difficult to do. It does not need to be done if it is not
confident of being able to do justice. Even if you
believe you should think twice because God had
warned in Surah An-Nisa’ verse 129 that a person
may not be fair in polygamy.
Amendments to a system are always held on the
previous experience that does not meet certain
principles. In the case of polygamy, the tradition of
of ignorance is far from the principles of Islam.
Then Allah "corrected" it with rules that accordance
with the justice as islamic principle. Re-examine the
social situations that cause injustice to establish
good community situation is almost the same as the
theory of John Rawls (2009). He states that one of
the important justice principles is that everyone has
the same rights on the basic of freedom.
This principle is very appropriate to be applied
in a relationship, especially in the context of
polygamy. By recognizing and understanding that
everyone has an equal right to the basic need of
freedoms, then a man who wants to do polygamy
will think again if he could give such rights as a
principle of justice, where justice is a key condition
in polygamy.
Justice in polygamy that emphasizes justice and
maintenance of orphaned and widows (Shihab,
2007), is in accordance with the spirit to correct the
social systems that cause injustice (Rawls, 2009). In
the ignorance tradition, marrying a number of wives
demonstrates the high power of a man. Having many
wives would add prestige and is rated as a great
man. Justice in polygamy according is correcting
this understanding that polygamy should be based on
resolving a social problem; protection of orphans
and the poor widows (Shihab, 2007).
Poygamy in Islam is an order that relate to the social
problem. It’s allowed to be done by man by
condition that he able to do the justice and by the
spirit for protecting the orpan and widows. The
justice in polygamy is not the inner meaning of
justice (such as love and affection) but justice on
matters that are material and measurable. Polygamy
is like the emergency exit in the aircraft, which can’t
be opened except when the situation is very serious
and approved by the pilot. Not every one can sit near
it, because it was not allowed to sit next to the
emergency door unless certain people who able to
open it.
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