Glittering Generalities. It a technique that uses a
"good word" to draw something to get support. This
propaganda can affect people by eviction, and invite
sympathy and participant as citizens. Next is Card
Stacking. It carefully selects accurate or inaccurate,
logical or illogical statements, as for building a
statement. In this context, the propaganda done by
Anies-Sandi Team is in his statement with the
sentence, “Di dunia nyata, kita tetap tenang. Tetapi
di dunia virtual, kita mendapat kekerasan” (In the
real world, we remain calm. But in the virtual world,
we get violence). This statement is ambiguous, but it
can be a domino effect to the citizens of Jakarta is
being threatened in social media about the issue and
propaganda by the enemy.
Another technique is Plain Folks. It is an appeal as if
the speakers are in voters side. It is done by using
the dictionary "Jakarta Maju Bersama" (Jakarta
Forward Together) which seems to invite the
constituents to move forward in advancing Jakarta.
“Select the Governor with the same religion"," select
the Muslim leader "who also indirectly invites the
voters to choose Governor or Muslim leader. Last is
Testimonials. One of Japan's leading magazines,
Foresight, at the end of April 2010 mentioned that
Anies Baswedan is an influential figure in the next
20 years. Therefore, Anies-Sandi team has shared
this information as one of the advantages or it could
be said as a testimonial carried out by the famous
magazine for Anies Baswedan.
The study concludes that there are issues of
ethnicity, religion and race (SARA) of the two
gubernatorial candidates in the regional head
elections (Pilkada) of Jakarta, especially in the
second round by using various lines such as above
line media, below line media, new media, and
outdoor media. The existence of Propaganda is a
weapon for every candidate pair to attack the
opponent, but from both parties no one admitted to
be involved with the process of distribution and
production of those propaganda. However, Anies-
Sandi party admitted that they get benefits from the
momentum of SARA issues. Campaign media and
propaganda are carried out in various ways, through
television, radio, print media, online and
international media. All media seem to be integrated
with the evolving issues. Television raises the issue
of social media that is becoming a trending topic,
whereas social media raises the issue that is being
raised by common media.
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