gaming, like what Wright (2006) stated that “game is
an activity which is entertaining and engaging, often
challenging and an activity in which the learners play
and usually interact with others”. The Bingo games
had succeeded in creating a good atmosphere for the
students to speak a lot. It also managed to lower their
hesitation to speak up.Moreover, the findings of this
study are also in line with the previous related studies
on the use of Bingo game in improving some
elements of speaking: vocabulary, grammar,
pronunciation, and comprehension. Bingo game was
reported to be succesful in improving students’
vocabulary mastery (Jia-Jiunn Lo & Fang-Li Tseng
(2011); Rosidi & Faliyanti (2014); Herlina (2015);
and Puspita & Losari (2016)). Besides, Bingo game
can also enhance students’ grammar knowledge,
especially on the use of preposition of time and place
(Saadilah & Adawiyah). In addition, Bingo game has
also improved students’ pronunciation (Pui Kuet Poh
(2015)). Furthermore, Bingo activities in the class can
increase students’ comprehension (Weisskirch
From the point of view of game positive effect to
speaking ability in general, this study also conformed
to the studies conducted by Dewi (2017). They
reported that using communicative games improved
the students’ speaking skill. The 2-cycle classroom
action research that they conducted was able to
improve the students’ mean score from 60.42 to
69.02 in the first cycle, and reach up to 78.77 in the
second cycle. Besides, other research instruments like
observation, interview and questionnaires had
managed to obtain the students’ perception over
communicative games of having good influence on
students’ participation, confidence, and fluency in
Finally, the statistical results of the calculation
of the current study had proved that the Null
Hypothesis, which stated that there is no significant
effect of Bingo game on the students’ speaking ability
was rejected, and the Alternative hypothesis, which
stated that there is significant effect of the Bingo
game on the students’ speaking ability was accepted.
Furthermore, the effect size of 0.87 had fallen into the
criteria of large size effect. Therefore, Bingo game
had definitely given significant effect to the speaking
ability of the students, especially in describing
Based on the findings of the study, it can be drawn
a conclusion that Bingo game had given significant
effect to the speaking ability of the students,
especially in describing people. It was proved by the
statistical calculation of t-test through SPSS 22 that in
Sig. (2-tailed), the p score was 0.005, in which it was
lower than the determined significance value 0.05. As
the result, p < α or (0.005 < 0.05), which meant that
Null Hypothesis (Hѳ) was rejected and the
Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. In other
words, there is a significant effect of Bingo game on
students’ speaking ability, especially in describing
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