Guru Prajabatan (PPG) which suggest that Pre
Teacher Professional Education Program, hereinafter
referred to as PPG Program is an education program
held to prepare graduates of Non-Education S1 /
DIV who have the talent and interest to become
teachers to master the full competence of teachers in
accordance with national standards of education so
as to obtain a certificate of professional educators on
early childhood education, primary and secondary
education. (Ministerial Regulation, 2013).
2.1 Pedagogical Competence
Teaching is a special job performed by teachers or
lecturers. This work is tangible in a series of
activities carried out by the teacher by doing the
process of managing and organizing learning
activities to foster and encourage students to carry
out the learning process. (Nur Ali, 2017).The
professional work of teaching is a job that requires a
steady preparation through education and training,
done based on science, art or improvisation, and
specialized skills. It requires rules and regulations or
a code of ethics to develop a career as a teacher.
Eventually, it is expected that the teacher can carry
out the main task for facilitating the interests of
students. In order to be able to fulfill the
responsibilities, a teacher must understand his
position or job as a professional teacher by referring
to his main duties and responsibilities (Nur Ali,
Armstrong in Sudjana (1988: 148) revealed that
teachers’ duties are classified into five types, (1)
responsibility in teaching, (2) responsibility in
providing guidance, (3) responsibility in developing
curriculum, (4) responsibility in developing the
profession and (5) responsibility in fostering good
relations with people. According to Law No. 14 of
2005, it is mandatory for teachers to own some
competencies in accordance with the recognition of
teachers as a profession. Based on article 10 verse 1,
teachers must have four competencies, including:
pedagogical competence, personality competence,
social competence and professional competence,
obtained through professional education. (Nur Ali,
In terms of pedagogical competence, teachers
must: (1) master the characteristics of students, from
physical, moral, spiritual, social, cultural, emotional
and intellectual aspects, (2) master learning theory
and educational learning principles, (3) develop a
curriculum related to the subjects taught, (4)
organize the educational learning, (5) utilize
information and communication technology for the
benefit of learning, (6) facilitate the development of
potential students to actualize themselves, (7)
communicate effectively, empathetically and
politely with students, (8) organize an evaluation of
the process and learning outcomes, (9) utilize the
results of the assessment for the benefit of learning,
and (10) conduct reflective actions to improve the
quality of learning.
Based on the theory above, it can be concluded
that being a professional teacher, as described in the
Law on the teaching profession, must be equipped
with pedagogical competence namely teaching
competence, starting from recognizing students'
psychology, mastering the material and having a
variety of motivational learning methods for
students’ learning, optimizing the potential of
learners, being able to use tools and learning media,
building good communication with students until
evaluating and reflecting to improve students'
2.2 The Practice of Teaching
One of the main tasks of being a teacher is to teach.
Teaching is a professional job that requires a special
expertise through education and experience.
Therefore, not everyone can be a good teacher. To
carry out the duties and responsibilities
professionally, a teacher must have teaching abilities
and skills in theory and practice. Teaching ability is
a combination of intellectual abilities, teaching
skills, talent, and art. Teaching skills can be trained
continuously through teaching training. An
intellectual ability can be learned from educational
theory, and teaching and learning theory. While
talent and art in teaching can be developed through
various teaching experiences (Ali, 2017).
In the implementation of teaching practice in
schools / madrasahs, the prospective teachers have a
double duty; as individuals who are learning to
teach, and as individuals who at the same time make
students learn to achieve the learning goals.
Therefore, since the students need to achieve a set of
learning objectives, an error made by the prospective
teachers might harm the students. In this
circumstance, the main goal of the prospective
teacher for teaching and learning can be ignored.
To avoid this kind of shortcoming in teaching
performance, prospective teachers need to
continuously practice their teaching skills integrated
with other components of learning through teaching