Comparative Analysis of Social Science (IPS) Learning Design on
KTSP and K-13 Curriculum in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs)
Abdul Bashith
and Saiful Amin
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: Comparison, IPS Learning Design, Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs), KTSP, K-13 (2013 Curriculum).
Abstract: This study aims to find out: 1) Social Science (IPS) Learning Design in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs)
according to the KTSP Curriculum; 2) IPS Learning Design in MTs according to K-13 Curriculum; 3)
Comparison of IPS Learning Design in MTs on KTSP and K-13 Curriculum. This study uses a qualitative
descriptive approach, especially using library research that focuses on books or information data from
public regulation documents, journal, news, and others. The results of this study indicate that: 1) the IPS in
2006 Curriculum (KTSP) is quite simple, because it only emphasizes the required achievement of the Basic
Competency and Competency Standards; 2) the K-13 curriculum is a further step in the development of the
Competency-Based Curriculum which was pioneered in 2004 and the curriculum Education Unit Level
2006 which includes competency attitudes, knowledge, and skills in an integrated manner; 3) IPS position
on KTSP stands alone, while for K-13 Curriculum is integrated with other subjects. There are basic
competencies in K-13 Curriculum which are developed from the basic competencies contained in the KTSP.
KTSP emphasizes cognitive aspects, while in the K-13 curriculum, the three aspects are cognitive, affective
and psychomotor.
One important aspect of the education system is the
curriculum, in relation to the curriculum, Indonesia
has experienced several changes in the curriculum.
With the change of curriculum in Indonesia, it is
expected that there will be a better change than
before for the Indonesian people. Continuous
development and improvement in the education
system including perfecting the curriculum is to
make people able to compete and adapt to the
changing demands of the times. The curriculum in
Indonesia has undergone many changes, ranging
from the traditional curriculum, post-independence
to the modern curriculum. After that comes the
Curriculum Based on Curriculum (KBK), Education
Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP), and the latest is the
2013 Curriculum.
In the competency-based curriculum (KBK),
students have the competencies that result from the
learning process at school (Sapriya, 2009). In the
Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP), students
who are active in learning are the results of the
design of each education unit with views from
several aspects. While the K-13 curriculum is an
improvement from the previous curriculum.
Public demand for education will always
experience change from time to time. For Indonesia,
the existence of IPS as a subject in school is
indisputable because there is a need arising from the
community to progress, be civilized, just and
prosperous (Soetopo & Soemanto, 1982). IPS
examines a set of events, facts, concepts, and
generalizations related to social issues. Social
studies subjects are arranged systematically,
comprehensively, and integrated in the learning
process towards maturity and success in life in
society. The formulation of the problem in this study
are: 1). How is IPS Learning Design in MTs
according to the KTSP Curriculum?, 2). How is IPS
Studies Learning Design in MTs according to K-13
Curriculum?, 3). What is the Comparison of IPS
Learning Design in MTs in the KTSP Curriculum
and K-13 Curriculum?
Based on previous research, there are some
differences in the KTSP curriculum and the K-13
curriculum (Wati, 2008). Further, another study
explored some of the factors that contribute to
Bashith, A. and Amin, S.
Comparative Analysis of Social Science (IPS) Learning Design on KTSP and K-13 Curriculum in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs).
DOI: 10.5220/0009926312761284
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 1276-1284
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
curriculum change (Ribeiro, 2008; Lammerding-
Koeppel, 2017). Another study determined the ratio
between 1994 basic education curriculum and
competency-based curriculum (Wijaya, 2004). It
employs the study of literature, journals, articles,
and laws relating to the object of research. This
study concludes that the fundamental difference
from the 1994 basic competency-based curriculum
curriculum lies in the dominance of teachers and
The first curriculum comes from a word that
means "walk". Relationships with a word that means
curier means to connect or intermediate one person
to another. If the curriculum is the bus driver, he
must know to travel to achieve that goal. Because
without a bus driver will not be able to walk and will
not reach its destination (Nurgiantoro, 1988).
In the classical view, the school curriculum of
educational institutions. The purpose of knowing all
the lessons and materials that will be taken. After
further exploration, the curriculum has broad
meaning: as a lesson plan, because students plan, as
students' learning experiences are obtained from
themselves (Hidayat, 2013).
The curriculum is very important in education,
because without an education curriculum it will not
be done well. The function of the curriculum itself
can be seen from various perspectives: 1) The
function of the curriculum in achieving educational
goals, is a tool to help all people in accordance with
the vision, mission and goals of national education;
2) the curriculum function for school principals is to
organize and guide daily activities in schools; 2) the
function of the curriculum for all levels of education,
it shows us the condition of school institutions to
adapt national standards to be able to adapt equally
at every level of education; 3) the curriculum
function for teachers is as a bridge for curriculum
implementation; 4) the curriculum function for
supervisors is as a guide or measure in supervising
teacher activities in schools; and 5) the function as a
graduate user is to determine the quality of labor
(Sanjana, 2010).
Guidance and improvement of school capacity
in the implementation of quality education needs to
be continued, including in the implementation of
KTSP. All elements need to synergize in an
integrated, programmed, and sustainable manner.
The preparation of this MTs (same with Junior High
School level), KTSP Implementation Guidance
document was carried out as an effort to facilitate all
parties involved in conducting technical guidance
and guidance for the implementation of the
Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP). The
manuscript that has been prepared is open to be
developed according to needs.
IPS is one of the subjects given starting from
a set of events, facts, concepts, and generalizations
related to social issues. At the MTs/Junior High
School level, IPS subjects include Geography,
History, Sociology and Economics. Through IPS
subjects, students are directed to be democratic and
responsible citizens of Indonesia, and peaceful
citizens of the world.
The syllabus is prepared based on the Content
Standards, which contain the Subject Identity,
Competency Standards (SK) and Basic
Competencies (KD), Indicators, Main Material,
Learning Activities, Time Allocation, Learning
Resources, and Assessment. The development of the
syllabus can be carried out by teachers
independently or in groups in a school or several
schools, the Subject Teacher Group (MGMP) at the
Teacher Activity Center (PKG), and the Education
Subject Teacher Meetings (MGMP), Schools
that have not been able to develop syllabi
independently, should join other schools through the
MGMP/PKG forum to jointly develop a syllabus
that will be used by schools within the local
MGMP/PKG. The local Education Office can
facilitate the preparation of the syllabus by forming
a team consisting of experienced teachers in their
respective fields. In developing this syllabus,
schools, teacher working groups, or education
offices can request technical guidance from
universities, LPMPs, or related main units in the
Ministry of National Education.
In order to implement the learning program that
has been stated in the syllabus, the teacher must
prepare an Learning Implementation Plan (RPP).
RPP is a guide for teachers in carrying out learning
in class, laboratory, and / or field for each basic
competency. Therefore, what is contained in the
RPP contains matters that are directly related to
learning activities in an effort to achieve mastery of
a Basic Competency.
In preparing the RPP the teacher must include
the Competency Standards that cover the Basic
Competencies that will be compiled in the RPP. The
detailed lesson plan must include learning
objectives, learning materials, learning methods,
learning activities steps, learning resources, and
Assistance is the process of providing assistance
in strengthening the implementation of the K-13
Curriculum provided by facilitators to Target
Comparative Analysis of Social Science (IPS) Learning Design on KTSP and K-13 Curriculum in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs)
Teachers in the education units that carry out the K-
13 Curriculum. The target of mentoring the
implementation of the K-13 Curriculum at the
MTs/Junior High School level is the teachers of
Class VII SMP in 1,436 Middle Schools in 295
Regencies/Cities. The number of MTs/Junior High
School level assisted in each Regency/City varies
between 2 (two) to 6 (six) schools. Mentoring
activities are carried out at: 1) the location of the
education unit where the Target Teacher is on duty;
and 2) can be enriched through the Subject Teachers'
Consultation Forum (MGMP) independently and
This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach,
especially using library research that focuses on
books or information
data from public regulation
documents, journal, news, and others. To support this
research, researchers need data consisting of
explanations from several books. Researchers need
some data taken from books relating to the KTSP
curriculum, and the K-13 curriculum. Researchers
can use information to retrieve some data from
problems, media consisting of magazines, journals,
articles or newspapers that are relevant to research.
There are two types of data sources, namely
primary data sources and secondary data sources: 1)
Primary data, is data from all references related to
the curriculum; 2) Secondary data taken from
several books, public regulation document,
magazines, newspapers, articles or journals related
to the discussion in this study (Prastowo, 2011).
The analysis technique at this stage is the
development of critical analysis methods. Technical
analysis includes: 1) determining the name of the
discussion topic to be studied; 2) finding sources
according to relevant curriculum topics from books,
articles, magazines, news, and others; 3) looking at
the contents of each table, and selecting topics
relevant to each variable are investigated; 4) looking
for definitions for each variable will be investigated
in literary sources, also comparing one source to
another, and chosen according to the definition of
the research to be carried out; 5) reading in all the
contents of the book that is in accordance with the
topic of the variable will be investigated, analyzed,
and made an argument as well as opinions about the
curriculum content of the data sources that have
been obtained; 6) describe theories and readings that
have been read from various sources used as a basis
for describing subjects in the curriculum.
3.1 Study and Review of Social
The formulation of the notion of IPS has been
widely raised by experts in social studies. In
American schools prominent IPS are known as
social studies. So, the term IPS is a translation of
social studies. Thus IPS can be interpreted as "study
or study of society". In studying the community,
teachers can conduct research from various
perspectives, such as the study of History,
Geography, Economics, Sociology, Political-
Governmental Anthropology, and simplified aspects
of Social Psychology to achieve learning goals
(Nadir, et. al., 2009)
The term IPS is the name of a subject at the
school level or the name of a college in a university
that is identical to the term "social studies" in a
curriculum in other countries, especially in countries
such as Australia and the United States. Names of
IPS are more well-known social studies of other
countries which are the results of experts or experts
in Indonesia. In the 1975 IPS curriculum document
is one of the names of subjects given at the primary
and secondary education levels.
However, the definition of IPS at the school
level itself has a mean meaning between IPS for
elementary schools with IPS for Junior High Schools
(SMP/MTs) and IPS for Senior High Schools
(SMA/MA). Understanding IPS in existing
schooling means a program, which means that the
subjects stand alone, there is a meaningful
combination (from subjects or disciplines). This
difference can also be drawn from the differences
that occur in each level of schooling (Sapriya, et. al.,
2008) with the focus on competence oriented tasks
(Aigul & Nurgul 2018).
The following is the understanding of IPS
expressed by education and social studies experts in
1. Moeljono Cokrodikardjo stated that IPS is the
realization of interdisciplinary approach from
social science. It is an integration of various
fields of social science, namely sociology,
anthropology, culture, psychology, history,
geography, economics, political science and
human ecology, which are formulated for
instructional purposes with simplified material
and goals so that they are easy to learn.
2. Nu'man Soemantri (2001) stated that IPS is a
simplified IPS lesson for elementary, junior and
senior high school education. Simplifying
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
discovery of meaning: changing the level of
difficulty of the social sciences that are usually
used in universities is a lesson that is
appropriate to the visibility of thinking of
elementary and secondary school students,
reinforcing and integrating different materials in
the branch of social sciences and community
life into easy lessons digested.
3. S. Nasution diverts IPS as a lesson that is fusion
or mention it by the eyes of a social painter.
Printing that IPS is part of the school curriculum
that deals with human roles in various fields of
history, economics, geography, sociology,
anthropology, and social psychology.
3.2 Development of Social Science
IPS is an educational program and not a separate
sub-discipline, so it will not be found in the
nomenclature of the philosophy of science, social
sciences, and education (Soemantri. 2001). The
Social Scence Education Council (SSEC) and the
National Council for Social Studies (NCSS), refer to
IPS as "Social Science Education" and "Social
Studies". In other words, IPS follows an integrated
perspective from a number of subjects such as:
geography, economics, political science, law,
history, anthropology, psychology, sociology, and so
on (Sapriya, et. al., 2008)
In the field of social knowledge, there are many
terms. These terms include: Social Sciences and
Social Studies.
3.2.1 Social Sciences
Achmad Sanusi gave a restriction on Social Sciences
as follows: "Social Sciences consists of
IPSdisciplines that are academic and are usually
studied at the college level, the more scientific the
further (Nadir, et al., 2009). According to Gross
(Djahiri, 1981), Social Sciences is an intellectual
discipline that studies humans as social beings
scientifically, focusing on humans as members of
society and on the groups or societies that they form.
It is a branch of science that studies human behavior
both individual and group behavior. Therefore,
Social Sciences is the study of human behavior and
studying humans as members of society.
3.2.2 Social Studies
Different from Social Sciences, Social Studies is not
a scientific field or academic discipline, but rather an
area of study of social symptoms and problems.
About this Social Study, Sanusi (1971) gave the
following explanation:
Social Studies is not always
academically-university level, it is even a learning
material for students since primary education.
3.3 Study of the History of Social
Sciences and the Role of Social
Studies in Indonesia
It must be admitted that the idea of IPS comes from
the United States education literature. The real name
of IPS in the United States is "Social Studies". The
term was first used as the name of a committee
namely the "Committee of Social Studies" which
was established in 1913. The purpose of the
establishment of the institution was as a forum for a
group of experts interested in the Social Sciences
curriculum at the school level and experts in Science
Social sciences that have similar interests.
The definition of IPS according to the National
Council for Social Studies (NCSS), defines IPS as
follows: ”social studies is the integrated study of the
science and humanities to promote civic
competence. Within the school program, social
studies provides coordinated, systematic study
drawing upon such disciplines as Anthropology,
Economics, Geography, History, Law, Philosophy,
Political Science, Psychology, Religion, and
Sociology, as well as appropriate content from the
Humanities, Mathematics, and Natural Sciences.
The primary purpose of social studies is to help
young people develop the ability to make informed
and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizen
of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an
interdependent world”.
Basically Mulyono Tj. (1980) limiting IPS is an
Inter-disciplinary Approach from the Social
Sciences lessons. IPS is an integration of various
branches of the IPS, such as Sociology, Cultural
Anthropology, Social Psychology, History,
Geography, Economics, Political Science, and so on.
This is further emphasized that IPS is the result of a
combination or the result of a fusion or a
combination of a number of subjects such as:
Geography, Economics, History, Sociology,
Anthropology, Politics (Saidiharjo & Sumadi, 1996).
The IPS field that enters Indonesia is from the
United States, which in its home country is called
Social Studies. The first time Social Studies were
included in the school curriculum was in Rugby
(England) in 1827, or about half a century after the
Industrial Revolution (18th century), which was
marked by changes in the use of human power into
mechanical power. The background to the inclusion
of social studies in school curricula in the United
States is different from that in England because the
Comparative Analysis of Social Science (IPS) Learning Design on KTSP and K-13 Curriculum in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs)
circumstances and conditions that cause it are also
different. The population of the United States
consists of various kinds of races, including Indian
races who are indigenous, white races coming from
Europe and Negro races imported from Africa to be
employed in the country's plantations.
Initially the multi-racial population of the
United States did not cause problems. Only after the
civil war between north and south, or what is known
as the Slave War that took place in 1861-1865, at
that time the United States was ready to become a
world power, began to feel difficulties, because the
multi-racial population found it difficult to become a
In addition, there are also very sharp socio-
economic differences. Community and education
experts strive to make the multi-racial population
feel one nation, the American nation. One of the
methods taken was to include social studies in the
school curriculum in the state of Wisconsin in 1892.
After research, then at the beginning of the 20th
century, a National Commission from the National
Education Association gave recommendations on the
need for social studies incorporated into the
curriculum all United States primary and secondary
schools. The form of social studies at birth is a kind
of concoction of subjects in history, geography and
civics (Sapriya et. al., 2008).
Aside from being a reaction of Social Sciences
experts to the social situation in the United Kingdom
and the United States, the inclusion of Social Studies
into the school curriculum is also motivated by the
desire of education experts. This is because they
want after leaving elementary and secondary school,
students: (1) become good citizens, in the sense of
knowing and exercising their rights and obligations;
(2) can live in a balanced society, in the sense of
paying attention to personal and community
interests. To achieve this goal, students do not have
to wait to study Social Sciences in higher education,
but actually they have received social studies in
elementary and secondary schools. Social Sciences
Education Development.
Another consideration for the inclusion of social
studies in the school curriculum is the ability of
students to be very decisive in the selection and
organization of social studies material. In order for
the social studies subject matter to be more
interesting and more easily digested by elementary
and middle school students, the ingredients are taken
from real life in the community. Material or material
taken from personal experience, peers, and the
natural environment, and the surrounding
community. This will be easier to understand
because it has greater meaning for students than
abstract and complicated teaching materials from the
Social Sciences (Sapriya, et. al., 2008).
The background of the inclusion of the social
studies field into the school curriculum in Indonesia
is very different from that in the United Kingdom
and the United States. The growth of IPS in
Indonesia is inseparable from chaotic situations,
including in the field of education, as a result of the
G30S / PKI rebellion, which was finally crushed by
the New Order Government.
In 2004, the government changed the
curriculum again, which is known as the
Competency Based Curriculum (KBK). In the social
curriculum, the name changed to Social Knowledge.
The development of the Social Knowledge
curriculum responds positively to various
developments in information, science and
technology. This is done to improve the relevance of
the Social Knowledge learning program to local
conditions and needs.
The role of IPS in the provision of material is
given by teachers based on the education
curriculum. Social studies education curriculum in
Indonesia has changed several times, such as the IPS
curriculum in 1964, 1968, 1975, 1984, 1986, 1994,
2004, 2007. From each of these changes experienced
an increase in how a teacher delivered his students.
For example, the 1994 social curriculum material in
the system was more integrated and simpler than the
social studies curriculum material of 1986 and the
social studies curriculum of 1975 which still seemed
to stand alone. In the 1994 social curriculum the
teacher is required to be able to develop the material
to be delivered, whereas in the previous curriculum
one is more referring to the material contained in the
3.4 Position and Design of Social
Studies Learning in KTSP and
The position of IPS in Entertain Social Sciences in
accordance with its designation as science, IPS is its
emphasis on scholarship related to community life or
social life. Therefore, this IPS is specifically studied
and developed at the level of higher education. With
regard to this social science, Norma Mackenzie (on
Sapriya, 2009) argues that IPS is all fields of science
relating to humans in its social context or in other
words all fields of science that study humans as
members of society. Aspects - aspects of human life
as members of the community include: 1) aspects of
relationships between human in groups; 2) aspect of
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
psychology; 3) aspects of material needs; 4) aspects
of norms, regulations and law; 5) aspects of
Government and state; 6) aspects of Cultural; 7)
aspects of Welfare; 8) aspects of Communication; 9)
aspects of wisdom and social welfare; 10) aspects of
human relations with the natural environment; 11)
aspects of Management, arrangements and others;
12) aspects of Education; and other aspects.
In the implementation of the 2004 curriculum
there are a number of signs that must be considered,
namely: (1) Standard documents on competency
subjects in Social Sciences are one of the guidelines
for curriculum development in the regions to prepare
syllabi. (2) Organizing the material using an
expanding community approach, starting from the
things closest to students to things that are more
global. (3) Learning in the Social Knowledge Study
subject uses an integrated approach and a contextual
learning approach to develop and improve
intelligence, attitudes, and social skills. This
approach is realized by other means through the use
of inquiry, explorative and problem solving
methods. These learning methods can be carried out
in a variety of ways within or outside the classroom
by taking into account the availability of learning
resources. (4) In Learning Social knowledge needs
to be followed by a practice of learning Social
knowledge. This learning practice is a learning
innovation designed to enable students to understand
facts, events, concepts and generalizations through
empirical learning parables, called environmental
awareness tactics. (5) In learning Social Knowledge
can use a variety of media that has the potential to
add insight into the context of learning and increase
learning motivation. Slides, films, radio, television,
and computers that are equipped with CD-Room and
internet relations can be used to access various
information about local, national and global issues.
(6) Class-based assessment in social knowledge
subjects is directed to measure achievement of
learning outcomes indicators. Besides written
examples (pencil and paper test) can also use a
model of assessment based on actions (performance
based assessment), assignment (project), product or
(portfolio). (7) time allocation of each learning
outcome can be organized by the teacher according
to the allocation (8) The order of indicators in the
2004 curriculum can be adjusted to the needs.
That is the description of IPS in elementary
school, in the last 10 years and has implemented two
types of curriculum, namely the curriculum 1994
and 2004. Based on input from the implementation
field, the 2004 curriculum known as Competency
Based Curriculum (KBK), has not been fully
implemented in all classes, classes II and VI still use
the 1994 curriculum (Sapriya, et. al., 2008).
According to information from several teachers
who have implemented the KBK, there are still
various obstacles, such as the limited source book;
the learning approach that still uses conventional
methods with monotonous methods, so students are
difficult to carry out for inquiry, discover and
explore in the learning process and strong
enthusiasm from the teacher as the spearhead of
learning, in a relatively short period of time will be
able to implement the implementation of this KBK
in accordance with the signs stated above. In the
Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) is an
operational curriculum compiled by and
implemented in each education unit. In the
Education Unit Level Curriculum Structure contains
8 subjects plus local content, of which there are
social studies subjects.
According to Sapriya (2009) the IPS curriculum
in 2006 aims to have students as follows:
1. Knowing concepts related to people's lives and
their environment.
2. Having the basic ability to think logically and
critically, curiosity, inquiry, problem solving, and
skills in social life.
3. Having commitment and awareness of social and
humanitarian values.
4. Having the ability to communicate, cooperate,
and compete in a pluralistic society, at the local,
national and global levels.
The IPS curriculum in 2006 is quite simple,
because it only emphasizes the achievement of the
required Basic Competency and Competency
Standards. This provides opportunities for teachers
as curriculum developers to be creative in social
studies learning that is active, creative, effective, and
fun. Social studies material is an integration between
Geography, History, Sociology and Eeconomics.
Social studies subjects are arranged in a systematic,
comprehensive and integrated manner in the
learning process towards news and success in life in
With this approach it is expected that the child
will gain a broader and deeper understanding of the
related fields of science. In accordance with the
characteristics of children and social studies, the
expository method will cause students to be passive,
and reduce the degree of social studies into boring
rote learning. Teachers who act monopolizing the
role of information sources should improve their
performance with various learning methods, such as
presenting a cooperative learning model; role
playing, jigsaw, reading poems, books, or
Comparative Analysis of Social Science (IPS) Learning Design on KTSP and K-13 Curriculum in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs)
newspapers/magazines/journals so students are
included in academic activities. Implement active,
creative, effective, and fun learning (PAKEM) that
allows children to work on diverse activities to
develop skills, attitudes, and understanding by
emphasizing learning while working, while teachers
use various learning resources and tools, including
the use of the environment so that learning is more
interesting, fun, and effective. Of course the teacher
must draw on his knowledge and practice his skills,
so that he is able to present social studies learning
While the K-13 curriculum is a further step in
the development of a Competency-Based
Curriculum which was pioneered in 2004 and the
2006 Education Unit Level Curriculum which
includes integrated attitudes, knowledge and skills
competencies. This development is carried out to
answer internal and external challenges that develop
in the community.
The K-13 curriculum aims to prepare
Indonesian people to have the ability to live as
individuals and citizens who are faithful, productive,
creative, innovative, and affective and able to
contribute to the life of society, nation, state and
world civilization. In the National Seminar with the
theme "Social Education and Implementation of the
K-13 Curriculum to Realize the Golden Generation",
Sardiman (on Sapriya, 2009, Rouf & Sugiarti, 2018)
conveyed why it is necessary to renew and what is
the urgency of K-13 curriculum development,
namely that the Indonesian curriculum has never
changed. This means that the ending is still tidy.
This means that the teacher's behavior from the
beginning of the curriculum in 1947 to the 2006
curriculum is the same. That is one reason for
curriculum development.
Sardiman added, the public perception that the
education curriculum is currently too focused on the
cognitive aspects, besides that the burden on
students for subjects is too heavy but lacks character.
Sardiman said that the 2013 curriculum development
theme is a curriculum that can produce productive,
creative, innovative and affective Indonesian people
through strengthening integrated attitudes, skills and
In the K-13 curriculum the position of the
teacher is not only as a teacher and educator as we
know together, but in this curriculum the teacher's
position is also as a facilitator, leader, motivator, and
as a 'servant and diver' of students. On the same
occasion, Hamid Hasan stated that IPS education
content in the 2013 curriculum included:
1. Knowledge of the lives of the surrounding
community, nation and humanity in various
aspects of life and the environment.
2. Skills of logical and critical thinking, reading,
learning (learning skills, inquiry), solving
problems, communicating and cooperating in the
lives of nations.
3. Values of honesty, hard work. Social, culture,
nationality, peace and humanity and personality
based on these values.
4. Attitude: Curiosity, manhood, respect for
achievement, competitive, creative and
innovative and responsible.
But in reality, the implementation of the K-13
curriculum is still a lot of one of the sources of
'confusion' that must be faced by teachers today.
This confusion is due to the unclear how to apply
and apply the K-13 curriculum in the field. In
addition to being confused about the implementation
of the K-13 curriculum, currently the IPS subject
teachers are still not fully able to carry out in
accordance with what is mandated from the IPS
social curriculum (Nindi, 2013).
3.5 IPS Position Analysis on KTSP and
Table 1: IPS Position Analysis on KTSP.
Basic competence
1. Understanding the
development of
the Indonesian
region, the
appearance of
nature and the
social conditions
of countries in
Southeast Asia, as
well as continents.
1.1 Describe the
development of
Indonesia's territorial
administration system.
1.2 Comparing natural
features and social
conditions of
neighboring countries.
1.3 Identify continents.
2. Understanding
phenomena that
occur in Indonesia
and beyond.
2.1 Describe natural
phenomena (events) that
occur in Indonesia and
neighboring countries
2.2 Knowing ways to deal
with natural disasters
3. Understanding the
role of the
Indonesian nation
in the global era.
1.1 Explain the role of
Indonesia in the global
era and its positive and
negative impact on the
life of the Indonesian
2.3 Knowing the benefits of
exports and imports in
Indonesia as an economic
activity between nations
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Table 2: IPS Position Analysis on K-13
Basic Competencies and Apects of
Social Studies Subject
1.1 Describe the development of Indonesia's
territorial administration system (cognitive
1.2 Comparing natural features and social
conditions of neighboring countries
(cognitive domain).
2.1 Describe natural phenomena (events) that
occur in Indonesia and neighboring countries
(cognitive domain).
2.2 Knowing ways to deal with natural disasters
(cognitive domain).
2.3 Shows the behavior of responsibility, care,
confidence in developing a healthy lifestyle,
the preservation of the physical environment,
culture, and valuable relics in the community
(psychomotor domain).
3.1 Expressing the diversity of spatial aspects
and connectivity between space, time,
change and the sustainability of human life in
the social, economic, educational and
cultural aspects of Indonesian society
(cognitive domain).
3.2 Concern and respect for social, cultural,
economic and political institutions (Affective
3.3 Reviewing the benefits of political, social,
economic and cultural institutions in the lives
of the Indonesian people and nations
(cognitive domain)
IPS position on KTSP, especially stands alone.
Whereas for k-13 Curriculum integrated with other
subjects. There are basic competencies in KTSP that
are not taught in the k-13 Curriculum. And there are
basic competencies in the k-13 Curriculum that is
developed from the basic competencies contained in
the KTSP. KTSP emphasizes cognitive aspects,
while in the K-13 Curriculum, the three aspects are
cognitive, affective and psychomotor
The IPS curriculum in 2006 (KTSP) is quite simple,
because it only emphasizes the achievement of the
required Basic Competency and Competency
Standards. This provides opportunities for teachers
as curriculum developers to be creative in IPS
learning that is active, creative, effective, and fun.
IPS material is an integration between Geography,
History, Sociology and Economics.
While the K-13 Curriculum is a further step in
the development of the Competency-Based
Curriculum which was pioneered in 2004 and the
2006 Education Unit Level Curriculum which
includes integrated attitudes, knowledge and skills
competencies. This development is carried out to
answer internal and external challenges that develop
in the community.
IPS position on KTSP, especially stand alone.
Whereas for K-13 Curriculum integrated with other
subjects. There are basic competencies in KTSP that
are not taught in the K-13 Curriculum. And there are
basic competencies in the K-13 Curriculum that are
developed from the basic competencies contained in
the KTSP. KTSP emphasizes cognitive aspects,
while in the K-13 Curriculum, the three aspects are
cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
The authors are thankful to all those who have
assisted in this research. Especially to The Faculty of
Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Maulana Malik
Ibrahim Malang who has provided financial
assistance to research.
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ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation