various forms and different colors, depending on the
indicators to be achieved so that students do not feel
bored or confused (Murti, 2013).
The material presented in the exercise is enriched
with questions to maximize inquiry-based student
learning. In elementary school students, learning this
model is needed to develop thinking competencies,
process information into the realm of cognition,
while developing encyclopedia-based science
knowledge (Zoldosova & Matejovicova, 2010).
In the aspect of language, attractiveness is
highlighted by the use of words that are easily
understood by students. The selection is diction "do
you know?", "Qur'an literacy", "note", "glossary",
"let's discuss", "let's find out", "let's try", "let's
conclude", "practicum", and "let's practice" is also
used as a puller for students with different picture
illustrations and attractive colors. In the graphic
aspect, bright colors and matching pictures with
material in sufficient quantity are chosen.
The use of visual aspects through drawing
illustrations is a significant tool for developing
children's abilities in shaping historical thinking
patterns. Historical imagery of aspects of knowledge
occupies special memory that supports children's
understanding (Dilek, 2010). Likewise the
development of teaching models, children can be
asked to explain their learning outcomes visually
through the drawing method. The assessment in the
form of images also has the carrying capacity for
student understanding and long-term knowledge
In children, reading variation is very necessary as
one of the reading motivation (Wigfield et al., 2016).
Every child has a reading interest and different
cognitive development potential, therefore the use of
encyclopedias in science learning for children of
Islamic elementary school age is considered
effective to accelerate reading interest. Thus, it will
be a significant supporting capacity for further
maturation of child literacy (Castro, et al., 2011).
The effectiveness aspect is known that through
the t test, the significance value is 0.00 which means
<0.05, there are significant differences before and
after treatment and the hypothesis is accepted. The
effectiveness aspect was analyzed by comparing the
pre-test and post-test scores of students before
receiving treatment and after receiving treatment.
Aspects assessed in this study include aspects of
communication skills. First is the ability to discuss
the results of activities of a problem or event. This is
relevant to the skill of making the connection
between the information in the written sources with
the oral discussion presented in the class. This
becomes one of the challenges the students needed
that integrate between writing activities with the real
experience during the learning (Gerde et al., 2015).
Another indication is the ability to present
experimental data in the form of tables figures. Since
understanding abstract data and present them is not
easy for students, the ability to present the data in
the form of tables or figures becomes another
significant competence of communication skills.
Creating visual representation is one of the
challenges for students to make it more meaningful
compared than description using longer explanation
(DeJarnette, 2018).
Students are also expected to be able to answer
questions from problems. This activity will change
the orientation of learning from the teacher center
into student center activities where the learning
outcomes can be assesed more easily (Li & Tsai,
2018). Using problem based learning, teacher can
identify the progress of student’s understanding on
the science course material presented.
Another skill that indicates improvement of
communication ability is the performance to submit
data verbally. In this case, the student’s engagement
with others to ensure the understanding of the data
performed during the discussion support the quality
of class interaction. The activity of verbalizing the
data involves sharing resources that can be done in
both group or class discussion (Knapp, 2018).
As the final mark of communication skill is the
ability to make conclusions in writing. For primary
school children writing task is not easy, particularly
in making conclusion in their writing. Through the
teaching materials on science which drawing
attention to interesting topics from their
environment, it can support making natural
connection with their observation as their daily
experience (Bingham et al., 2018).
Based on the development process and the
results of trials on encyclopedia-based teaching
materials, it can be concluded that the encyclopedia-
based teaching materials are presented in accordance
with the objectives of developing instructional
materials that facilitate students in understanding
scientific material, especially on Earth and Natural
This teaching material is used for fifth graders at
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Assa'adah Sukowati Bungah
Gresik. Based on the validity test by material or
content experts, design experts, and learning experts,
this material on science subjects is declared to be
very valid for use in the learning process. The
attractiveness of encyclopedia-based teaching
materials based on the percentage of data obtained is