behavior and their social behavior (Shah et al, 2013).
Therefore, researcher have desire to find out the
religious behavior of students of UIN of Syarif
Hidayatullah Jakarta, which are influenced by
gender, the environment of the faculty, the
environment in which they live and the environment
from which students grew.
2.1 Study of Theory
2.1.1 Definition of Religious Behavior
According to (Magill 1993) religiosity is a person's
attitude toward religion in general or the way a
person becomes religious (Aisyah, 2014), (2014),
(2106), and according to (Jalaluddin, 2002) religion
generally has rules and obligations that must be
carried out which all of them function to bind and
require oneself or a group of people in their relation
with God, fellow human beings and the natural
surroundings (
Azizah, 2005). According to (Shihab
1998), (Rahayu 2003), religion is a relationship
between creatures and the Creator which is
manifested in his/her inner attitude and in the
worship performed as well as in the overall attitude
Tat, 2004). Implementation of religion is an activity
or behavior of a person against the religion itself.
According to (Boston and Gray 1981), (Hair and
Bowers 1992), (McIntosh et al 1993), (Rahayu
2003), religious activities not only occur when
someone performs rituals (religious worship),
however it is also when someone does other
activities; it not merely related to activities that can
be seen with the eyes, but it relates as well to the
invisible activities that occur in one's inner heart
Tat, 2004).
In the Holly Qur’an Adz-Dzariyat (51) verse 56,
which has meaning “and I (Allah) do not create jinn
and humans but that they serve Me (Allah)”. As the
representative of Allah, he was aware of the amazing
task he was carrying out, namely managing the earth
based on the message of Allah. In line with human
functions according to Islam, the expected behavior
of a Muslim is to have hablumminallah and
hablumminannas behaviors (Aisyah, 2014), (2014),
2.1.2 Behavior of Habluminallah
In the Islamic perspective, habluminallah behavior
is human behavior that is built on the framework of
human relations with God (hablumminallah) through
agreements that are regulated in the Shari’ah of
Allah regarding the obligation to fulfill the
commands or rights of Allah Ta'ala. (Aisyah, 2014),
(2014), (2106). According to (Mansoer, 2008)
(Aisyah, 2014), (2014), (2106), hablumminallah
behavior of a Muslim can be measured through, (a)
knowledge of faith and worship (b) attitude towards
faith and worship and (c) practice of faith and
2.1.3 Behavior of Habluminannas
Habluminannas behavior is a human relationship
with each other (hablumminannas) through the
obligation to fulfill the rights of fellow human
beings both Muslims and apostates (kafir) (Aisyah,
2014), (2014), (2106) and (
Almu’tasim, 2016). (Yusuf
1995: 154) (Aisyah, 2014) explained that in line
with human function as the khalifah of Allah, the
Muslim should have a main character such as: doing
tadzakkur, tafakkur, ikhtiyar, jihad, ijtihad,
istiqamah, ta`awun, tawasau, tasamuh, deliberation,
ukhwah, and fastabiqul khairat. Those personal
characters that form the behavior of
Hablumminannas behavior of a Muslim can be
measured from (Mansoer, 2008: 112) (Aisyah,
2014), (2014) (a) Islamic behavior towards oneself
(b) Islamic behavior towards fellow human beings
(c) Islamic behavior towards the surrounding
2.1.4 Factors that Influence the Religious
In Islam, human behavior is the result of the
interaction of factors of external (external
environment) and internal (from within the
individual itself). (Aisyah, 2014), (2014) and
Munawar, 2011).
Internal Factors
The internal environment includes aspects of
genetics (gender), structure and body functions as
well as psychological (
Munawar, 2011). According to
the socialization gender theory proposed by
(Zelenzy et al 2000) in (
Miranti, 2012) behavior is
determined by the process of socialization in which