The Effectiveness of Geographic Literacy based Model of Social
Studies Learning in Building Eco-friendly Character
Jakiatin Nisa
, Enok Maryani
and Epon Ningrum
Universitas Islam Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 95, Ciputat, Indonesia
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Model Effectiveness; Social Studies Learning; Geographic Literacy; Eco-Friendly Character
Abstract: This study aimed at testing the effectiveness of geographic literacy based model of social studies learning in
building eco-friendly character of the students at junior high school level in Bandung. The method used in
this study was Quasi Experiment. Quasi experimental design is The Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design.
The population of the study was all students at junior high school level in Bandung while the Samples were
defined through Cluster Random Sampling/Multiple Stage Area Sampling. The number of clusters used was
4 (54 Schools). The effectiveness test towards the model shows that the implementation of the geo-literacy
based teaching model in building eco-friendly character or BLG-KPL Model gives a significant influence
(effective) in building eco-friendly character. The effect size of the participation aspect of the model was
0.729 and that of the knowledge aspect was 0.622731 classified as moderate. It means that the model gives a
relatively big influence to the building of eco-friendly character. However, the effect size of the attitude
aspect was 1.045891 classified as high, which means that the model gives a big influence to the building of
eco-friendly character. The significance of this study is important in order to give an alternative model in
social studies learning that can be used as an effort in building student’s eco-friendly character while there
were only a few models specified for building eco-friendly character. Furthermore, this study was also a
supplementary study of the previous study on the importance of the efforts in building eco-friendly
character in school subjects, particularly in social studies.
Modernity brings a state to a higher
development. In the planning stage, development
may at all times involve either human resources or
natural resources. The use of natural resources gives
a big contribution yet it decreases the environmental
support and depletes the natural resource.
Resource exploitation as an impact of
modernism derives from conventional thought that
sets human beings as the main actors of the history
(anthropocentrism), i.e. within the long history of
human beings (Supriatna, 2016). Anthropocentrism
considers human beings as the center of the space
system. Keraf (2010) explains that this theory takes
human beings and their interests as the determining
factors in ecosystem management as well as in all
policies taken related to the nature, either direct or
indirect. The determining factors in this theory are
human beings and all of their interests. Everything
happens in the nature was previously taken for
granted unless it could be used to support and for
human’s interest. Consequently, nature is only seen
as an object, i.e. as the tool and medium to fulfill
human’s interests.
Anthropocentrism sees that humans exploit the
nature to fulfill their interests and needs. However,
they do not give some serious attention towards the
nature. Keraf (2010) explains that humans’
exploitative, destructive and careless natures
towards environment are thought to be derived from
their framework to only focus on human’s interests
that leads to greediness, leading them to take all of
their needs from the nature without considering its
sustainability (the nature exists only for humans).
Humans’ awareness to always pay attention to
the environment as a part of environmental ethics
should still be developed, by converting the
conventional framework of anthropocentrism to a
more proper framework. Humans should
understand that they are created to be a leader
(khalifah) who manages different things on earth,
Nisa, J., Maryani, E. and Ningrum, E.
The Effectiveness of Geographic Literacy based Model of Social Studies Learning in Building Eco-friendly Character.
DOI: 10.5220/0009929202920300
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 292-300
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
either plants, animals, land, water, air, mountain,
forest, or any other thing on earth to be managed and
to be used by them sensibly and sustainably.
Capra (1997) proposes a more appropriate
framework in facing the conventional framework,
i.e. by using a new holistic and ecological formula
formed in new scientific language which depicts
different concepts in psychological, biological,
physical, social, cultural, and living system
phenomena called as the web of life. The core idea
of the comprehensively systematic concept of life is
that the basic pattern of the organization of life is
web. In all level of life, either the metabolism web in
a cell, the food web in an ecosystem, or the social
communication web belongs to the components of
life system interconnected within a web. The
concept considers particular elements of all species
where all of the elements are integrated, and
mutually dependent. There should not be a dominant
element, all are mutually dependent. When an
element is in trouble, the other elements may also be
One of the important aspects in education is an
ability to make students realize that they (the
students) belong to the society that is able to make
decisions of which the impact is wide in scope, each
day. Each decision will generate some impacts going
beyond the time and place when and where the
decision is made. For example, decision not to throw
garbage into a river, to use public transportation
instead of using private vehicles or other ones that
may have a wide impact.
The concept pertaining to the interrelatedness
of one place to other places as well as environmental
management which belongs to geographic literation,
which will also build eco-friendly character, should
always be delivered in social studies learning.
Considering that one of the objectives of social
studies curriculum is to equip students with some
awareness towards positive mental attitude and skills
pertaining to the environment which has been a part
of their lives. Therefore, social studies should be
focused on building eco-friendly character. Social
studies learning is not only aimed at building
cognitive ability but also at developing attitude,
values, and skills, which can build eco-friendly
character that will be their way of thought and act
and make them different in the way they live their
life in family, school, society, and country as one of
the answers for modernization.
Social studies learning should become one of
the appropriate media to build eco-friendly
character. Supriatna (2016) states that social studies
should be integrated, value-based, problem-based
and contextual. To build eco-friendly character in
social studies learning requires a meaningful
teaching. Teaching learning process will be
meaningful if the students realize that the subject
materials studied by them are useful for them in
living their life. Social studies teachers, in
geographic literacy-based model of social studies
learning, can take some initiatives and play a role in
facilitating students as a part of eco-friendly society.
This study is aimed at testing the effectiveness of
geographic literacy based model of social studies
learning to build eco-friendly character (BLG-KPL
Model) of students at junior high school level in
2.1 The Essence of Geographic
The Geographic literacy is often abbreviated as
geo-literacy. There are different definitions of
geographic literacy delivered by experts. It shows
that there has not been any agreement among
geography experts on this. One of the experts
defines geographic literacy as an ability in finding a
certain places on a map so called as place location
knowledge (PLK) since PLK is the root of/basis in
geographic study (Torrens, 2001; Saarinen and
MacCabe, 1995; Marran, 1992; Hise, et al, 2000;
Donovan, 1993).
National Geographic (1994) defines geographic
literacy as an ability to use geographic knowledge
and reasoning to make decision. This term is
initially proposed by National Geographic (1994)
where the organization has been declared as one of
the media supporting the efforts in delivering the
concept of geographic literacy to the public.
Pattison (1964) in Kerski (2015) defines
geographic literacy as four popular concepts that
have become the basis in geography including space,
territory, human-land, and geology. Researchers
from two geographic associations (Natoli, et
al.,1984) in Kerski (2015) identify that geographic
literacy involves “identified five themes—
movement, region, human-environment interaction,
location, and place”. Different from Edelson (2012)
in Kerski (2015), however, he “Stated that it should
include how our world works, how our world is
connected, and how to make well-reasoned
decisions, or interactions, interconnections, and
implications. I believe that geoliteracy requires
cultivation in each of what I consider to be the
essential “three legs” of the stool of geographic
The Effectiveness of Geographic Literacy based Model of Social Studies Learning in Building Eco-friendly Character
literacy: (i) core content, (ii) skills in using
geographic tools, and (iii) the geographic
perspective (Kerski, 2015).
Edelson tends to cover all related to how our
worlds work (interaction) how our worlds connect
(interconnection) and how the interaction and
interconnection determine an impact caused by an
act (implication) or so called interaction,
interconnection, and implication as in how to decide
a living place or how to prevent natural disaster. In
reference to this definition, geographic literacy is
comprised by the 3 components of : 1) Interaction:
how the world works; 2) Interconnection: How the
world is connected; 3) Implication: How the
interaction and interconnection determine an impact
of an act.
Geographic literacy in this study takes some
definitions adapted from Henry (1994) and Edelson
(2012), i.e. description of the ability to express basic
geographic knowledge, including that of (i) location,
(ii) interrelationship between human beings and
environment, and (iii) land management
(environmental management). Therefore,
Geographic Literacy Based Learning in this study
refers to the teaching learning process that involves
determination of a location on map, explanation on
the interrelation of human beings and environment,
as well as ecology/environment management
implemented through recycling process.
Table 1: Geographic Literacy Based Learning
Variable Indicators Sub
n of a
The teaching
process that
of a location
on map
maps in
of human
beings and
on the
of human
beings and
and group
craft and
Chart 1 : BLG-KPL Model Syntax
2.2 Eco-friendly Character
Building eco-friendly character should be
started with the awareness that Earth is the only One
Planet that should be saved from any destruction and
from the eco-friendly actions from a small step to
save our planet (Putrawan, 2014). Eco-friendly
character will be able to be one of the solutions for
the dilemma in fulfilling human’s basic needs that
grow fast. The fastest way to fulfill some
dilemmatic human’s needs is through
industrialization while in fact many industries are
not reliable in terms of waste control that negatively
affects the environment and natural resource
sustainability, resulted from pollution, limited water
stock, and global climate change (Putrawan, 2014).
The character values related to the environment
is eco-friendly character. Keraf explains in his book
(Keraf, 2010) that eco-friendly character is an act
and attitude that always try to prevent environmental
destruction and to restore it, if there is any.
The awareness and care given by human beings
towards environment cannot grow naturally as they
are yet they should be managed so that they may
continuously grow from the early age, through some
real activities that close with their daily life. In order
to build eco-friendly character, the most strategic
way is through education, either formal or non-
Education is the most important part in widely
increasing public awareness in order to strengthen
the attitude, values and actions aimed at building the
eco-friendly character. The efforts managed through
education can bring some awareness that the root of
any environmental destruction is not the economy,
politic, social, and culture, but it is the human’s
attitude that motivates some irrational decision. It is
as has been written in Koran, Surah Ar Rum (30)
verse 41 translated to be “Evil (sins and
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
disobedience to Allah) has appeared on land and sea
because of what the hands of men have earned (by
oppression and evil deeds), that He (Allah) may
make them taste a part of that which they have done,
in order that they may return (by repenting to Allah,
and begging His Pardon)”.
Masruri, et. al. (2002) explains that the
environmental destruction which turns into some
global issue involves some destruction in forest and
land, water pollution, either under the ground or
under the sea, water pollution, air pollution, ozone
layer depletion, greenhouse effect, acid rain, noise,
biodiversity decline, diseases caused by and spread
in unhealthy environment.
The environmental destruction makes some
education through teaching and learning process one
of the media that can be used to build eco-friendly
character. The objectives in building eco-friendly
character are : 1) Encouraging students’ noble habit
and behavior which are in line with the proper
environmental management; 2) Improving students’
ability to prevent the characters that can harm the
environment; 3) Building students’ awareness
towards environmental condition so that it can
prevent the characters that may harm the
environment; 4) Building students’ eco-friendly
character as well as the responsibilities towards the
environmental sustainability.
Environmental ethic principles implemented in
geo-literacy based model of social studies learning
are comprised by : (1) the principle to respect
environment, (2) responsibility principle, (3)
solidarity principle, (4) loving and care principle, (5)
principle not to destroy anything, (6) principle to
live humbly and be harmony with nature, (7) justice
principle, (8) democratic principle, and (9) moral
integrity principle.
Eco-friendly character belongs to the 18 values
of state character education issued by Pusat
Kurikulum, Pengembangan dan Pendidikan Budaya
& Karakter Bangsa called as The Center of
Curriculum, Development and Education of the
State Culture and Character (Pedoman Sekolah,
Pusat Kurikulum, 2006). Eco-friendly character is an
attitude in interacting to understand, feel and act
towards an object. As a social creature, human
beings cannot be separated from the environment.
Eco-friendly character in this study refers positive
attitude in preserving and maintaining the
environmental quality and sustainability. Eco-
friendly behavior is an ability to make some choices
on how to act and respond based on his/her heart.
This character shows a positive attitude in caring for
and maintaining the environmental quality and
Narwanti (2011) defines eco-friendly as the
attitude and act in trying to prevent any
environmental destruction as well as developing
some efforts to restore them, if any. Therefore,
one who has the character should have some
attitudes willing to restore and manage environment
properly that give some beneficial influence so that
the environment can be used continuously without
causing any damages, as well as to maintain and
preserve the environment that may lead to
sustainable benefit.
Eco-friendly character in this study is derived
from Keraf (2010) stating that eco-friendly character
is an attitude and act trying to prevent environmental
destruction and developing some effort to restore
them. The indicators are, (1) habituation in
maintaining the sanitation, (2) no violation towards
class inventory (scratches on desks and wall), and
(3) the use of the used materials.
Table 2: Eco-friendly Character Indicators
Variables Indicators Subindicators
a. Know the
al care
b. Response
and thoughts
al issues
c. Respect for
d. Throw
garbage in
its place
e. Stepping on
a friend to
preserve the
f. Engage in
naire and
on Sheet
The Effectiveness of Geographic Literacy based Model of Social Studies Learning in Building Eco-friendly Character
on desks
and wall)
a. Appreciati
on and
care for
b. Do not
tables and
on Sheet
The use of
the used
a. Understan
ding the
notion of
used goods
b. Carry out
to preserve
c. Skills on
using and
using used
d. Creating
work (craft
and art)
from used
naire and
on Sheet
This study used quantitative approach with Quasi
Experimental method. The quasi experimental
design is The Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design.
Table 3: The Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design
A : Experimental Group with BLG-KPL Model
B : Control Group, the implementation of
Cooperative Model with Think Pair Square/TPS
O1 and O3 : Pre-test
O2 and O4 : Posttest
X1: Treatment with BLG-KPL Model
This design was chosen to find the difference
between the mean score of eco-friendly character of
experimental group using BLG-KPL Model and that
of the control group. The variables of this study
were: (1) geo-literacy based social studies teaching
and (2) eco-friendly character. The geo-literacy
based Model of Social Studies Learning is the model
which involves some determination towards
locations on map, interrelation between human
beings and the nature (environment) as well as
environmental management related to the social
study materials to teach. Eco-friendly character that
belongs to dependent variable has 3 indicators of
habituation in maintaining sanitation, no violation
towards class inventory (making some scratches on
desks and wall) and the use of unused items.
This study was conducted in Bandung
while the subjects were teachers and students at
junior high school level in the city. Data were
collected through written test, group worksheet
(knowledge aspect), attitude observation sheet
(attitude aspect) and performance assessment sheet
(aspect of participation-skill). Samples were
determined through Cluster Random
Sampling/Multiple Stage Area Sampling. The
number of clusters used was 4 (54 schools).
Data were analyzed by comparing the mean
score of eco-friendly character of experimental
group to the one of the control group, i.e. by
comparing the score before and after the treatment.
The procedure was started by drawing a score table
of students’ pretest and posttest in experimental and
control group. It was followed by the calculation
towards the improvement of the score before and
after the implementation of the model (gain). It was
then followed by normality test and homogeneity
test towards pretest, posttest and gain. After the
scores met the normality requirements and they were
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
homogeny, it was followed by the test on the mean
of pretest score and by the test on the difference
between the means of pretest and posttest after the
treatment as well as the test on the difference in gain
scores between the two groups (experimental and
control group) by using t-test, one way anova and
independent sample t test. It was then followed by
the calculation towards effect size. The effect size
for the t test used Cohen’s d formulation (Santoso,
4.1 The Initial Condition of
Eco-friendly Character of the
Experimental and Control Group
4.1.1 The Initial Condition of the
Participation-Performance Aspect of
Eco-friendly Character of the
Experimental and Control Group
The calculation shows that sig. as the result of the
test on the mean score of the participation-
performance aspect of eco-friendly character
between the experimental group and control group
was 0.147 (higher than 0.05) which means that there
was no difference in the mean score of the
participation aspect of eco-friendly character within
the two groups (experimental and control).
4.1.2 The Initial Condition of the Attitude
Aspect of Eco-friendly Character of
the Experimental and Control Group
The calculation shows that sig. as the result of the
test on the mean score of the attitude aspect of eco-
friendly character between the experimental and
control group was 0.932 (higher than 0.05) which
means that there was no difference in the mean score
of the attitude aspect of eco-friendly character within
the two groups (experimental and control).
4.1.3 The Initial Condition of the
Knowledge Aspect of Eco-friendly
Character of the Experimental and
Control Group
The calculation shows that sig. as the result of test
on the mean score of the knowledge aspect of eco-
friendly character between the two groups of
experimental and control was 0.981 (higher than
0.05) which means that there was no difference in
the mean score of the knowledge aspect eco-friendly
character within the two groups (experimental and
In general, the initial condition of the
participation, attitude and knowledge aspects of eco-
friendly character of the experimental and control
groups is as follow:
Table 4: The Initial Condition of Eco-Friendly Character
of the Experimental and Control Group
63.66 65.13
69.11 69.18
73.00 73.03
Source : Calculation towards Primary Data, 2016
Table 4 describes the previous table showing that the
students’ scores in the aspect of participation,
attitude and knowledge aspects of eco-friendly
character, i.e. between the experimental and control
group, were not significantly different (sig score
>0.05). The sig. score shows that in the initial
condition (before the implementation of the model),
the scores of the experimental and control groups in
the participation, attitude and knowledge aspects
were identical.
4.2 The Result of the Test on the
Difference in the Gain Scores of the
Experimental and Control Groups
After the tests towards all of the data, which also
belong to the effectiveness tests, it is known that the
scores after the treatment (The Result of the Test
towards the Participation, Attitude and Knowledge
Aspects of Eco-Friendly Character of the
Experimental and Control Groups after the
Treatment) were significantly different. Having the
interaction, the test was then followed by the
differential test to compare the difference between
the posttest score (after the treatment) and the pretest
score (before the treatment) called as gain sore/
different score or gain. The test used was
independent sample t-test.
The Effectiveness of Geographic Literacy based Model of Social Studies Learning in Building Eco-friendly Character
4.2.1 The Test on the Difference in the Gain
Scores of the Participation-
Performance Aspect of the
Experimental and Control Groups
Similar to the previous test, the test on the difference
in the gain scores of the two groups was conducted
after the gain scores of the two groups had passed
the normality test. After the normality test had been
accomplished and the gain scores of the two groups
were stated to be normally distributed, the process
should have been followed by independent sample t-
test. The analysis result is as follow:
Table 5: Group Statistics of the Gain Mean of the
Participation Aspect of the Experimental and Control
Group N Mean
38 4.63 6.651 1.079
Control 38 .26 5.264 .854
Table 5 shows that the experimental group
(Mean/M=4.63) had a higher difference compared to
that of the control group (Mean/M=0.26).
Table 6: Independent Sample Test of the Gain of the
Participation Aspect of the Experimental and Control
Levene's Test
for Equality
of Variances
t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. t f
Sig. (2-
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Lower Upper
1.550 217 3.175 4 002 4.368 1.376 .627 .110
not assum
3.175 0.292 002 4.368 1.376 .624 .113
The statistical analysis shows that the data of
the two groups were derived from the same
variance/homogeny (F=1.550; >0.05). Furthermore,
from the Equal Variances Assumed column, it can
be seen that there was difference in (sig: p=0.002
<0.05) in the level of sig.5% which means that the
experimental group had a significant difference
compared to the control group. Therefore, the
treatment using BLG-KPL Model in the
experimental group is stated to be successful.
The procedure was then continued to the
calculation of the effect size of the model. Effect
size describes how big the effect of the model is in
order to build the participation aspect of eco-friendly
character of the experimental group, which may also
show how far the effectiveness of the treatment
offered by the model is. Effect size can be calculated
by using Cohen’s d coefficient. The calculation on
the effect size shows that the effect size of the
treatment using the model in order to build the
participation aspect of eco-friendly character of the
experimental group was 0.729 which can be
interpreted as moderate in Cohen’s classification.
4.2.2 The Test on the Difference in the Gain
Scores of the Attitude Aspect of the
Experimental and Control Groups
The test on the difference in the gain score of the
attitude aspect of the two groups was conducted
after the gain scores of the two groups are normally
distributed. After the gain scores of the two groups
were stated to be normally distributed, the process
was continued by the independent sample t-test. The
analysis result, however, is as follow:
Table 7: Group Statistics of the Gain Mean of the Attitude
Aspect of the Experimental and Control Groups
Group N Mean
Std. Error
38 11.82 5.685 .922
Control 38 4.92 6.679 1.084
Table 7 shows that the experimental group
(Mean/M=11.82) had a higher difference compared
to that of the control group (Mean/M=4.92).
Table 8: Independent Samples Test of the Gain of the
Attitude Aspect of the Experimental and Control Groups
Levene's Test
for Equality of
t-test for Equality of Means
F Sig. t df
Sig. (2-
Std. Error
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Lower Upper
1.142 .289 .846 74 .000 6.895 1.423 4.060 9.730
not assumes
.846 72.156 .000 6.895 1.423 4.058 9.731
The statistical analysis shows that the data of
the two groups were derived from the same
variance/homogeny (F=1.142; >0.05). Furthermore,
from the Equal Variances Assumed column, it can
be seen that there was difference in (sig: p=0.000
<0.05) in the level of sig. 5% which means that the
experimental group had a significant difference
compared to the control group. Therefore, the
treatment using the model in the experimental group
is stated to be successful.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
The process was then continued to the
calculation of effect size of the model. Effect size
describes how big the effect of the treatment offered
by the model is in order to build the attitude aspect
of eco-friendly character of the experimental group
which also shows how far the effectiveness of the
treatment using the model is. Effect size can be
calculated using Cohen’s d coefficient. The
calculation towards effect size shows that the effect
size of the treatment using the model in order to
build attitude aspect of eco-friendly character of the
experimental group was 1. 045891, which can be
interpreted as big in Cohen’s classification.
4.2.3 The Test on the Difference in the Gain
Scores of the Knowledge Aspect of the
Experimental and Control Groups
The test on the difference in the gain scores of the
knowledge aspect of the two groups was conducted
after the gain scores of the two groups were
normally distributed. After the gain scores of the two
groups were stated to be normally distributed, the
process was continued to the independent samples t-
test. The analysis result, however, is as follow:
Table 9: Group Statistics of the Gain Mean of the
Knowledge Aspect of Experimental and Control Groups
Group N Mean Std.
Std. Error
Experimental 38 6.61 5.889 .955
Control 38 2.89 6.057 .983
Table 9 shows that the experimental group
(Mean/M=6.61) had a higher difference compared to
that of the control group (Mean/M=2.89).
Table 10: Independent Samples Test of the Gain of the
Knowledge Aspect of the Experimental and Control
Levene's Test
for Equality
of Variances
t-test for Equality of Means
F Sig. t f
Sig. (2-
Std. Error
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Lower Upper
.059 809 .856 74 .006 3.895 1.364 .177 6.612
.856 3.678 .006 3.895 1.364 .177 6.612
The statistical analysis shows that the data of the two
groups were derived from the same
variance/homogeny (F=0.059; >0.05). Furthermore,
from Equal Variances Assumed column, it can be
seen that there was difference in (sig: p=0.006
<0.05) in the level of sig. 5% which means that the
experimental group had a significant difference
compared to the control group. Therefore, the
treatment using the model in the experimental group
is stated to be successful.
The process was then continued to the
calculation of effect size of the model. Effect size
describes how big the effect of the model is in order
to build the knowledge aspect of eco-friendly
character of the experimental group which may also
show the effectiveness of the treatment using the
model. Effect size can be calculated using Cohen’s d
coefficient. The effect size of the treatment using the
model to build the knowledge aspect of eco-friendly
character of the experimental group was 0. 622741,
which can be interpreted that it had moderate effect
size in Cohen’s classification.
BLG-KPL model gives some space to the students to
build eco-friendly character under the social study
principles so that they have some awareness towards
the environment and others (other students). The
effectiveness test shows that the implementation of
the model in social studies in junior high school
level gives a significant influence in building eco-
friendly character. This study supports previous
studies on geographic literacy (Novarlia, 2013), and
the establishment of the values in eco-friendly
character (Puspitasari, 2016; Handayani, 2013;
Schusler and Krasny, 2010; and Sumarlin, 2012). It
is the teaching learning process offered by the
teacher through the implementation of BLG-KPL
Model that Skinner defines as the process to change
one’s behavior. These changes in behavior can be
reached through some reinforcement towards some
particular responses, through some proper stimuli.
Therefore, the key to understand most of the
behaviors or actions performed is by understanding
the interconnectedness of situation stimulus response
organism and the consequence of the response
(Gredler, 1996: 116) in Supardan (2015: 251).
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The Effectiveness of Geographic Literacy based Model of Social Studies Learning in Building Eco-friendly Character
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Torrens, P. M., 2001. “Where in the world? Exploring the
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Saarinen, T, F., MacCabe, C.L., 1995. World patterns of
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