Assessing Youth Empowerment Programs for Preventing Radicalism
and Extremism in Indonesia
Saifudin Asrori
, Muhammad Ismail
, Jauharotul Jamilah
and Cucu Nurhayati
Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, Indonesia
youth, empowerment, radicalism, extremism, Indonesia
Abstract: The Indonesia government has undertaken a broader range of programs aimed at preventing youth in
violence and extremism engagement. However, the youth programs as part of community empowerment,
youth’s aspirations and participation usually ignored. This article assesses the local government effort for
youth as a realistic form of intervention on preventing youth in violent or terrorist groups. The data
collected from in-depth interviews of local government and former terrorist prisoners in Lamongan District,
East Java. Findings of the study presented that managing youth empowerment programs as an effort to
combat radicalism and extremism often challenged a variety of different and competing interests. This has
become one of the obstacles to the success of youth empowerment programs.
The Indonesia government has undertaken a
broader range of programs through the central and
local government aimed at preventing youth in
violence and extremism engagement. However,
youth exposed radical ideology through recitation,
education, and internet, that lead to extremism is
problematic. Nearly 60 percent of high school and
university students admit to having a “radical”
religious attitude (PPIM, 2017). Although, radical
beliefs is not necessarily a precursor to
terrorism. Youth becomes the vulnerable groups
on spreading radical ideologies and recruitment
targets of extremist organizations. Most people
involved with dangerous and extremist actions
are male, young, teenagers in early twenties
(Silk, 2003).
Youth refers to individual aged from 16 to 30
years old (Law No.7/2009). These group of people
occupies an interesting and unique position in the
life cycle, as children dependence on parents and
community and as adults have primary social status
based on their own ability and effort to be
independent. Those who character and personality
are in malleable, can develop further in one direction
or another. the literature on youth studies has been
described young people as an age of transitions,
constructing identity, social and political actors, and
youth as creators of culture (Jones, 2009).
While some other, characterized carriers of
change, occupying strategic positions as mediators
in social reproduction and transformation, as an
agent of change, the youth has an important role in
the Indonesia national struggle movement until seize
independence, and the fall of the New Order which
led to the era of Reformation and Democratization in
Indonesia. The development of globalization which
is marked by the intensification of science and
technology also has an impact on the social and
political role of youth. Usage The use of social
media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
among young people is proven to be able to be a
trigger for social and political change in various
parts of the world (Mahdi & Al-Hattami, 2016: 83-
However, youth are often blamed for
destroying social norms and order, involvement in
various social and political issues in the form of drug
abuse, acts of violence and terrorism. Youth are
described in paradox, ‘“as both heroes and villains.”
(Jones, 2009:4). The picture puts youth in an
ambiguous condition of having more than one
interpretation or explanation; double meaning, or
several possible meanings. Ambiguity is
characterized by the fact of presenting itself as a
series of changes interacting with effects that are
often unpredictable. Such a situation fosters a state
Asrori, S., Ismail, M., Jamilah, J. and Nurhayati, C.
Assessing Youth Empowerment Programs for Preventing Radicalism and Extremism in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0009925912571264
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 1257-1264
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of ambivalence, the coexistence of one person from
a contradictory emotion or attitude (such as love and
hatred) towards a person or object.
There is currently a broad range of literature
which discusses about the phenomenon of youth
radicalization, ranging from searching for an
identity, impulsive attitude, thrill-seeking or desire
for revenge, to social inequality, failed state and an
ideology. Moreover, studies on countering violent
extremism indicated that if a person or group are
exposed to radical ideologies, especially religious-
based ideology, deradicalization efforts are difficult
to radicalize.
Generally, an increase in radical religious
understanding for the younger generation due to the
opening of opportunities for relations with radical
groups, as well as the sources of the discourse, and
the opening of access to information both at the local
and global levels regarding various issues and
inequalities experienced of Muslim communities
(Vertigans,2008:82-83). According to Appleby
(1999), that several causes the Muslim community
more identified with violence; (1) mass media has
increased public awareness of social, economic and
political inequalities and injustices that occur in
many Muslim societies and corruption and
mismanagement that has disrupted government and
state institutions. (2) the strength of Islam as a
fortress, compared to some other religious traditions
until the process of differentiation and privatization
that accompanies secularization. (3) preachers and
Islamic leaders have competed effectively with
mainstream Islamic leaders for resources and
respect. They do this by demonstrating integrity,
efficiency in service to oppressed and needy people,
and militant dedication to their goals.
Thus, knowing how to prevent the spreading of
extremist though for youth as important as
preventing them from joining extremist groups.
Finding ways to prevent youth from joining
extremist groups may be the most important part of
an effective strategy. This article evaluates the youth
empowerment program conducted by the local
government in order to disengage youth in a violent
or terrorist organization. The data collected from in-
depth interviews of local government, former
terrorist prisoners in Lamongan District, East Java.
Lamongan gained a reputation as a hub of radicalism
in Indonesia, first for being the hometown of Bali
bombing in 2002, and the existence of several
people pro Islmic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
groups within the town.
The occurrence of social and economic changes
requires adjustment from young people and the
ability and readiness of individuals in the adjustment
process (Blossfeld, et al, 2006). Youth economic
empowerment is one of the efforts to reduce and
even fight youth involvement in extremist
movements. Although, the relationship between
unemployment and poverty to the tendency of the
emergence of terrorist behavior. The life cycle of
youth in a stage of searching identity, which is
marked by a sense of curiosity and high desire to try
various experiences of religiosity, becomes an easy
space for the entry of various religious ideas,
including extremes. The Law on Youth in the article
number 24 explains: “youth empowerment is carried
out systematically, and continues to increase the
potential and physical quality, mental spirituality,
knowledge, and skills of self and organization
towards youth independence.”
Literally, empowerment comes from the word
‘power’ refer to the ability to do something or the
ability to act, while the word ‘empowerment’
denotes as a process, way, empowering actions.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the
word empower contains two meanings, namely: (1)
to give power or authority to or give power, divert
power or delegate authority to other parties; (2) to
give the ability to or enable or an attempt to give
ability or intelligence. Theoretically, empowerment
is an effort to build the power of the community by
encouraging, motivating, and raising awareness of
the potential that owned and trying to develop it.
Thus, empowering community means efforts to
improve the dignity of the layers of society in
conditions that are less able to escape the poverty
trap and underdevelopment. In other words,
empowering is enabling and self-sufficient in
The condition of community empowerment
defined as the ability of individuals who associate
with the community in building the empowerment of
the community concerned. The World Bank defines
empowerment as an effort to provide opportunities
and abilities to community groups to sweep and dare
to voice our opinions, ideas, or ideas, as well as the
ability and courage to choose something (concept,
method, products, actions and others) that are best
for individuals, families and communities (Wouters,
Rappaport (1987) defines empowerment as a
variety of constructive approaches or applications
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
that are multi-level, because of individual, social,
and collective interactions. Referring to various
indicators, such as; individuals, families,
organizations, and communities that have access to
and control in social, economic, and political
contexts that aim to improve social and living
justice. Rappaport outlines the empowerment
function of an individual empowerment program
that focuses on changing at the individual level,
especially in terms of psychological empowerment
in building personal capacity, integrating control
perceptions and controls, a proactive approach to
life, and critical understanding in the social and
political environment. While the second is
empowerment at the collective level within which
families, organizations and communities involve
processes and systems that can enhance the skills or
abilities of their members, facilitate them in efforts
to change, enhance their collective welfare, and
strengthen intra and extra-organizational networks to
maintain the quality and collective integrity. In this
context, youth empowerment has relevance.
Community economic empowerment is
strengthening ownership of production factors,
strengthening distribution and marketing,
strengthening communities to get adequate salary /
wages, and strengthening communities to obtain
information, knowledge, and skills, which carried
out in multiple aspects, both in terms of the
community itself, and policy aspects. Of these,
around 13.44 percent belong to the category of open
unemployment. The open unemployment rate
experienced a decline when compared to 2015,
which was around 15.38 percent. Those conditions
show that out of every 100 youth workforce, there
are 15 to 16 youth who are not working and are
preparing a business or looking for work. (BPS,
The Lamongan regency known for national and
international media after three brothers perpetrated
the Bali 1 tragedy which killed 202 people in
October 2002, from Lamongan. They are Amrozi
and Ali Ghufron who were executed in 2008; and
Ali Imron is currently serving a life sentence. The
three are members of Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), Al
Qaeda terrorist network for the Southeast Asian
region, militant groups that form extremist growth in
Lamongan. According to IPAC (April, 2015), the
radical and extremist networks in Lamongan have
been entrenched in the region and in recent years
have turned into pro-ISIS sentiments. The extremist
network in Lamongan, East Java, illustrates how
support for the local jihad resistance has transformed
into support for ISIS. Pro-ISIS groups in Indonesia
have emerged from existing radical networks that
have never left. They may have changed, adjusted,
rejoined, and regenerated but they were not new.
This ragency seems to be a fertile ground for the
development of radical and jihadist ideologies in
Administratively, Lamongan Regency is
divided into 27 sub-districts and 262 villages and 12
villages. The government center of Lamongan
Regency is located 50 km west of Surabaya
Regency, the mother of East Java Province Regency
(Central Bureau of Statistics of Lamongan, 2016).
The population of Lamongan Regency is 1,188,193
in 2016, with differences based on sex being
576,812 men and 610,983 women. A slight increase
compared to 2015, which was 1,187,795 people.
(Lamongan Central Bureau of Statistics, 2016).
While the population composition based on age is as
follows; young age (0-14 years) of 18.50 percent,
productive age (15-64 years) of 77.05 percent, and
old age (> 65 years) of 4.45 percent. Of these, the
population of 16 to 30 years totaled 313,850 people.
Consists of Men 161,860 people and Women
151,990 people.
Although Islam has become the religion of the
majority of the population, the dynamics of social
relations especially Nahdhatul Ulama (NU) and
Muhammadiyah are very intresting. Both religious
organizations competed with their organizational
identities. In some villages and sub-districts,
mosques and NU and Muhammadiyah buildings
face each other, horizontal conflicts occur frequently
based on differences in affiliations of religious
organizations. Social organizations such as The
Indonesian Islamic Da'wah Institute/Lembaga
Dakwah Islam Indonesia (LDII), The Islamic
Defenders Front/Front Pembela Islam (FPI), The
Islamic Union Persatuan Islam (PERSIS), al-Irsyad,
and others also have followers. Another portraits of
differences are also reflected in the choice of
education between general education (elementary
and junior high school) and religious education
(Islamic Elementary School/Madrasah Ibtida’iyyah
and Islamic Junior High School/Madrasah
Tsanawiyyah of Islamic Boarding School or
Pesantren). Acording Lamongan’s Central Bureau of
Statistics data for 2016, the total population of the
age of primary education is 192,568 people. For
Assessing Youth Empowerment Programs for Preventing Radicalism and Extremism in Indonesia
people who live in the northern and remote areas,
the majority of the population chooses to enter their
children into religious education rather than send
their children to public education institutions. As for
the southern region, the majority send their
education to public schools.
Based on description above that poverty factors
that affect certain individuals or groups are
considered as the main variables that contribute
greatly to extremism and violence. Poor conditions
coupled with low education and high unemployment
rates will quickly lead to social frustration which in
turn triggers aggression attitudes. The existence of
conditions of inequality or inequality and the
occurrence of rapid socio-economic changes have a
more direct impact on the growth of radicalism and
violence. Radicalization denotes as a process
through which individuals assure that violent action
is justified and eventually become determined to
engage in violence. However, it is probably more
useful to understand it as a process through which
people embrace opinions, views, icluding ideas that
may or may not lead to acts of violence-essentially a
phenomenon resulting from a complex interaction of
factors that do not necessarily lead to violence. That
process, it is quite clear, can evolve in many
directions, including non-violent ones. Developing
or adopting extremist beliefs that justify violence is
only one of the possible ways into violent action.
Radicalization indicates as a precursor to
recruitment rather than as part of or the result of
recruitment. Yet, we know that recruitment is an
important catalyst in the radicalization process.
The process and dynamics of radicalism involve
two important elements called ‘push and pull
factors. The push factors include certain structural
and emotional-psychological conditions that make
people or groups have the potential for violence.
Meanwhile, pull factors are organizations or
associations that actively recruit, and spread various
narratives and messages that invite extremism. The
interaction and connection of these two factors
produces caused a number of people or groups
increasingly vulnerable to being mired in a cycle of
violence and extremism.
Generally, recruitment activities carried out
through top-down and button-up processes. Top-
down recruitment strategies ware carried out by
terrorist organizations or networks. Whereas the be
bottom-up strategy was thought peer bonds and
other social influences, or both. Though bottom-up
trajectory, people and groups interact in a variety of
settings that include prisons, radical families,
religious homes that support violence, and the
Internet. Groups either in the top-down or bottom-up
process can have an effect as a result of perceptions
of social and religious alienation.
The process of people and group involved in
the terror movement is generally through three
channels; First, social affiliation with the movement
through friendship, kinship, and teacher-student
relations. This teacher-student factor is most evident
in the Southeast Asian jihadist group. They
generally have a relationship, directly or indirectly,
with Abdullah Sungkar and Abu Bakar Ba'ashir who
are positioned as mentors or teachers. Sageman
stressed that social ties are a very important element
in this radicalization process. Secondly, the
intensification of beliefs and teachings progressively
leads to the acceptance of Salafi-jihadist ideology;
Third, formal acceptance in the jihad movement
through meetings with the global Salafi network.
Generally, youth economic empowerment is an
effort to increase the potential of youth in social,
economic and political processes in order to create
youth independence in all fields. Empowerment
popularity has increased when some of them were
involved in acts of social and political radicalism
such as crime, narcotics abuse, violence, and
terrorism. So there is a tendency to equate the idea
of youth empowerment with community
empowerment. Poverty alleviation programs, for
example, the National Program for Community
Empowerment/Program Nasional Pemberdayaan
Masyarakat (PNPM), the Social Security Program,
the Smart Indonesia Program/Program Indonesia
Pintar, the Movement for Building the Rural-Based
Lamongan People's Economy Program/Gerakan
Membangun Ekonomi Rakyat Lamongan Berbasis
Pedesaan (Gemerlap) all of these community
programs are always incorporate elements of youth
in it. Unfortunately, several studies show that the
participation and involvement of youth who actually
aim to provide greater opportunities for youth to
strengthen their identity and potential are often only
artificial. The community empowerment programs
of is often dominated by elites, and community
leaders who are generally mature and old.
The Gemerlap program is a flagship program of
Lamongan district, this program was officially
approved on June 14 2011, based on the Regent’s
Regulation Number 13 of 2011. The program aims
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
to improve welfare and increase employment
opportunities of rural communities. The target of the
recipient of the program is the rural community that
has had an independent business, which is possible
to be developed into a village community business
which will then become the village's superior
product. The program stimulates superior products
in every village and sub-district so that productivity
increases. The stimulation is in the form of intensive
capital assistance and technical guidance. Especially
stimulating the mentality of society so as not to give
up and fight to succeed. The implementation of the
Program was carried out by several Local
Government Unit of Work/Satuan Kerja Pemerintah
Daerah (SKPD) in the Lamongan Regency
Government Environment. The Gemerlap Program
includes; (1) agriculture and forestry, (2) animal
husbandry, (3) Fisheries, (4) cooperatives, trade and
The implementation of the Gemerlap Program
begins with the socialization carried out in two
stages. The first phase of socialization at the district
level was carried out at the Bupati’s office. In the
second phase, the socialization was carried out at the
sub-district level. After the socialization at the sub-
district level will be conducted a selection will be
conducted in several community groups. Groups that
have passed the selection stage will be verified by
the Verification Team consisting of the program
implementing the Local Government Unit of Work.
Several community empowerment programs are
also carried out by the Local Government Work Unit
(SKPD) of Lamongan district according to their
main duties and functions. The Office of Social,
Manpower and Transmigration, for example, in the
field of employment, the Office functions to
formulate and implement technical policies in the
field of manpower such as overcoming
unemployment, employment, industrial relations,
supervision of work protection, foreign labor, job
training, and guarantees, social employment. One of
the SKPD’s authorities is to provide job seeker
status. To get the status of this job seeker, the
applicant simply meets the requirements such as
submitting a copy of Lamongan ID card, diploma.
The applicant does not even need to include in his
application a police record certificate/Surat
Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK). If the
applicant does not have a Lamongan ID card, the
applicant simply carries a residence certificate in
Lamongan issued by the village where the applicant
is domiciled. In 2016, the policies adopted was
related to the improvement of the quality and
development of workforce competencies, among
others through the development of community work
skills, strengthening the facilities and infrastructure
of the vocational training centers, as well as the
dissemination of labor market information through
the Job Market Fair.
This agency also in charge on running
government programs both central and local
governments of Lamongan district such as the
implementation of social security and protection,
social rehabilitation, and also social empowerment.
The Central Government program, which is escorted
by the Social Service of Lamongan, is related to the
assistance of the Minister of Social Affairs for the
Yayasan Lingkar Perdamaian, such as a live skill
program or vocational training of former terrorist
prisoners, Smart Indonesia Card, their families
Healthy Indonesia Cards and Prosperous Family
Cards for former terrorist prisoners children.
Lamongan Regency Office of Cooperatives,
Industry and Trade, one of the foundations of
regional economic development. Based on the
division of authority regulated by Government
Regulation No. 37 of 2007 concerning the division
of government affairs, there are two matters which
are the authority of the Lamongan Regency Office
of Cooperatives, Industry and Trade/ Dinas
Koperasi dan Usaha Menengah Kecil (UMKM),
which are compulsory and Industrial Choice and
Trade affairs that must be carried out by the
provincial and district/district governments. The
existence of cooperatives as economic pillars is
expected to be able to mobilize the regional
Broadly speaking, the activities of the Office
can be described as follows; (1) an increase the
percentage of active cooperatives. Quality
improvement program for cooperative institutions
and businesses, institutional and business inspection
activities, assessment activities for conventional and
Syari'ah, monitoring activities for implementing
sanctions and institutional and business
rehabilitation, (2) increasing the scale of business
from the classification of micro enterprises to small.
Making conducive climate creation programs for
micro small business and cooperative, Policy
making activities on small and medium enterprises,
Cooperative clinic service activities, Facilitation
Activities and business legality for cooperatives and
Medium and Small enterprise (MSE), socialization
activities principles for understanding cooperative
rules and regulations, development activities
standardization of Indonesian National
Work/Strandar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional
Indonesia (SKKNI). (3) new entrepreneurial growth,
Assessing Youth Empowerment Programs for Preventing Radicalism and Extremism in Indonesia
and organizing entrepreneurship training and
enhancing the cooperative network of cooperatives.
The Office that is most responsible for the
affairs of youth development is the Youth and Sports
Service. The vision of this service is “the realization
of productive, prestigious and innovative youth and
sports people.” While its mission is; (1) creating
productive, patifying and innovative youth, (2)
realizing quality, achievement and community
sports; 3) realizing independent and prosperous
youth and sports people.
Generally, the programs of activities is youth
awareness, empowerment and development. The
field of youth awareness, is a new field in the Duties
and Functions of the Disspora of Lamongan
Regency so that it does not have a special program
for young people, families or former terrorist
prisoners. related to terrorist countermeasures or
efforts to prevent the recurrence of terrorist cases
committed by old actors or their families. The Head
of the Youth Section at the Youth and Sports Service
(Dinas Pendidikan dan Olahraga/Dispora) in
Lamongan revealed that: “We are entrusted by the
Ministry of Youth and Sports on matters of
terrorism, not to technical matters. But in the area of
service, awareness. In the field of youth
empowerment, youth empowerment activities are
carried out through activities to generate potential
and active youth roles through, training in defense of
the country every year, we ask participants to go to
the subdistrict head and copy organization, then
forward to organizations such as the Indonesian
National Youth Committee/Komite Nasional
Pemuda Indonesia (KNPI), Nahdlatul Ulama
Student Association (IPNU) and other youth
organization in Lamongan district. Youth
development activities as disclosed by the Secretary
of the Department of Youth and Sport said: “giving
birth to reliable athletes by striving to filter talented
seed athletes through selection and training sports
National Unity and Politics (Kesatuan bangsa
dan politik/Kesbangpol) Lamongan district. The
vision of the National and Political Unity Agency of
Lamongan Regency is taken from the realization of
Lamongan Regency’s vision “the realization of
lamongan is more prosperous and competitive”.
While the Department's mission is “to establish a
peaceful and peaceful community life by upholding
local culture". Social and political development in
the region, then the initial steps and thoughts about
the Main Tasks and Functions of the National Unity
Political and Public Protection Agency are also
synchronized with the new paradigm and adapted to
the situation and conditions of the surrounding
community in carrying out the task of social political
roles in the regions in accordance with the reform
era. Broadly speaking, the duties and authorities of
this Service are divided into; 1) Political and inter-
institutional relations; 2) Strategic study and
awareness; 3) National integration and nationality.
SKPD whose portfolios or commonly known as
tasks and functions are striving to improve the field
of ideology, insight into nationality, awareness,
domestic politics, artistic, cultural, religious and
economic resilience in society.
In addition, this SKPD also cooperated with
religious leaders in creating inter-religious harmony
in Lamogan district. This form of cooperation is
implemented in the activities of the Religious
Harmony Forum (Forum Kerukunan Umat
Beragama/FKUB). This institution is a “cultural
diplomacy”, which is a form of symbiotic relations
between religious actors and government agents who
both benefit from one another. Religious figures are
one of the institutions that are relied upon in
building dialogue between religious communities.
This model of dialogue can be called an Institutional
Dialogue, which is a dialogue between institutional
representatives of various religious organizations
involving government-recognized religious
From the field study it was found that the
Ministry of Religion Office (Kantor Urusan
Agama/KKA) of Lamongan Regency was also not
directly involved in the economic empowerment of
young people, let alone participate in running
programs that were oriented towards improving
skills so that this young group could be
economically independent and eventually more
protected from radicalism and acts of terrorism. So
that when there is a pop-up from Lamongan it is
casuistic, only people are not on behalf of
institutions or organizations. So we the Ministry of
Religion is doing guidance in nature. Ministry of
Religion works to provide guidance and fostering
religion “There are coaching activities, there are
two. The first is guidance every once a week in
prison, and every Friday there is guidance for
inmates, including terrorists. Secondly, we do the
Friday sermon every Friday.”
From the explanation above it can be seen that
economic factors will have a significant impact for
some people to resort to violence if they encounter
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
the situation of people who experience socio-
economic deprivation, especially as a result of
modernization and rapid change. Unfortunately, The
economic empowerment program for youth in
Lamongan District is part of the community
empowerment program. Although, those programs
not directed at efforts to fight criminal acts of
terrorism and extremism directly, it was expect to be
able to keep or keep young people involved in acts
of violence and terrorism.
The economic empowerment program for youth
in Lamongan District is part of the community
empowerment program. Various programs have
been carried out by the central government such as
the PNPM Mandiri Program or local government
programs such as the Sparkling Program aiming to
reduce poverty in Lamongan District. This program
is also designed to increase youth participation. The
Lamongan regional government also undertakes
various efforts to improve services through the local
government work unit (SKPD). The Manpower and
Transmigration Manpower Office, for example,
carries out quality improvement and development of
workforce competencies, among others through
fostering community work skills, strengthening
facilities and infrastructure for vocational training
centers, and disseminating labor market information
through the Job Market Fair.
The Office of Cooperatives and Small and
Medium Enterprises carries out services in order to
create an increase in the percentage of active
cooperatives, increase the scale of business from the
classification of Micro to Small Businesses and
increase the growth of New Entrepreneurs. Youth
service is also carried out by the Youth and Sports
Service, the service is carried out through its field of
work, namely the field of youth awareness, the field
of youth empowerment. several activities carried out
such as training in defense of the country, and the
revitalization of youth organizations and the
empowerment of athletes. Empowerment is also
carried out by the National Unity and Politics
(Kesbangpol) Lamongan district. The performance
of affairs on National Unity and Politics is the
percentage of social conflicts that are handled
reached 100 percent and the percentage of
organizations, registered political organizations and
NGOs is 96.58 according to the target set and the
increase of Inter-Religious Harmony in Lamogan
Regency. While the Ministry of Religion Office
(KKA) of Lamongan Regency, the empowerment
efforts are carried out through guidance and
religious guidance.
Community Empowerment including youth is
also carried out by Community Organizations. One
of the characteristics of the Lamongan community is
the strength of civil society, this community power
is gathered in various organizations such as NU and
Muhammadiyah. Some community empowerment
activities are carried out by these two organizations,
such as education and training activities, and
community strengthening programs. In addition, the
Lamongan community also has a high
entrepreneurial spirit, the economic downturn has
caused them to become traders and work abroad.
Regarding the vulnerability of youth to be
involved in acts of terrorism, the Central
Government, through the BNPT and the Regional
Government has collaborated with the Lingkar
Perdamain Foundation. The Foundation seeks to de-
radicalize youth involved in terrorism activities.
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