Abuse of Technology by Driver in Online Transportation
Ashinta Sekar Bidari
, Muhammad Afied Hambali
, Warsito
and Muhammad Taufik Rusydi
Faculty of Law, Universitas Surakarta, Jl. Raya Palur Km. 5 Karanganyar, Indonesia
Faculty of Electrical and Informatics Engineering, Universitas Surakarta, Jl. Raya Palur Km. 5 Karanganyar, Indonesia
Keywords: Online Transportation, Counterfeit Account, Fake GPS.
Abstract: The presence of online transportation brings new breakthroughs in the field of transportation by presenting
more practical online transportation. However, from some of the benefits there is an abuse of existing
sophistication. Abuse occurs from online transportation businesses who make fake accounts and fake gps.
This fake account has a very negative impact on society related to consumer protection, while fake gps is
very detrimental to online taxi providers.
Interesting to study about the rise of fake and
fake gps accounts conducted by online
transportation drivers. Initially the presence of
online transportation that brought positive air to the
community, but on the other hand this progress was
abused by certain parties who sought profit by
misusing technology progress. The development and
use of technology is very rapidly developing in the
present time and should be used to facilitate all
human activities always using technological
The dynamics or changes in society can occur
due to several factors including the dissemination of
information including the influence and mechanism
of the media in conveying messages or ideas
(thoughts); capital includes human resources or
financial capital; technology in an element as well as
a factor that changes rapidly in accordance with the
development of science; ideology or religion, certain
religious or ideological beliefs affect the process of
social change; bureaucracy is primarily related to
certain government policies in building its power;
agent or actor, this is generally included in human
capital, but specifically intended are individual
initiatives in seeking a better life (Tejokusumo,
2014). Changes in the social dynamics of the
community related to the presence of online-based
transportation are caused by technological factors
(Martono, 2012). With the existence of technology,
business transactions can use electronic transactions.
Electronic transactions according to Article 1 of Law
Number 11 Year 2008 concerning Information and
Electronic Transactions are legal actions carried out
using computers, computer networks and or other
electronic media.(Indonesia, n.d.)
The beginning of the presence of online
transportation in Indonesia was welcomed by the
community, namely the presence of Gojek and Grab.
Gojek and Grab have brought about changes in the
social dynamics of the community in the field of
utilizing safer, more convenient and practical
transportation services. However, it also brings its
own polemic to conventional transportation parties
who feel their existence is displaced. Existing
technological sophistication can not be separated
from its abuse solely to seek profit for economic
interests. However, on the other hand the misuse of
technology can have an adverse impact on society.
In other countries, such as in the city of
Edmonton, Canada and in the Philippines,
application-based or online transportation makes use
of private vehicles. This transportation is categorized
as a new class, namely the Private Transportation
Provider (PTP) in Edmonton and The
Transportation Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) in
the Philippines. The mechanism, conditions, and
licensing fees are different and separate from taxis.
In Canberra, application-based transportation is in
the category of Hire Car. In the Australian capital,
even every prospective driver must fulfill the
accreditation requirements, one of which is not
having a criminal track record, according to
Australian citizenship, driving license, and taking
anassessment (Aziz, 2016).
Bidari, A., Hambali, M., Warsito, . and Rusydi, M.
Abuse of Technology by Driver in Online Transportation.
DOI: 10.5220/0009927713631370
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 1363-1370
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Misuse of technology by drivers is in the form of
fictitious orders with fake gps and fake account
drivers appearing that do not match the original
driver and the car and police number used. On the
one hand, with fictitious orders and fake gps, it can
be said to help the economy of online transportation
drivers. However, we can examine this from two
things: the first is related to the existence of fake
GPS, the online transportation company, Gojek, is
one of them who is very disadvantaged. Second,
related to the existence of a fake account, this is very
disturbing to the public, consumers who use the
Gojek application are actually bound in an electronic
agreement. However, when in the implementation of
the electronic agreement there is a default or
unlawful act of how to account for it because the
account registered in the motorcycle taxi with the
driver and the car used is not the same. In addition,
consumer protection also needs to be considered
because consumers must be informed of the correct
information about the services or goods in online
Based on the above background, the authors are
interested in studying this problem from two aspects,
namely how to study the existence of a fake account
in terms of law, namely the law of consumer
protection and how the study of fake gps is viewed
in terms of information and technology.
Based on the title and problems raised in the
writing of this article, this research is a normative
research, with a law approach, case approach and
conceptual approach. The data source used is a
secondary data source. Data collection method used
by the author is the literature study method.
Development of online transportation that is
developing in Indonesia, namely Gojek and Grab, is
a transportation service provider that utilizes
applications on smartphones (Chuzaimah, 2010) in
the form of android (Sari, 2015). However, in the
development of this transportation application
experienced some abuse in order to get the benefits
of the parties who are online transportation actors,
namely drivers. This abuse certainly has a
detrimental effect on online transportation service
providers and the wider community as consumers.
The beginning of the emergence of the abuse of
technology in online transportation is the increasing
number of online transportation drivers, resulting in
stricter competition among drivers to get consumers.
Misuse of this technology is done as a manipulative
tactic to get more consumers, considering the online
transportation companies provide certain bonuses
according to the number of trips that can be taken by
drivers on one day.
The misuse of technology carried out by online
transportation drivers is due to the weakness of the
online transportation application.
3.1 Fake Account
Fake application for conducting fictitious orders,
which also has two benefits :
a. Make customer orders submitted by the Gojek
driver itself for the needs of the Gojek driver
b. Make a customer order to be given by the driver
another, so that the victim cannot take the order
again, the goal is to reduce the driver who is
hanging around the location that is often ordered
by the customer (Pranoto, 2007).
To be able to reduce the risk of using fake
accounts that are widely used by Online
Transportation drivers today, developers of Online
Transportation Applications can add security
authentication when the Online Transportation
driver logs into the system by adding retinal or facial
authentication, so that if the initial account has been
confirmed by the retina or face system will again
check the retina or face that is used to log in. So that
if found inequality with old data the system will
automatically reject the login process.
Different cases if the Online Transportation
Driver has entered or logged into the system, but the
driver uses other drivers and other vehicles to make
transactions with consumers, the Online
Transportation Application Developer can add
additional features on the consumer side to report
driver data inequality with conditions when doing
pickup by providing photos of vehicle updates,
photos of vehicle police numbers, and photos of
drivers into the system.
With the development of the system, the
developer must socialize the development of the
system, all the drivers, so that when there are
consumers who give questions and take pictures by
photographing vehicles, taking pictures of vehicle
numbers and photos of drivers will not object.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
3.2 Fake GPS
GPS (Global Positioning System) is a radio
navigation and positioning system using 24 satellites
owned and managed by the United States that can be
used by all people with all weather, and is designed
to provide continuous position, speed and time
throughout the world. The advancement of location
determination technologies such as GPS is growing
rapidly with an increasingly precise level of
precision, various variations, increasingly cheap and
very helpful in terms of navigation (Hanafi, 2015).
Fake GPS is an application that can make it easy
for application users to provide false location
information on a map or Global Positioning System
(GPS), so application users to use that information
for other purposes such as providing false location
information on Online Transportation Applications
in places certain that is considered by many
consumers so that even though application users are
in different locations users still get priority orders
from the online transportation system.
Fake GPS, there are two benefits of using the
application, namely, Fake GPS is used to place false
locations to locations that are often ordered by
customers, so that Gojek drivers no longer have to
approach the location of the order by hanging near
the location that is often ordered by customers. Both
Gojek drivers use fake applications to carry out
fictitious orders, which also have two benefits:
a. Make customer orders that the Gojek driver uses
for the Gojek driver's own needs,
b. Make a customer order to be given by another
driver, so that the victim can not take orders
anymore, the goal is to reduce drivers who are
hanging around the location that is often ordered
by the customer (Pranoto, 2007).
The solution for Online Transportation
Application developers in handling the use of Fake
GPS from the Online Transportation System
Developer side can add features from the Online
Transportation application to be able to read all
applications that have been installed on the Gadged
Driver Device so that when the Driver installs a new
online transportation application, the System will
detect that in integrated gadgets applications that are
not allowed to be used in conducting Online
Transportation transactions. If the Online
Transportation Application has been installed and
just installed the Prohibited Application, the system
can also reject or give a notification when the Driver
will enter or log into the system, so the driver is not
logged into the system.
This third party application can harm other Users
or Online Transportation Drivers who do not use the
application. So that transportation drivers who do
not use fake GPS applications if located further
away will not get an order even though other drivers
are not in the original location but using fake GPS
With the existence of Fake Accounts and Fake
GPS, besides violating the ethics of using
technology by manipulating data or information, it
has also violated legal protection for consumers of
online transportation users. According to Article 1
paragraph 2 of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning
Consumer Protection, consumers are: "every person
who uses goods and / or services available in the
community, both for the benefit of himself, his
family, other people and other living things and not
for traded ". With online transactions that do not
require business people and consumers must be face
to face, consumer protection must be guaranteed.
Consumer protection according to Article 1
number 1 of Act Number 8 of 1999 concerning
Consumer Protection is any effort that guarantees
legal certainty to provide protection to consumers.
The principle of consumer protection must be
fulfilled in carrying out consumer protection in
Article 2 :
a. The principle of benefit is intended to mandate
that all efforts in the implementation of
consumer protection must provide the maximum
benefit for the interests of the business and
overall business behavior.
b. The principle of justice is intended so that the
participation of all people can be realized
optimally and provide opportunities for
consumers and business actors to obtain their
rights and carry out their obligations fairly.
c. The principle of balance is intended to provide a
balance between the interests of consumers,
business actors and the government in material
and spiritual terms.
d. the principle of consumer safety and security is
intended to provide guarantees for security and
safety to consumers in the use, use and
utilization of goods and / or services consumed
or used.
e. the principle of legal certainty is intended so that
both business actors and consumers obey the law
and obtain justice in the implementation of
consumer protection and the state guarantees
legal certainty (Indonesia, 1999b).
Abuse of Technology by Driver in Online Transportation
Consumer protection aims at Article 3:
a. Increase awareness, ability and independence of
consumers to protect themselves;
b. Lifting the dignity of consumers by avoiding the
negative excesses of the use of goods and / or
c. Increasing consumer empowerment in choosing,
determining and demanding their rights as
d. Creating a consumer protection system that
contains elements of legal certainty and
information disclosure and access to information;
e. Growing awareness of business actors regarding
the importance of consumer protection so that an
honest and responsible attitude in the business
f. improve the quality of goods and / or services
that guarantee the continuity of business in the
production of goods and / or services, health,
comfort, safety and consumer safety (Indonesia,
Scope of consumer protection can be divided
into two aspects, namely protection against the
possibility of goods delivered to consumers not in
accordance with what has been agreed and
protection against the unfair conditions applied to
consumers (Zulham, 2013). The online transaction
process is basically not much different from the
process of buying and selling transactions in general
in the real world. As in conventional trading, buying
and selling through electronics or online transactions
creates an engagement between parties to provide an
achievement. The implication of the engagement is
the emergence of rights and obligations that must be
fulfilled by the parties involved (Nugraha &
Mukhtar, 2014).
Consumers are required to be aware of their
rights, as a control of the actions and behavior of
business actors and the government (Holijah, 2014).
Article 4 of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning
Consumer Protection regulates consumer rights,
namely (Indonesia, 1999b):
a. The right to comfort, security and safety in
consuming goods and / or services;
b. The right to choose goods and / or services and
obtain the goods and / or services in accordance
with the exchange rate and the conditions and
guarantees promised;
c. Right to correct, clear and honest information
regarding the condition and guarantee of goods
and / or services;
d. The right to hear opinions and complaints about
the goods and / or services used;
e. The right to get protection advocacy, and proper
consumer protection dispute resolution efforts;
f. The right to get consumer coaching and
g. The right to be treated or served correctly and
honestly and not discriminatory;
h. The right to get compensation, compensation and
/ or reimbursement, if the goods and / or services
received are not in agreement or not as they
i. Rights that are regulated in other statutory
Article 7 Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning
Consumer Protection regulates the obligations of
business actors, namely (Indonesia, 1999b):
a. Goodwill in conducting business activities;
b. Provide correct, clear and honest information
regarding the condition and guarantee of goods
and / or services and provide an explanation of
the use, repair and maintenance;
c. Treat or serve consumers correctly and honestly
and not discriminatively;
d. Ensure the quality of goods and / or services
produced and / or traded based on the provisions
of the quality standards of goods and / or
services that apply;
e. Providing opportunities for consumers to test and
/ or try certain goods and / or services and
provide guarantees and / or guarantees for goods
made and / or traded;
f. Provide compensation, compensation, and / or
compensation for losses due to the use, use and
use of goods and / or services traded;
g. Providing compensation, compensation and / or
reimbursement if the goods and / or services
received or utilized are not in accordance with
the agreement.
Article 9 of Law Number 19 Year 2016
concerning Amendment to Law Number 11 Year
2008 concerning Information and Electronic
Transactions explains that Business Actors offering
products through electronic systems must provide
complete and correct information relating to contract
terms, manufacturers and products. which is offered.
In the explanation of article 9 of the ITE Law, it is
explained that what is meant by complete and
correct information includes:
a. Information that contains the identity and status
of legal subjects and their competencies, both as
producers, suppliers, organizers and
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
b. Other information, which explains certain things
that become legal requirements of the agreement
and explains the goods and / or services offered,
such as name, address, and description of goods /
services (Indonesia, 2016).
The development of technology will have a
major impact on the protection of consumer rights
which has been the target of the electronic business.
All risks that occur will be felt by consumers along
with the development of a mode of fraud, bad faith,
and oversight or negligence(Wulandari, 2015). The
Consumer Protection Law has explicitly regulated
that consumers have the right to obtain actual
information and the obligation of business actors to
also provide true and honest information. With the
existence of a fake account it has violated what has
been regulated in the Consumer Protection Act.
Given that an online business transaction that
exists on online transportation such as Gojek is
based on a belief, namely the trust of consumers to
transportation service businesses, especially drivers
and vice versa. Online transportation drivers in this
case must stand on the principle of consumer
protection and their obligations which provide clear
information and actual data on their products so that
when consumers use online transportation, they feel
safe when transacting. This sense of trust becomes
very important in an online transaction. With the
existence of fake GPS cases and fake accounts must
be supported by the level of awareness of business
people to organize an online business that guarantees
consumer protection, and vice versa consumers must
also increase legal awareness of their rights in
consumer protection
Law will be sought by humans, when the law is
able to play a role in its duty to guide and serve the
community, so it is not excessive if the main
function of the law is to provide justice. This is in
line with the theory of justice by Adam Smith, who
said the purpose of justice is to secure from injury.
As one measure of justice, the balance between
rights and obligations plays an important role in
every legal pillar so that in formulating the
formulation of justice rights and obligations will be
included (Fuady, 2009).
Drivers who violate their account will be
suspended or suspended (suspended), so they can no
longer receive orders and the contract will be
terminated(Anwar, 2017). The beginning of the
conflict began with some drivers playing cheats by
making fictitious orders using the Fake GPS
application. The majority of drivers have a
motorcycle community in each region, when a
community friend is suspended then these
communities communicate with each other and
eventually create resistance to help their colleagues
involved in problems that lead to demonstrations
carried out in the gojek office. However, the
company did not want to be harmed by the
demonstrations carried out by the drivers because
be found in the following sentence: “I am always
fictitious orders which caused a lot of harm to the
company so that the motorcycle management gave
strict sanctions to anyone who cheated the fictional
order with apply suspension of motorcycle taxi
drivers and impose a fine as compensation for the
company. However, on the other hand gojek drivers
feel disadvantaged by sanctions imposed by the
management of motorcycle taxi because in addition
to their accounts being suspended the amount of
fines they have to pay is very high and varies. In
addition, gojek driver vehicles that cannot pay the
sanctions are held by the company as collateral
(Hidayat & Handoyo, 2016).
Counterfeit accounts are usually used by online
transportation drivers after the drivers get sanctions
from online transportation providers. So that the
driver can operate again, the driver uses a fake
account by buying a fake account from the vendor or
on the internet. The simplest way we can find a fake
account is one of them through the driver, car and
police car number that is not in accordance with the
one in the application. This is very vulnerable,
where consumer protection needs to be protected
related to online transportation transactions, this is
also an agreement even though electronically.
This fake online transportation account in terms
of legal protection does not guarantee the security
and protection of consumers. If in the execution of
the transaction there are defaults, acts against the
law or crime then the responsibility will face
problems. Because the identities listed in the
application include the name of the driver, the type
of vehicle and the police number with those that
serve consumers in different fields. Many cases
happened regarding crimes that were apparently
carried out by drivers who bought fake accounts.
Considering Article 12 paragraph (3) UU ITE
explains that every person who violates the
provisions regarding obligations in electronic
transactions, is responsible for all losses and legal
consequences arising. So that in electronic
transactions accountability is very important.
Considering the need for clearer data /
information regarding the identity of the parties in
this application is very important so the Consumer
Protection Act needs to be renewed, so that legal
Abuse of Technology by Driver in Online Transportation
protection does not only apply to conventional
transactions but also on online application
transactions. This must be addressed by the
Government and online transportation providers
(Wicaksono, 2017). Although the existence of a fake
account is still profitable for online transport
providers, online transportation providers still have
to prioritize the safety and comfort of consumers. So
that online transportation companies should provide
socialization to the public to be able to anticipate
online transportation using fake accounts.
Article 1 number 14 of Act Number 13 of 2003
concerning Manpower is explained that a work
agreement is an agreement between a worker /
laborer and an employer or employer that contains
the work conditions, rights, and obligations of the
parties (Indonesia, 2003). Considering that between
online transportation service providers and online
transportation drivers have been bound in a work
agreement. If the work agreement has regulated fake
GPS and fake account, the driver has defaulted,
which is violating the existing work agreement.
However, if the work agreement does not yet exist,
the online transportation service provider company
can follow up on the action by acting against the law
of the online transportation driver. So from the
company the provider of online transportation
services firmly handles fraud committed by online
transportation drivers by giving strict sanctions and
strengthening work agreements by regulating fake
gps and fake accounts if the work agreement has not
been regulated.
The misuse of technology in the form of Fake
GPS also has negative implications, especially for
companies providing online transportation services.
Online transportation service providers will be
harmed if the order made by the drivers turns out to
be a fictitious order to collect travel points to get
certain bonuses provided by online transportation
service providers. In addition, the existence of fake
GPS brings unhealthy influence on business
competition in the field of transportation both online
and conventional. Given the presence of online
transportation brings its own conflict to date with
conventional transportation. The Indonesian
government policy which has not been able to
accommodate the interests of these two types of
transportation causes prolonged social conflict. So
with the existence of fake gps, it is expected that the
Government can synergize with the online
Transportation Service Provider Company to prevent
and eradicate the existence of fake GPS in order to
realize good business competition.
In the principle of the business world, efforts to
obtain maximum profits are reasonable behavior,
insofar as they do not lead to monopolistic practices
and unfair business competitio (Mantili,
Kusmayanti, & Afriana, 2016). Business
competition law is a law that regulates the
interaction of a company or business actor in the
market, while corporate behavior when interacting is
based on economic motives (Lubis, 2009). The
impact of the existence of fake accounts and fake
gps in addition to consumer protection and loss of
online transportation provider companies will also
lead to unfair business competition among online
transportation modes. This can happen if fake
accounts and fake gps are not handled explicitly,
because the drivers who make fake accounts and
fake gps will monopolize the market in an dishonest
The definition of unfair business competition
based on Law No.5 of 1999 concerning Prohibition
of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business
Competition in Article 1 number 6 Unfair business
competition is competition between business actors
in carrying out production activities and or
marketing of goods or services carried out with
dishonest or against the law or hinder business
competition. Prohibited activities as referred to in
Law No. 5 of 1999 which occurred or resulted in
monopolistic practices and unfair business
competition, including monopoly, monopsony,
market control, collusion, dominant position. Article
1 Number 4 of Law No. 5 of 1999 states that the
dominant position is a situation where the business
actor does not have a competitor in the relevant
market in relation to the controlled market share, or
the business actor has the highest position among
competitors in the relevant market in relation to
financial ability, access to supply or sales, and the
ability to adjust the supply or demand for certain
goods or services (Indonesia, 1999a).
Competition between business actors in carrying
out activities both in production and marketing or
sale of goods and services is done by ignoring the
values of honesty, unlawfulness and pricing in a
tyrannical manner, this is part of the unhealthy
market phenomenon. UU no. 5 of 1999 in Article 25
states that business actors are prohibited from using
dominant positions either directly to establish trade
conditions with the aim of preventing and / or
preventing consumers from competing goods and /
or services, both in terms of price and in terms of
quality, restrict markets and technology
development; or hinder other business actors who
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
have the potential to become competitors to enter the
relevant market (Indonesia, 1999a).
Given the perfect market ideals can not be
separated from the role of the government in
realizing a perfect market. In this case the law must
be able to participate so that market idealism can be
achieved and does not harm the economic actors /
business actors and can realize the balance of
ecosystem business. So that to create a fair business
competition climate, it is expected that online
transportation drivers can run their business honestly
without harming other drivers
The misuse of technology carried out by online
transportation drivers has the following impacts:
a. Consumer
The act of cheating online transportation drivers
in the form of fake accounts and fake GPS does not
provide legal protection for consumers. Related to
the rights of consumers to obtain correct information
and obtain a sense of security in online transactions
must be fulfilled by business actors. However, in the
case of fake accounts and fake GPS, online
transportation drivers cannot fulfill this by aiming
for profit without regard to consumer protection.
Therefore, awareness of consumer protection from
both the consumer and business actors must be
b. Online Transportation Services Provider
With the existence of fake accounts and fake
GPS this can also have implications for companies
providing online transportation services. The fraud
committed by the drivers of online transportation
can cause losses to the company and reduce the
sense of public trust in the company providing the
transportation service. It is better for companies that
provide online transportation services to follow up
on manipulative drivers by giving strict sanctions
and strengthening work agreements by regulating
fake accounts and fake GPS or other driver actions
that can harm consumers. In addition, it also
increases the security of online transportation
applications so that there are no loopholes by
fraudulent drivers.
c. Business competition
A good business competition climate is needed
to build a healthy market. However, a healthy
market must be supported by existing business
actors. This act of cheating on online transportation
drivers can disrupt the balance of the business
climate in online transportation. In order to compete
for greater profits then fraudulent online
transportation drivers can dominate the market and
hamper other online transportation drivers. The
government in this case must play a role and oversee
in order to realize regulations that can encourage fair
business competition among online transportation
This transportation application experienced some
abuse in order to get the benefits of the parties of
online transportation actors, namely drivers. This
abuse certainly has a detrimental effect on online
transportation service providers and the wider
community as consumers. Legal protection of
consumers against counterfeit accounts and fake
GPS is stated in Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning
Consumer Protection. This fake online
transportation account in terms of legal protection
does not guarantee the security and protection of
consumers. If in the execution of the transaction
there are defaults, acts against the law or crime then
the responsibility will face problems. Because the
identities listed in the application include the name
of the driver, the type of vehicle and the police
number with those that serve consumers in different
fields. The existence of fake GPS brings an
unhealthy influence on business competition in the
field of transportation both online and conventional.
So the Government is expected to synergize with the
online Transportation Service Provider Company to
prevent and eradicate the existence of fake GPS in
order to realize good business competition.
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