that are multi-level, because of individual, social,
and collective interactions. Referring to various
indicators, such as; individuals, families,
organizations, and communities that have access to
and control in social, economic, and political
contexts that aim to improve social and living
justice. Rappaport outlines the empowerment
function of an individual empowerment program
that focuses on changing at the individual level,
especially in terms of psychological empowerment
in building personal capacity, integrating control
perceptions and controls, a proactive approach to
life, and critical understanding in the social and
political environment. While the second is
empowerment at the collective level within which
families, organizations and communities involve
processes and systems that can enhance the skills or
abilities of their members, facilitate them in efforts
to change, enhance their collective welfare, and
strengthen intra and extra-organizational networks to
maintain the quality and collective integrity. In this
context, youth empowerment has relevance.
Community economic empowerment is
strengthening ownership of production factors,
strengthening distribution and marketing,
strengthening communities to get adequate salary /
wages, and strengthening communities to obtain
information, knowledge, and skills, which carried
out in multiple aspects, both in terms of the
community itself, and policy aspects. Of these,
around 13.44 percent belong to the category of open
unemployment. The open unemployment rate
experienced a decline when compared to 2015,
which was around 15.38 percent. Those conditions
show that out of every 100 youth workforce, there
are 15 to 16 youth who are not working and are
preparing a business or looking for work. (BPS,
The Lamongan regency known for national and
international media after three brothers perpetrated
the Bali 1 tragedy which killed 202 people in
October 2002, from Lamongan. They are Amrozi
and Ali Ghufron who were executed in 2008; and
Ali Imron is currently serving a life sentence. The
three are members of Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), Al
Qaeda terrorist network for the Southeast Asian
region, militant groups that form extremist growth in
Lamongan. According to IPAC (April, 2015), the
radical and extremist networks in Lamongan have
been entrenched in the region and in recent years
have turned into pro-ISIS sentiments. The extremist
network in Lamongan, East Java, illustrates how
support for the local jihad resistance has transformed
into support for ISIS. Pro-ISIS groups in Indonesia
have emerged from existing radical networks that
have never left. They may have changed, adjusted,
rejoined, and regenerated but they were not new.
This ragency seems to be a fertile ground for the
development of radical and jihadist ideologies in
Administratively, Lamongan Regency is
divided into 27 sub-districts and 262 villages and 12
villages. The government center of Lamongan
Regency is located 50 km west of Surabaya
Regency, the mother of East Java Province Regency
(Central Bureau of Statistics of Lamongan, 2016).
The population of Lamongan Regency is 1,188,193
in 2016, with differences based on sex being
576,812 men and 610,983 women. A slight increase
compared to 2015, which was 1,187,795 people.
(Lamongan Central Bureau of Statistics, 2016).
While the population composition based on age is as
follows; young age (0-14 years) of 18.50 percent,
productive age (15-64 years) of 77.05 percent, and
old age (> 65 years) of 4.45 percent. Of these, the
population of 16 to 30 years totaled 313,850 people.
Consists of Men 161,860 people and Women
151,990 people.
Although Islam has become the religion of the
majority of the population, the dynamics of social
relations especially Nahdhatul Ulama (NU) and
Muhammadiyah are very intresting. Both religious
organizations competed with their organizational
identities. In some villages and sub-districts,
mosques and NU and Muhammadiyah buildings
face each other, horizontal conflicts occur frequently
based on differences in affiliations of religious
organizations. Social organizations such as The
Indonesian Islamic Da'wah Institute/Lembaga
Dakwah Islam Indonesia (LDII), The Islamic
Defenders Front/Front Pembela Islam (FPI), The
Islamic Union Persatuan Islam (PERSIS), al-Irsyad,
and others also have followers. Another portraits of
differences are also reflected in the choice of
education between general education (elementary
and junior high school) and religious education
(Islamic Elementary School/Madrasah Ibtida’iyyah
and Islamic Junior High School/Madrasah
Tsanawiyyah of Islamic Boarding School or
Pesantren). Acording Lamongan’s Central Bureau of
Statistics data for 2016, the total population of the
age of primary education is 192,568 people. For