Pre-service Chemistry Teacher’s Ability to Integrate Islam and
Buchori Muslim
, Nanda Saridewi
and Dewitri Ulfha Ratnasari
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia
Keywords : Ability, Integration of Islam and chemistry, Pre-service teacher
Abstract : Integration of Islam on learning is important in order to form students who are smart and skilled and have
a noble character. All of these competencies require a seriously designed and conceptual learning process
by a teacher. Pre-service teachers in Islamic Religion College have to possess main ability of subject matter
and learning chemistry and also expected to be able to integrate Islamic religion on learning. This study
aims to describe pre-service chemistry teacher’s ablity to integrate Islam in lesson plan and chemistry
teaching material. The method used in the research is descriptive and data obtained by portfolio. The results
showed (1) pre-service chemistry teacher’s ability to integrate Islam in lesson plan of chemistry is good
(75%) (2) pre-service chemistry teacher’s ability to integrate Islam and chemistry in chemistry subject
matter is fair (65%). From this study it is recommended that the government should provide standard
guidelines to teach the value of Islam through subjects so that teachers understand how to integrate Islam in
chemistry subject. Universities or teaching institution, especially Islamic universities or teaching institution,
as producer teachers should developed courses and training so as to print graduates who are able to teach
chemistry that integrate Islam. Chemistry teachers and pre-service teachers, especially Muslims, should be
active increasing their knowledge of Islamic and chemistry issues and also Islamic integrated chemistry
learning to strengthen the argument when linking chemistry and Islam so teacher’s explanation more easily
accepted by students.
Integration has the sense of the combination,
unification, or pooling, of two or more objects so
that becomes a roundness or be whole (Trianto,
2010, p. 35) (Ramli, 2014). Islam knows no
separation between religion and general science. In a
sense, there is no dichotomy view about
science. Both of these must-have science in an
integral (Lubis, 2015) (Zainuddin, 2008, p. 46)
(Abdullah, 2007, p. 167).
The emergence of Islamic integration is based
on the existence of a dichotomistic mindset, arising
from the unconscious of the people who still think
that Islam and chemistry cannot be integrated
because they have different fields of discussion and
do not rebuke each other (Zain & Vebrianto, 2017).
Al-Quran and al-Sunnah actually do not distinguish
between Islamic religion and the general sciences.
Al-Quran only knows science and all branches of
knowledge in Islam are sourced from one, namely
Allah (Zainuddin, 2008, p. 54). Both of them were
separated and seemed to walk in their respective
regions. Though chemistry is a branch of natural
science (science) that can be integrated with Islam,
which nature is God's creation. Allah as the source
of knowledge, teaches his knowledge through
qauliyah verse (Qur'an and hadith) and kauniyah
verse (natural phenomenon) to man (Zainuddin,
2008, p. 157) (Yusuf, 2015, p. 54).
Chemistry is thought to be able to shape the
character of students, because the knowledge learned
especially by Muslims should be used as a means to
get to know God as the creator of the universe and
increase faith and devotion to Him. So that
chemistry learning can contribute to the formation of
positive attitudes such as the objectives of chemistry
subjects contained in the Content Standards of
chemistry subjects in Senior High Schools /
Madrasah Aliyah (MA). One of the goals of
chemistry subjects is that students have the ability to
form positive attitudes toward chemistry by realizing
Muslim, B., Saridewi, N. and Ratnasari, D.
Pre-service Chemistry Teacher’s Ability to Integrate Islam and Chemistry.
DOI: 10.5220/0009928002590267
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 259-267
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the order and beauty of nature and glorifying the
greatness of God Almighty (Firman, 2009).
National education aimed at developing the
potential of learners became the human of faith and
pious to God Almighty, precious, healthy, have
learned, accomplished, creative, independent, and
become citizens of a democratic and responsible. On
Law No. 22 Year 2003 subsection 36, there is
meaning that is implied and express regarding
integration in subjects for the sake of realizing the
goals of national education. Educational units have
the authority in the development of the curriculum
by observing an increase in faith and piety,
improved morals and religion. Aspects of the faith,
morals, devotion as well as a new look in the
curriculum of the 2013 target entire subjects
including Chemistry. Not only that, even these three
aspects is the first core competencies to be achieved
in all subjects (Yusuf, 2015) (Muslim, et al., 2014)
(Ramli, 2014) (Sunhaji, 2016).
Aspects of faith, noble character, and piety are
only seen in the 2013 Curriculum which is the target
of all subjects including chemistry. Not only that,
even these three aspects become the first core
competencies that must be achieved in all subjects.
The result, of course, is expected to be able to build
emotional and spiritual learners (Yusuf, 2015, p. 93).
Supporting national education goals, the core
competencies formulated in the 2013 Curriculum
consist of four competencies, namely spiritual
competence, attitude competency, knowledge
competence and skill competency. Based on the
2013 curriculum, teachers are required to integrate
character education (Islam) into the process of
teaching and learning activities (Hadi, 2015).
Integration between Islam and science isn't
enough just simply discourse. Based on the decision
of the Director General of Islamic Religious
Education No. 575 Year 2018, then a Science
Competition at the Madrasa (SHGS) attached to
Islamic religious materials in science subjects which
is contested. Integrated chemistry is one of the areas
that are contested on the level of Madrasah Aliyah
Various activities and acts that were ordered in
Islam pertaining to the work of reason (cognitive),
feelings (affective), and actions (psychomotor). All
activities require a competence of the cognitive,
affective, and psychomotor need learning process
designed seriously and conceptual, so it's really
focused and get optimal results (Nata, 2009).
Implementation of chemistry learning
integrated with Islam in class, the teacher must
prepare the planning in the process of learning
integrated with religius matter. The planning of
learning include learning the preparation of
implementation plans (RPP) and the preparation of
teaching material (materials) that involves the values
of Islam (Zain & Vebrianto, 2017).
The ability of drawing up the planning for pre-
service teachers believed was one of the essential
competencies. But whether the pre-service teachers
already have the capability of integrated planning
compilation of learning ability between chemistry
and the ability of the religion of Islam (Rochman,
2010). Considering the Permenristedikti Number 44
of 2015, the vision of the Chemical Education Study
Program adapts to the characteristics and vision of
the Syarif Hidayatullah UIN in the form integration
of islamic and general science which is realized
through courses that integrate Islam and chemistry in
its teaching. Islam and Science courses teach the
integration of Islam and Science, especially
chemistry to pre-service chemistry teachers. This
research aims to know the ability of the pre-service
chemistry teacher integrated Islam on learning plans
and chemistry teaching material.
Research conducted is a descriptive
research. Research conducted is descriptive research.
Descriptive research is a research method that is
done to find out, describe and interpret the value of
an independent variable, either one variable or more
with what it is without making comparisons, or
connecting between other variables (Sugiyono,
2012, p. 11) (Darmadi, 2011, p. 151) (Trianto, 2010,
p. 197). Descriptive research only attempts to
describe clearly and sequentially the pre-determined
research questions and descriptive research is not
intended to test hypotheses. Therefore descriptive
research is also called pre-experimental research
(Darmadi, 2011, p. 34) (Arikunto, 2007, p. 234).
The unit of analysis in this study is a
prospective chemistry teacher who will be measured
the ability of integrating Islam and
chemistry. Subject of this research are pre-service
teachers. Object of this research is ability of
integration between Islam and chemistry. Data
collection techniques on research using methods of
documentation, the portfolio of teaching material
and lesson plan votes based rubric assessment
portfolio. Quantitative data obtained from an
average score of each indicator, analyzed by
qualitative descriptive. Qualitative data obtained
from the record rater against portfolio of chemistry
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
lesson plan and teaching material, analyzed by the
3.1 Result
Participants are the students of the semester of
6 chemistry education class of 2015 UIN Syarif
Hidayatullah Jakarta totalling 71 participants on
courses the study of Islam and science. Islamic
courses and science is divided into two classes,
namely class A as many as 33 students and class B
as much as 38 students. The requirement for this
coursework, all the participants has gained
educational courses, chemistry and also the field of
On the subject of Islam and science,
participants were assigned to make lesson plan
(RPP) and teaching material suitably Based
Competency (KD) and chemistry matter has
provided. Assessment instruments and teaching
materials adapted the RPP instruments used
Rochman (2010) in accordance with the criteria on
the rubric assessment of teaching material and the
Pre-service chemistry teacher’s ability to make
chemistry lesson plan integrated Islam showed by
Table 1.
Table 1: The percentage of Integration of Islam on
Chemistry Lesson Plan (RPP)
Indicator Percentage
Completeness of the
RPP component
96 Excellent
Formulating chemistry
learning objectives
related to integration of
75 Good
Outlines briefly the
essential matter of
chemistry related to
integration of Islam
67 Fair
The appropriateness of
the use of the method
with characteristic of
matter or learning
75 Good
Suitability of learning
steps with learning
objectives related to
integration of Islam
75 Good
Formulating evaluation
of learning related to
integration of Islam
67 Fair
Components of the 78 Good
RPP contains concept
of integration of Islam
and chemistry
Suitability of
integration learning
model with
characteristics of
65 Fair
Average 75 Good
Average of Pre-service teacher’s integrate
ability on lesson plan is good (75%). The higest
percentage is RPP component (96%) and the lowest
percentage is integration learning model (65%).
Pre-service chemistry teacher’s ability to make
chemistry lesson plan integrated Islam showed by
table 1.
Table 2: The percentage of Integration of Islam on
Chemistry Teaching Material
Indicator Percentage
Outlines the
essential concepts,
principles or
theories based on
the selected KD
75 Good
Using the chemistry
concept that
integrated Islam
64 Fair
The relevance
between subject
matter of
integration of Islam
and chemistry with
indicators set out
68 Good
Formulating values
that related with
chemistry matter
integrated Islam
was studied
65 Fair
positive behaviors
and noble
characters as amtsal
or parable of
chemistry matter
55 Fair
Choose and write
qauliyah verses
(Al-Qur’an and/or
hadist) that
mutually related or
chemistry matter
64 Fair
Choose and write
kauniyah verses
phenomenon) that
mutually related or
59 Fair
Pre-service Chemistry Teacher’s Ability to Integrate Islam and Chemistry
chemistry matter
Average 65 Fair
Average of Pre-service teacher’s integrate
ability on teaching material is fair (65%). The higest
percentage is outline of essential concepts, principles
and theories (75%) and the lowest percentage is
amtsal of chemistry concept (55%).
3.1.1 Pre-service Chemistry Teacher’s
Ability to Make Chemistry Lesson
Plan Integrated Islam
a. Completeness of the RPP components
As many as 71 RPP were analyzed, majority
components of RPP were complete include identity
of school, formulate of competencies, time
allocation, subject matter, learning strategy, learning
activities, media, and learning assessment. There
were seven incomplete RPP to enter components of
the RPP correspond to the criteria (96%). Assement
of learning outcomes are the largest component that
are not included in the RPP.
b. Formulating chemistry learning objectives
related to integration of Islam
Pre-service teachers formulated learning
objectives based on KD include attitudes,
knowledges, and skills. The learning objectives
formulated by the teacher candidates all have
included students as elements of the audience and
behavior changes of students as an element of
behavior. Six RPPs do not formulate the condition
elements which are prerequisites or conditions that
must be provided so that the learning objectives are
achieved. Five RPPs that do not form a degree
element which is a measure of the level or level of
ability that students must achieve include affective
and attitude aspects.
c. Outlines briefly the essential matter of
chemistry related to integration of Islam
The majority of teacher candidates have been
able to briefly describe the learning material
containing material facts, concepts, principles and
procedures in accordance with indicators derived
from the selected basic competencies. In addition to
outlines briefly chemistry matter, pre-service
teachers also adds Islam matter that will be
d. The appropriatness of the use of the method
with characteristics matter or learning
A total of 11 RPP less precise using the method
with characteristic of matter or learning objectives.
Majority of the 0
RPP is only using speech or discussion method.
While the basic competency skills (KD 4) demands
the students conduct experiment so that formulated
in the learning objectives.
RPP of macromolecules is one example of the
RPP with appropriate learning methods i.e. using
discussion groups method. KD of macromolecules
demands students have the capability of analysis
after the learning process.
e. Suitability of learning steps with learning
objectives related to integration of Islam
The ability of pre-service teachers to draw up
integrated chemistry learning steps already good
(75%). They are formulated integrated chemistry
learning steps, as follow: (1) the preliminary
activities opened with greetings and prayers, and
then explains the purpose of learning. One of the
candidates gave the motivation of student learning
through video benefits and applications of integrated
matter. (2) the core activities, explaining the subject
matter taught in speech or discussion groups.
Integration of Islam more delivered on core
activities, at the time of delivery of the subject
matter. (3) the closing activities, carried out the
withdrawal of the conclusion or reflection on
learning that is usually placed Islamic values meant
to gratitude to The God, then covered with greetings
and prayers.
f. Formulating evaluation of learning related to
integration of Islam
Assessment of chemistry learning that integrates
Islam and chemistry using authentic assessment.
Learning assessments that integrate Islam and
chemistry formulated by pre-service teachers include
the affective, cognitive and psychomotor domains.
Assessment for the affective domain, some of the
assessments in the RPP are carried out by including
the basic values formulated in Core Competence 2.
Assessment of the cognitive domain can be done on
daily assessments, such as daily practice questions
and tests that incorporate Islamic religious material
into questions. Psychomotor domain assessment is
carried out through portfolios, presentations and
g. Component of the RPP contains concept of
integration of Islam and chemistry
Pre-service teachers added that integration of
Islam and chemistry is explicitly on the components
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
of indicators, learning objectives, learning activities,
and assessment. 21 RPPs incomplete included the
concept of Islamic integration in the RPP
component. The most component of the RPP that
does not contain the concept of integration is the
indicator component. Only two RPPs do not contain
the concept of Islamic integration in all components.
h. Suitability of integration learning model with
characteristic of matter
Mostly, pre-service teachers used inductification
model in their RPP. This model is the integration of
learning with teacher invites students to realize the
regularity in nature after studying the theories on
chemical material so that growing gratitude for
God's greatness.
Others use the model verification, corrective,
confirmative, similarization, informative and
complementation. Model verification as in
Petroleum subject matter, students are asked to
analyze the process of the formation of crude oil
based on the Qur'an. Corrective performed on the
history of chemistry subject matter, with the
confirmation that chemistry is not derived from the
West but was first discovered by muslim scientists.
Confirmative, chemistry subject matter proved with
relevant Al-Qur’an verse or appropriate for
justification, students are asked to find
independently with discussions to find the whole
concept with the guidance of a teacher.
Similarization mocel mean equating simply
chemical concepts with concept of Islam, such as the
human equation to the ground. Complementation for
example integrating on thermochemistry RPP,
doomsday events described in chemistry. It means
that the concept of chemistry and the concept of
Islam exchanged information so obtained would be
understanding and give more value in thicken the
sense faithfulness to God. While informative model
done by digging and understand information not
only from the discipline of chemistry as in RPP
reaction rates and equilibrium chemistry.
3.1.2 Pre-service Chemistry Teacher’s
Ability to Make Teaching Material
Integrated Islam
Islami and Science courses provide two integration
models that can be used by pre-service teachers to
make Islamic integrated chemistry teaching
materials, namely the Integration Model of Four
Steps Teaching Material Development (4S TMD)
and the Buchori Type of Science and Islamic
Integration Model.
a. Outlines the essential concepts, principles,
and theories based on the selected KD
As many as 13 teaching material incomplete
outlines the chemistry subject matter based on KD.
Material such as chemical equilibrium, only outlines
examples of equilibrium chemical reaction without
further explaining the relationship between Kc and
Kp as well as how to specify one. In addition, five
teaching material less suitable outlines chemistry
subject matter based on KD. Such as chemistry
matter integrated Islam in the concept of
hydrocarbons. In matter of hydrocarbon pre-service
teacher make chemistry matter integrated Islam
about atomic bomb, while hydrocarbon matter
should be integrated are structure and hydrocarbon
b. Using chemistry concept that integrated
Majority of the pre-service teachers already
quite capable to using chemistry concept integrated
Islam (64%).
c. The relevance between subject matter of
integration of Islam and chemistry with
indicators set out
As many as nine teaching materials are less
relevant. It indicates that most of the pre-service
were able to determine the principal of integration of
Islam and chemistry matter relevant to indicators
d. Formulating velues that related with
chemistry matter integrated Islam was
Most of pre-service teachers formulated
religious value, directs students to realize the power
of God as well as foster as sence of being grateful
for all his creation which is never wasted. On of pre-
service teacher formulated values about the
importeance of leaving a balance and not excessive
as daily education value.
e. Formulating positive behaviours and noble
characters as amtsal or parable of chemistry
As many as four teaching materials which
formulate positive behaviours and noble characters
as amtsal of chemistry matter. One of them is
integrated in corrosion concept. Pre-service teacher
potrays corrosion as a sin that must be prevented or
coated with faith in order not to increase and also
potrays the damage and devastation in nature like
the sloppy characters that must prevent by have
careful characters.
Pre-service Chemistry Teacher’s Ability to Integrate Islam and Chemistry
f. Choose and write quliyah verses (Al-Qur’an
and/or hadist) that mutually related or
strengthen chemistry matter
One of pre-service teacher associated QS. Al-
A’la verse 1-5 with the theory of petroleum
formation is discovered by the experts. God has
created the green grass (organic substances) which
then made it dried grasses blackish (petroleum). In
line with the theory put forward experts that
petroleum is derived from the weathering results of
living organisms that are buried for millions of
years, form the oil flowing through cracks in rocks.
Another example on radioactive teaching
material, pre-service teacher enter QS. Ash-Shu’ara’
verse 185-189 is associated with fission reaction in
an atomic bomb. The verses of the Qur'an gives an
idea of the magnitude of the toxic cloud disaster that
befell the Madyan people as atomic bomb blasts
experienced by Japan during World War II.
g. Choose and write kauiyah verses (natural
phenomenon) that mutually related or
strengthen chemistry matter
On nomenclature and reaction equation teaching
material, pre-service teacher relate the chemical
reaction in daily life are photosynthesis reaction and
respiratory reaction. Based on the phenomenon,
teaching material was developed to foster a sence of
gratitude to God favors given result from
photosynthesis reaction and respiratory reaction.
3.2 Discussion
All the chemistry concept able to integrate with
Islam, chemistry concepts that already integrated
were History of Chemistry, Atomic Structure,
Chemistry Bonding, Stoichiometry,
Thermochemistry, Chemical Equilibrium, Acid and
Base Solution, Salt Hidrolysis, and Colligative
Properties (Muslim, 2017). The majority of teachers
support and believe that the chemistry can be
integrated with Islamic values (Muslim, et al., 2017).
Buchori (2016) explains the relationship of Islam
and chemistry. Chemistry already appeared when the
universe is formed which is envidenced by the
bigbang theory that produces a Hydrogen and
Helium, this evidenced amplified by the word of
God in surah Al-Anbiyaa verse 30. Other chemical
elements formed though a cosmic rays, small stars
and large star, supernova and man made (non
natural). Based on historical development, alchemis
was first introduced by muslim in the 7
(700-1400 M) as evidenced by the work of famous
muslim as: Jabir Ibn Hayyan, Ar-Razi and Izz Al
Din Al Jaidaki (Muslim, 2016) (Muslim & Fajriah,
2017) (Purwaningrum, 2015).
Many verses about science (chemistry) are
revealed in mutasyabihat verses, namely verses that
have many possibilities of meaning and
understanding so that they need to be contemplated.
Humans need effort to understand these verses
because they contain future scientific information.
Every great discovery of the contemporary century
has been explained by the Al-Qur'an since the
seventh century ago (Purwaningrum, 2015). So in
developing teaching materials that integrate Islam
and chemistry, it is necessary to add interpretations
that strengthen chemical material.
Islam and Science course as a form of existence
of Chemistry Education UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
Jakarta in carrying out academic activities to
improve the quality of pre-service chemistry
teachers. Chemistry teachers from Islamic State
University have to posesess knowledge and skills
integrating Islamic values. This course training the
pre-service chemistry teachers to teach chemistry
that integrate Islam (Muslim, et al., 2017) (Fauzan,
2017) (Lubis, 2015).
In this course, pre-service teachers are required
to be able to integrate Islam on lesson plan and
teaching material. This is in accordance with Lubis’
opinion (2015) which states that teachers need to be
prepared and understand Integrated Education. In
Integrated Education, the teacher acts as a catalyst
that should understand and be able to apply
Integrated Education system. Teachers must not only
understand the theory but also trained to become a
teacher are more innovative in preparing learning
materials. Into teaching in the classroom. To ensure
that the Integrated Education is carried out, the
teacher’s role is to translate the curriculum into
teaching in the classroom (Lubis, 2015).
Teachers must understand and expertise in four
teacher’s competencies to translate the curriculum
into teaching in the classroom. Chemistry integrated
Islam learning requires preparing lesson plan
seriously and conceptual. The planning of learning is
one of the sub-competency of pedagogic
competency. According to Listyono, Supardi,
Hindarto and Ridlo (2018), a teacher should
understand PCK, because the role of teachers in
learning begin from the planning stages of learning.
In addition teachers need to have personality and
understanding of religious and chemistry matter
(Listyono, et al., 2018). In the planning stages of
learning, teachers need to prepare a lesson plan
(RPP) and teaching material of chemistry integrated
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Islam (Zain & Vebrianto, 2017) (Rahminawati &
Indrasari, 2014).
Easy way to develop an integrated Islamic RPP
is to adapt the existing RPP by adding / adapting
learning activities that are facilitating Islamic
integration, the intended adaptation includes: 1)
addition and / or modification of learning activities
so that there are learning activities that develop
Islamic Integration; 2) the addition and / or
modification of achievement indicators so that there
are indicators related to the achievement of students
in terms of Islamic integration; 3) addition and / or
modification of assessment techniques so that there
are assessment techniques that can develop and / or
measure capabilities related to Islamic integration
(Gunawan, 2012, pp. 225-226). In developing an
integrated Islamic RPP there is no standard model,
thus the teacher has many opportunities to modify
new models in preparing and developing RPP.
Because of its flexible and non-standard nature there
is no uniformity between teachers in preparing and
developing RPP or teaching preparation (Gunawan,
2012, p. 308). There are several models that can be
used as reference in developing a chemical RPP that
integrates Islam and chemistry, one of which is unit
of learning model (Satpel model) (Gunawan, 2012,
p. 318) (Gunawan, 2012, p. 318) and correlated
model (Rahminawati & Indrasari, 2014).
The application of daily planning consists of
introduction, core, and closing. The preliminary
activity is filled with motivation, opinions, and
exploration of the initial knowledge of students.
Core activities related to problem formulation,
observation and data collection and problem solving.
The core activity is essentially the main activity to
instill, develop knowledge, attitudes and skills
related to the teaching material to be delivered. In
the closing activities related to making conclusions,
reflection on the activities that have been carried out,
providing feedback on the process of learning and
evaluation results (Listyono, et al., 2018)
(Rahminawati & Indrasari, 2014).
In the case of chemistry learning that integrates
Islam and chemistry, the speech method is most
often used in learning activities. Aziz (2011) argues
that the speech method in learning integration does
not completely kill students' creativity, even though
it is considered classical and conventional. Students
are invited to imagine and bring students to a
different time and atmosphere, this method wants us
to always reflect and introspect on what has been
done and always try to develop scientific creativity
and morality in accordance with the Qur'an and the
existing chemical concepts. Using lecture methods
requires teacher skills. At the end of learning it is
recommended to open a question and answer forum
to determine the level of students' understanding of
the material presented by the teacher (Syah, 2014,
pp. 201-202).
Practical or experimental methods can still be
done in chemistry learning that integrates Islam and
chemistry. Buchori, Zulfiani, and Irwandi (2014),
provide examples of Islamic chemistry learning
through everyday material-based experimental
methods. Many teachers do not carry out
experiments on the grounds of the unavailability of
equipment and materials in the laboratory. Whereas
Islam teaches not to complicate things like in QS.
Al-Baqarah: 185, An-Nisa ': 28, and Al Ha-Hajj: 78.
Islam also provides a solution through the letter
Hud: 61 by utilizing the natural surroundings
(everyday equipment) for chemical experiments.
Regarding learning evaluation, learning
assessment in the 2013 curriculum uses an authentic
assessment approach. The techniques and
instruments chosen and implemented not only
measure students' academic or cognitive
achievements, but also measure personality
development (Gunawan, 2012, p. 235).
Teaching materials are also part of the
curriculum. Feasibility of teaching materials must
receive serious attention, because teaching material
is one of the main components in the learning
process. In compiling and determining teaching
materials, it should depart from the goal of forming
faith, piety, noble character, as well as cognitive and
psychomotor mastery of the fields taught. The
spiritual and social dimensions of the material must
be disclosed and conveyed to all students so that
they do not only master cognitive and psychomotor
aspects. However, they also understand the
relevance of each field of study that is studied with
the spiritual and social dimensions (Yusuf, 2015, p.
104) (Syamsuri, et al., 2017). All teachers and pre-
service teachers are required to be able to find,
explore and develop aspects of faith in every
chemical material that will be taught.
Therefore, developing teaching materials is very
necessary to pay attention to the demands of the
applicable curriculum. Based on the TMD 4S model,
the process is a selection process. This process is
needed to obtain essential teaching materials in
accordance with the needs of students to learn more
(Anwar, 2015). Whereas in the Buchori Type of
Science and Islamic Integration model, describes the
concepts, principles and theories of chemistry at the
stage of determining material and concept analysis
(Muslim, 2017).
Pre-service Chemistry Teacher’s Ability to Integrate Islam and Chemistry
From the result showed that pre-service
chemistry teacher is able to integrate Islam in
chemistry teaching material and RPP. Chemistry
integrted lesson plan drawn up by pre-service
teachers include learning objectives, teaching
method and learning experiences also evaluation of
the learning outcomes. The integration of Islam in
chemistry teaching material in the form of merging
the concept of chemistry with qauliyah verses,
kauniyah verses, Islamic values or characters.
This research aims to know the ability of pre-
service chemistry teacher to integrate Islam and
chemistry in chemistry lesson plan and teaching
materials. Based on the results of data analysis and
discussion on this research it can be concluded that:
1. Pre-service chemistry teacher’s ability to
integrate islam and chemistry in lesson plan
(RPP) are in good category, amount to
2. Pre-service chemistry teacher’s ability to
integrate islam and chemistry in teaching
material are in fair category, amount to
From this study it is recommended that the
government should provide standard guidelines to
teach the value of Islam through subjects so that
teachers understand how to integrate Islam in
chemistry subject. Universities or teaching
institution, especially Islamic universities or
teaching institution, as producer teachers should
develop courses and training so as to print
graduates who are able to teach chemistry that
integrate Islam. Chemistry teachers and pre-service
teachers, especially Muslims, should be active
increasing their knowledge of Islamic and
chemistry issues and also Islamic integrated
chemistry learning to strengthen the argument when
linking chemistry and Islam so teacher’s
explanation more easily accepted by students.
I am deeply indebted to Burhanudin Milama,
M.Pd, Head of Departement of Chemistry
Education UIN Syarif Hidayatullah. I am especially
grateful Chaerul Rochman for his kindness. Special
thanks to all the students of Departement of
Chemistry Education 2015 for their kindness and
help during my study as partisipan. Finaly, I am
indebted to my family for their continuous support
nd encouragement fo my pursuit.
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Pre-service Chemistry Teacher’s Ability to Integrate Islam and Chemistry