sorry and thanks. To teach the word parent should
make persuasion by demonstrating the benefits that
accrue if uttered that Word both for himself and
others. A child should teach to recognize also the
reaction changes the emotions after the words
spoken. For example to say the magic words point
also be material that should teach to children. It will
cause them normative belief, by means. The child
will believe speech is as expressed by his parents are
an advantage for themselves.
Second, storytelling is a considerable way to
increase child empathy (Browne, 2010), storytelling
activity conducted by the parents to the child.
Storytelling would provide the proximity of parents
and children (Hariana, Muktadir, & Lusa, 2018;
Winangsih et al., 2018). Besides, the child will train
in their imagination (Larasati, 2018). The contents of
a good fairy tale, full of example story and values of
goodwill teach to children. Storytelling time also
becomes a concern. Sleep time preparation is a
suitable moment. The reason can put forward is
because at the time the child was physically
experienced tire and require recovery physically.
Third, invite the child to feel the feelings of
others a broader perspective taking (Heck,
Chernyak, & Sobel, 2018). One way is to visit the
orphanage or places of less fortunate people. In
addition to helping improve empathy in less
fortunate people. Visit places like orphanages and
about-where people who are less fortunate will also
increase gratitude (Decety, Meidenbauer, & Cowell,
This research shows that children's emotional
closeness and the role of parents is high efficiency in
it through empathy, even though it does not directly
affect the psychopathic personality, but when
empathy is increasing will decrease the tendency of
a psychopath. The role of the family becomes very
important then, from these studies it is
recommended to more significantly encourage the
emotional closeness of more elderly parents to
produce children behave appropriately and will
ultimately promote a peaceful society.
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