Investigating the Effectiveness of Anagram Technique on Students
Vocabulary Mastery
Atik Yuliyani
and Siti Nurjanah
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Anagram technique, Vocabulary, Teaching
Abstract: This research aims to get empirical evidence on the effectiveness of Anagram technique on students’
vocabulary. A quasi - experimental design was used as the method of the study in which 72 students of the
eight grades of one Islamic Junior High School were chosen as the sample. The instrument of this study was
tests divided into pre-test and post-test. The result of the analysis shows that there was a positive effect of
Anagram technique on students’ vocabulary. Moreover, the Cohen’s d formulation also proved that
Anagram technique gave moderate effect size on students’ vocabulary.
Language becomes the most important thing in
human life. Because we are as human need an
interaction where we use the language to
communicate. Since English is an international
language, people all over the world needed to learn
English. In Indonesia English is taught in elementary
up to university level. But in fact, even though
English is taught for a long time period, most of the
people are still confused to respond in English. One
of the obstacles in responding in English is because
the people are lack of vocabulary.
Vocabulary is defined as the words that are used
by people, both in oral or written forms for
communicating (Hanson & F.M. Padua, 2011).
Vocabulary is one of the most crucial elements in a
language. Because without vocabulary we cannot
deliver a message, especially in English that
becomes a foreign language in Indonesia.
Vocabulary is a core component of language
proficiency and provides much of the basis for how
well learners speak, listen, read, and write (Richards,
2002). Some of the people think that grammar is
more important than vocabulary. For instance,
people will not talk in English just because they are
afraid to take a risk with wrong grammar. Since the
learning of a language is most commonly identified
with acquiring mastery of its grammatical system, it
is not at all surprising that most textbooks have a
grammatical or 'structural' organization. As a result,
the introduction of vocabulary that could be used by
the learner in everyday conversations is often
omitted or neglected (Mollica, 2001). Whereas in
learning English, vocabulary plays more important
role than grammar. As it is stated by Thornbury that,
“without grammar very little can be conveyed,
without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”
(Thornburry, 2002).
Teaching vocabulary is not easy, it needs a
technique to make the students eager to learn and
easy to understand. If a teacher cannot provide fun
and meaningful learning, the students will face the
difficulties to catch the material because English is
still unfamiliar for some of them. If we see the
problem nowadays, many students are lack of
vocabulary. They just remembered the word for a
while and did not save it in their long-term memory.
As the result, the students understand what the
speaker say but they do not know how to respond it.
It shows that they do not have enough vocabulary in
their mind.
This is also the case in most of Indonesian
schools. Based on the observation in one of Islamic
junior high school in Jakarta, the writer found that
several students cannot reach the standard minimum
score in English subject. The students must get 73 in
English. In fact, the average score of the eighth-
grade students is 65-70 in each class. While learning
English, the students cannot achieve some of
indicators of the subject. The most difficult indicator
is the students did not understand what the passage
about because they lack of vocabulary. In addition,
Yuliyani, A. and Nurjanah, S.
Investigating the Effectiveness of Anagram Technique on Students Vocabulary Mastery.
DOI: 10.5220/0009927213251330
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 1325-1330
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the teacher still uses monotonous technique in
teaching English that make the students bored in
learning. He just asked the students to read the text
individually and answer some questions. Also the
teacher only uses text in student worksheet or
workbook that its performance does not support the
students’ interest. So to solve this problem the
teacher should be creative to provide fun and
meaningful teaching and learning process.
Through a proper technique, the students will
feel relax and enjoy while learning and it can make
them easier to understand the material. It also gives
the students unconsciously learning, so they learn
without they realized it. As Harmer (1991) state that
teaching vocabulary must be interesting and the
teacher should be creative to create fun and
meaningful learning because vocabulary is very
essential in a language. There are so many games to
teach vocabulary, and one of them is anagram.
Anagram is a word or phrase created by re-arranging
the letters of another word or phrase, in which every
letter in the original is used in the creation of the
new phrase (Rosadi, 2017). It facilitates the students
to make a new word by looking the dictionary based
on the word or phrase given. So the students will
know the new vocabulary after re-arranging the
word. This game can be used to teach or review the
vocabulary properly (Mollica, 2001).
Knowing the advantage of the game, the writer
wants to conduct a research on the effect of anagram
technique on students’ vocabulary mastery at the
eighth-grade students of MTsN 13 Jakarta.
2.1 Definition of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is the knowledge of meaning of words
that used to communicate effectively, both in oral
and written forms (Hiebert & Kamil, 2005). The
more vocabularies that are acquires by someone, the
more he or she is able to understand the language in
listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
2.2 Teaching Vocabulary
Teaching vocabulary must be interesting and the
teacher should be creative to create fun and
meaningful learning because vocabulary is very
essential in a language. Harmer mentions in his book
some of some techniques in teaching vocabularies
such as realia, pictures, mime action and gesture,
contrast, enumeration, explanation, and translation
(Harmer, 1991).
Realia technique is conducted by bringing the
things that will be presented into the classroom. For
example ruler, pen, pencil, ball, etc. The teacher
holds up the object then say the word and then ask
the students to repeat it. Not only the teacher should
provide the things, but also the students also can
bring their own thing into the class.
Pictures technique is conducted by showing a
picture. The picture can be board drawings, wall
pictures and charts, flashcards. Magazine pictures, or
the teacher can simply draw a picture in the board.
Mime, action and gesture technique can be
applied by acting out in front of the class the words
that are taught. The words that are taught should can
be acted out such as run, walk, sit, etc. This
technique only can be implemented for beginner
learners. The intermediate and advanced learners
will not get interested in learning using this
Contrast technique is conducted by showing the
correlation of the words to explain the meaning of
the words such as empty and full, cold and hot,
small and big, etc. To make the students easily
understand the concept of comparison, the teacher
can draw pictures or even try to make a mimic of the
words. This technique help the teachers to teach the
antonym of the words that the students will learn
two different words in the same time.
Enumeration technique can be implemented by
explaining the words from the general into the
specific words such as explaining about the fruit
before explaining about an apple.
Explanation technique will be difficult at
beginner and elementary levels because giving an
explanation to the students about new words means
giving them the explanation about the words that are
also related to these new words. So this technique is
better used for intermediate students. Moreover, the
teacher also should give the explanation about what
the words that are used in an informal form such as
mate (friend)
Translation technique is quick and easy way to
present the meaning of words but it is not without
problems. In the first place it is not always easy to
translate words, and in the second place, even where
translation is possible, it may make it a bit too easy
for students by discouraging them from interacting
with the words.
Anagram technique is kind of word games that
change the order of the letters of a word into another
word or group of words change into another group
of words or sentences are meaningful.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Based on some technique in teaching vocabulary
that mention above, the teacher can apply the
technique depend on the needs of the students.
Whether the teacher wants the students more active
(student centered) or the teacher that take over
teaching and learning process (teacher centered).
But whatever it is, the teacher should provide fun
and meaningful learning because teaching
vocabulary is different than teaching language skills
such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. If
the teacher is not able to provide an interesting
teaching and learning process, the students will be
difficult to catch the lesson.
Besides the teaching technique, there are three
important encouraging learning process that may
lead to remember a word. They are noticing,
retrieval and creative (Nation, 2001).
2.3 Anagram Technique
Anagram technique is a type of word play, the result
of rearranging the letters of a word or phrase to
produce a new word or phrase, using all the original
letters exactly once’ for example orchestra can be
rearranged into carthorse.
Anagram is the first type of word game popular
in Europe during the middle ages. Anagram art
created by the Greek poet Lycophron. Before the era
of computerization, anagram built using pen and
paper from a combination of letters and experiment
with variations.
By using this technique, the students will not
be bored because this technique is appropriate to
their characteristics which is they incline more
interested to play, meanwhile anagram technique is a
type of word play. Many words will be got through
this technique. Automatically, this technique will
increase students’ vocabulary. Using this technique
also help the students to get involved in classroom
activities. Since this technique is fun and beneficial
for the students, it will give the students opportunity
to increase their English vocabulary.
2.4 Teaching Vocabulary using
Harmer (2002) stated that young children learn
differently from older children, adolescents, and
adult. In learning, young children more difficult to
study because their mood tends to change every
other minute. But on the other hand, they have more
motivation to learn than adult. So, the teacher should
be more creative in selecting activities in learning
process. Furthermore, the teacher should provide a
great variety of interesting activity and exercise.
Using Anagram technique in teaching vocabulary
more effective for helping the students in learning,
they would be easier in recognizing new words and
make the lesson more interesting.
There are three types of transpositions (letter re-
arrangement) in Anagram. One of them is Random
Anagram where the letters of an English word being
scrambled into a random pattern and the players
must rearrange the original word. The rules of
Anagram Game as follows:
1. Students are divided into 4 groups where each
group consists of ten students.
2. Student gets some words consists of 4-6 letters.
3. Student must arrange the letters that were
randomized into a new word.
4. Student uses all the letters to form a 1 or 2,
even 3 new words.
a. Malp : lamp, palm
b. Tapel : petal, plate, pleat
c. Elam : male, meal, lame
d. Erosh : horse, shore
e. Balett : battle, tablet
5. Group with a most new word is the winner.
There are three criteria, or rules, that must be met
in order to classify something as an Anagram:
1. The letters of a word or phrase must be re-
2. A new expression must be created.
3. The letter of the original must be used in the
new expression.
2.5 Advantages of Anagram
In applying a technique for teaching, there is
always an advantage and a disadvantage. We cannot
say that one technique is the best overall, because it
depends on the learners that we teach. What we
should look carefully is whether or not a technique
suitable for the learners. Kumara stated that
Anagram is considered as an effective, enjoyable
and interesting way to teach vocabulary because it
can give the students enjoyment or challenge in
studying language and encourage them to look
carefully at words, students can practice to form
other words from the given clues, match words with
definition, provide spelling practice, show the
students how the letters of many words can be
manipulated to form other words, emphasize the
importance of letter position in relation to word
Investigating the Effectiveness of Anagram Technique on Students Vocabulary Mastery
Anagram technique can motivate the students
and make them interested in learning vocabulary
English for junior high school, the students also
know about the new words by using anagram, they
can found the new word by themselves. In addition
the students can become active when they suggest
coming front of the class. They become brave to
spell the word and getting the meaning.
Anagram technique also helps the students to
work in team. They will not work individually
because they want to get the best score to be the
winner. Collaborative learning will help the learners
to enhance their social intelligence.
Moreover, applying this technique means to help
students to raise their vocabulary. Anagram
technique is a technique that can make the students
have capability to develop their vocabulary.
2.6 Disadvantages of Anagram
The disadvantage Anagram technique is the noise
cannot be avoided. This technique is student-
centered which make all the students get involved, it
will be so noisy.
Anagram technique cannot make a new word
form except from word itself, and it limit teacher
expectation. This technique needs a dictionary for
beginner, because without a dictionary they cannot
find another word form. An activity which is chosen
by the teacher will have its advantages and
disadvantages. Since Anagram technique has many
advantages than disadvantages. Therefore, before
applying Anagram technique, it is a need for the
teacher to adjust with the topic.
Quasi experimental design was used in this study in
which two classes are involved. One class assigned
as an experimental class, and the other one as
control class. The students in both classes were
given pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was used to
decide which group belongs to control and/or
experimental class. While post-test was used to see
the effect of Anagram technique on students’
vocabulary mastery.
Purposive sampling was used as a sampling
technique where seventy two (72) students of the
eighth grade of one Islamic junior high school in
Jakarta, Indonesia were chosen as the sample of the
study. Test consisted of thirty (30) multiple choice
questions was used as the instrument and T-test was
used to analyze the data. In addition, Cohen formula
was used to see the effect size level of the Anagram
technique on students’ vocabulary mastery (Cohen,
4.1 The Data of Experimental Class
The data were collected from students' pre-test score
which was conducted before the researcher
implemented anagram technique and students’ post-
test score which was conducted after the researcher
implemented anagram technique. The data is
presented in table 1.
Table 1: Students’ Pre-test, Post-test and Gained Score of
Experimental Class.
Pre- test
1 61 73 12
2 64 76 12
3 67 73 6
4 61 70 9
5 58 67 9
6 58 79 21
7 61 76 15
8 52 67 15
9 61 73 12
10 61 79 18
11 52 79 27
12 55 70 15
13 61 76 15
14 58 70 12
15 61 73 12
16 67 76 9
17 55 73 18
18 70 82 12
19 67 70 3
20 52 67 15
21 58 76 18
22 55 73 18
23 64 82 18
24 61 76 15
25 64 73 9
26 58 79 21
27 70 76 6
28 58 70 12
29 61 76 15
30 73 85 12
31 70 82 12
32 67 76 9
33 58 79 21
34 67 82 15
35 70 85 15
36 64 79 15
Σ 2220 2718 498
Mean 61.66 75.5 13.83
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
The data shows the score of 36 students in VIII-I,
the mean score of pre-test was 61.66, the lowest
score of pre-test was 52 and the highest score was
73. Meanwhile, the mean score of post-test was
75.50, the lowest score of post-test was 67 and the
highest score was 85. Besides the mean score of
gained was 13.83 with the minimum gained score
was 3 and the maximum gained score was 27. It can
be known that there was significant difference in the
pre-test and post-test score of experimental class.
4.2 The Data of Controlled Class
The control class is a class in which they did not
taught by using anagram technique. The data were
collected from students' pre-test score and post-test
score. The data is presented in table 2.
Table 2: Students’ Pre-test, Post-test and Gained Score of
Controlled Class.
Pre- test
1 67 73 6
2 64 70 6
3 67 73 6
4 64 76 12
5 70 73 3
6 67 76 9
7 70 76 6
8 67 73 6
9 58 70 12
10 64 73 9
11 67 70 3
12 70 79 9
13 61 76 15
14 73 79 6
15 70 76 6
16 61 64 3
17 64 67 3
18 61 70 9
19 64 70 6
20 67 76 9
21 61 67 6
22 64 73 9
23 70 76 6
24 64 70 6
25 67 82 15
26 61 73 12
27 73 79 6
28 64 67 3
29 67 76 9
30 61 76 15
31 58 67 9
32 61 70 9
33 58 70 12
34 61 73 12
Pre- test
35 61 70 9
36 55 64 9
Σ 2322 2613 291
Mean 64.5 72.58 8.08
The data shows the score of 36 students in VIII-
H, the mean score of pre-test was 64.5 the lowest
score of pre-test was 55 and the highest score was
73. Meanwhile, the mean score of post-test was
72.58 the lowest score of post-test was 64 and the
highest score was 82. Besides the mean score of
gained was 8.08 with the minimum gained score was
3 and the maximum gained score was 15.
The data shows the difference between students
score in experimental and control class that the score
of experimental class which was taught by using
anagram technique was higher than the score of
control class which learn with conventional
technique. The progress of both classes can be seen
in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The Difference between Students’
Score in Experimental and Control Class.
In the description of the data which was taken
from 36 students of experimental class, Table 1
showed the description of the experimental class
score which has the mean score of pre-test 64.5
before anagram technique was implemented. After
anagram technique was implemented in the class,
the mean score of post-test was 76 Meanwhile, the
Table 2 showed the description of the control class
score which has the mean score of pre-test 61.66 and
the mean score of post-test was 75.5. It means that
both classes have increased in the post-test score.
Yet, the experimental class got higher score than the
control class. Based on the statistical analysis, the
increasing point of the experimental class was 13.83
points; from 61.66 to 75.5. As for the control class,
Pre‐tes tPost‐test
Exper imenta
Investigating the Effectiveness of Anagram Technique on Students Vocabulary Mastery
it increased 8.08 points; from 64.5 to 72.58. It means
that the experimental class had more significantly
increasing points rather than the control class.
The result of T-test shows that t
is 2.684 with
the Sig. (2-tailed) 0.009. Then t
is compared to
the t
to know whether anagram technique give
significant effect on students’ vocabulary. The t
is taken from the requirement which has been
standard in analyzing the data. The t
shows 1.994
with 70 as the degree of freedom (df) in the
significance level 0.05. The comparison shows that
(2.684) > t
(1.994) and the Sig. (2-tailed)
value of the post-test score was lower than α, 0.009
< 0.05. It means there was significant effect of
anagram technique on students’ vocabulary mastery.
Moreover, the effect size of anagram technique was
0.63. Therefore, the effect size level of this research
was moderate.
From the data analysis of the research, it can be
seen that anagram technique can give significant
effect on students’ vocabulary because the score of
students' vocabularies after being taught by using
anagram technique is higher than before the
researcher gave the treatment. Furthermore, this
research supported the previous research that
anagram technique is effective to increase student’s
vocabulary. In addition, it can promote the learning
process which facilitates students to increase their
vocabulary. It helps them to know more vocabulary
in English, understanding the meaning, and also
having motivation and enjoyment in learning
In summary, using anagram technique is
effective to improve students’ vocabulary, especially
for the eighth-grade students at MTsN 13 Jakarta.
Based on the findings, it is concluded that anagram
technique has medium effect on students’
vocabulary at eighth grade students of one Islamic
junior high school in Jakarta. It can be seen from the
data with the statistical hypothesis showed that the
mean score of experimental class after being taught
by anagram technique was 75.5 and it was higher
than the mean score before using anagram
technique; it was 61.66. The data analysis,
moreover, showed that sig. 2-tailed (ρ) < α; 0.009 <
0.05. It means that null hypothesis (H
) was rejected
and alternative hypothesis (H
) was accepted.
Therefore, anagram technique shows the medium
effect in improving the students’ vocabulary. It is
also supported by the effect size of anagram
technique on this research; it was 0.63. It shows that
it has medium effect size level.
In summary, this research shows that using
anagram technique can affect students' vocabulary at
the eighth-grade students of one Islamic junior high
school in Jakarta.
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ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation