be studied while the general sciences such as
physics, chemistry, sociology, and others are
considered as secular sciences and therefore are
treated as only secondary. Therefore, it is necessary
to have a new science paradigm so that it will
transform Islamic universities to become the center
in developing the unity between human and revealed
sciences. Several Moslem scientists have already
made concepts to reconcile general and religious
science which has been opposed one another for
decades. One of them is the concept of "Islamization
of Science ". (Kano, 2000) Beside the term
“Islamization”, there are also terms such as
naturalization of science (Kartanegara, 2003),
scientification of Islam (Kuntowijoyo, 2006),
Islamic science and so forth. Starting from these
sacralization science concepts than there is an idea
to make integration of science as a prerequisite in
doing conversion at Islamic institutions.
There are several science-integrated models
that have already been formulated by some institutes
and Islamic higher schools that already
metamorphosed as universities among them is a
spider net science model developed by UIN
Yogyakarta, the concept of a science tree model
presented by UIN Malang, concept of integration of
general science and religious science model initiated
by UIN Ciputat Jakarta, while , UIN Sunan Ampel
Surabaya carries the science concept model called
"integrated twin tower '. This conceptualization of
science integration is important because this
integration model will be a miniature of the
educational process undertaken.
The implementation of religious and science
integration at the State Islamic University Maulana
Malik Ibrahim Malang indeed has run well enough,
as in the making of curriculum, integration -based
syllabus and scientific writing written by college
student and lecturer has already been related with
turath Islami . A thing missed from attention is the
lack of mapping and analysis to various scientific
works done by college student and lecturer at UIN
Malang. Therefore, this research aims for doing
mapping and analysis to find typology from various
writing and scientific research done by bachelor
degree students of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim to
gain character and to find how far the integration
achievement in scientific works done by students in
UIN Malang. Thus, this research attempts to explore
the implementation of “tree science" model in
student research of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim
Malang as well as the developed model. This
research limits the scope only in the thesis wtitten by
bachelor degree in 2011-2016.
In order to answer the problem formulation, the
researcher uses library research. With this literature
research, a research can use analytical descriptive
method, i.e. data obtained in the form of words,
images and behaviors that are not poured in the form
of numbers or statistics, but still in the form of
qualitative by giving the description of the situation
studied in the form of a description narrative
(Margono, 2000) For that, by using descriptive
qualitative method it can more describe about a
variable, symptoms or circumstances (Arikunto,
2000). In library research, library searching is more
than just serving the functions mentioned for
obtaining research data. Assertiveness of library
research limits its activities to library materials only
without the need for field research (Mestika , 2008).
To sharpen the analysis, the researcher uses
content analysis techniques, where it emphasizes on
scientific analysis of the message content of a
communication (Moleong, 1990). Content analysis
takes advantage of procedures that can derive the
conclusion of a book or document (Muhadjir, 1992).
The process of content analysis starts from the
communication message, sorted out, then
categorized between similar data, and then be
analyzed critically and objectively (Bleicher, 1980).
3.1 Review of Literature
3.1.1 Integration Timeline of Contemporary
Islamic Thinkers
From historical aspect, the origin of integration has
started from the first five century of the emerge of
Islam (7th century until 11 AD) which at that time is
not known about the separation between science and
religion. Then on the end of the 11th century, the
separation between science and religion emerged,
which is well known as science dichotomy
(Muttaqin, 2014). Science dichotomy is the results
from the fight between intellectual people and the
church which later separate or negate its linkage.
Science dichotomy has broaden its scope as
secular teachings from west came to Islam world, so
this factor made deep disintegration among Muslim
people (Muttaqin, 2014) This disintegration made
some contemporary Muslim scholars rethink about
science and religion integration concept as has
happened on early century of progressive Islam.