investment; (iv)
perfecting the land market so as to reduce land
speculation; (v) obtaining land for public use; (vi)
reducing the cost of public services as a result of a
planned development; (vii) allowing to provide
housing subsidies for low-income communities;
(viii) maintaining environmental quality (Limbong,
In general, the Land Bank is useful for (i)
controlling the land market that guarantees the
efficiency and rationality of land prices; (ii)
streamlining and guarantee fair and fair land values;
(iii) having able to integrate policies, strategies,
implementations and evaluations related to land.
While Limbong added other benefits such as (i)
helping to achieve various goals (not only one type
of activity but can vary from housing, infrastructure,
and others); (ii) can be an integral part of
metropolitan development. In particular, the benefits
of the Land Bank for Indonesia include (i)
availability of land guaranteed especially in urban
areas; (ii) land prices are affordable and relatively
stable; (iii) support food security and housing
programs for low-income communities; (iv)
guarantee the implementation of agrarian reform and
village modernization (Limbong, 2013).
In addition, Limbong based on his observations
of land conditions in Indonesia confirms that the
Land Bank is able to answer some of the crucial
issues facing the government today, namely the
government has land reserves. The Land Bank is the
government's engine in providing land reserves for
development purposes such as public facilities,
infrastructure, development of strategic cities and
regions, resettlement of disaster victims, liberation
and eviction of slums, and food security through
reducing the rate of agricultural land conversion
(Limbong, 2013).
The benefits, the purpose and function of the
presence of the land bank that has been described by
the experts above are the basis for arguments for the
urgency of establishing a land bank itself which
cannot be bargained again to launch development for
the public interest. Because with this land bank the
government has a land stock, able to do the state
budget efficiency and avoid land acquisition
conflicts that always cut development in the public
Constitutionally, the establishment of a land
bank in Indonesia is a constitutional mandate Article
33 Paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution which states
that the earth, water and natural resources contained
in it are controlled by the State and used as much as
possible for the prosperity of the people. That is,
common interests are more important than
individual interests. This shared interest is a
development that is oriented towards public benefit.
Constitution as the highest law in the legal
hierarchy in Indonesia ((Law No. 12 of 2011
concerning Establishment of Legislation
Regulations, 2011), the mandate in relation to the
earth, water and natural wealth in this country is
translated into Law Number 5 of 1960 concerning
Agrarian Principles, article 2 paragraph (1) the
authority of the State concerning land includes (a)
regulating inventory, use, designation and
maintenance of the earth, water and space; (b)
determine and regulate the legal relations between
people regarding the earth, water and space; (c)
determine and regulate the legal relationship
between people and legal acts regarding the earth,
water and space.
In relation to land tenure and ownership aspects,
state activities include (a) protection and giving
equal opportunities for every Indonesian citizen to
own land as a source of life properly; (b) prevention
Land Bank and Food Sovereignty in Indonesia
of excessive land control; (c) realization of the
implementation of equitable improvement in the
standard of living of the poor economy class; (d)
realization of the distribution of ownership and land
use. Land banks with good land stock obtained
through buying and selling schemes with the
community as well as land security schemes
abandoned by their owners can be used as a source
to provide access to the people who are the objects
of agrarian reform to own them, in case the
constitutional mandate mentioned above is correct
felt by the community.
3.5 Relevance of Establishment of
Land Banks (Land Banking) with
Sustainable Food Farming
Sustainable Food Farming Protection is a system and
process for planning and establishing, developing,
utilizing and fostering, controlling, and monitoring
food crops and their areas sustainably. Agricultural
land is part of the earth as the gift of God Almighty
who is controlled by the state and used for the
greatest prosperity and prosperity of the people as
mandated in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic
of Indonesia. Indonesia as an agrarian country needs
to guarantee the sustainable supply of food
agricultural land as a source of decent work and
livelihood for humanity by prioritizing the principles
of togetherness, efficiency, fairness, sustainability,
environmental insight, and independence, and by
maintaining the balance, progress and unity of the
national economy.
The state guarantees the right to food as a basic
right of every citizen in case the State has an
obligation to guarantee the independence, resilience
and food sovereignty, the increasing population and
economic and industrial development resulting in
degradation, the conversion and fragmentation of
food agricultural land threaten the regional carrying
capacity nationally in maintaining independence,
resilience, and food sovereignty, and in accordance
with agrarian discussions relating to the
restructuring of control, ownership, use and use of
agrarian resources, it is necessary to protect food
crops sustainably.
The Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number
41 of 2009 is the legal basis for the Protection of
Sustainable Food Agriculture Land in this country.
The remaining productive land in the land of
Indonesia does not automatically become protected
by the presence of this law, but it must be
determined first as a sustainable food agriculture
land with the procedures and mysticism that has
been stipulated in the implementing regulations.
Article 8 of Law No. 41 of 2009 which states
that "in the case where there are food farms in the
city, the land can be designated as Sustainable Food
Farming Land to be protected". Then in Article 25
paragraph (1) states that the Establishment of
Sustainable Food Agricultural Land in urban areas
as referred to in Article 8 is stipulated by Regional
Regulation. (2) Determination of Sustainable Food
Farming Land in the city area as referred to in
paragraph (1) becomes the basis for zoning
regulations to control the utilization of urban space.
Land that has been designated as sustainable
food agricultural land will become a permanent land
that cannot be converted, if the agricultural land is a
state asset, then it will not be a problem, which can
cause problems if the land is owned by the people
who are not able to cultivate it as agricultural land
because farmers in this country have experienced a
crisis of regeneration, in case it can be transferred to
third parties (developers) and by third parties
converted as non-agricultural land.
Based on the results of previous research,
information was obtained that farmers are often
tempted by developers to release their land at very
high prices, this is a threat to the sustainability of
sustainable food agriculture which is also a threat to
the agenda of sovereignty, independence and food
security in Indonesia which can also threaten the
existence of Indonesia as an agricultural country that
relies on the availability of agricultural land.
The country will experience difficulties in
realizing its ideals and goals, the process of selling
sustainable food agricultural land by its owner to the
parties when those originating from property rights
are the strongest right, fulfilled (Santoso, 2005) a is
legal according to the law of sale and purchase.
Against the above issues, the expected land bank
policy in each region is found, finding the
momentum of its relevance to the protection of
sustainable food agricultural lands, namely by
making purchases of sustainable food agricultural
lands that will be released. The purchase of
agricultural land carried out by land banks is one of
the main activities of land banks in addition,
finalizing the land both physically and
administratively; sell land lots ready to build to
those in need; administer the sale and purchase of
land in accordance with the provisions. Van Dijk
explaines that land bank activities can take the form
of systematic land acquisition which is usually on a
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
large scale, and that land will be used in the future to
implement land policies (2006).
The process of purchasing land carried out by a
land bank other than its main activity, is also a
means for the availability of land collected except by
utilizing the central / regional government land;
utilizing state-owned enterprises land which can be
in the form of a partnership pattern; Utilizing non-
extended abandoned and HGU land and
unproductive HGU. This scheme to buy sustainable
food cropland will be successful if it is supported by
large funds that are balanced with developer capital,
because in the field of land banks as a private
representation vis a vis with large capital developers.
The land bank in carrying out its activities can
collaborate with the local agriculture service and it
can involve all of its extension elements to socialize
the activities of the land bank to the farmer groups
under its guidance in case if one of the farmers
wants to release ownership of sustainable food
agricultural land better released to the land bank.
Sustainable food agricultural land purchased by
land banks which are government institutions, the
land becomes safe from the threat of land conversion
and land supply for food agriculture is safe too so
that food sovereignty ideals become the light of
attack. But the problem that then arises is, who will
next manage the food farming land. According to the
writer, the land is used as a cultivated land by local
people with a fair profit sharing scheme that is
oriented towards the prosperity of the cultivators so
as not to repeat events in the past.
Incentives provided by the state mandated in the
Government Regulation of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 12 of 2012, and protection
financing mandated in the Government Regulation
of the Republic of Indonesia Number 30 of 2012, in
the opinion of the author also needs to be given to
tenants not only to owners of sustainable food
agricultural land to sustain farmer production
business, because it's useless even though there are
agricultural land controlled by the land bank if no
one is working on it. Based on this, according to the
author, the pioneer of the success of food
sovereignty in this country is the availability of land
and farmers.
Based on the discussion above, it can be
concluded that first, the urgency of establishing a
land bank cannot be separated from the function and
benefits of the land bank itself and the constitutional
basis for its formation is Article 33 Paragraph 3 of
the 1945 Constitution which states that the earth,
water and natural wealth contained in it is controlled
by the State and used as much as possible for the
prosperity of the people. Second, the relevance of
establishing a Land Bank with the protection of
sustainable food agricultural land can be seen in the
aspect of spatial planning in which the land bank
will later support the implementation of Spatial
Plans in Indonesia, and the protection of sustainable
food agricultural lands is a mandate contained in
spatial law Article 48 Law Number 26 of 2007
concerning Arrangement; third, see from the
function of the land bank as a land provider
institution for the public interest and the main
activity of buying land to the community can later be
done to people who want to release sustainable food
agricultural land in case it becomes safe and the
aspiration of the food sovereignty can be reached.
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try of National Development
Land Bank and Food Sovereignty in Indonesia