made regarding their interests. The effort carried out
by this group is usually by using all sources of power
owned through available and effective channels.
Groups that have political power will usually
mobilize all sources of power to the maximum and
choose the right channel as a platform to channel their
aspirations and interests. According to Miriam
Budiardjo, political power is an individual or an
organization that is an actor and capable of playing a
role in political life. these people are individuals or
groups that have an element of interest and aim to
influence the decision-making process in the political
system. One group belonging to the political power
group is a trade union. Basically, trade unions are
organizations formed from, by, and for workers or
laborers both in companies and outside companies
that are free, open, independent, democratic and
responsible for defending the rights and interests of
workers and their families (Budiardjo, 2008.)
While the interest group is a structural group or a
political institution that functions as a delivery of
demands that have an interest. According to Almond
and Powell the interest group is a group of individuals
who are connected with a bond of interests or benefits
who consciously share the interests. The form of an
interest group can be in the form of unions,
associations, ties or community organizations. The
effectiveness of an interest group in channeling its
interests depends on issues that are being developed
by the government. In addition, the success of the
interest group depends on how the group directs the
support, energy and strength of the members of the
group. Examples include financial strength, number
of members, political skills, organizational unity, and
group achievements in the eyes of the general public
or in the eyes of the government. Therefore, at least
representatives of these interest groups must struggle
to raise the interests and demands of the group so that
they can be made into the State agenda. Because each
group has different interests Gabriel A. Almond
Bingham G. Powell divides the interest group into
four types. First, the anomic group, this group formed
spontaneously and only immediately, so the activities
carried out by this group were only fleeting and did
not have clear rules. The two non-associational
groups, this group is not neatly organized and its
activities are only sometimes. The three groups are
associational, this group is a neatly organized group
and through clear procedures. And the fourth is the
institutional group, this group is formal, organized
and organized. This group consists of professionals in
their fields and has a clear working structure (Haniah
& Azmy, 2016).
2.2 Political Participation
Political participation is an activity of an individual
or group of organizations, participating in political
activity by choosing a state leader directly or
indirectly to influence government policy by voting
in an election. Some factors that affect political
participation are; first, political awareness of the
government or its political system of citizens' rights
and duties, in particular, political rights, economic
rights, legal protection rights, economic obligations,
and social obligations. Second, concerning how is the
assessment and appreciation of government policy
and its implementation. The high and low of these
two factors are influenced by other factors such as
social status and economic status, political affiliation
of parents and organizational experience. What is
meant by social status is the position of a person in
society based on wealth, it can be known from
income, expenditure, or ownership of valuable
objects. Someone who has a high social status and
economic status not only has political knowledge, but
they also have political interest and attention and trust
in the government (Ramlan, 1992). Milbarth and Goel
share three forms of political participation, the first
categories are Gladiators, those who are actively
involved in a political process as communicators with
the particular task of making face-to-face contact,
party or organizational activists, and campaign
workers. Second, is the Spectator, meaning those who
have at least voted in the elections. Third is apathy; it
is the people who do not participate and withdraw
from the political process (Ramlan, 1992).
Furthermore, according to Myron Weiner, there
are five factors that can influence one's political
participation, namely first, Mordernization in all
fields that have implications for the
commercialization of agriculture, industrialization,
rising levels of education, increasing urbanization
flows, widespread role of mass media and
communication media. second, changes in essential
class structures such as the emergence of the middle
class and new workers are increasingly widespread in
the era of industrialization. Their emergence, of
course, will be accompanied by the arrival of new
demands that will influence the policies of the
government. Third, the influence of intellectuals and
the role of the mass media. The ideas of nationalism,
liberalism, and egalitarianism arouse demands to
participate in determining decision making.
Widespread mass media communication facilitates
citizen participation in political life. Fourth, there is
conflict between political leaders. political leaders
fighting over power, often seeking mass support. In