Concept of Justice in Polygamy from Mohammad Quraish Sihab
Bukhori Abdul Shomad
, Munirul Abidin
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung Indonesia
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang Indonesia
Keywords: Polygamy, justice, M. Quraish Shihab, Woman in Koran.
Abstract: Polygamy is a contentious issue that spawned a wide range of opinions. Some scholars support it, some
refuse it and some others support with requirements. Of the controversy issues in polygamy is a justice
matter. Can men be fair (justice) to women? To what extent does justice is required to be polygamous men?
Those questions will be answered through the idea of Mohamed Quraish Shihab. This study employs
literatur research method. Data collected through the books written by Shihab and then analyzed with a
content analysis approach. This research finds out that according to Shihab, polygamy is not the order of
Islam because this tradition was exist before Islam and Islam allows Muslem to do it because of social
problem appear after war. The justice in polygamy is not the inner meaning of justice (such as love and
affection) but justice in material problems and measurable.
Study on the concept of justice in polygamy still
interesting today, especially when viewed from
Koranic interpretation perspective, because all views
expressed by the scholars on polygamy ultimately
come from the interpretation of the Koranic verses
(Jawad, 1991).
Some researches on polygamy in Islam had been
done by Islamic Scholars, either through the study of
texts or field study with grounded research
approach. The issue of polygamy has a historical
background that is very rational for Muslims
(Phillips, 1990). There are differences in perception
of polygamy in Islamic perspective between past,
present and future (Johnson, 2004). Other studies
also has been done, but all of which still leaves the
issue unresolved because the time differences affect
the understanding of Koranic meaning in polygamy
(Abidin, 2011; Jawad, 1991; Phillips, 2001;
Charsley, 2013; Nurmila, 2009).
In Indonesia the research on polygamy and the
concept of justice in it also has been conducted by a
lot of researchers (Khoiriyah, 2014; Fajarwati, 2015;
Nasution, 2015; Ma'mur, 2010; Dinata, 2006). All of
those researches indicate that polygamy is remain
became an important issue that still alive in
Indonesia and still require the in-depth study to
provide alternative answers to the problems of
polygamy in Indonesia today (Brenner, 2006).
This study wanted to examine the thoughts of a
famous Islamic thinker in Indonesia, Muhammad
Quraish Shihab. This figure is interesting to be
studied because he explained a fundamental problem
of polygamy that needed further examination. In
order to be more specific and in accordance with the
main point of the study, it will focused on the
concept of fairness or justice in polygamy in Shihab
The most popular Koranic verses talk about
polygamy is QS. An-Nisa` verse 3:
If you fear you cannot act fairly towards the
orphans—then marry the women you like—two, or
three, or four. But if you fear you will not be fair,
then one, or what you already have. That makes it
more likely that you avoid bias
This verse was revealed after Uhud war, where a
lot of Muslim fighters who died, leaving many wives
into widows and children into orphans. Of these
issues, polygamy is the only way to solve the
problem. As a result, many Moslems conducted
Shomad, B. and Abidin, M.
Concept of Justice in Polygamy from Mohammad Quraish Sihab Perspective.
DOI: 10.5220/0009926412851289
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 1285-1289
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
polygamy with the aim of protecting widows and
orphans (Gatje, 1976; Ahmed, 2002).
When we viewed from causes of verse
revealation, it is quite clear, but the law of polygamy
it’s self is still debated between supporting and
opposing. Opinions about polygamy law can be
broadly divided into three groups: first, those who
allow polygamy absolutely (supported by the
majority of classical scholars). Second, who
absolutely prohibit it. Third, who allow polygamy
under certain conditions (Nasution, 2002). Among
supporters of polygamy considers that polygamy is
sunnah, as emphasized in the Koran surah An-Nisa
verse 2-3. It was also viewed from the historical fact
that Prophet Muhammad practiced the polygamy.
For them polygamy is allowed (even ordered) as
done by the Prophet (Huda, 2008).
Understanding the verses above, Allah is not just
allows polygamy, but He highly recommends it, but
with two conditions that must be met. First, the
wifes of the second, third and fourth must be
widows with orphans. Second, there must be a sense
of worry can’t do justice to the orphans (Sharur,
2004). Conversely, if the conditions are not met then
the command of polygamy becomes void.
The group that resisted against polygamy said
that the Prophet Mohammed stayed longer
monogamous than polygamous. He conducted
monogamous in the midst of society tradition that
polygamy is commonplace. He lived with his first
wife, Khadijah Binti Khuwailid lasted 28 years. Just
then two years after the death of Khadijah the
Prophet's polygamy begins. Even then he lived only
about eight years from the rest of his life. In the case
of polygamy, the Prophet was to embody the Surah
An-Nisa verse 2-3 on protection against the widows
who had lost her husband who strived in the way of
Allah as well as orphans. By tracing the Jami 'al-
Usul by Imam Ibn al-Athir (544-606 H), can be
proved that polygamy of the Prophet was the media
to resolve the social problem when social institution
still not strong enough to provide a solution (Nashif,
The practice of polygamy, actually, has been a
common tradition before Islam. A man allowed to
marry a number of wives which swelled to a dozen
(Downhower, 1971; Smith, 1978). Islam came and
put down the rules in restricting the maximum
numbers of women allowed to be married are four,
with the strict condition that possibly difficult be
met by a man because it emphasizes the principle of
justice (al-Hibri, 1982).
Some opinions state the principle of justice is not
just some sort of quantitative equity provision of
material or time shift inter-wife but includes
qualitative justice (an affection that is the foundation
and the main philosophy of domestic life). This
opinion is supported by al-Dhahhak and members of
other scholars who stated that the purpose of a fair in
polygamy is just in all things, both in terms of
materials (requirements related to collateral or
physical) or in the case of immaterial (feeling). A
husband demanded fair in terms of love,
compassion, living, home and so on (Al-Qastholani,
Justice in polygamy is very difficult to be
realized because it includes not only material needs,
but also involves the feeling in the heart Thoha
(2003). The same view on the difficulty of doing
justice in polygamy also expressed by mostly
Muslim feminists. Polygamy is prohibited on the
basis of the negative effects of it (haram li ghayrih)
because the Koran started from the presupposition
that the requirement of justice against wives is
unrealizable (Mulia, 2004). This claim is based on
Surah An-Nisâ` verse 129 (Saifuddin, 2009).
In contrast to those opinions, some scholar stated
that justice in polygamy is only in the material needs
not included the immaterial thing. While doing
justice in the immaterial matter, unfair treatment can
be tolerated (Yasid, 2005). This opinion is based on
the hadith of the Prophet SAW when he felt guilty
not being able to do justice to his wives saying “O
God, this is my abilities, and you shall not charge
me for something I didn’t able.”
This research employed a literature study method.
The primary sources in this research are books
written by Shihab and other books talk about him.
While the secondary sources are the books that
talked about the polygamy from other scholars. The
research was begun by reading some books relate to
topic, especially Shihab books, and analyze those
literatures in order to identify the key points and
essential attribute of matters. In general, this
research has several steps; first, classify information
contained in literatures. Second, select typical
examples to re-organize and the last come to
conclusion on the basis of qualitative description.
Surah An-Nisa` verse 3 explicitly states that a
husband may married more than a woman but not
more than four with a condition able to do justice to
them (Shihab, 2007). This verse explicitly forbids
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
men to marry more than four womens. When this
verse was revealed, the Prophet ordered all men who
have more than four wives, to divorce some of them
and to keep only four.
Further, this verse does not make the regulations
on polygamy because polygamy has been
recognized and implemented in Arabian traditions
before. This verse also does not order polygamy or
encourage it, but just talking about the allowance of
polygamy, and even then a small emergency exit,
which is only passable in the very necessary and on
condition that no lightweight (Shihab, 2007). The
importance of the principle of justice in polygamy.
Justice is as a condition that must be met when a
husband wants to conduct polygamy. These opinions
show that Shihab is not included in the group who
oppose polygamy, but allow it by condition include
the principle of justice.
Based on the foregoing discussion it is said that
justice is a central tenet of Islam and universal. It is
something fundamental as the embodiment of Islam
that it main mission is rahmatan li al-'alamin.
Justice must be done in various aspects both in
public affairs and family life, including the issue of
polygamy. The importance of justice commanded in
the Koran in various letters and verses. Among the
fundamental reasons of justice in Islam is the
equality of human beings (Shihab, 2009).
It means: "Whoever is doing righteous deeds,
both men and women in a state of faith, verily shall
We give him a good life and verily We shall give
replies to them with a better reward than what they
have done" (Q.S. An-Nahl: 97).
Justice in the paragraph above as described by
Shihab is a key condition that must be met by a
husband who wanted to practice polygamy. Justice
in polygamy for him involves many aspects because
verse 3 surah An-Nisa is still something to do with
the previous verse or verse 2 that reminded the
trustee who manages the property of an orphan.
Justice in polygamy that concern to the justice
for orphans is a very good idea because most of the
phenomena that occur at this time, the polygamists
just focus their equity to the wives of polygamy
(although in practice the justice which is also
difficult to realize). Narrowing the meaning of
justice is simply understood as fairness in treating
wives become issues answered by Shihab. He stated
that justice in polygamy is also about justice for
orphans. This thought is resulting from the thematic
method of interpretation employed by him that
correlated previous verses with the verses being
studied as well as seeing factors causing verses
revealtion (asbab al-nuzul) of surah An-Nisa’ verse
3 that the number of widows and orphans after the
battle of Uhud.
From finding above we see that Shihab understand
polygamy as an order of Allah to solve the social
problem, in the context of maintaining the orphan
and the protection of widows. Man is allowed to
mary more than a woman by condition if he able to
do justice toward their wifes.
This opinion is in line with Engineer (1994)
thingking that polygamy is allowed as long as a
qualified justice, especially justice for women and
orphans. To determine the polygamy law necessary
to understand the context of the QS. An-Nisa’ verse
1-3 which begins with "and if you worry can’t do
justice to the children (girls) are orphans ..." The
third verse emphasis not to marry more than one
woman, but to do justice to the orphans. So the
context of this verse is to describe people who are
responsible for maintaining the wealth of orphans
often done improperly, which sometimes marry her
without a dowry. Thus, Koran fixed incorrect
behavior by marrying widows and orphans in this
context as a form of aid, not for sexual gratification.
This means, that this verse has contextual temporal
enforcement, not a paragraph which the universal
principles that must prevail forever (Engineer, 1994;
Nasution, 2002).
In addition justice in polygamy according to
Shihab was justice in the field of materials only. He
bases his opinion on Surah An-Nisa' verse 129:
Meaning: "You're never going to be able to do
justice between wives, even if you really want to do
so because it does not be too inclined (to whom you
love), so that you let others in limbo." (QS An-Nisa':
The meaning of word “justice” in the paragraph
above is justice in the field of immaterial (love).
The paragraph implied that this kind of justice can’t
be achieved by human ability. So that for Shihab
justice in polygamy is only in the field of materials,
not included in the field of immaterial (affection)
(Shihab, 2002)
The presence of polygamy concept with a set of
rules and conditions as described by Shihab above,
according to the author is a correction of the
ignorance tradition that is not in accordance with the
principles of justice in Islam. God emphasizes a very
difficult requirement in conducting polygamy is
justice. This requirement is a breakthrough that is
very advanced in the circumstances at that time.
Allah explains in Surah An-Nisa' verse 129 that
someone would not be able to do justice even though
is keen to do justice. This word should not be
interpreted that justice in polygamy is only related to
the field of material, the argument can actually be a
reason that polygamy is something that is extremely
Concept of Justice in Polygamy from Mohammad Quraish Sihab Perspective
difficult to do. It does not need to be done if it is not
confident of being able to do justice. Even if you
believe you should think twice because God had
warned in Surah An-Nisa’ verse 129 that a person
may not be fair in polygamy.
Amendments to a system are always held on the
previous experience that does not meet certain
principles. In the case of polygamy, the tradition of
of ignorance is far from the principles of Islam.
Then Allah "corrected" it with rules that accordance
with the justice as islamic principle. Re-examine the
social situations that cause injustice to establish
good community situation is almost the same as the
theory of John Rawls (2009). He states that one of
the important justice principles is that everyone has
the same rights on the basic of freedom.
This principle is very appropriate to be applied
in a relationship, especially in the context of
polygamy. By recognizing and understanding that
everyone has an equal right to the basic need of
freedoms, then a man who wants to do polygamy
will think again if he could give such rights as a
principle of justice, where justice is a key condition
in polygamy.
Justice in polygamy that emphasizes justice and
maintenance of orphaned and widows (Shihab,
2007), is in accordance with the spirit to correct the
social systems that cause injustice (Rawls, 2009). In
the ignorance tradition, marrying a number of wives
demonstrates the high power of a man. Having many
wives would add prestige and is rated as a great
man. Justice in polygamy according is correcting
this understanding that polygamy should be based on
resolving a social problem; protection of orphans
and the poor widows (Shihab, 2007).
Poygamy in Islam is an order that relate to the social
problem. It’s allowed to be done by man by
condition that he able to do the justice and by the
spirit for protecting the orpan and widows. The
justice in polygamy is not the inner meaning of
justice (such as love and affection) but justice on
matters that are material and measurable. Polygamy
is like the emergency exit in the aircraft, which can’t
be opened except when the situation is very serious
and approved by the pilot. Not every one can sit near
it, because it was not allowed to sit next to the
emergency door unless certain people who able to
open it.
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