video recording. And after using English self-video
recording, the mean score of post-test was 51.20.
Meanwhile, the control class score which has the
mean score of pre-test was 37.28 and the mean score
of post-test was 42.56. It means that both classes have
increased in the post-test score. But, the experimental
class got a higher score than the control class. Based
on the statistical analysis, the increasing point of the
experimental class was 8.32 points; from 42.88 to
51.20 and control class, it increased 5.28 points; from
37.28 to 42.56. It means that the experimental class
had more significantly increasing points rather than
the control class.
Based on the result by using t-test formula, it can
be interpreted that the calculation of t-test showed
Sig.2 tailed of post-test is 0.000 (p=0.000) and α is
6.326. It means that (0.000<0.05) or (p<α). The table,
moreover, shows that df (degree of freedom) was 48.
The value of ttable with df48 is 1.684. Meanwhile the
tvalue from the table is -4036, it means that
ttable<tvalue. Hence, Ho is rejected and Ha is
accepted. To sum up, there is a significant effect of
English self-video recording on students’ speaking
skill of recount text. Thus, there is a significant
difference between the students’ score in using
English self-video recording and without using
English self- video recording at Mts Khazanah
Kebajikan. It means students’ who learn recount text
with English self-video recording had a significant
effect on comprehending topic compared to those
who did not learn Recount text with English self-
video recording. According to the research, there is a
significant effect of English self-video on students’
speaking skill of recount text.
This study was conducted by quasi- experimental
design which was intended to get empirical evidence
of the effectiveness of using English self-video
recording on students’ speaking skill of recount text
at the eighth grade students in Mts Khazanah
Kebajikan At the beginning, students’ score in
experimental class and controlled class was no
statistically different. Then, after the treatments, the
post-test and the gained score of experimental class
was higher than the score of controlled class. It means
that the use of English self-video recording has
significant effect in improving students’ speaking
skill. Finally, the result of this study supported the
previous study that the used of English self-video
recording was effective in improving students’
speaking skill.
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