rational and contextual thinking methods. Borrowing
Western frameworks and methodologies is also done
as far as necessary and in accordance with the
context of the problem. This methodology is
certainly contrary to the method of thinking
developed by radical Islamic groups.
They typically reject models of contextual
understanding, let alone borrow Western theoretical
frameworks such as hermeneutics, sociology,
anthropology, gender and human rights. This
attitude is chosen as the pattern and tendency of
radical groups, as a form of their rejection of all
systems and ideologies considered by the West. In
addition, this attitude was chosen as an expression of
this group's rejection of a rationalistic interpretation
of religious sacred texts. For this group, the text is
self-evident, so it does not require rationality-based
interpretation with any approach. Radical
fundamentalists reject the methods and ideas offered
by a number of mainstream Muslim thinkers, such as
Rahman (1996), Hanafi (1981), Shahrour (1992),
and Abu Zayd (1996). In this context, it seems the
term used by Liddle (1999) to describe the tendency
of the religious understanding of this group with the
title scripturalist to find relevance. This is because
the ideology of radical groups emphasizes the
strength of their holding to the literal sounds of
religious texts. The text is a closed corpus that does
not need to open a dialogue room with local
dynamics and local socio-cultural developments
(Roy, 1998; Sumbulah, 2010). This is certainly
contrary to the creation of moderation of Islam as an
attitude that is accommodative to local traditions and
local wisdom. In the civic education course, for
example, students are taught about the meaning and
compatibility of democracy, plurality and diversity
of this nation with Islamic values. Thus, Islamic
universities have been able to form public discourse
and democracy in accordance with modern Islamic
values (Woodward, 2015).
4.3 MPK Curriculum and Moderate
Islamic Identity
The findings of this research indicate that the
course of MPK is able to open the students' insight
about the diversity of views, thoughts, and opinions
so that they avoid the truth claim and easily blame
others. MPK forms the basis of the character of the
student to be open to differences, not to monopolize
the truth or to feel the most correct. MPK also gives
awareness to students that life is not one colour, the
truth is also not single. Many differences that should
be addressed wisely so as to create a beautiful
harmony in the context of NKRI. Through the MPK
that has the significance of shaping the character of
moderate Islam, students practice respecting
differences of opinion, providing insight into life-
rich history and culture, training students with
alternative thinking and mazhab in the field of
worship and religion, open to difference, respect and
tolerance, understand Islam completely in the
concept of rahmatan lil 'alamin, and strengthen the
insight about the concept of religion and state.
Imarah, as quoted by Sumbulah (2016) states that
Islam is a religion that comes from God and is
human-oriented. Islam is a religion that not only
carries the mission of divine revelation but also
upholds human dignity, moderate principle and
spreads peace for all human being.
Achievement of student competency standards
can be seen in the indicators: 1) the development of
personality and attitudes as citizens of Indonesia and
global citizens, with the characteristics: have a sense
of nationality, have a spirit of diversity, democratic,
have a sense of social solidarity, have local and
global information sensitivity, and act locally. 2) the
development of personality and attitudes as
Muslims, characterized by indicators: committed,
loyalty and dedication to the teachings of Islam, able
to think, speak, and act in accordance with the
values of Islamic teachings, have a sense of
responsibility, self-esteem, integrity, socialize, and
able to respect each other between religious people.
3) the development of personality and attitudes as
Muslim students, which is characterized by a
scientific attitude, namely love of science, love of
truth, rational, critical, objective, respect for the
opinions of others, and independent. Achievement of
these competencies will greatly support the
realization of a student who has four strengths,
namely: spiritual depth, the majesty of morality,
breadth of knowledge and professional maturity. By
having that personality, students are not easily
influenced by radical ideas. This is because the
ideologies, perspectives, paradigms, and behaviours
of this group contradict the friendly and tolerant
Islamic values, national values, Indonesianness, and
local wisdom. Therefore, students generally support
institutional efforts in developing and promoting
moderate Islam. This is because Islamic higher
education institutions, including UIN Malang, have
a significant role in spreading Islam by adapting
local culture. This is in line with NU's mission as
one of the largest mainstream organizations in
Indonesia, which has the mission of introducing
values tolerance, moderate, balanced, justice, and
brotherhood, which includes ukhuwah Islamiyah